Ninja Creami Review: Does this Ice Cream Maker Work?

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welcome back everybody this is james white with freaking reviews and today i'm taking a look at the ninja creamy which is a multi-function ice cream maker to see if it really works that's today's video so i've just finished about two weeks of using the creamy so you're gonna see my entire process throughout this video but let's first look back at my unboxing let's see we got here we got all the literature that sounds good are we getting there all right so over here it looks like we've got a couple of containers and a lid it must be an extra lid it's well packaged it's very well packaged it has a a brand new electronic smell to it pieces here to take off well here's the here's the unboxed unit we've got everything here the buttons are ice cream sorbet light ice cream smoothie bowl gelato milkshake mix in power button and re-spin so i read the instructions over this is pretty simple it seems more difficult when you haven't tried it yet but it comes up here and snaps into place like that this button right here releases it down comes off no problem so this lid is pretty simple all you have to do is just twist it to unlock this you install in there all you have to do is push this latch over it goes in pretty easily so with that said now all we have to do is wash this out get started so the first thing i wanted to try was ice cream since i figured that's how most people are going to be using it now for ice cream what you're supposed to do is create a base of something like vanilla or chocolate and then you can add your mixins after it's been blended the way you add mix ends is you dig a hole with a spoon you put your mix-ins in there and then you run the mix-in program you have to be careful what you put in there because as they state it's not a blender it's a mixer so if you want something like small fruit pieces you're going to have to put small fruit pieces in there you can't put big chunks expecting it to blend it up but that won't happen so for my first test i went with vanilla ice cream as the base and i added chocolate chips as the mix in and here's what happened all right so i'm going to do the easiest recipe i can the very first one of the book which is the vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips if i can't do this one right i might as well not try anything else because this is gonna be the easy one we got so following the recipe here i already have the cream cheese i just put it on the microwave for 10 seconds next up add sugar and vanilla extract 1 3 cup of sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract i'm using my chef wizard as my whisk all right this is supposed to look like frosting i would say it looks like frosting all right step one was easy enough step two slowly mix in the heavy cream and milk until fully combined and sugar is dissolved heavy cream yummy and some milk here we go pour the base into the pint all right storage lid now we place this in the freezer for 24 hours and then we start mixing they say they put on a flat surface so make sure it is a flat surface we'll see you in 24 hours all right that was actually pretty simple so now it's time to wait and see what happens tomorrow we shall see remove lid from pint here we go place the pint in the outer bowl just like this i think install the creamerizer pad alignment assuming that's got to be what this is now the paddle is locked and loaded place it on here and then we spin until it raises up in there oh oh it's locked in place it's ready to go ice cream button it sounds like a blender [Applause] i don't really see much happening oh now it's starting to happen it looks like it's counting down something here it's on a timer of some sort [Music] it's kind of loud we'll just slow down that was kind of loud i'm not to lie that's kind of loud well they don't stay it but i assume for step 6 you have to take it out of there first so press this twist it out there we go different different texture than i expected all right the top looks a bit crumbly but you know not bad we'll see so now i gotta get a spoon and dig a hole all the way to the bottom oh it's kind of crumbly though it's gonna be keep this keeps falling back in there i got a hole it's not perfectly centered hopefully it doesn't matter because that's what i'm going with add chocolate chips to the hole let's see we got here all right put it back in there so we shall see all right this time i got to press the mix in button and see how that goes time for the mix in [Music] i don't see a lot of mixing we'll see i mean this is just my first test this is more of my warm-up test of ice cream so if it's not right i have to go back to the drawing board and see if i did wrong but let's see what happens and the big reveal oh you know it doesn't look bad it doesn't look i'm actually quite shocked it looks it looks like pretty good ice cream let's see the texture is just right huh i wasn't sure if it was going to come out right but it looks good let's see how it tastes mmm the instructions did call for mini chocolate chips i used full size because i couldn't find any minis that aside the texture and the taste of the ice cream is absolutely perfect so i'm a little surprised i'm a little shocked and i'm very happy about it now that my first test wasn't an utter failure let's go to the recipe book find something else and see how it goes all right so the ice cream went pretty well i was noticing as i was looking for the next recipe that it does say if your ice cream is kind of crumbly like mine was first out of the freezer to put it in the re-spin cycle and i'll fix it it also says if you use a mix-in that'll also fix it as well so i fixed it without even realizing i was fixing it but it's good to know so after the success of my first batch of ice cream i want to try something that they're showing their promotional videos which is a can of pineapple chunks and syrup you basically just put it in the pint you freeze it and make it to a sorbet and it actually worked one thing i noticed about this sorbet recipe is there's a little tip saying if you use fruit with just water it could damage the unit there's a lot of things that can supposedly damage the units you gotta be careful there are some fresh fruit sorbet recipes later on but we're sticking with the can for right now because it's supposed to be easy when we're starting easy and working our way up step one fill up to the max line with fruit chunks in this case will be pineapple all right that's right to the fill line now it says to cover the fruit with the juice so i'm gonna do that as well i guess i could have just dumped this can in there that's all we do is place the lid on there and stick that in the freezer for 24 hours and this is supposed to make sorbet we shall see all right we'll come back 24 hours all right this is going to be an interesting one so we'll come back in 24 hours and see how it goes all right it's been 24 hours let's check and see how the pineapple looks out of the freezer see we got here what heart is a rock look at that wow if it's crumbly i hit the respin button otherwise it's good to go here we go sorbet time [Applause] oh it's it's slowly working its way down there you got some time to go [Music] maybe it's gonna work we shall see and now it's going slower i don't know what to expect i mean i don't know what to expect we'll see oh wow it looks it looks better than i thought it was going to let's see what it looks like here oh wow i'm not a little bit shocked i'm actually very shocked at this one let me see hmm it does taste like a very strong pineapple sorbet even the texture is good it's not crumbly like they said it might be it looks it looks beautiful look at that wow am i the only one who's shocked here are you shocked i'm pretty shocked here hmm a very creamy texture it's just it's very good i think all right so for my next test i want to try when they're light ice cream recipes the recipe was actually pretty good but what i also wanted to do is as soon as i finished my ice cream i wanted to turn it into a milkshake and here's how that went the next preset to try out is the light ice cream mode and i've got the first recipe here for light chocolate ice cream i will put the ingredients over here on the screen and let you see what i'm seeing but let's get started mixing it up and see what happens first up whisk until smooth 3 4 cup of unsweetened coconut cream 3 tablespoons of monk fruit sweetener 1 2 3 2 tablespoons of dark cocoa powder 1 tablespoon of raw agave nectar a little bit of vanilla extract we now whisk with my chef wizard three quarters cup chocolate oat milk and then combine it's very chocolatey at least it's very chocolatey pour in the container and let it sit for 24 hours there we go come back in one day and see how this goes all right just pull out of the freezer it's been more than 24 hours let's check it out that's that's hard as a rock got the instruction booklet here let's see we have to uh remove the cover assemble the unit i'll have to do now is let the light ice cream function and hope it comes out pressing the light ice cream function there we go oh yeah many earplugs for this one but let's see how it turned out well it looks pretty good let's see how it tastes it doesn't really have much of an ice cream texture too i think if it's crumbly you're supposed to hit the re-spin button i have not tried the re-spin button yet so this is a good opportunity to try it out they save us too crumbly to try their respin let's see what happens let's try the respin [Applause] a lot of noises in there the unit's kind of shaking a little bit here we go my first respin and oh there we go oh yeah look at this much more ice cream like it definitely seemed to whip it into an ice cream texture that is much more like ice cream it's amazing it was crumbly before now it's perfect now for the most important part the taste test um hmm oh wow that's really good mmm wow that is phenomenal that's so good that's i i'm shocked how good that is i'm i'm kind of an ice cream fan but man is that good somewhat more of this first that's honestly some of the best ice cream i think i've ever had it's that good well since i have all this chocolate ice cream i think i'm just gonna move the milkshake function that's something i don't have to wait 24 hours for so let me add some milk to this and see how the milkshake function actually works all right according to the instructions all i have to do is dig out a hole put a half a cup of milk in there and put the milkshake function on and i'll have a nice milkshake let's try it out because i ate a little bit i don't think i even really have to take the ice cream out i think i just have to just kind of make a like push it aside i've got kind of a hole in there it should be good enough this is all you have to do is create a hole add milk process again using the milkshake program very simple we got a half a cup of milk that's what i'm seeing the milk is mostly in the hole and uh you know i guess we'll see what happens i'm getting faster this loading process that's good and here we go oh it's slowed down interesting there we go all right i have no idea to expect well it looks kind of like a milkshake looks very thick i mean i just need to get it started here oh yeah there we go so far the only problem i've had is trying to dump this uh in this glass in front of the camera and doing it properly all right this is a pretty thick milkshake they say you can keep adding milk and hitting the respin button but i'm not going to do that here's what we got that's a nice thick milkshake oh man is that good now i'm not just hamming this up for the camera this chocolate ice cream converted into milkshake is some of the best i think i've ever i've ever had this this is it's quite impressive wow since that was so good i'm gonna have to make another batch of this to show everybody else how good it was because i'm gonna end up eating all of it at this point i was getting a little more familiar with it so i wanted to speed things up by prepping two recipes at the same time both using fresh fruit and both went pretty well check it out i'm gonna try this fresh fruit sorbet which only ingredient for this one is just bananas i can do that i hope i've got some bananas cut up here they say to have about around half inch slices you're supposed to fill up this pint smash it down and keep filling and then that's it sounds easy enough let's try it out first thing you're supposed to do is fill to the max fill line which is about right there then they say with a heavy utensil such as a ladle or potato masher i'll try my very heavy zero ice cream scoop you're supposed to firmly press compacting them down and keep adding more [Applause] all right well that's round one let's try the second round of this all right well it seems to be below the max fill line we have smashed bananas all right that's all you're supposed to do you're supposed to just cover it up put in the freezer and then tomorrow see what happens this one is done next up is a coconut mango smoothie bowl sounds easy enough only two ingredients got some fresh mango right here this is cut to approximately one inch pieces like the recipe calls for we've got some coconut milk which i've just opened up and stirred step one fill it with mango pieces cover the mangoes with coconut milk so let me cover this up in 24 hours we're gonna try our coconut smoothie bowl and our banana fresh fruit sorbet and this is the last two before i do my final ice cream test all right it's been 24 hours they're both out of the freezer both hard as a rock let's try it out let's start with the banana sorbet first it looks uh it's quite frozen all right sorbet button and it should be done here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's kind of loud let's try it out pretty hard consistency let me uh let me give it a shot just banana let's see hmm surprising it is it's just banana all right we're getting close to the end here we've got a couple more things to do let's try the smoothie bowl this is mango and coconut milk hard as a rock all right the pine is going in there remember the first time i did that i was kind of slow out now i'm an old pro at it now all i have to do is touch the smoothie bowl button and we should be good to go let's try it [Music] here we go [Music] it is quite loud but let's see how it turned out now this one looks crumbly again so i think i'm going to do the uh the respin button very crumbly time to respin [Music] here we go very loud it still is kind of crumbly i think i'm gonna do the re-spin one more time it's a bit crumbly for me re-spin number two [Applause] all right this isn't it i'm going to go with it i'm not going to keep re-spinning it but hopefully this is good enough it doesn't look as crumbly i think we got a good crumble ratio here all right i'm going to transfer this into a bowl here i'm not sure if the texture is is what i expected it's it's i don't know i don't know what i expected let me throw on some garnishments and see how it turned out some coconut some sliced almonds and some sliced strawberries i mean sure it looks really nice but does it taste good that's what we got to find out try to get a little bit of everything in one bite here down the hatch it's very cold it's very cold it tastes good though it's very strong mango flavor i'll try one more bite i could put some more garnishes on there probably more coconut but it's good well i think that turned out really nice i've bought smoothie bowls that weren't this good before so i think they did a pretty good job with this one we got one more to do and then wrap this thing up so for my last recipe since i started with ice cream i wanted to finish with ice cream and since i already made vanilla and chocolate i figured strawberry was the next logical choice plus it used fresh fruit as well so here's how that went i've already made vanilla i've made chocolate i want to make strawberry because strawberry is the next most popular and also it uses fresh fruit i'm going off the directions here it says in a large bowl add strawberries one and a half cup of strawberries trim cut in quarters half cup granulated sugar one teaspoon of light corn syrup one teaspoon of lemon juice using a fork now i'm supposed to mash the strawberries so i'll start mashing these are fresh strawberries not frozen so shouldn't be too hard to mash them so i've got to let this sit for 10 minutes while stirring and i'll come back and do the next step all right i've been stirring it it's been sitting for 10 minutes i'm ready to add the cream and then put in the freezer add heavy cream and mix until well combined all right now i just gotta pour in a pint and freeze it this isn't the best pouring bowl but i can probably deal with it here there's our pint almost pint of what would be strawberry ice cream all right so i'll come back in 24 hours for my final reveal of my final ice cream of the ninja creamy and then we'll wrap this thing up alright it's been 24 hours for my final ice cream test let's check it out as expected it's hard as a rock i will say i've gotten much faster at this process over time which i guess is not unusual but it's nice to know that it does speed up after the first time the first time seems a little bit overwhelming after a while it becomes pretty easy all right so just gotta hit ice cream and then wait here we go [Music] [Applause] now we wait all right let's take a look at this see how it turned out i don't think that's too crumbly it sure looks like strawberry ice cream let's see it feels like strawberry ice cream here we go that's just really good strawberry ice cream i thought there was going to be pretty big chunks in there there aren't overall look it looks beautiful well once again every time i've made ice cream on here i was kind of a little worried i'm not going to turn out right every time it turned out great so i think i have enough information to wrap this thing up all right so as far as pros and cons of the ninja creamy go i would say the pros are that it's very easy to use everything i made in there turned out exactly as i hoped it would actually maybe better if you eliminate the freezing time which is 24 hours the prep time plus the blending time is actually pretty quick i mean it's a few minutes of prep and a couple minutes of blending and that's it if you don't mind that 24 hour wait it's actually a pretty quick process i've got a few cons for this but i'm not sure they outweigh the pros but the cons would be that it's kind of big loud and expensive you're going to expect to pay 150 to 200 bucks for this depending on what model you use and if you use a coupon somewhere you can't really make large quantities at once i guess you could make three pints of the same thing if you triple the recipe but you really can't make a big batch of ice cream the final con is that it's not a blender it's a mixer which that's not really a con itself but there's a few places in the recipe guide and instruction booklet to say if you don't do it right you could damage the unit so you have to be really careful what you put in there because it seems kind of sensitive to things that aren't supposed to go in there but overall i think the ninja creamy far exceeded my expectations i'm not much of an ice cream maker i don't really know what my expectations were but they were exceeded because this is a great product if you've used ninja creamy tell me what you think in the comments below i appreciate you watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 145,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, ninja creami, ninja creami review, ice cream maker, ninja ice cream maker
Id: P-byHN6_m-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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