Didn't know it was possible to suck this much! - TMNT Shredder's Revenge

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Some amazing detail I didn't realize when I first started playing this myself, is that many of the unique enemies were based on actual toys, from the robot chair things in the mall level to Bebop and Rocksteady's truck in level 3.

And yes, all of the characters in this game showed up in the cartoon, including Tokka and Rahzar apparently.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/SicSemperCogitarius 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

This game looks like it kicks so much ass. The spritework, the music, the gameplay, it all looks so damn good. I can imagine it would make for some ridiculously entertaining chaos with 6 players

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/aniforprez 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Tokka and Rahzar were in the cartoon after they appeared in TMNT 2. The frogs were a team called The Punk Frogs. Their names were Atilla the Frog, Napoleon Bonafrog, Genghis Frog, and Rasputin the Mad Frog

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JohnTHarmon 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

God this game's art is fucking gorgeous. The colors are great and bright amd there are so many fun animations and details. Hats off to everyone that worked on it

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Chacochilla 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Why did they make Rocksteady so hot?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sequoya- 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey i'm grump i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps hello and welcome back to gamegrumps hi uh all right we just cleared episode four uh krang's upset gelatinous head is squishing around in the background yeah what's the deal i don't know because that's he's just a robot right it's a that's like it's like a robot body yes so why would i like an animal worried yeah i don't understand strange i guess maybe we'll find out right now dude it sure is michelangelo it's just taking all this time to say it crank's head is falling down that hole that was created from a fissure that happened recently they're like they're already gone it's almost guys all right let's do this ooh who's that that's casey jones i think right i thought you could play as casey jones i hope so oh it's the rat king eww that's the [ __ ] rat king dude rat man forgive me this time man i love the rat man [Music] what was that from that was from the stand the uh the tv oh yeah so [Music] now like when i was a kid it was played by the guy who did willy and ghost oh who was an amazing comedian actor who tragically died young but lives on forever as the rat man would it be tragic if you died old [Music] i don't think so died old tragically lived out the full extent of a human lifespan it's always tragic when someone dies i i don't think so i don't think i i remember um someone said like someone who was like in their late 90s uh and they were about to go they were like are you sad he's like no the death of an old man is not a tragedy i was like that's a cool way to look at it what a [ __ ] baller dude yeah yeah i hope i have that good in attitude yeah hey man whoops sorry complete a level without getting hurt more than two times from obstacles okay you got what counts as an obstacle because i think these foot soldiers are kind of a big obstacle yeah they're an obstacle in my life for my mental health standing in my way tool kit also they're throwing obstacles at me so really what is up with that all the things these are the mousers yeah those are mousers dude the other day i went to a farm yes and they had ducks and they gave you food and then they eat the food out of your hand the ducks uh-huh and that's exactly what they do like instantly the moment you put your hand out they like run up and they're like i don't know why i thought you for some reason you were gonna say and i put out my hand and i fed the ducks and that's the end of my story cool thanks erin they were also really into my wedding ring say anything oh really yeah because i have a like a silicone wedding ring um because that [ __ ] rules yes you i remember because one of the first things i said uh or you said to me when i mentioned that i was married was did you get a silicone ring because the other kind will tear off your hand and i was like can we can i just enjoy this moment for one second but it's true though and oops whoa just wasted that bro it's all right it comes back in like five seconds only if you're good at this oh i like how they get all shadowy when they're dead but you can still knock them around a little bit like your junk ooh press y midair to perform super dive attack okay nice let's do it i love it i gotta smoke this oh it's pretty good wait i can i can just do that wow i have like many [Music] oh the super attacks kind of like add up what does that mean like you can even if you have one in the bank you can still like get the points and get another one this thing is [ __ ] out mousers yeah it's a mauser queen [Music] we stand a mauser queen it's like chomp on me queen oh we i went to the farm they yeah they loved my uh my ring oh yeah [ __ ] racking yes it is tell a story and this [ __ ] comes out i am the rat king i'm a rumbling rodent regent he's cool you have selected fragicide if you know the name of the king or queen you'd like to oh god in heaven oh it doesn't all right i was like oh i'm gonna take out so many rats damn this guy loves to throw dog [Music] no he loves to throw rats don't let him don't let him grab you whoa whoa oh dude i'm [ __ ] covering rats bro yeah cause he's tooting his rat horn oh rats gosh dang this guy just just bump over the rats dude just bump over the rats oh [ __ ] yo this is so hard [ __ ] wrecking's the hardest boss he's a gasoline gatekeeping rat boss oh where's his crown must have dropped a king i like i like saying words that i don't fully pizza i do it more than ever now pizza oh oh i'm sorry that's so sad i didn't understand what did he say suck my [ __ ] that's what it sounded like [Music] i like how the rats only take one hit really dude double butt plug yes no no no no no yeah no no no no no oh [ __ ] all the [ __ ] rats oh stop grabbing me you fool i'm trying to pizza my friend [ __ ] you pizza [ __ ] it'd be easier if there was only more than two i'm sorry what there were six of us playing you could play six at a time yeah that's why splinter in april are amazing that must be so much fun it's a [ __ ] it's chaos it must be madness what did you say just something about king stan drop my crown episode's clear dude i i won good job i got a lot of ko's spent the most time sprinting thanks man thanks for noticing oh my god wait so the crank head is the mcguffin of this game it is weird april's like um she just points to the camera this has been april o'neil reporting she was doing the soy jack pose like looking back and like oh it cut she's just screams the whole time like like you just did and then it cuts back to the guy in the newsroom thank you april very concise who the [ __ ] who's this chump the crystal palace mall that's probably in london because that's where the crystal palace football team is oh well we're in new york city [ __ ] the turtles isn't a great name for a soccer team crystal palace no no it sounds [ __ ] magical yeah but it's it's a team of people not a building they they have different naming conventions in soccer okay yeah like it's it's it's more usually more about like the region than it is about like the team nicknames so they they're from the region of crystal palace i believe so or that section of london if that is a section in fact [Music] london has like 14 teams wow it gets confusing how come because it's a soccer mad world oh yeah did that do anything for you where can i buy this thing i want that as a toy oh he's selling sushi he looks so busy yeah so all these customers oh [ __ ] hold on i'm just ringing you up oh and the other one's selling pizza okay he changed his mind he's gonna kill him he's gonna die instead he could have just safely made money selling sushi back there the whole time dude have you been doing the [ __ ] dodge roll that [ __ ] rules i have not i think it's gonna start keeping me alive [Music] i love the way they throw down their shopping bags like enough [Laughter] oh my goodness oh my car i just wanted a nice day out at saks fifth avenue i just wanted some ll bean is that so hard sounds like an ice cream flavor ll bean yeah can i get a little bean and do you sprinkles oh i found napoleon hey bud it's also a frog but he's got a whip oh there's several of them god were they a team were they a team like the turtles oh like the teenage mutant frogs i think i think that's the idea not so fast okay that did nothing [Laughter] hang on just a second he's gone already yeah boy escalator time how how are you sprinting around like that which one oh like you you move very quickly across the screen like this yes it's the b button thank you it's it's like a dodge roll i need pizza oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] any pizza stuff pizza i have died i'm sorry there were too many mousers they were grabbing my hand in which i held the pizza grab a hat hey [Music] [ __ ] man wait is that panzer dragoon no panzer the other the the anime one it's an indie game there's an indie game called pans or something and you play as a mech and i think i think our boy david lew did the box art or at least somebody that draws a lot like him that's awesome i thought i was you for a second you're okay shredder hi hey there sayo who the [ __ ] i don't know should we know who you are it's tempestra the dame of games this is not a real character i love it oh [Music] i hope you can unlock the original whoa oh yeah it's toca or razor i can't remember which one yeah i don't remember which one was which either but they were never in the cartoon token razzar yeah it was only in the movie it's token oh [ __ ] in the genesis version in the in the genesis teenage mutant ninja turtles beat them up i think it's called like the hyperstone heist you can fight tatsu from the movie really yeah he's like you know that guy that's very random it is random it's like ah the iconic character the guy in a everybody's movie costume oh he kicked me owies [Music] there's nothing like giving up like a werewolf character like a voice yeah pizza pizza oh pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza stay away from his fart cloud yeah and that's exactly what that is just dude we [ __ ] rule [ __ ] you tempestra if that is your real name nice no did she say my balls no balls no oh when it saves it it's like the little ooze canister ah wow it has secrets wow you won the pacifist awards c for sucking the most i'd like to thank the academy oh they found his body oh good i guess just his torso another missing robot what a shot donatello that's [ __ ] killing another missing robot piece did you hear him okay like a fujihiko voice tubular you've unlocked someday we can go to the turtle lair what it says turtle layer x ah oh it's just a bunch of [ __ ] i love [ __ ] stop the rogue channel six broadcast oh these are these are uh achievements this lair sucks yeah you can't get a better lair we're saving the whole city well you get paid for it you get sponsorship deals for saving the city i'm not saying i do i'm just saying it'd be nice finish level oh okay damn there's so many [ __ ] things to do yeah and i'm not gonna do a single one [Music] roof running reptiles [Music] i want to fight those bozos again you don't know who it is [Laughter] [Music] it starts to level with those yeah it could be anybody can we bring back bozo as an insult yeah absolutely oh [ __ ] is that you i don't know these are wireless how'd they get disconnected i don't know lost battery or something even though they've been charging all night yeah huh keystone pretends pretzels pretzels pretzels pretzels pretzels oh [ __ ] this game got a lot harder yeah stop it here's office place [Laughter] reticulating splines he's returning his copy of office space here's office space oh come here baby boys they're trying to blend in baby boy holes buttered baby boy holes ram ranch really rocks whoops did you die get over here what's the jump button jump full you haven't been jumping i have been but oh there it is okay i i started to get mixed up because i i'm incorporating more things into my repertoire it's making it confusing for me i was like damn have you been [ __ ] doing anything yeah i'm gonna try to not jump for like this whole level and see how it works out legos awesome picked a bad time to jump actually not unnecessarily jumping oh yeah hey [Music] [Music] oh an elevator stage love it oh you should do it so you're invincible yeah here i go geronimo whoa i got an extra hp point or did you oh you did oh you [ __ ] freak boy that pizza didn't help my health at all it was just for invincibility oh yeah oh i serious there you go yo boy whoa you can slap their arrows back at them really yeah that's awesome okay this game [ __ ] awesome this this is really fun [Music] all right we're up to level 700. jesus turtle where'd they come from how did they find us no aaron oh they didn't mean to it just showed up so quickly sorry hey uh here get hurt and then i'll pizza you so you can get some more health it's too late there's no time we're already in the process of whooping ass [Music] what the [ __ ] is he saying something about assignments okay okay okay uh peace beats peace peace peace peace speed speed speed speed speed yes oh yes see now you have more health [Music] jeez you gotta roll behind these [ __ ] that's the move whoa duh [Music] they all have swords i want to see i want to see like one of the turtles just get cut real bad oh [ __ ] oh my god losing a lot of blood i'm clearing i'm clear and i'm clearing it out clearing it out pizza pizza beats the beats pizza pizza yes thank you so much for waiting yeah that was cool i didn't mean to do that it's okay whoa what the [ __ ] was that what we both got our health back yeah yeah some of the pizza boxes give everybody both all their health like if it says like the two on it disgusting bug found just like my apartment that's the pal's worst of your problems yeah we don't need a second introduction bought them already all right let's be let's beat up on rocksteady yeah rockstar no this is bebop well we were beating up on rocksteady first yeah but then he went to the other side okay i need to get my dodgeball down yeah [ __ ] yeah you [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of garbage you [ __ ] pig aaron he's a pig though oh yeah it'd be like going up to you and be like you [ __ ] human [Music] he's done he's the onions that's what i call a town look at him shoot his stupid little gun what's that a nerf gun [ __ ] weirdo ow stop oh my god raphael raphael is rude raphael is a party dude that's raphael he's the leader and he's got the staff raphael leads raphael does machines when the evil rafael attacks raphael doesn't cut him no slack raphael the rat protector the rat protector yeah well splinter oh yeah raphael the girl reporter raphael he's rafael on the manhattan skyline raphael he's a turtle and he's raphael i gotta know how to jump in this stage ah no i don't know how to jump i wish these games are a little more realistic i wish sometimes like you just your turtle has to like take a [ __ ] or something like a real aggressive one and it's just like ah and i can't perform my god that's the [ __ ] she's like ah where's the nearest bathroom [Laughter] didn't want a latte get one anyway i should have guessed it was one one one one can i have that [ __ ] internal issue for like the men's room listen to this whoa yeah it's like super iron maideny oh [ __ ] yeah dude our blimp oh [ __ ] how come the blimp isn't just like shooting lasers at these [ __ ] great question did we install a laser cannon on the blimp no i assume it has weapons right i'm unclear oh if the toy had weapons it shot like a little ball i think maybe it didn't [Music] my dad is gonna make you cry for a second pizza time you're gonna love it gotta kill this guy yeah dumb gotta be of scum [Laughter] huge fan of amy bobby yeah oh [ __ ] them all [ __ ] bi you know it oh it's got a name katana blast slash well i don't think yours is called that everybody use your katana slash i think oh jeez man i don't know they just all got swords they were like sizes they suck double swords is way better everyone just gets double swords you know what we should all wear blue masks elizabeth's color turtles get really confusing i mean they all were red in the cartoon i mean the cartoon the comic i remember being very put off by that as a kid they didn't make them the different shades of green it's like donatello is kind of like a darker shade of green oh yeah wing nut planet flag glons thing there's all kinds of [ __ ] aliens or whatever boy what is this storm eagle [Music] he's gonna do it again [ __ ] [Music] he's pooping rockets no eat it [ __ ] pizza time nice i missed him [ __ ] pizza time how about a taste of this i missed him yo this is [ __ ] impossible yeah this is really tough too much going on yeah oh he's almost dead wing that's almost dead nice [ __ ] loser dork geek apparently a dork is a whale's genitalia yeah and a geek is somebody who bites the heads off chickens god insults have so many angles to them no that's why we need to bring back bozo what does that mean he was a famous clown uh this guy's out oh it was him you know it's like it's nice to see these characters billy with a long nose yes but like they were in turtles in time you know yeah so it's kind of like oh cool he's back but also like um shoot your plunger at me i was kind of like i was i was kind of like thrilled to see um what was a dirt dirt boy and wolf man minotaur dirt boy and wolf man yeah a minute ground chuck and dirtbag yeah minotauro those guys it was like oh i've never seen them before that was cool and then it's like oh this one's bebop and rocksteady again this was the goose oh yeah i know what you mean it's like i'm sure there's this game's like long yep and strong and bound to get the friction on do you do you want to help us you got a bow and arrow hey guys dude seriously [Laughter] oh you [ __ ] with the wrong ones man is this what coney island looks like because this looks exactly like santa monica up here whoops [Music] leonardo kiss oh we're both on the ground might as well kids just careful they've got oh damn these planks oh come and get me that's not katana blast he uses his move come and get me you want to use that power up whoops oopsie pizza time [ __ ] awesome look at this carnival barker was he a dog cause he's always parked oh i'm always thinking this brain as long as i'm trapped in this meat prison might as well make the most of it oh an actual ninja colored ninja unheard of in broad daylight i'll never see him [Music] go you're wasting time what are you doing man whoops did he say son of a i hope so it's like [ __ ] yeah is there like the swear you know or like in mortal kombat there was like the blood code is there like the swear code oh [Music] yeah hot dog oh [ __ ] yeah brodio yeah there you go [Music] down here freak oh he's got size too but i'm better size isn't everything for raphael it is that's all i got i always wondered because he keeps him in the front of his belt uh-huh if he has to bend over does it like stab his little legs i don't know it's always i think that's adorable that you refer to him as his little legs i'm a balloon how how do you get that how do i oh oh yeah you gotta hit the oh silly [Music] silly no that's a riot tickets [Music] and pamphlets pamphlet power what was your favorite part of the tv turtles game the pamphlet part what are you kidding there was a stand for pamphlets and i went up and i hit it it fell into a million pieces dude i'm having issues with the psy guys i'm having issues with mcdonald's fry guys are they made out of fries they were i always thought that was like the implication but it's just like they're just shaggy yeah they had like little fry dreadlocks i love them oh i didn't put my pants on he's assaulting the swamp ready to jump you could just see my diaper out in the open i'm in the cup baby what's up i guess we're just rhyming random things now yeah um no oh i wasted it stop jumping on the bed i wasted it dude what a [ __ ] nerd [Music] stop why are they just cut it out they're just riding the roller coaster back there well it's fun i'm thrilled for them but like some of us have to fight the alligator well they don't have to it's not their job yeah i guess not apparently not oh they gave us pizza oh that is cool see that that's neat yeah i can get down to clown with that yeah boy ah [ __ ] [ __ ] kind of a short roller coaster yeah it could be better it's just like [Music] we're gonna die yeah oh no congratulations you won the airborne award thanks out of the two seconds that i was in the air definitely the most okay say again speak up well next time i get rose oh yeah i guess so i get your gosh dang right we're going to finish this shiz just crossed the bridge but oh yeah great point yeah that's fine all right all right bye everyone later everyone kiss my dude gotta kiss my dad good kiss my dad's my dad
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 171,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: sjl7VGL6u24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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