Best of Dean Martin

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everybody loves somebody sometime in the history of television the Demark show is really one of a kind to understand what I mean by that you have to know about the unusual arrangement Dean had with the network you see for whatever reasons he had at the time Dean wasn't so sure he wanted to do a weekly variety show so I guess he figured the best way not to do it was to invent some pretty impossible conditions so impossible no network would ever agree to them he said sure he'd be happy to do a weekly show but he didn't want to rehearse the sketches as a matter of fact he didn't even want to rehearse the songs and if he didn't feel like singing he wouldn't sing how Christine's a reasonable man he did agree to and deduce his guests and see that everybody had a good time but while you'd think no network would ever buy a contract like that they did the public bought it too and right on buying that fresh spontaneous style had been brought to television a style that kept his show right on top for almost a decade our angel walks like names who talks and her hair has a kind of curve she mic a girl she's wife like angels why with eyes like an Angels eye and a smile I can kind of firm she mic a girl will place that face just knocks me out to the feet well me look and cook like me and my mind she's a cannibal yeah to see my bank face does not stay off me me sweet looks good like an angel perks and my mind it kind yeah my kind of girl and my full of joy she's told her four Oh Oh wonderful moments show is full of surprises if you were a guest you never knew quite what to expect as a matter of fact if you were Dean you didn't know what to expect for instance the famous closet anybody or anything might be waiting to step out and Dean himself was the last to know hazal I figured a heart Jimmy mr. Raymond Burr although I stopped in history as if Flip Wilson show oh hey I thought I heard people laughing in no I'm kidding I came over to give you a Willie Laughlin special little concoction that I whipped up myself it's a half of all this guy's half a bottle of bourbon a barge in half about rum and with a black widow spider riding the Olive side you drink that right down that make me seek your help hi I'm Barney what I'm happy to say I was around and part of something unique in television called the Dean Martin experiment a show where the star never rehearsed true he came in at the last minute after the rest of the cast had worked in slaved all week and for the most part he did everything just once oh sure he'd goof now and then but the public seemed to love it it became known as the Dean Martin style nice and easy and for comedians what a great straight even without a rehearsal I'll I'll show you what I mean here's a bit we did together that first year of the NBC series back in 1965 yeah do you have a private room of some kind of like to discuss returning a gift oh is it underwear sir no it's a isn't isn't underwear see um my wife bought me a toupee for our anniversary and I'd like to like to return it what do you have it with you sir it's under here under the Hat yes well look what more lizard sir I don't I don't know what I don't know what model it is it see the crew cut with the widow's peak Oh our mr. wonderful mom and whatever you call it well could I see the item sir uh I'll shut you in just a minute sir there's some people coming just don'tdon't don't start just hey they gone back yes they've come back see there it is see the proper problem is I noticed people on the street they start laughing at me as as I come towards him you know well it certainly makes you look years younger I think thank you very much sir what CA Lee still laughed and see we um we went to this this party and I bent I've bent down to put some cheese dip on his cracker toupee fell him into the cheese every 31 foot having cheese dip huh maybe a laughing matter useless not and the hostess started crying and hostess those Chessen we spent about two hours trying to fish it out of it she's so uh anyway I took it home and I put it in our washer/dryer yeah we have we have one of those with the windows you know and yeah there's another problem I see the kids like to sit and watch they like to watch it and see there they're mad cuz I'm returning it would you want a full exchange well I like a straight man who didn't laugh I don't want the full exchange oh and what I'd like to get is real real cheap when I could stick in the washer today kissing what Victor did you know your wife was getting a toy you sir well I didn't I didn't well looking back of course um she went one morning she came in with his piece of paper in and she told me to put my head on it you know raised my head she never tell me what it was for you well exactly what is your main complaint well then the main complaint is it doesn't it doesn't do it you know you say it's gonna do well that particular models guaranteed to stay on in a hurricane well yeah I know I know it stays on a hurricane but see huh yeah we're from Iowa look you know we we really don't don't get that many hurricane you mean Lee I wanted to stay on when I go down for the cheese of course if you list exchange it would have to have the price tag you sure you work for Jerry yeah but I stuff with this room can I use your phone if Oh for heaven's sake yeah uh honey listen uh you you want to call the hannasseys and ask him to look and see if there's a price tag in the bottom of the dish do you know I used to study Dean I tried to figure out what technique he was using to look so relaxed and natural actually he was genuinely relaxed and natural and he was a great listener so the unexpected never threw him not even when Goldie horn started delving into philosophy this was a first meeting for Dean and Goldie and there was instant chemistry I was there it didn't take Goldie long to get Dean involved in a very deep deep discussion but it's just wonderful having you on my show I've always wanted to get to know you and find out what you're really like oh yeah cuz whenever I watch on I watch on television you're always pretending to be so dumb you know what I mean I'm not pretending I really am dumb yeah I am you know and what's more I'm proud of it dumb is beautiful you're proud of being done that's right I mean now did you ever stop and think who are all the people that caused all the trouble in the world I give up who the smart people smart people that's right and who are the scientists and the Statesmen and the generals who run all the government make all the wars and the dumb people another question look at air pollution mmm my main point many of the cars and the machines that cause all that they're smart people my people yes yes and what's the major problem confronting today confronting our universities in like uh I never thought of that that's because you don't like me yeah that's right yes and then there's the overpopulation crisis well now you just wait a minute hold on there Goldie you can't blame that on the smart pill I mean dumb people have just as many babies yeah but they can't count I know that I'll use only but look the way dumb people do about this yeah this is the question we all have to stick together in fact you just boom to national organization I'm gonna loosen it yeah why did you cheer up Helmuth deviate the DDA dumb-dumbs of America oh yeah cost $5,000 to join we never have any meetings you don't get married you know me membership privileges you don't even get a membership card well gee whiz a person would have to be real dumb to join our organization like that exactly that's how we weed out all the undesirable I said that's how we weed out all the undesirables you said that just the same just did the first time maybe to jump well doesn't your organization have that any activities at all yes we are put we went and it up in poll one I don't do much a dumb people's march on Washington well we got lost is there any possible way that there you can join an organization yeah like that it's not like that it's not easy you see there's an initiation test oh yeah and you have to get under third you pass yep have under 32 prezbo what kind of test is it well let me show you can we have a dictionary it's another dummy to through it in all right how's this gang go what did what do you do well you look in there you pick out some words and I'll tell you what they mean all right all right okay here we go appreciate appreciate um that's like last year what you lost on your car Oh posterity posterity that's what you're sitting on we're familiarize familiarize ah that's like when you get in fashion in the chick movie all right a subterfuge he goes in the game to kick pigpig yeah well hot diggety dirt I don't know all right to correspond to correspond when you make you people get it deploy in Providence Providence JAXA City boy your phone is that's some instruments Hungarian speak an antidote if you poison take Oh Labor Day a wood and a leg resume yes that's how we keep up Angie I hear a word a day or a day oh man Oh chi-su tender age under a that's a word insurance salesman you smell what's tantamount to me that's a company that is here on the coast to Picture Company on disseminate that's a fella with the feminine point of view No station brakes were especially treat whatever the nonsense Dean went through with it but just once wake up that's a real inside job you know how I hate water he never attacked a song Dean performed the song and to perform a song okay you have to understand the lyrics you have to under the that's the way Dean worked and with that came the charm and the smile and the look and all the marvelous moves the Dean had it's it's like the difference between watching Fred Astaire in a number and he's brilliant he's fantastic he's precise he is the most precise performer I've ever known in my life I was lucky to be able to do one of those shows he's fantastic I was also fortunate enough to work with Gene Kelly Gene Kelly had great moves great dancer but he had more of a feel for the room and for what he was doing and Dean of course was like Gene Kelly other guys precise guys performers not perform as singers or like Astaire Gene used to love to work with Dean they just felt the great companionship feel performance and they understood one another my blue Malibu there is tears in his eyes teller oh wait a minute okay I can't go on I'm all choked up you meet all these blue songs were too sad for you no I think I have my shorts on backwards oh you're right those blues songs are awful sad let's sing something bouncy okay Raquel well I'll tell you what we'll do Dean let's sing some happy blue song happy blue songs yeah you know like blue skies or bye-bye blues oh that's the saddest title I ever heard what bye-bye blues oh blues I thought you said by my boos skies blue skies do I see babies all of them go another blue sky Oh bow doors are well very few doctors I know where tuxedos on the job but on Dean show that didn't seem to bother anybody least of all against like Johnny Carson you you the head in a hospital yes what can I do for you well I have a little complaint to make about your hospital you see I was there I was here a month ago to have my appendix out well I really know how to tell you this but you see I huh it's just one of those crazy one has to put your appendix back let me tell you what happened you see I was in a semi-private room and the other patient in the room didn't want to be by the window so we we switched beds you think and we were scheduled for surgery the next morning both of us well to make a long story short they gave me the operation they were supposed to give the other patient what kind of operation was that here was a sex change I think how we see faces here I mean at this hospital we aim to please it's not your aim I'm complaining about like this happened before what is your name green Cynthia green gotta admit we sure did a good job would you please sit down not necessary is my husband it's just you saw David try and look on that right side this a lot of a new doors for you like what the men's room or things together now you do three nights week my husband and I go out looking for broads I want you know mrs. green just call me Cynthia aren't you nothing to the hostile worthiness power to make amends just tell us I'll see what I do want I want you to get the best doctors the best nurses the best surgeons in the world I want you to bring them all here to get to the hospital at your expense and I want you to right this terrible wrong that you've done me you mean you want us to change you back into a woman no I want you to talk to my husband I want you to meet him I just love being on Team show they always let me sing and play the piano and dance and and do ever it was well watch and now ladies and gentlemen for my first impression oh just a second what do you mean for your first impression what is this well the last few times you've had me on your show Dean you let me sing so I thought maybe this time I'd do something a little different so I worked up a couple of impressions hey that's terrific girl well who do you do a lot of people a lot of people I I always had kind of a flair for mimicry and when I was a kid I'd buy our carrier let me let me show you this that this is one of my favorites who Joe Jimmy Cagney or James Gang whoa uh you you dirty rat you gave it to my brother one brother Hey and I thought you were gonna be lousy who else do you do yeah here's here's my edge solemn head sound whoa wait inflate it like ladies and gentlemen tonight tonight on our state we have a really big show you really got him down to a tee where do you see this one Betty de Betty Davis Oh Peter Peter hey Peter yeah hey what are you doing that's spooky okay okay just look back I had to do a lot of others but they aren't perfected just as a good friend and frequent guest on the show I was just as aware as the rest of America that Dean's charisma included being quite a ladies man they all found him charming suave sexy attentive and of course the show made sure Dean was surrounded by them he came in once a week and found the studio filled with gorgeous girls that's not a bad way to begin your day back in 1965 the show started this policy innocently enough by heaven follow a girl four little girls get bigger every day they grow up the most your life away I think one of them got my bottle by mistake those their lives so helpless and appealing one day will flash and send you crashing a little girl thank heaven no matter where no one little then the dolls became real life Johnny friend I can they can touch me I can't touch them beautiful question pretty girls became a regular part of the show each week with musical questions now once this particular show and see how Dean handles an unusual situation remember this is not an outtake this is the way it went out on the air what is this thing called you never knows you don't know Oh dududu what you and and and before baby love is lovelier the second time like this game alcohol don't make the mistake let it make a mistake I need no kiss from champagne I'm Venus de Milo well you're off okay come on let's do it again for you it's alright sweetheart he'll just come out of your chair we all make mistakes remember Hitler okay Dean always kept it like and put every one of these watch how smoothly it goes this time a little game of musical questions it's the funny little game we love along okay as long as you don't try to put us on the spot well there's a kick girls now you know how to play just grab a car and you single question and I'll give an answer okay what is this thing you'll never know what you don't know dun-dun-dun love is lovelier the second time around no kidding from champagne mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all two different worlds if you watch closely in this number the see Roy Rogers Dale Evans and all the bouncers lead beat around as they shouting structures and push and pull him in all directions Dean just stayed loosen went with it truth that the leading man can be led just once on camera don't you meet your partner from a home bird up out in the Colombian Brown right left in your foyer drowning person train never one to be outdone Jack Benny dropped in he brought his own thing Alex we can do I'm so dizzy jack I sent you could do my entrance but who are they these are my ding-a-ling look like they have much ding left whatever they've got is plenty for me yes Dean had his girls every week and they were charmed by him but then Jax ladies were just as crazy about Jack well I guess when two great lovers meet it presents a challenge that can only be met by showed up why this grilled you sir it's a strange that's me let's go been through yeah just to what are we going tonight to get together why does it Oh and I am growing on couldn't be better take a new handbag Peter Jackson and II know we and me show you you can make it nobody like you hey you me on this show Victor barber attempts to show Dean his method of vocal punctuation marks it's a punctuation that makes it very clear what you are singing or what you are singing about hmm so uh but you you can't seem to punctuation mark oh yes my system the phonetic punctuation you see I have a system I called the phonetic punctuation and that means that you add sounds to the punctuation marks so anybody who understand the system but nobody's all about for the superior sounds like this could you turn the other way when you Hesperian well as you're sure you can wherever our Laura that's okay then - is good and in estimation point is - very good - be the period underneath you've been the common rotation are true premises oh mighty Rogers father difficult question mark Oh your isn't long enough yes the coolants and the and the - Oh cold I'll record it okay mom dad dad's right but what we're gonna do it or how do you sing these things like you you sing a song and I'll doing the punctuation mark and then I will ask you to sing a song with the punctuation mark just get used to it this no all right okay well you only learn it myself all right remember the nah you say I love you remember hey that's great now why don't you sing and I'll try the punctuation maybe I can do it I don't know but I only sing for funeral oh you can kiss me on a Monday there Monday and Monday is different never never on a Sunday as Sunday is Sunday of course that's my day of rest doesn't come out and come out at all then you save it for the next time Oh well here goes on I'll try some you know myself I have to do this how can I do my selling fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars you can get clean you sing now again I'm crying yeah Maria I just made a girl in Maria and suddenly that name will never be the same to me a most beautiful sound I ever heard Maria one what a perfect night for love where is it truly one their part we on a bright cloud of music shall we fly we dance shall we dance shall we then say good night and goodbye dear me name I call myself a long winter run I saw you and go when you came I got I fell the throw when you cut my my heart Stood Still once again I see to feel better yeah Sparkle Oh still burning they'll be on you he's too slow mr. things they never taught me in a classroom you mama really yeah I just talking to myself the last dude in one I never travel in a oh god no we form a pair inventions some road gang or just living off the fat of our great and I can play it was for two years a regular part of the Dean Martin show was a sort of a situation comedy segment with Kay Medford as Ken Elaine's mother who thinks that Dean is merely that small-time Italian crooner who sings on her Kenny show stuff you can't cut you won't get the lollipop I mean well it's my friend here this is my friend Frank Sinatra oh how do you do mr. sinister ready howdy you're a little bit early I'm not finished yet or come in sit down oh no not say that's a company mean I Frank well Kelly is sitting on the potty again are you and show business too you kiddin great mrs. Lane Fred sure sure you're sure you're do be do be do oh yeah would you get your mind out of the gutter Thomas explain what Dean means is that I sing just like him well would you have my deepest self well it's gonna be a lovely party tonight some very nice girls are coming do you have any trouble getting enough girl sir Kenny Oh Oh course doctor look crazy about Kenny all he has to do is call them yeah can't you as away with call girls huh I tell you to go jump in the lake but I think good cause an oil slick thank you do you go out with girls yeah uh no ma'am I'm saving myself when you get married no for when he gets divorced if the Pope feel you are Italian he'd turn Jewish I think we're all finished now but you know maybe we order wash it dear give it to me I'll drop it off at the cleaners don't you trap your mind off at the cleaners while you're at it don't you worry about the girls you'll be perfectly safe I'm your chaperone what's a chaperone Frank picture Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice with Billy Graham sitting in the middle I'm Ken's date hi I'm Ken well they you've got five minutes then I'm candy hey mommy darling lovely couple him she sure does well I really I'm glad way we came tonight usually on New Year's Eve I have a little get-together at my place yeah it's this annual affair oh you're slowing down do you know do you know who they are I don't even know what they are Marvin I want you to meet Kenny's sister this is Shirley and this is a girlfriend why these why don't you pick and see who gets here what a shame we don't have a fine okay right what do you want heads or tails judging by their heads neither all right I'll take a shout to it I'll take tails okay heads I win you get both them so let the girls choose Shirley why don't shoot kick huh why do I always get stuck with the ugly one now we've talked a lot about Dean's charming ability to walk blindly into a sketch do it once and make it work or being thrown into a dance routine without rehearsal and making that enjoyable well when it came to singing well just about every singing star in the business appeared on Dean shows and always look forward to those medleys with him what times they had everybody up somebody's up time especially now remember Oh God only the be out of town along with the tumbling town ah sobbing no you didn't tell me so it's baby time down south the old salad take me back there Oh Oh to come I'll do unfurl Wayne just welcome to mom the biltmore garage wants a grand so but we ain't got a grand on hand if you watch the scenes with the two of the guys together okay you'll start to gravitate toward aim because he has such a command on that audience you don't know that Frank's on the stage you're only concerned with Dean because now Dean is in his element he's a performer he's not singing he's performing is he singing yeah they're doing some things together but he's really performing and if you're looking for action he'll furnish the spot even when the heat is on is never too hot not for good ol reliable Nathan for it's always just a short walk Dulli always they're well heeled shoes everywhere everywhere we'll shoot it now letters for a fella who can gas why if the sizing up one in Greece ready to go broken quiet and provided by there are no neighbors I can't say all this
Channel: Steen Pedersen
Views: 2,553,165
Rating: 4.7841048 out of 5
Keywords: Dean Martin (Musical Artist), Best of Dean Martin, The Dean Martin Show (TV Program), Dean Martin, Everybody loves somebody
Id: 3k44hOODsLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 10sec (3670 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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