Testing Five Popcorn Poppers!

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welcome back everybody today i'm taking a look at five different popcorn makers to see how they compare that's today's video all right this is one that's been requested to me over the last couple years i'm finally getting around to popcorn makers i've got kind of a nice variety of different shapes and sizes so let's get right to it and head into the unboxing let's get started with the cheapest of the bunch this was about 21 bucks this is the presto pop light a little bit density what's up with that amazon come on now it's nicely packaged i'll give them that nicely packaged very very thorough in the packaging all right it's very simple uh it only has three pieces to it has the base unit this top and then you have a scoop this is highly rated with a lot of ratings and actually it's the cheapest of the bunch so we'll see how this one compares to some of the more expensive models but i will read the instructions over even though it's very basic and just make sure i do it properly but uh let's move on to another one before i get started all right next up is the 30 orville redenbacher fountain type popcorn maker this is an interesting design let's check it out looks like a tie fighter coming out of here wow and more more very impressive packaging now on this one the lid actually doubles as the bowl so that should be kind of interesting you know when you wow that actually flew across the room a lot of times you take out these packaging like this you'll never get it back in the box because the packaging's so tight i don't even try it's kind of interesting huh that's it it's very nice looking though more instructions to read but i'll keep opening before i get to those all right it's time for some old school this is the whirly pop this is a classic right here let's check this one out there were some whirly pop knock-offs on amazon they didn't people didn't seem to like those as much so i went with the og right here let's see we got here oh wow well they even incl they even include some popcorn props for them for that this is going to be a stovetop popcorn maker i don't even know how to open this up huh i got to be careful with this i'm not going to take this packaging enough until i know how to open this without breaking it so more instructions to read and some popcorn time for the west bend stir crazy this is a little bit similar to the redenbacher but not quite although this one does have a lid that doubles as a serving bowl too [Applause] well here we go the difference between this and the orville redenbacher is orville seems to have the fountain style this is just the kernels go on the bottom we'll go over these more detail after i read the instructions and clean them out and finally the behemoth of the group wow this thing's huge it's gonna be in like a library reading all these tonight oh man wow i think in every single one of these i end up opening them upside down that's just luck or just me but there's even stuff inside here too and it seems kind of wedged in there what is this i'm guessing that's important i think i need instructions how to pull this out of here there we go smooth the silk taking this out of there oh my goodness look at all the packaging on the floor down there three scoops all right we got this kind of loosely floating around in there i got this metal plate i'm not sure what to do with this seems like it might be important i don't know this is just packing material i think i think i think i think i'm to the end now all right i think that's wow that's i don't even know what's what's important what's not all right so what i'm going to do now is assemble all these really instructions wash them off so i'll probably start by popping tomorrow and see how they go all right well last night i cleaned all these out and i went through the instructions and actually i kind of made some some cheat sheets right now relevant information from the instructions for all of them so i'm going to start with the cheapest of the bunch and that's the pop light right here there's not much to it all i had to clean out on these were these two in soapy water and i ran a sponge over the top part i think most of these actually call for a half a cup of popcorn i've got a bunch of this oval redenbacher that i'm going to be using for all these so it should be good this one does not use oil two of the five do not use oil three of the five do use oil this can double as a butter melter you can put butter in there and it gets hot during the popping pop process i'm probably not going to be doing butter because that's kind of a variable that doesn't really affect the popping aspect of it but you can't put butter in here it's also used as a scoop so let's try it out one thing i noticed the instructions that all of them were very clear to not overfill it that maybe that's something that's led to some people having problems with them but don't overfill them i guess so step one is a half cup of popcorn kernels replace the cover very important to replace that as well because otherwise popcorn will be flying out of here next up place a bowl to catch the popcorn think we're ready to go with the first popper again no oil for this one so it might be a little bit dry let's find out and there's no on off switch just plug it in and it goes so i'm plugging it in that's what i'm seeing so far there's kind of a warm hair dryer smell coming out of there i just had one half pop kernel come out the instructions also say that stay away from the popper in case hot kernels are ejected so far it's a bit underwhelming but the anticipation does melt oh i'm seeing popping again our first pops are we're getting some pops now we're getting pops here it comes oh we're getting good stuff now right now i've got one piece of popcorn in the bowl so far here it comes it's coming oh yeah that's what i want to see so far no spillage nothing's getting ejected too far out that's good oh it's getting kind of aggressive at the end here whoa it just it just injected when i crossed the room wow it's still going i guess that's it well i think that worked pretty well i there's only a few kernels in the bottom let me see there's like five kernels in the bottom that's it this is actually quite warm they do say use oven mitts for this now i understand why take that off there all right well i think i got a nice big bowl of popcorn out of that let's let me see now this is just air popped there's no it hasn't been seasoned salted yet pretty plain put some salt in there some butter it'll be good all right the 21 presto pop light i think we're off to a good start let's see what's next all right next up is another presto one this is actually an orville redenbacher branded presto machine again i wasn't really trying to do multiple popcorn poppers by the same company but i just picked the most popular ones so that's what we end up with but anyways this one is a little bit different design it's kind of unusual so on this one they have three what they call restrictors this one it has a tab and the other two don't you're supposed to open the other two dump in your half cup of kernels close the restrictors next you're supposed to put the lid on it you have to make sure you keep this the lids lid i guess it's a lid lid i guess you take the lids lid off because otherwise you'll have no ventilation that'll mess it up so at that point all you have to do is just plug it in they say if popcorn builds up on one side to gently shake it while it's popping when it gets down to one or two seconds between pops then you unplug it at that point when it's done you're supposed to snap the lid on flip the entire thing over then you got your bowl of popcorn let's try it out plugging in the popcorn maker [Music] here we go i'm not seeing too much yet i don't expect to but i just started it the nice thing about this one is you have your own bowl so you got to wash your dishes you have a bowl no worries the popcorn maker supplies one for you kind of like with the other press tool kind of smells like a hair dryer it's like a hair dryer meets popcorn popcorn scented hair dryer that air is pretty hot coming out of there oh we're getting pops now we're getting pops it's getting aggressive it's getting aggressive now oh look at it bursting through there yeah that's very cool oh yeah it's bursting through wow that's there's something very satisfying about the way it bursts out of there it's like a popcorn superhero oh wow yeah they're right it is kind of piling up all on one side i'm getting little bits flying around here like popcorn bits floating around they say to shake it it starts to get on one side let me try it that's not helping i think it's about done or not i work i'd rather i'd rather have a little bit on the early side then a little bit on the late side nobody wants to burn popcorn i don't all right supposed to snap the lid on turn the entire thing over and then remove the base whoa so now the reason they have this lid here is any partial holes or uncooked kernels will go file in the bottom and they won't fall on your lap so that's kind of helpful oh this is another another batch of air popped popcorn you know salt and butter will be good there was definitely something satisfying by the way it came out of there also although i do have a little bit more of a mess in the surrounding area than the first one there's a bunch of little white bits on the table not a big deal though that was kind of fun all right it's time for the whirly pop now uh not much to this one basically you just have this lid and this handle which uh stirs the popcorn around kinda like the stir crazy this is one of two that stirs like that this one is manual the stir crazy is not it's very thin aluminum they say you have to put oil in there or it'll get damaged and don't ever don't preheat it they say do not preheat this so you're supposed to put a half cup of popcorn with one to three tablespoons of oil do not preheat and then you just turn the crank until it slows down and then dump it out sounds easy enough let's give it a shot half a cup of kernels i'm putting two tablespoons because the other ones have called for that so kind of just to keep it on the same playing field close the lid says make sure the three clips are in place the three clips are in place so time to put on turn on the burner here we go i'm just gonna put it right around right around medium and you start turning the handle you kind of need a second hand otherwise it's going to kind of slide around so you kind of need two hands for this they also said do not shake the popper i guess people are used to shaking it from the old school jiffy pops don't shake the popper i'm hearing sizzling should be any minute now i hope oh i heard it there goes oh and now it's popping that was the first big pop oh there he goes i wasn't i wasn't sure how loud i was gonna hit a popcorn over this turning sound but oh i definitely hear it it's it sounds like it's trying to get out it's almost violently hitting the top of the lid there got a big rush of steam came out it's like the play-by-play here oh yeah now it's going like we're peeking right now i think we're peeking we've got steam we've got noise it's great very cool all right i think we're done i think we're done i think we're done think we're done now move it over to a bowl oh yeah look at that beautiful bowl of popcorn i didn't see any unpopped kernels harley at all does that look appetizing or is it just me let me try one oh oh no the oil makes a big difference on these i'll put some butter and salt in here and this will be perfect all right next up is the stir crazy by west bend let's take a closer look at this one all right this one also has a lid that comes off so right here is where you put the butter which i'm not going to do in this video but you can put butter here it melts drips onto the popcorn i cleaned this lid and this lid in soapy water and i wiped the breast down with a sponge for a half a cup of popcorn i have to add two tablespoons of oil which i'm going to do right now half a cup of popcorn they say to make it kind of even so i'll do my best here so next up placing the cover on the base if you wanted butter you could put it at the top but i'm going to skip that unlike the previous ones this one has an off switch we're plugged in let's turn it on that is kind of interesting isn't it i wonder why i had to put on there evenly when it's just going to push it around like that anyways the instructions say this will take about four to five minutes and let the fountain popcorn maker have to put the lid on and turn it upside down so they're very similar in that respect although the popping method seems quite different it's kind of making this evil growling sound right now and a hiss too interesting i'm hearing a sizzling oh we got our first pop we got our first pop the bowl is very steamy now and now we're going here huh there's steam coming out of the top here wow that was kind of quick i don't think that was five minutes all right now gotta shove the lid on quickly they say i do as fast as possible put the lid on make sure the handles are aligned they are it's not too hot it's not turn away from yourself lift off and here we go a nice big old bowl of popcorn i still need salt but the oil adds some already i think so far we're progressively getting better each time so that sets the bar pretty high i actually quite like this one i think the user oil really makes a difference though you can use a lot of different types of oils too i use extra virgin olive oil which they say in instructions works fine and it did work fine for me all right let's see what's next now for the big boy here so i went with this one even though i'm already doing another west bend brand but i figured this one's popular it meets the criteria so why not right this one took a little bit of assembly um in fact i'll cut away to the assembly right now let me just show you real quick how this is set up first of all you have this this plate that goes up here this is magnetic so just kind of sticks to the top up here you have the stir rod that just screws into that popping kettle is a little bit difficult to have these hooks that are supposed to go on here i've done it a couple times and it takes a minute to get used to it pull it up and then finally you're supposed to plug this into the top normally you'd be in front of the popcorn maker when you're doing it i'm trying to for this video i'm going to kind of behind it so it's a little bit awkward half a cup of popcorn one tablespoon of oil two tablespoons of oil now to pull down this kettle cover which that seems to work well close the cabinet door it's plugged in i think i'm ready to turn it on i'm almost nervous for some reason i don't know why i shouldn't be but i am i hear it humming i think it's turning in there i guess i can't really do much until it starts coming out so we shall wait [Music] still waiting it is working no popcorn's coming out yet but it is working just patiently waiting oh i think i think i heard the first pop i think i just heard the second pop i think we're on a roll here here we go oh we're definitely popping now we're definitely popping i can't wait to see it come on out of there that's going to be great oh a blast of steam just came out of both sides oh it's lifting it's lifting up it's lifting up i feel like a little kid by the window i can't see it i want to see it oh yeah most of it's still in the kettle it looks like that is so cool look at that whoa all right it's slowing down it's slowing down now maybe not i thought i was slowing down oh it's slowing down all right now these instructions here push this lever oh wow i wasn't expecting that so the rest of the popcorn drops out except there's a little bit in the kettle still it says use the scoop to remove any additional popcorn you're supposed to move this out of here there's kind of a couple of like burnt ones down there it's not really easy to get those out either i'm not sure what to really do about that you didn't want to touch the kettle because the kettle's kind of hot so you can't really take the kettle out huh i guess i'll just kind of keep scooping the magnet on this door is kind of weak it's kind of weak oh i can get i can get here better actually from this angle all right now we're supposed to lift that back up there and then lift the kettle back up it's pretty good gotta taste enough to demonstrate here hmm i got a couple of burnt pieces in there i'm not i'm not as happy i it worked well but i think some of those work better what's a little bit disappointing about this one also they say if you want to make more popcorn you got to take all this popcorn out of there so no it worked well i got some reservations about this one because it's also the most expensive of the bunch let me ponder this over before i give you my final thoughts all right so me and bailey have kind of an important decision to make which one we like the best let me go through these here i would say if you're looking for a good air popper the pop light is probably the one to choose only 20 bucks very compact the fountain popper i liked it's just kind of large but it's kind of the geek factors there for that one it's kind of fun but that one you can't add oil to it now if you're looking at the whirly pop and the stir crazy those two you can add oil to and the stir grease you could add butter to as well the theater cabinet i'm not as fond of that one because i had a few burnt pieces uh you have to scoop all of it out of there there it's the most expensive it's the largest i just wasn't as much of a fan of that one although it did work so to me the whirly pop and the stir crazy i think they're my favorite i would give the slight advantage of the stir crazy just because of the butter feature and it's not as hands-on but really they all work pretty well but if you've tried in these popcorn makers tell me what you think in the comments below i appreciate you watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 324,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: popcorn maker, best popcorn popper, best popcorn maker, best popcorn machine, popcorn machine 2021, popcorn maker review, best hot air popcorn maker, popcorn popper reviews, hot air popcorn maker, the best popcorn machines, air popper popcorn machine, best popcorn machines, popcorn machine, best home popcorn maker, presto poplite, westbend stir crazy, westbend theater crazy, whirley pop
Id: _RLHaocfNoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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