5 Kitchen Gadgets under $15 That Actually Work!

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today i'm looking at five kitchen gadgets all in our 15 bucks supposedly to make your life easier let's see how they really work in today's video this is the fridge fork it's actually a condiment fork that attaches the side of a jar for easy access to things like pickles and olives let's take a look at the unboxing and then see how it works this is the chefin fridge fork i paid 8.99 for this on amazon the claims are just a three-prong fork that can be stored while attached to a jar of pickles olives or peppers the included caddy prevents drips while not in use attaches to most jars what are these instructions in the back looks like you just use a strap to go around the jar use your fork to retrieve your pickle and store on the side so those on amazon who liked it people say it's a must-have for pickle lovers who don't want to get pickle juice in their hands good for smaller jars too of those who didn't like it some people said it wasn't good for grabbing pickles while a couple said the band snapped how about a couple different pickle jars and an olive jar and see what happens first up big vlasic pickle jar first thing you're supposed to do is just kind of stretch it over the lid a few people on amazon said there's broke after the first use i hope that's not the case otherwise this is gonna be a short review they kind of show them like like doing this don't break all right made through step one without breaking so that's good it looks so straight up and down on the pitcher but on mine it's a little bit it's kind of like a like a sidearm is kind of at an angle that may not make a difference though so let's open the jar pull my beautiful fridge fork out of here these are definitely going to be stabbing the the pickle here well i had no problem with that i guess you could just technically eat it right off the fridge fork all right that worked pretty well let's take it off and try a different jar it seems to come off almost easier than it goes on it's a little bit smaller jar let's see how it looks on this all right it's a little bit looser but i think that's probably still acceptable i mean the fork seems certainly adequate for stabbing a pickle easy i guess it kind of looks a little bit silly but it's also kind of functional at the same time we've got more to try though here it's got a smaller jar here it's going to be kind of loose on this one i mean i guess you could make that work but it's a little bit loose so let me switch it out with the the smaller one here and see how difficult that is hopefully not too difficult oh it came off quite easily hopefully it goes on as easy as well all you have to do is stick that through there and then you're set i'm not going to say that was the easiest thing i ever did but it was it was doable it wasn't too bad i guess now we're ready to lock and load for the small jars let's try this out it's interesting i kind of like it i take the fork off stab myself an olive yeah it works all right so that was pretty simple not much to it but i think the fridge fork actually works now this is something that isn't going to have a lot of use outside of pickles and olives but it might be good for something like a spread where you have a jar of pickles you want people to get their own out at a party or thanksgiving or if you're just someone who likes to eat pickles and they want to get pickle juice in your hands this could fit the bill i'm a little worried about the band i'm not sure how it's gonna hold up over time but so far so good overall i do think that this actually works this is the bowl hugger it's actually a bowl shaped pot holder that allows you to hold bowls of soup or other things without worrying about it slipping out of your hands this one was by request and occasionally i refer to it accidentally as food hugger because that was a different item i did a few months ago but let's take a look at the unboxing and see how it works all right these are the bowl huggers a very minimal packaging let's check them out let me just grab one of these here what's this very high tech instructions okay i'll read these over let me just grab one all right i paid 10.50 for a set of four of these i got these by request the claims are that it can handle hot bowls without burning your hands its large size can accommodate most size bowls can also be used as a pot holder or a trivet microwave and washing machine safe now those on amazon who liked it said they like how the hugs of bowls and prevent spills no sliding around while holding as great for enjoying a bowl of soup by tv those who didn't like it some said the red dye came out in the wash while others said the material absorbs steam and became damp now what i've got here is i have a non-microwave-safe bowl this bowl is not good the microwave it gets really hot so rather making some soup in a pot and pouring in a bowl i'm going to go extreme i'm going to pretend like i don't have a stove at all i have a microwave i'll put some soup right in here nuke it it's going to be hot and then i'll see how the food hugger does i've got here in the microwave i'm going to put a little lid on this so it doesn't splatter and we'll see how hot this gets and how hot it is when it comes out should be interesting now we wait the bowl itself is about anywhere from 130 140 degrees and the food hooker is about 95 degrees coming out of the microwave is not too bad thermometer showed the bowl around 140 even to 150 in some places and the food hugger is not too bad it's not really that warm actually the warmest part is not the bottom it's actually along the side here over here is where it feels the warmest not even on the bottom the bottom is actually cooler interesting i didn't experience it absorbing moisture like one of the commenters said i'm not saying that they didn't have that experience i just haven't seen that happen but if you're one of those people like to stand around eat your soup while standing up or maybe sit on the couch it's not bad i mean i've been standing here for a couple minutes now it's not getting warm at all so i don't think it's going to really get warm kind of a basic idea but you know it seems like it works and this bowl is still hot even trying to take it out of here it's very hot ouch let's say you can use it as a trivet i'm not sure how you're going to do that when it's it's curled like that i mean i guess i guess if your pot is full of stuff maybe not not this way i guess it's going to be this way i guess you could use it kind of as one i don't know what i do now is some people said the dye actually ran in the wash i'm gonna put in the wash with one white washcloth and see what happens so here they are out of the wash they look no worse for wear i did put a white washcloth in there and it did seem to pick up a little bit of a pink tint to it not real bad i think after one wash is probably all the diet's going to come out of there it's not as bad as some people made it sound on amazon but if you're someone who regularly finds yourself holding a hot bowl of soup on a slippery pot holder this might be a good solution for you it comes in a four pack this is an adjustable strainer that can clip on the side of most pots pans and bowls and it can do the job of a full-size trainer with much less space let's unbox it and then try it out this very non-mangled box is an adjustable strainer a lot of vendors sell this on not only amazon but aliexpress as well i think the best price i found on amazon is 8.99 for this one it looks like you can put on quite a few different sizes here the claims are that it's a space-saving strainer that fits most pots pans and bowls great for people with limited counter space or storage includes two clips and eliminates the need to transfer food into a separate strainer on amazon the people who liked it said as easy the clip stays in place while clipped cleans well in the dishwasher some people who didn't like it said your hand gets too close to the hot water when attaching it some people said it fell off all right let's start off with a small pot here this is kind of medium size we just have two clips and all you have to do really do is clip it one on the side and try to make sure that it's kind of closing that gap which is easy enough i think we're ready to go strain this over the sink i'm not working with a net i have nothing down here if it all falls out then that's on me but i'm going to trust it i think here we go is it going to hold i think so oh yeah hey not bad it actually had actually worked what do you know let's try something bigger now we got a much larger pot here much heavier noodles let's see how this goes just going to snap it on the side just like that actually there's a bit of a gap there i want to make sure i close that i don't feel like i'm getting burnt from the steam here like some people said on amazon i don't doubt they did but i'm not having that problem let's move over to the sink and see how this goes again i'm not working with the nets so if these fall out into the sink that's on me here we go i'm having to go a little slower because these noodles are wanting to fall out like that i'm not sure if i can really adjust that i mean if i pull it up oh yeah i can pull it up let's see oh much better i didn't realize you could do that so yeah you can just pull it up it will catch them more easily oh yeah oh there goes one has lost one is it as good as a regular colander probably not but did it work i would say so these are about as heavy noodles as you can get and it didn't knock us off the clip stayed so i think you know worked as advertised i was worried that this was going to be as bad as the better strainer one of the first things i ever reviewed on youtube on a different channel many years ago but it's better than the better strainer because these clips actually hold it in place so to me it actually seems to do the job that it's supposed to do i don't know if it's better than a full-size strainer but if you're tight on space this could actually fit the bill quite nicely this looks like a regular roll of paper towels but these are the mighty bamboo towels each towel supposedly has 80 uses 3 200 uses per package let's see look at the unboxing and then see how they really work these are the mighty bamboo towels i paid 12.99 for these at a local ascii on tv store i've seen them on amazon but they're a little bit more expensive there let's check it out it says naturally strong don't fall apart no more smelly cloths save money and the world the claims for these are that each roll contains 20 reusable bamboo viscose sheets reusable up to 80 times each the entire package can be used up to 3200 times fits into regular paper towel holders now those on amazon who liked it some said that it's better than paper towels and microfiber cloths ring out easily and long lasting those who didn't like it some people said they're too small while others said they didn't last as long as expected just on my first impression here it doesn't quite feel like paper towel it kind of feels like in between a paper towel and a microfiber cloth very interesting i wouldn't say the size looks too small like some people said it looks about the average size of a paper towel interesting you've got to get these jersey ends here that's kind of different all right well let's go check them out and see what happens i'm really curious about these mighty bamboo towels now they say you can use it with any towel dispenser this is my favorite towel dispenser i viewed a while back my paper towels fit on there no problem let's see it does seem like the opening for the mighty bamboo towels is a little bit smaller than these sort of curiosity it's um one of three quarters for the regular looks like the opening for the mighty bamboo towels is almost a half an inch smaller so let's see if it fits on there yes i don't know about this i don't think it's gonna i don't think it's gonna go i don't want to force it on there and break my favorite paper towel dispenser so we're just going to go commando without the paper towel dispenser but if it works that just doesn't matter too much right i'm going to get a regular paper towel wet and the bamboo paper towel would put a weight on there and see how they do i didn't pull one off here yet let's see very soft it's kind of pleasant feeling material also feels much thicker than a regular paper towel just got both of these wet let me see here the mighty bam i keep saying miracle bamboo towel i don't know i think there's a miracle bamboo cushion i did miracle bamboo pillow so i wanted to say miracle bamboo towel but it's mighty bamboo towel all right so here we go okay this is definitely much thicker i've got a two pound weight here let me try with the regular paper towel this could be a bad thing to do let me see all right it's holding it but it's tearing it failed well that's kind of what i expected let's see here what the mighty bamboo towel can do i have high hopes for it it is much thicker so it should be stronger oh yeah all right i'm going to say that that's uh it's falling off but i'm going to say that's a win for the mighty bamboo towel so mighty bamboo towel versus paper towel round one goes the mighty bamboo towel let's try a little absorption test here i've got a half a cup of water in these two wine glasses i've got a fresh bamboo towel here and another regular paper towel right here let's see if they can absorb about the same amount or not it's going to kind of stick them in here just going to stick that in there and stick that in there let's see i have i can already tell the bamboo towel is doing better look at this okay this one's just kind of floating in water there's quite a bit of water left in that one that's not very impressive and let's see if this does it oh look at this oh much better it didn't get all of it but it did get more so i would say even though the same size so far the miracle bamboo towel has held more weight and absorb more liquid let's keep going with this all right next up let me try a spill test with something that's going to show up on camera so something nice and dark like this late milk that i've also recently tested out that mark cuban did not like by the way i actually think it's pretty good i'm not gonna waste too much of it but just enough to see how these paper towels work how about a pink floyd shot glass full of slate milk it's about three quarters of the way up right on the counter first up regular paper towel oh it's a it's going to struggle with this i can already tell it's going to do it well maybe not oh no i didn't even do it all of it i kind of feel like i'm doing a commercial for paper i'm not doing a commercial i'm not sponsored but this is the kind of stuff you'd see on the old school paper towel commercials not not impressive i'm gonna use one of my wet ones to get rid of the rest of this this is not part of the bamboo test though we're gonna do the same amount well that's actually a very beautiful spill it's kind of the art to doing the right looking spill that's a good looking spill right there if i must say so myself let's take a mighty bamboo towel and see how it does can it get the entire spill oh much better all right not a hundred percent close i want to say it's like 90 it's pretty close though oh if i could just get one more oh i'm close i think i may have done it well you know what i actually did it it was it was very close it almost didn't do it but it did it all right just put this one in some warm soapy water i'm going to wipe the counters down wipe the fridge down and then we'll throw them in the wash and see how they do [Music] [Music] so i'm going to throw these in the washing machine you're supposed to do these on a delicate setting no more than 86 degrees fahrenheit so i guess probably in cold water delicate cycle no bleach let's see how they do i think so far as far as just scrubbing the the counters and the cabinets goes it went really well it feel very durable kind of felt more like a rag than a paper towel but we'll see see how it goes i'm really curious about that and we'll see how that goes well we'll check back a little bit and see how these do all right the mighty bamboo towels are out of the wash let's check them out and see how they turned out all right so here's the three of them that i washed just once i actually laid them flat and flattened with my hands so they wouldn't wrinkle too much and they no stains the everything came out looks pretty good as far as that goes now you're not supposed to dry them i wanted to see what happened when i dry one anyway so here's one that was been dried you can see it kind of looks a little bit more worn out than the ones that weren't dried so i definitely guess drawing is not going to be good for it long term and this one i actually ran through several wash cycles sometimes with other things like towels i didn't dry it at all so it just ran through i think five cycles you can see it's kind of worse for where the edge is a little bit frayed i do think if you take care of them they'll last but i don't know about 80 cycles it seems like after five it's already looking kind of rough so i'm not sure how well these are going to hold up over time if they're going to get 80 uses but they do seem to be superior to regular paper towels so i actually kind of like them this is the flip it bottle emptying kit it's kind of an interesting gadget that allows you to get the last drop out of every bottle let's take a look at the unboxing and then get started this is the flip it bottle emptying kit i got a two pack of these for 13.99 each pack contains one dispensy stand and three adapters the claims that it saves time and money by easily getting the last chop out of the bottles good for pump dispensers condiments lotions gels and syrups fits most bottle threads so we've got some instructions here [Applause] see what these are actually here's a standard three adapters for the three different sizes those on amazon who liked it said no longer having to struggle with pump bottles that start to get low and they say it works as advertised those who didn't like it most the cons i saw stated that it leaked it says hard to clean and doesn't work on non-squeezable bottles so apparently once you put this in the end of your bottle you pull this out and it becomes a squeeze bottle we shall see so they include a stand and three adapters here now you can use a stand for things like half gallon bottles honey mustard barbecue sauce the large adapter good for things like liquid gel detergent ketchup chocolate syrup the medium adapter they say are good for things like pancake syrup hair gel lotion sunscreen and the small adapter is good for things like liquid car wax leather conditioner hand sanitizer and more so what you're supposed to do is first of all find the appropriate size between one through four then apply one of these included gaskets which are reusable and washable so you don't have to keep replacing them so let me start off with something that's gonna fit just in the stand itself i think this uh this honey here will probably fit in the actual adapter we're supposed to first put in a gasket insert the gasket gasket is inserted and screw it on tight i guess and then what we're supposed to do is just you can kind of pull this out like a regular squeeze bottle let me just pull this out and see how it dispenses okay the honey is dispensing nicely that's good close it up now will it leak let's see put it right here on the table and let this sit for a minute that's a pretty easy process and for something like honey that's kind of slow to get out of there might be kind of handy actually while i'm letting this sit over here fortunately i have another one i can test out [Applause] now something like this particular ketchup bottle is already kind of designed to sit upside down so i don't know if you really need it for this particular type of ketchup other ketchup bottles are different but i'll try this anyways let's pretend like this isn't one that sits like that oh it's weird cause you got this giant cap on it but you actually have a pretty small threading when you open it up so let me see which one's going to fit here it's like the medium is going to fit the ketchup bottle according the instructions on step 3 i have to put the gasket in between the adapter and the bottle itself leaving the adapter here adapter is inserted all right so i've got the adapter on i'm going to put it on the stand itself make it pretty tight here oh the ketchup just plopped straight down let's see if we can dispense some ketchup using the flip it all right well it works pretty well it does not appear to be leaking on either one of these well so i mean it's pretty simple device there's not much really to it but let me rinse these out see how they rinse out and try for some non-food items just to see if it's good for those as well all right we definitely got some honey in there we'll see how that cleans up especially the gasket i'm going to go rinse these off see how look and then try two more things all right these washed up pretty nicely i was worried about the gaskets but they were actually no problem to clean whatsoever actually the honey was probably the most difficult to get out i had to kind of get in there with some a rag but they cleaned up easily i think we're ready to go for the next test i've got a couple of non-kitchen items here i've got some sanitizer which is in a pump bottle almost completely empty which can't get anything out of there same with this lotion bottle let's try these and see how they work this lotion is almost completely empty so there's hardly anything in there sanitizer as you can see it's all the way down to there a lot of times you have to waste some of the bottom because the pump doesn't get that far down this supposedly remedies that problem let's see if it actually works for these first up take the stands next up find the right size the sanitizer bottle is pretty small i'm getting it's a small let's see oh yeah small works good there so put the small gasket in there tighten it step four says you have to put the excel gasket in no matter what size you use let's try that so screw that on there and see what happens i'm gonna let this sit for a little bit while it kind of meanders down there and try the next one this lotion bottle is pretty small too is that also a small let me see oh no it's not me a small must be a medium if you're gonna be medium on this one all right medium for that one medium gasket now the xl gasket all right so i'm gonna let that sit as well i'll let the sanitizer the lotion kind of fall to the bottom for a minute and then see how they dispense all right here we go see what we got i should say neither one of these have leaked so that's a good thing here's a sanitizer there was barely any in there but there was enough to make this worth it let me see here open up the flip it and oh yeah no leakage after closing it by the way this part does come off in the wash i should point that out i did pull it you pull it off and wash that out you don't want to go from lotion to food without washing that thoroughly let's try the lotion now there we go sweet well as best i can tell the flip it works quite well i didn't have any real leakage it was pretty easy to clean the gaskets are reusable other than the fact that you can't use this for glass bottles it passed every test i threw at it so i think the flip it actually works well that's it i can think some of these work better than others but they all work pretty well if you've used any of these tell me what you think in the comments below i appreciate you watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 278,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fridge fork, fridgefork, bowl hugger, pasta strainer, mighty bamboo towels, flip it bottle emptying kit, amazon haul, kitchen gadgets
Id: 7g1NsxWLwxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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