Comparing Five Name-Brand Pillows! Casper, Sealy, Sleep Number, SnugglePedic, Tempur-Pedic

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welcome back everybody now the three of us have just wrapped up over six weeks of testing out five top pillows and today we're prepared to give you our final conclusions that's today's video all right so before we even get started a couple preliminaries first up let me introduce my assistants here now most of you probably know brandon he's been helping me out for quite a few years this is my son hi everybody welcome back and uh last year noah helped us out with a pillow comparison no could not make it this year so miss jc klein has graciously offered to help us out with the pillow she's been testing them out as well jc thank you and welcome to the show thank you for having me pleasure to make your acquaintance all right so if you saw my pillow comparison last year it was that was a comparison of five most requested pillows this one's a little bit different i picked five of the most popular pillow brands out there so it's gonna it's a little bit different so it's gonna be kind of an interesting mix of pillows this time around we might as well just get right to the pillows and show which ones we're reviewing so bran tossed one of these over here in no particular order this is the snugglepedic shredded memory foam pillow this is the only king size in the bunch i could all the standards were sold out but i paid 44.99 for this one this is the casper this was normally 65 i got it for 55 this is the only down alternative of the bunch over here is the sleep number this is the most expensive of the bunch at about 90 bucks this is a hybrid uh shredded memory foam and down alternative this is the sealy uh this is the only memory foam solid memory foam pillow the bunch i got this one in a store i got a big lots for 35 bucks the last time i checked it's 40 now it's already gone up in price good thing i got what i did that was a good one a little aggressive over there now i got fun this is the tempur-pedic i got two of them for 59 dollars for a buy one get one free normally i think it's 59 each although they seem to always be on sale this is also a shredded memory foam pillow all right so we all took notes during our our time with these pillows we're all at the end we're all going to give our final ranking and then come up with a consensus ranking at the very end yeah well also i should also point out that i i cataloged my reactions so what we're going to do is for every pillow i'm going to go back to when i first tried it out my first night a reaction and then we're all going to talk about it so let's start off with the casper go in alphabetical order the casper is the only downward turn of the group they say it's a pillow and pillow design although i'm not sure i really felt another pillow in there but let's first take a look back at my first test and then we'll talk about it night number one pillow number one this is the casper here we go now it came with kind of minimal instructions here on this side of the instructions it says to basically grab the corners diagonally and push in and out all the picture doesn't really match that it shows someone hugging it just like the part about washing it has a snorkel and a mess so the graphics don't really match what they're saying here but what they're saying to do is basically grab the corners and just fluff it like that so we should be well fluffed ah here we go oh wow that's very soft wow they say it's a pillow within a pillow but man my head sinks right down look to see for how this feels for side sleeping too we'll see i'm pretty curious about this i definitely feel like i'm kind of sinking into it which some people might like that huh interesting but i'll come back tomorrow and let you know how my first night went so i'll see you then all right quick update from that my first night of sleep on the casper pill let me get out of this pillowcase here yeah these tags all right first observations after one night of sleep it's very soft it's one of the softest pills i've ever slept on probably i was wondering if the softness was going to be a problem but on my first night it wasn't i didn't wake up any neck problems i slept pretty well so it's pretty good softer than i used to but it seems to be acceptable so far i'm not sure if i love it i think i like it but i need another week on this to tell for sure it's very very soft you can see it's kind of down like we'll see after a week if i if i like it better than i use right now all right so what'd you think about the casper brand that was a payback from earlier i like the casper right so the pillow i usually use before we started this video uh comparison uh it's very similar to this one i really like thin pillows i kind of like down pillows it's kind of like my thing um i like the low loft features of this pillow i don't really understand the pillow and pillow uh claims of their of this one but yeah but overall it's a pretty good pillow i could see why people wouldn't like this because it's really thin but i do really like thin pillows my opinion of this casper pillow is i like how soft it is i have to say i think it's one of the softest if not the softest pillow we're reviewing right now i think as far as sleeping goes it was kind of i appreciate the softness but it was a little too thin for me where i felt like my head was touching the mattress when i was sleeping on it like i would sleep on it but i felt like it hit directly the mattress so it's my pretty much my only con like i said i do like the softness and the size is actually nice as well it's not too long but no hate towards casper this is just my review of this particular pillow they i should say that when i ordered they offer you mid loft and low loft versions and they they kind of give you a little questionnaire which one's right for you i came up with a low loft i wish i had done the mid-loft because to me it's too soft and i like soft pillows but i felt like my head went right down to the mattress and then not only that but it was kind of like i was like claustrophobic like it was around my head like you sleep on your side i had like my face like you know like this i just i felt like you know like when your face is like there and this is like up against the side i don't know it was just too soft for me it's nice it's a nice pillow i think i would have liked the midloft better but as is i don't think i like this one as you know i can't like them all i guess we have a pretty wide range of opinions on this one yeah duke it out okay next up is the sealy it's the only solid memory foam pillow of the bunch it has this cooling side to it it was [Laughter] it was an interesting one but let's check back to my original test and see how that went all right i'm done with the casper get this one out of here i'm moving on to the ceiling it says soothing gel layer premium memory foam breathable easy care cover so you've got this cool layer here it feels very cool and then if you peel this back just kind of a standard memory foam much different than the casper this is a very soft down feeling pillow this is kind of a firmer memory foam with a gel side here we go first impression my head is slowly sinking much different than the casper the casper has sunk all the way down almost the mattress here there's definitely more support let me try this gel side oh wow that's that's really cold you put a pillow case on and see how that feels with a pillow case on there even with a pillow case it still feels quite cool it feels good on first impression but sometimes your first impression is misleading after a couple nights sleep on there so we'll find out how it really works after a week first night where the ceiling is done let me get this pillowcase off here the memory foam is very soft it kind of feels nice i did try sleeping part of the night with my head on this side of it and what i liked about this is it did feel cool for a while and then it warms up kind of the temperature your skin but what i didn't like about it is just the texture of it it's kind of this material is kind of really nice and soft feeling this just feels kind of like plastic even though it's cool there's nothing on top of it other than my pillowcase to really make it feel nice so i don't know and i have to see how this goes throughout the week i'm a little bit on the fence about this one so uh we'll flash to the rest of the review and see how it went all right brandon what do you think of the memory foam sealy with a gel cooling side i really liked this i thought when i first used this i was gonna hate it i like how versatile it is so where if you don't want to have this textured feeling you can use this side as well which is just straight up memory foam this is definitely the most unique pillow of the bunch i really like uh the size of this pillow i like how different it is it's not really been a pillow i've ever seen that has this kind of thing to it i think i'm inclined to say this is on the higher end of the pillows in this video jc agreed yes i have to say i definitely agree with brandon i think it's a very profound and unique pillow i like exactly what brandon said too this cooling gel right here i've never ever seen this in on a pillow of any kind so i think that's a really nice addition as far as comfort and support i find that it really supported my head very well as well as my neck um nothing felt like it was drowning or anything like that so that was good yeah i felt very supported by it so yeah this is on the top end of my list good very cool yeah i would say that um i'm not usually big on solid memory foam pillows but this one is nice and thin so i actually kind of like this one it's probably i would say not maybe not my favorite memory foam pillow but maybe my second favorite phone pillow solid memory foam the the cooling side i'm a little bit torn on because it does feel cool for a little while but then your head kind of warms it up do you think being bald has a different effect on this it absolutely could affect that yes and what i was going to say moving on to that is the one thing i say as a con is that i didn't like the texture of this with my head against it because like this is not really pillow soft this is kind of plasticky this is nice and soft although the fact that the gel kind of warms up after a while i don't really use that side i use this side and i was perfectly fine with it so even though i think this wasn't really for me this was so i was pretty happy with it next up is the sleep number this is uh the most expensive of the bunch and um this one also supposedly has a mix of shredded memory foam and down alternative fibers so that's kind of a hybrid in that respect let's first take a look back at how my original test went all right sleep number interesting feeling pillow it does not feel like the other ones i've tried so far it feels memory foam-ish but it's uh it's a little bit different i guess it's because it is a little bit different let's try it out alright first impression ugh that's hey you know what that's actually not too bad hmm a lot of the pillows i've tried so far either it's too firm or it sinks all the way down and this seems to be kind of in the middle of that so maybe this might work it feels a little bit forgiving on my head i kind of feel the pillow moving around underneath it i'm really going to be interested in this one so i guess i'll check back tomorrow and let you know how it went all right here we go first night with the sleep number pillow this is what i've had probably the highest hopes for i had the highest price tag on it and i'm also probably the most disappointed at this point i this first time i've had a headache the next day um what's interesting about this one is that the shredded memory foam on the normal pillows actually does move around when you sleep on it this one seems like it's kind of stuck in place it seems it doesn't seem like the filling is really moving as much which is weird because it kind of feels softer to my hands than some of the other ones do so i don't know it might take some getting used to it maybe i'll end up liking it though but we'll see how the rest of the week goes right now my first night i'm a little bit disappointed but we've got a long way to go there you go brandon what do you think about the sleep number i also say you're you have a problem with allergies that supposedly has a hypoallergenic cover did you notice any decrease in allergies when you're using that i didn't really think about that i wish i paid more attention to it because i have asthma i don't think i really like this one that much i do like the hybrid design where it's got the shredded memory foam and it's the down mix i will say this pillow i use more to prop up against my back when i was at my desk putting it right behind me like this it was the perfect height it wasn't too big for that it was a perfect size to put right behind my back and that part i really didn't like about it so i did have some positive use about it but as far as i'm sleeping with it i had kinks in my neck three times out of the seven days i used it and i just thought it was okay i have to say i do really like the hybrid design i like the mixtures of the two things inside of it as well as when i slept on it um it was very it provided me i think with some support it was a very comfortable sleep when i slept on it even though it's a hybrid could you notice a difference between like this and the regular shaded memory foam like does it feel different than the others do you that's a good question in my opinion i would say i noticed a difference in that i think it was a little more conformative to my positioning and it felt like smoother and softer like it didn't feel as hard i think in my opinion one of their claims is it conforms to your head and neck so it sounds like yeah yeah oh so i felt like it did so i guess it did yes so for me this was the one i was the most interested in because it's a hybrid i never really had a hybrid and to your hands it feels really good i was like oh this is gonna be great yeah that's how i felt and then after my first night i woke up with a headache i was like i don't know i think that i would probably like it better if it was adjustable i mean you could technically cut it open i guess but i don't really want to do that um i think it was a little bit firm for me which is surprising because it feels so soft when you squeeze it so i i don't think it's a bad pillow it was just it was just too firm and thick for me i mean not not the firmest than the thickest i ever felt but not not something i really enjoyed that much so i was a little disappointed especially considering the fact that it was 90 bucks so i mean you when you get 90 bucks worth of pillow you want to have it good in the first night keep moving fair point fair point time for the first of two pedics this will be the snuggle pedic the battle of the pedics this comes at the end here this is the this is the bigger piece yeah well like i said earlier this is the only one all the standards were sold out when i had to buy this i mean we bought i bought these like two months ago so i went with a king size and this was uh it's so big it came and hold it they do say that this is filled to the firmness that most people like but if you don't like it they'll hook you up now obviously that's not something i could really do in the context of this video but it's something to know that they'll actually fix it up for you if you don't like it do you mean like they'll adjust the pillow or they'll give you a different one i think they said contact us if you don't like it and we'll and we'll make it right for you so i don't i don't really know what that entails i didn't really get that far but it's nice to know they say it's a proprietary mix of different types of memory foam so and it has a cool cover cool spell with a k that makes it even cooler very much so let's take a look back at my original test and then talk about it all right here we go snuggle-pedic see how it feels fluff it up a little bit feels nice they say you can manipulate the foam inside so you can have more or less where your head's going let's see that how that works my first impression is it's very soft i kind of sink halfway down from what i expected it to be it felt like the center there was kind of a gap where there wasn't as much foam over on the sides there's more so i guess you can move it around let me see well it is very soft is it too soft i don't know i feel like it's more support than the casper was maybe not quite as firm as some of the others it feels like right now there's kind of a less foam in the center and you can supposedly move that around somehow i guess to see how that goes all right well all right well we'll see how night number one goes with this snuggle-pedic all right so my first night with the snuggle-pedic was pretty interesting i think overall i seem to like it one thing i noticed was weird is that even though you're supposed to be able to move the foam filling around to suit your needs it seemed like there were times it kind of moved around without me wanting it to my head was kind of like in this little cavern at one point but i don't know we'll see how it goes after a week my first impression is to be cautiously optimistic so we'll see how the next week goes all right brian what do you think about the snuggle-pedic thank you for not chucking this one at me i like how big this pillow is um i don't know about youtube but this kind of negates needing two pillows on your bed and this kind of acts as like one giant pillow i also did not like this pillow it gave me i can't get my neck not as frequently as the sleep number um someone's got a sensitive neck around here but it only happened once it only happened once i like i said i do like the size of it i did use this again for back support um otherwise i thought it was just a pretty standard pillow i do appreciate the customer service claim that you said that's always a good thing right so that's something to consider so my opinion of the snugglepedic is i liked i think the feeling of it but sleeping on it wasn't as satisfying as i thought it would be it does feel very nice to your hands if it was a hand pillow it would be a 10. yeah seriously seriously for your hand it's great yes so i liked that about it i think my my major con which is how big it is there's not really a um a pillow cover for me that could cover it easily well that's not that's like that's because i had to get it king so yeah so your only con is not really their fault the only con is my fault that's what it sounds like to me it's okay yeah it's an okay pillow i think it's on my lower half but it's an okay so it's just kind of like a didn't really jump out at you but it wasn't bad either yeah i would say so okay i have an interesting observation i don't know if you guys shared this or not but what i felt was interesting was that i would sleep with my head right in the center of it and it felt like by the end of the night all the foam it kind of parted ways like the like the red sea and i was like kind of like sunk in there no i felt the same way did you yeah it was weird because it seems like i mean it feels it feels nice and i actually enjoyed it but that sinking sensation was a little bit jarring to me i'd wake up just kind of like sunken into the pillow more than i expected i guess so much like the casper um i did have that happen but that didn't affect me as much yeah same here i think the casper i sunk into and it kind of like went around my face this one it didn't it just seemed like all the foam just kind of moved out of the way all right well i mean that's a it's an interesting one it's uh so let's move on to the the other pedic right now this is the only adjustable pillow of the bunch you can unzip this and take foam out and this was the only one i had two of because i got a buy one get one free offer on this one what's interesting though is most adjustable pillows i've had send you extra foam this one didn't so if it wasn't thick enough for you you don't have any foam to add to it i don't think in our cases we ever thought it was too thick so or not thick enough so that wasn't really a problem so let's flash back to my original test and then get started this feels like a shredded memory foam for sure yeah okay let's see we got it feels kind of like a standard shredded memory foam pillow i'm trying to think if there's anything unusual feeling about it or anything special about it i'm not really seeing it it's nice i'm not sure if it really stands out at our first use it's kind of a lot of pillows i've tried and this kind of just feels like middle of the road but we'll see how it feels after a night's sleep on it maybe i will have a different opinion tomorrow so let's check back tomorrow see how it goes all right tempur-pedic after the first night it wasn't a bad night's sleep actually i slept pretty well on it one thing i noticed about this is it has just enough memory foam to my liking where it kind of conforms to your head but it doesn't move completely out of the way so you're sinking in there i was thinking about taking some of the filling out because it's adjustable but i'm not sure i'm going to really need to it seems to be about the right thickness for me out of the box so we'll see how it goes but after the first night i'm actually kind of optimistic this could be uh this could be a contender all right brandon what did you think about the tempur-pedic pillow so the tempur-pedic i thought was the the perfect median uh for for softness that some of the other pillows had and the firmness that some of the other pillows had um that largely is because it's an adjustable pillow so you can adjust it to how you like i think this was a pretty standard pillow outside of that there was nothing that it set apart from any of the other pillows it was just a good solid medium what do you think miss klein you're not related ethan klein are you no i'm not but i do frequent his podcast calvin klein oh i'm not so my opinion of the tempur-pedic is i liked it i think i liked it a lot i did like the option that you can remove some of the filling if you wanted to i found that i didn't necessarily have to remove any filling it was very nice it's still it is also very nice to the touch in my opinion um and upon sleeping on it it also conformed to my head well enough to where it didn't really give me like any uh support issues or anything like that so i think i really like this one the fact that it's adjustable makes it a positive to me but i never ended up finally to adjust it i kind of liked it right out of the box which is rare you know like i i didn't really feel like i needed to take anything out of there you would think it just everything about the screams it's just kind of a standard shredded memory foam pillow but it does it very well so it's like even though it's not there's nothing unusual about to me there's nothing that stands out but it just works really well which is what you want so i mean i it's kind of like the the dark horse of the group there's nothing special about it but it was actually really good so so that leads us to the final section which is our rankings of these yeah so we're gonna what we're gonna do is we're gonna give uh we're gonna start from number five and work our way up so brandon what is your number five your bottom pillow of the bunch my overwhelming bottom number pillow is the sleep number really yeah it is horribly expensive but it gave me the worst night's sleep i've had in a long time it just completely disappointed me so how do you really feel about it brandon jc what's your number five pick respectable i will say my number five pick is the casper pillow only because i didn't really necessarily like my head hitting the mattress like each time i tried to sleep much respect to casper but in terms of this particular pillow not necessarily for me yeah i my number five i agree i i actually think casper's number five for me i i've slept with down pillows and i like down pillows but this was just it was just it was down the list it's just it's not a very good down pillow to me it's maybe it's because i got the low loft and i should have got the mid even though their questionnaire said low i just i i felt like i didn't even need a pillow because i was already on the mattress so it's like what am i paying for this like put my mattress and call it good all respect though all respect we love you casper we're not trying to hate on you or anything what is your number four pick mr brandon my number four pick not much further away from the sleep number is the snuggle-pedic it wasn't nearly as expensive as the sleep number and it did basically everything that i said for sleep number that's all i really have to say about it it's like it's just it's less expensive so that's why ms ms klein yes so my number four choice was same with brandon the snugglepedic i have to say it wasn't too phenomenal to me nothing really stood out and the length though it's not the pillow's fault right it just wasn't of interest to me yeah shockingly my number four is also snugglepedic it's really cool i just didn't like how much i sank i mean like i sank a lot on the casper i think almost the same amount of single-pedic i don't think the length would have made a difference in that i just think that the design of it it's just i i don't think there's enough filling i think i just ended up sinking down almost in the mattress so number four snuggle-pedic number three mr brandon my third choice is a solid number three okay it is the caster pillow okay i think casper is number three for me that is cyber pillow i love using i love having pillows that are paper thin i don't mind sinking right to the mattress i actually sleep better with that as opposed to pillows that are much bigger that's a pretty ringing endorsement for number three i would say yeah number three jc my third choice is the sleep number i didn't really like how it um you couldn't really adjust it you couldn't really take anything out like you could the tempur-pedic um it was soft i enjoyed the the comfort um aspect of it but yeah that's what i would say okay well once again we agree on this one i had to sleep number also number three i mean to me i think that i i can see people liking this one because it feels soft it's just a little too firm for me it's too expensive i just i just feel like it's not as good as some of the other ones and the price definitely knocks it down a little bit too so we're going to do number two and number one together since when you say number two we're gonna go number one so what is your number two and number one bran so my number two is tempur-pedic i'm repeating number two and i makes number one the sealy these are very like these are almost like 1a and 1b really i can alternate very much similar to the first video we did with the coop and the purple harmony pillow right i would have either of those at number one and be completely fine that's exactly what i feel with these pillows so it's unlike your number three and your number four and five are way at the bottom number three is right in the center number one until you're away at the top one through five true one two five all right how about you jc number two number one my last two are the complete same as brandon tempur-pedic second and sealy first okay tempur-pedic second because i loved that you could adjust it and it was very comfortable it conformed well to my body everything was structured well sealy number one because i just find it a overall phenomenal pillow i've never seen a pillow like it really and i like the whole cool gel part to it it was really really nice i have the same two as you guys but they're in different order oh so i got the tempur-pedic number one and the sealy number two i mean i really like you said it's like i'm happy with both of them um i think that the the tempur-pedic i liked right out of the box even though it's adjustable which would have made even better but um i think the fact that i didn't really appreciate the cooling side as much as you did for the ceiling and maybe bumped it down number two for me but really both great pillows and the ceiling was the cheapest too so we're gonna do some quick math and we're gonna do a quick consensus and then wrap this thing up all right in my hand is the final consensus of all of our rankings here yes all right so number five uh with a score of 13 a high score is bad low score is good because we just added up our numbers so number a score of 13 what's the casper at number five i don't think anybody was really disappointed about that right brandon likes to cast i'm a little hurt but i think generally i think people watching would probably agree all love is not lost some people do like the casper okay so i still like casper number four which is not surprising since we all ranked at number four is the snuggle-pedic with a score of 12. and with a score of 11 number three is the sleep number so our top two number two is a tempurpedic and number one is cecily the tempurpedic catascore five and sealy had a score of four so there you go i think that our top two choices were the same for all of us so i think you can't go wrong with either one of those if you gotta get one of those pillows get one of those you will you absolutely like them yes all right well that was kind of fun i will link bran and jc's social media profiles below if you want to follow them i appreciate everybody watching and we'll see you next time thanks everybody bye guys
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 65,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: casper pillow, sealy pillow, sleep number pillow, snugglepedic pillow, tempur-pedic pillow, pillow comparison, best pillows for sleeping
Id: 5Dkg093lrNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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