5 Strange Products from Amazon That Actually Work

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this is James white with freaking reviews bringing you as seen on TV product of use gadget reviews and more now today I've got five strange products from Amazon that have pretty good reviews there I want to check them out myself to see if they actually work because I'm doing five products in one video this won't be as extensive as some of the videos I do but I'll check them out and see if they actually work without further delay let's get right to it this is a shirt folding board by box legend now I admit I've actually been practicing with this for a little while to make sure I do it right I think I need to do it justice by actually doing it properly so you've probably seen this before they've been around but if you haven't it's something that's supposed to help you fold clothes quickly now my very dear friend Kathy from Tucson chicks actually reviewed a similar item back in 2018 now Kathy and my other friend Carrie are kind of laundry aficionados they're a little more picky about how the shirt should be properly fold with an I am so I will link Kathy's review in the description below I think it's very accurate but she has a little bit higher standard than folding shirts than I do so here we go I'm gonna start off with some different types of shirts and see how it works now the way this is supposed to be done is you place the shirt facedown and you want to kind of flat it out just like that if it hangs over you're supposed to fold the bottom like that but if it hangs over just a little bit I just kind of make it hang over an even amount alright so then all you do is fold one side fold the other side fold the bottom up and there we go to a guy like me that's perfect done some people will not like this they're gonna be not happy with that and to those people something like this may not be a good idea I don't think it's gonna meet the high standards of some people that are huge laundry aficionados will but to some people maybe it will it's try different shirt here's a much larger shirt and as you can see it's hanging way off the bottom so they say that you're supposed to flatten it out and then fold the bottom up like that all right this is gonna drive some people crazy right here let me try that one more time because the sleeves are hanging over I'll bring him in this time all right now here we go boom boom now that looks pretty good to me there's not even any weird wrinkles or anything like that perfect that's actually much better than I then I would do I have kind of the single guy low-end folding technique and you can see that it's quick but not quite as effective check it out first thing I do use these fingers to pull the sleeves in boom not very good but it works I don't really usually fold my shirts I hang them so it's not something I do very often but if I do I use the low end guy folding technique I might try this board for a while though because it it's a much more uniform look I'm gonna fold all these shirts and put them in single stack and see how they look all right let's try colored shirt now a lot of your success on this is going to be based on how flat you make it when you first lay it out this shirts typically pretty hard to fold as it is so let's see if this can work got some wrinkles there but this is Ike I said this is a really hard shirt to fold I'm gonna give it a pass long sleeve shirt I think that looks pretty good I'm gonna redo this one now button-up shirt see how this does part of the trick is it to make sure that sure it's flat and there's kind of a lot of fumbling around to do but if you have a hard time falling shirts that fumbling around might be worth it alright and there we go do you think that's acceptable I actually think it looks pretty good let's look at these over one more time collared shirt t-shirt long-sleeve shirt polo shirt another t-shirt probably this does fold up pretty nicely into that and I really think that how well it works is going to depend on how picky you are about how your clothes look when they're folded some people will think this is completely unacceptable because there's some wrinkles in it and some people will think that's far better than they can do I tend to lean a little bit towards the latter my friend Kathy probably leans a little bit towards the first option in those again it's one of those your mileage may vary and what do you expect from it well a highly dictate how happy you are with a product like this there's a lot of these out there they range from ten to thirty dollars this is the Box legend one and I'll link that in the description below I think it works and I think that the next time I do need to fold a bunch of shirts I'm probably going to use it what do you guys think this is not the latest Apple airpot this is actually a reusable straw the derivative of this fancy little case with the magnetic lid contains one collapsible straw and this even flimsier brush I don't know if the word brush can even apply to this but this is it it comes in multiple colors I've washed this one off already by the way but it comes with multiple colors let's see what another one looks like I haven't opened this one yet we have white a cute pink and that looks like dark blue but today I'm going to be using the green straw so let's try it out and add a few different types of cups and see how it actually works first up I've got my shameless plug from my city's hockey team the Golden Knights let me see how it works in here it looks like the ends are slightly larger let's see how it goes in this Cup alright well it's kind of floppy let me try it out well fortunately it doesn't taste like rubber I think it's supposed to be bpa-free I think so I don't know why I keep doing this well I mean it works pretty well this one let me let me try a few different drinks and a few different lids and see how it works with those the easy tumbler test though was success but I'm not stopping there let's go inside and grab a good old fashioned big american fountain drink see how it works do that [Applause] all right here we go big American fountain drink versus the reusable straw let's see how it actually works someone wanted to come and said this type of lid was problematic so let me find out floppy noodle insert it into the drink hmm all right well it wasn't as smooth as silk oh and it's like it keeps going because it's so floppy in the bottom it doesn't hit it doesn't really stop at the bottom now let's see if it works um one hmm I had it too far down in there it's kind of hard to tell where the bottom is that when you're pushing in there just keeps it going because it just starts folding over but if it's not against the bottom it works okay okay I guess for those who are environmentally conscious this is probably a pretty good option but I got a few more to try out let me see how it works in a smaller drink with this type of lid where there's a lot more straw sticking out I'm gonna say it's not as efficient inserting and taking the back out as a regular straw but it's certainly more environmentally friendly so that's something about it let's try the next one and see how it does all right so I'm here at Starbucks and I get my grande drink which is a smaller drink from Starbucks you know I was gonna go to the drive-through I thought that would be a little bit better on video but there were like 10 cars in line so I peeked inside there was one guy there so I went stood in line the guy was asking questions for like 5 minutes it's like how many questions you have to ask the Starbucks but I digress let's see if my floppy straw in my Starbucks Grande drink could actually get along together once again it's not like your regular plastic straw that you can just poke in there this one it's a little bit floppy all right okay it's in all right I'm down towards the bottom here I don't think that's too bad is it is that too bad do you guys what do you think I don't know I like that it's bendable actually it's like when you're a kid eating your cereal in the morning you had that bendy straw this can certainly work as a bendy straw you know what I'm gonna say that as far as the Grande goes it works better I thought it would it does it really does it's a little bit different experience than a regular straw but once you used to it I just I just flunked some tea on mine in the air but it's just a little bit of a different experience but once you used to it essentially not so bad now one more test I think with a much different type of drink that's next [Applause] all right now for the big test tropical smoothie this is a thick drink just for comparison sake here's a regular straw going into the island green no problem right let's see if this floppy straw can make it to the bottom the island green can't do the one finger technique nope but it works it works okay I'm gonna give it credit I'm gonna say this straw is a success it's not perfect it takes some getting used to it's a different experience than a regular straw but I think that if you're someone who has an issue with the old-school plastic straws this is a viable option comes in these cool containers you can put in your keychain I like it so what's next [Applause] this is a mini bag sealer with no battery included well it's a very small very small where there are no instructions no way there oh the nice and microscopic great two double-a batteries it says only to use high quality batteries I got a couple Duracell here that's about as good as I'm gonna get okay the batteries are there let me grab some bags to seal up alright how about some some chips I got small medium and large it feels kind of cheap place the plastic bag between the heating plate and the sealing end is that right to slide the sealer along the edge at a constant speed that doesn't seem right alright now I've realized that hook comes off that was the cutter side no wonder it was not working right I'm gonna try this again try it again now that I've got the sealer part correct alright this makes a lot more sense now alright now hold it three to five seconds and now slide there we go there we go there we go hey it's actually sealed woohoo that's a sealed bag very cool alright well let's try another one how about some classic glaze which one's better baked Lay's or classic lace yes tell me it's a very important pole completely unrelated this video baked versus classic anyways I digress okay mom I don't want these after all Oh No well good thing I have my sealer the problem with doing one half and the other half is you mean I get these lines lined up but on the other hand it's pretty sealed it's pretty sealed I think we're two for two right now I'm getting used to it now for the big boy here the guys like the regular Doritos or the spicy or the Cool Ranch which one's better I like the original I'm old-school but a lot of people say they like other deals better I don't know all right let's see if we can do it on this big bag here all right maybe they maybe start from the edge is better than the center let me try that well I didn't that didn't work so great all right now I'm getting there I'm getting it oh yeah I think I did it it's down and dirty but I kind of like it it's it's actually pretty good now let's try the cutter side there is a cutter on here right there let's try that I do want a smaller bags that wasn't a very good cut was it what if I tear this part off oh let me try the cutter on the smaller bag try this cutter here well the cutter feels like it's tearing it the cutter is tearing it I don't know about the cutter man you try the cutter on the big one again I think the cutter is just the cutter is not so good cut it forget the cutter cutter done valois this bag I tore this bag so let me let me try a real worth situation you know I got to reseal this bag all right good good half a bag left I'm gonna seal this thing up five seconds [Applause] all right reseal you know what I kind of like it let's see if this actually works on a bag of cereal that might be interesting all right doing something this part cause a little bit of a problem but otherwise let's see hey not too bad it actually worked Bailey's nearby associate Haley you can't have any cereal Bailey it's a little bit awkward it's a little bit cheap feeling but I really think that it actually kind of works it's not too expensive it's not too big it's got this clip or you can hang it up so despite being kind of cheap small and a little bit awkward and the cutter doesn't work great other than that it's perfect [Applause] this is not an all-school paddle the principles used to use on kids this is the Flex at 2.0 flashlight that's right the features of this light are that it has multiple modes one two three four it could be bent in any position look at this it also has magnet so it can be placed on any kind of metallic surface for refrigerator side of a car and it came with three double A batteries included you can set it up like this you can attach it to things I read some of the reviews on Amazon they were mostly positive some people said they didn't like the battery case which I didn't feel that was much wrong with that it's standard battery case some people said the magnets were weak I'll check that out but let's get this going to see how it works I saw one video of a guy with this on his fridge and he said it was sliding down so let's see how it works for me oh yeah it's sliding down let's try a different angle here what if I put it up like that not sliding down I make it totally flat that's gonna slide down I guess it just depends on the angle and the configuration you have it whether it's gonna stay on something like this this is a pretty smooth surface that could have something to do with it too depends how you're gonna use it I think some people will have a problem those magnets some people won't alright so the Flex it is supposed to stick to the side of your car like saving your changed attire at night let's try it out well the magnets are holding the lights nice and bright you know what I think I kind of like that very cool hop on the side it's weird because on the fridge these magnets seem pretty weak but out here it seems like it's holding pretty well that's certainly do the job out here I should also point out that you can bend it like this in a circle around a pipe that's kind of cool can looks like one of those those wrist bands in the 80s that like Judas Priest used to wear they also show it having like a hazard mode if you're broken down to the side of the street you could put it next your car like that all right yeah high medium low strobe and off I'm going to put the high up against how about the tech light my ass seen on TV flashlight the tech light right it's not nearly as bright as a tech light tack light destroys the flexing tech my even on low is still brighter I'm gonna go out there and show you a few others bell and halel light bar flex it not a huge difference the flex might even be a little brighter atomic beam Lantern and the Flex atomic beam Lantern flex it Tomic beam headlight flex it and there's Bailey Bailey it's Billy out here now what the flexing can do that none of the others can do is wrap around which is actually pretty useful this one also has magnets the atomic beam Lantern also has magnets on the bottom so it's also useful but it doesn't have the cool wrapping feature the Flex is not without problems I think that magnets can be weak especially at a really smooth surface but otherwise I actually think it's a really good idea it's not that expensive either what do you guys think this is the rocket book Everlast let's open it up this is no ordinary notebook it looks like an ordinary notebook doesn't it but nope it is not an ordinary notebook and this is not ordinary paper notice that bottom each page has a QR code and very lightly if you can see that there are dots on each page each page can be written on scanned and uploaded by the app and then erase then used again I'm gonna read over these instructions carefully and then get started I should also mention there is a fiction pin included and there it is it doesn't work with other pins and doesn't work with dry erase markers from what I understand just these there are other pins like this available but they do include one to get started I'm speeding to get started that's I'm going to do right now alright let's try out the rocket book Everlast and the friction pin now what the rocket book is is a reusable notebook when you're right on the page you then use the rocket book app and you can actually send it to any of these destinations then you wipe the pages clean and start over again the nice thing is that after fifteen seconds the the ink stays on the page until you wipe it off it's not going to smudge after about 15 seconds you could do the same thing with a regular notebook just scan the pages in and toss the notebook when you're done but you gotta keep buying them this one you always have it's reusable and they also have another nice feature if you see these symbols right here they're very faint at the bottom of each page you mark off which symbol you want and you can assign a symbol to a different cloud service so throughout your day you could have notes to torment for Dropbox email onedrive so let's try it out and see how it works all right well I've written the page it says wait 15 seconds and then will not smear and yeah I put today is going to be a great day because I have this weird notebook so what I'm gonna do now is I don't know if you can see this but I'm gonna mark off one of these symbols the second one the diamond which you're supposed to write what you have assigned here which I haven't the diamond I have assigned to Dropbox I'm just marking that right there now get my rocket book app uh-huh got it boom there went now I can review it right here change the name and you'll notice that it has the diamond symbol at the bottom there because it detected that it was marked very cool hit Send it's already going to my Dropbox I don't have to set anything else up because I marked that symbol so you can mark all these symbols and pick the service you want them to go to automatically very very very cool the pages they don't they feel kind of paper ish oh maybe a little bit in between like plastic and paper but it certainly has a feel of a notebook it has 18 pages it's not as large as a regular notebook it's a little bit smaller you can see it next to a phone it's not quite the size of a full-sized notebook but I think for most people that would do the job this one has dots on the page that are very very small and hard to read and they don't really show up in the scan because they're so faint they do sell different colored pins but this is the one that came with it which is just a regular black pen when I was a kid we used to do this we draw the word boy and then and then make it into a boy which that looks absolutely atrocious but you get the idea we used to do other ones they're a little bit less appropriate for family entertainment but that's one that I used to do when I was a kid maybe I should have a real artist come in here and try something let's check it out [Music] [Applause] now what I should do is clean it off and by the way not smearing not smudging put this in your backpack or briefcase take it home and it'll still be looking good but let's take their cloth they said he'd get half the cloth wet so you wipe it off with that and then you dry it with the other side gone all right and my rock book is ready to use another day so to me the rocket book ever last is definitely something that people would use people enjoy I think it has it it has a place so to me this is a good product what do you guys think so there you have it I think all five of these products were pretty good I think of it all the five that I used I'll probably be using the Flex it flashlight the most my son said he wanted to use the laundry folding board because it's sick and I like it my daughter's probably use the rocket book Everlast so they're all gonna get a lot of use around here now how long they work over time it remains to be seen but I'll post updates on my social media accounts if anything changes and speaking of social media I'm gonna be giving away two of these products one on Twitter one on Instagram all you have to do is comment on the post for this video which product you would like to have and I'm February 1st I'll pick a winner in each whichever one you chose is the one that you'll get if you're watching this after February 1st you missed it but I'm getting away a lot of products this year so stay tuned for future giveaways so that's all I've got guys I'll see you next time you
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 1,040,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing, shirt folding board, flexit flashlight, mini bag sealer, reusable straws, rocketbook, rocketbook everlast, strange products, amazon haul, amazon products, cool products for your room, cool products to buy on amazon, weird things on amazon reaction, buying weird things on amazon, funny gadgets on amazon
Id: T5eryX6hUxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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