Ninja Foodi Air Fry Oven vs Power Air Fryer Oven 360

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today I'm reviewing the ninja foodie digital airfryer oven it's a compact oven that allows you to airfryer crisp and more it also has this interesting flip up feature so you can store out of the way now I want to compare this to the power airfryer than 360 which is one that I reviewed about a year ago I really liked I've been recommending since then but let me see how well the ninja can compare to the power air fire oven 360 in today's video warning do not touch hot services who knew all right well I'm gonna crack this open tonight read it over wash all these off and then we're gonna start cooking that's next now I'm going to focus on the ninja foodie oven but I also want to bring in the power heir for Evan 360 because this is still a popular choice still heavily advertised just see what kind of differences there are between the two of them first up as far as the contents goes a power air fire oven contents or a mesh basket pan crumb tray and wire rack ninja food the oven the exact same contents a mesh basket a pan crumb tray and wire rack the first thing I notice is a look at the size difference the mesh basket from the power of my oven could actually fit inside the ninja with room to spare even though the power airfreight oven 360 is taller and you can do larger things like a rotisserie chicken in there the ninja oven is deeper it's about 14 and a half deep versus 11 and a half deep several inches deeper so you can get a wider pan on it let's see how why they with our I've just the cooking area it's about 13 inches for the ninja and about 13 inches for the power air fry oven so they're about the same width but because the ninja has more depth it can have a larger square if you're going to be using it for things like Cornish game hens or chicken it's not going to fit in here but if you want more width and depth an engine looks like it's already out of time I can turn it on yet I'm already comparing them so what we're going to do is wash all this stuff off and do the first test which they say you can fit nine pieces of toast in here let's see any pieces we can fit in the power air fryer than 360 as well cleaning off and that's next all right let's turn on for the first time nice looking display airfryer ear roast air broil bake dehydrate keep warm toast or bagel the cost of these items will vary by location I've seen them I think the list price is 229 for the ninja and 239 for the power airfryer oven but I've seen them down in the upper 100 so you got a shop around you get if a Bed Bath & Beyond don't forget to use your 20% coupon there but overall they're about the same price down here I've got the time and slice temperature darkness and the light let's see the light looks in there oh it's a nice not only is it nice bright light but it kind of fades in slowly which is kind of aesthetically pleasing oh yeah I like the light more than I should probably [Music] [Applause] now this defaults to four slices of toast but I think we can crank this up no we're going to do nine slices let's see what kind of dark settings we got whoa whoa I guess we'll go with three and not to be outdone the power air fire oven does have a toast feature on it and they go up to six slices and we'll put the darkness at three also so six slices for 45 nine slices that doesn't say the time I guess we'll find that out in a second all right I've got the bread loaded up yeah it does hold six for the power airfryer over 360 it does hold nine for the ninja foodie oven let's put these in there and see how they do it's a very tight squeeze but it fits starting the ninja 455 starting the power of a fire oven 360 for 45 it's gonna be close let's see how they both do which one do you guys can stand do better we're in one or two minutes left on on each one of them and we get some steam coming out of the ninja which is totally normal a little bit of steam building up inside the power air fire oven 360 it's doing his thing all right this about done hit my hot hands out that's not very dark Wow look at the difference the power airfryer Evan on three and ninja on three look at this beautiful toast on the ninja and this somewhat not so impressive toast Wow let me flip these over now that those are the bottoms still I think it's better I still think that ninja did better very early in the competition first test though I got to give it to the ninja it did more slices they're more toasted in the same amount of time ninja wins around one not the big question is what am I gonna do with 15 pieces of toast and I'm the only one here hmm well anyways that's not that's not your problem that's mine I'm gonna let these cool off and move on to the next test all right so the toast was just a warm-up act so to speak now I'm gonna go through this wonderful recipe guide here and pull out something that looks good to me like how about air fried french toast sticks of course that requires me getting more bread more bread I guess good thing I have plenty this requires the airfryer study in which both have I have all the ingredients so let's get started some of the specs on this this is 1,800 watts this is 1500 watts this one has eight presets this one has 12 presets now there are different versions there's another version this that how I think only has six presets this is the one I bought in Bed Bath and Beyond the size of the pans let's see measuring from the inside a little over 12 by 12 power air fryer oven from the inside ten and a half maybe eight and three quarters both of the ovens seem to go up to about 450 degrees obviously the power air fryer up and has a larger capacity when it comes to height but when it comes to depth the ninja is a little bit deeper so I can feel a bit larger pan in there you're gonna do in some rotisserie x' this is your choice pizzas and I wanna go with this one one cool thing about the Ninja is that it has this cool flip up feature so you can actually flip it up and have a bit more counter space as long as you have enough height because it does get taller could be a bit gimmicky but we'll see if I actually use that feature or not let's give these air fried french toast sticks a shot shall we for eggs half a cup of milk vanilla extract ground cinnamon 1/3 cup sugar he says liberally spray with cooking spray I'll do that over the sink 6 pieces of bread cut into thirds I'm gonna use my scissor for this got my bread cut in thirds and my egg mix and both trays and get ready to rock and roll here the instructions say to prepare them first before preheating it because it Bri heats so quickly so hopefully that turns out being the case let's do it all right airfryer setting 10 minutes four hundred ten minutes four hundred well that was quick that was quick all right that one's in I'm guessing with the larger capacity it's gonna take a little bit longer to preheat so while this one's counting down this one's still preheating they weren't kidding this one preheated quickly look at this I'm already over a minute of cooking and this one's still going and it's one of my tag lines is I've got to say I'm kind of surprised but guess what I am kind of surprised it's on a roll right now ninja I'm becoming a believer I didn't say believer I said believer all right fine done preheating this one's almost half done and then just certainly one the preheating portion of that test but let's see the cooking part itself I got to flip these and then rotate the basket 180 and there they go I don't think those are ready to flip yet I'm gonna go a little bit longer before I flip them how air fire oven has two half minutes left I stop and flip them yet now let's take a look at the Ninja well beautiful look at this look how nice that looks very nice look at that I'm very impressed with ninja I'm very impressed ten minutes exactly as expected and in here power airfryer and we're still waiting I'm still waiting to flip it I have things no contest I'm gonna let this get down to the full 10 minutes and try to flip it then but I'm a little disappointed giving my beloved power at five and 360 which I've liked for over a year just got manhandled by the ninja what do you guys think yes I think yes do you disagree then we have different tastes and foods I think it looks great alright it has just gone off yeah it doesn't look like it's ready to be flipped I'll go in a little bit longer but man come on how are fire and you're disappointing me here let's try it again I'm just gonna leave it as it is keep going until it's brown enough to flip ah I'll be done eating these by time as it's ready I think that looks pretty good now to those of you who hate when I don't taste things I will taste it and for those of you who hate the sound of chewing I'll mute it out the best of both worlds all right here we go well it might be a little crispier and some people like some people like kind of soggy french toast some people like more crispy this is crispy it's been about 15 minutes you pause this come on I'm done eating already I still got a few left I mean I'm just gonna flip these these are kind of getting there I guess alright I flip these I'm gonna rotate the basket and see how much longer it's gonna take maybe I'll be done in five more minutes see we get go on it's been a total of 19 minutes 10 minutes 19 minutes let me put these on a plate and try them out even though it took longer I do think these look pretty good still so it took almost twice as long but the results looked about the same but let's try it out hmm all right I'm gonna say the taste wise they're exactly the same so I'm happy about that the power of hurry up and eventually got it cooked to about the same level as a ninja but when you're talking about time the ninja just slaughtered it I have to admit I mean I like the power airfryer oven it's kinda like when you're rooting for your favorite boxer and he gets knocked out you got to give you the guy credit the ninja just one round - let's see what's up around three all right so far the ninjas been very impressive but let's try it don't stand by some frozen pizza and see if the power airfryer oven can hang can redeem itself or even be better let's check it out now the power airfryer evan has a pizza setting but this pizza says 400 so I moved to 400 and it says 2020 few minutes I'll leave it on 20 minutes 400 for 20 minutes both are preheating now in this case no need to flip no need to rotate just stick it in there and see what it's done I'm also putting these directly on there act like you would do in a normal oven once again the Ninja is done faster I'm going directly on the rack boom this one's still preheating okay now this one's done preheating it fits oh yeah it fits sweet and we're off this one's a little bit of a head start because it preheated faster but we'll see happens in 20 minutes while these are cooking you guys know I love my laser thermometer let's see how hot the outside of the unit as well as cooking 86 that's bearable how about the oh that's a little bit that's that's still an unbearable well certainly get there how about this one handle here is 83 the door itself that's getting what it's pretty warm it really varies about what part of the oven you're looking at it's been about 12 minutes and let's see that's that's getting brown this one's been 11 minutes that's it's getting kind of brown alright and the Ninja is ready that might be done the cheese is melted in the center it looks thoroughly cooked I'm gonna say that it's done 10 in 20 minutes also I like about the Ninja is the light comes on when there's 30 seconds left to cook that's kind of a nice feature look at all that grease the grease alright and after 20 minutes let's see we got oh definitely not as Brown look at this one compared all right look at the two of them after 20 minutes clearly more cooked on the ninja this one look at the the crust is still kind of light over here it's nicely toasted I think this needs to go a few more minutes as opposed to a ninja which is done in 20 I think the ninjas winning I'm gonna go about 5 more minutes and see what that looks like good luck power airfryer oven because you just got beat again alright five more minutes of past there we go well I was sick definitely it's cooked they both did a good job just ones a little bit cooker than the other and here we go both cooked ninja faster than the powerf reven but they both came out pretty good do I really want some peace after that french toast yes I do let's try it out ninja first power air fire ever next no significant difference in the taste of it so really it comes down to the cook time and the ninja wins once again the ninja is three you know and it's impressive start we have more things to check out I'm gonna try this sheet pan meal here they say to pick a protein and I'm there all uncooked uncooked chicken breasts pick a vegetable which I've got some broccoli here marinate I'd get some some basic olive oil I wouldn't normally put raw chicken and vegetables together but it says to do it so I'm gonna do it put a little bit of trepidation but I'm gonna do it then this is four degrees for 20 to 30 minutes you guys tell me if this is something you would normally do I wouldn't normally do that alright now we just put in a single layer on each pan we will try 20 just start off roast 4 degrees 20 minutes and we're off and we're still waiting here we go once you get in the ninja is over two minutes ahead of the power if I Evan because it creates faster come back a little bit and see how they're doing I do like how the light comes on when there's 30 seconds left that's actually a pretty cool feature chickens done broccolis done it's done and here we go but look though it's not as it's not as brown it might have cooked both look the broccolis not even that crispy there imma put in there longer this broccoli is nice and crispy like he went roasted vegetables to be this just I don't know man and I was impressed ninjas just killing it it's a runaway I'll put this little bit longer to finish it up with ninja wins and while the primary fire was finishing up how does this look I think it came out pretty nice try piece of broccoli mmm crispy chicken perfectly well I had a lot more tested trap but I'm not even sure I need to how many rounds does the ninja have to win before I declare it the winner maybe this is it I mean it's weird because the power airfryer oven was always one of my favorites I've used it for a long time how our air for Evan is now about done with the chicken and broccoli let's see how it turned out broccoli still kind of flimsy it's been 25 minutes I'm gonna go in there five I'm gonna find done in 20 minutes Louis done 20 minutes not done 25 minutes after 30 minutes I've just taken about 30 minutes it does seem done though I mean the ninja still looks better I've been eating on sy it's not as much there now I'll eat this bowel eat this first ninja Power airfryer Evan I don't know if the power airfryer can really beat the ninja to anything except for a rotisserie which you can't do in any event this test is done and the ninja wins once again I wasn't gonna do any more tests but I'll do one more because this is the most popular thing I think probably use their airfryers which is french fries I'm gonna use some frozen fries really I just want to see how well it does them and how well they compare although I have a feeling that this one's gonna do better but you never know let's try it out now I decide I'm gonna go 4 degrees for 25 minutes on both of them 400 for 25 minutes I'll check them throughout but that's where I'm starting at and we're off with the ninja I'll check that about 10 minutes in and see how it's looking and we're off it's the 10-minute mark whoa all right after 10 minutes that's how it looks 10 minute mark I'd say it looks about the same all right 20 minute mark let's see oh these feel done I would say that I mean some people might like them create more crispy than that but to me that's that's pretty good we've got some some of the smaller ones are kind of brown but most of them are nice and crisp 20 minutes and I would say that's about about right we'll check this one in 20 minutes and see how they compare all right we're stopping it at the exact 20 minute mark let's see all right just to compare the two of these as you can see some of the smaller pieces on the ninja are brown I don't see any of them brown on this one none I'm gonna let it go the final five minutes and as expected the ninja did a little better five more minutes here we go it still doesn't look as Brown after 25 minutes has it an into debt for 20 minutes I think it's done it's just not as brown they feel they feel crispy they feel done I think I've got enough information to wrap this thing up power airfryer oven ninja sends a little bit browner let me try it out power airfryer oven certainly acceptable now for the ninja hmm I was expected the ninja is a little crispier let's wrap this up shall we so in the end the ninja was clearly the better of the two devices although I will say the power heir for Ivan is this still a good product and it's good for larger items but anything that can fit in the Ninja is probably gonna do better and that one as opposed to the power airfryer oven I reluctantly say that the one I liked before had just gotten knocked down a notch there's a lot of other tests I could do but I think after the number of tests that I did run or the ninja outperform each time it's kind of no point continuing on because the Ninja is clearly the more efficient of the two ovens but have you tried the ninja oven or something like it tell me what you think in the comments below check out my social profiles for progress pictures videos as I go please subscribe for more product abuse and new James White with freaking reviews [Music]
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 553,410
Rating: 4.8677459 out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing, ninja foodi oven, power air fryer oven 360, air fryer review, air fryer comparison, ninja foodi, power air fryer 360, convection toaster oven, airfryer oven, air fryer reviews, ninja foodi air fry oven, ninja foodi digital air fry oven, emeril lagasse power air fryer 360 french fries, convection oven
Id: Hc_TrqXTPw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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