The BEST SORCERER in Baldur's Gate 3 - [Updated] Honour Build Guide

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hello my friends and welcome back to another Boulders Gate 3 character building guide hope you're all doing well today we're covering my pick for the best sorcerer build in Boulders Gate 3 this is an update video to my previous video of the same name because the mechanics of sorcerer have changed significantly in patches over the lifespan of the game and so I thought it would be very important to update my sorcerer build to be consistent with how the game works in the modern era and to focus in on the incredible power that sorcerer can bring to the table for your honor mode runs so what do Sorcerers bring to the table well the answer is raw power sorcerer is in my opinion the single strongest character class in balers Gate 3 because the core concept of sorcerer is inherently broken Sorcerers class abilities revolve around manipulating the action economy taking multiple turns within a single turn which is one of the most powerful things that you can do the action economy in Dungeons and Dragons is the concept of how many actions are you taking versus how many actions your opponents are taking at least relevant actions sorcerer's entire class revolves around taking more actions in a single turn and having those actions be more impactful within a single action than other classes so it does one of the most powerful things that you can possibly do and can often be as effective as two or even three other characters would be in the same amount of time because it's able to just simply cast more spells than another character would be able to cast to do more things than another character would be able to do and can overpower your enemies with sheer force of numbers all within a single character Sorcerers also benefit from being significantly easier to play than most other spellcasters their relatively narrow spell selection because you have to actually choose your spells as you level up means fewer decisions that you have to make during play and because Sorcerers have Constitution save proficiency even if you uh mess up your position iing and get them hit by an enemy they won't lose concentration on their spells as often which makes them much more forgiving than many other Caster classes even despite their relatively low hit points Sorcerers also get great positioning and defensive options which makes them um a very smooth character to play through honor mode or tactician mode or high difficulties and in my opinion the best spellcaster to play if you're relatively new to the game because it will make it easier for you to make decisions and also the best spellcaster to play if you are just looking for the most powerful character for your party Sorcerers are excellent I'm using the halfling hirling as the example character here because halfling has special Synergy with sorcerer as a race pick halflings get the ability to reroll uh natural ones that they roll on a 20-sided die including on saving throws and that includes concentration saves Sorcerers will very often want to be concentrating on a spell and if they take damage they might lose concentration on that spell but because they're extremely good at concentration saves with proficiency and high Constitution normally that will only happen if you roll a natural one or two and halflings ability to roll natural ones me means many fewer concentration checks that you are going to fail that means that halflings can safely concentrate on important spells like haste without any danger of losing them much more easily than other characters can and therefore make excellent Sorcerers other great options for Sorcerers include any race that gets Shield or armor proficiencies because Sorcerers naturally don't have those and there are many good light armors and shields that are really excellent for Sorcerers in particular half wood elf which gets shield and light armor proficiency and also 35 foot movement speed is an excellent pick because that will allow you to move faster which is very important for a character that wants to stay out of range of enemies it also has special Synergy with some of the sorcerer's abilities while wearing a shield and light armor to make your armor class better another great option is dgar because you can become invisible out of combat they're always excellent or gith Yankee who get medium armor which can increase your armor class even more as well as once per day Misty step and the ability to have uh all intelligent skills proficient which will help you in dialogue checks Sorcerers are likely to be your party face so the ability to to make knowledge checks in uh conversations can be very helpful and get you think you can do that so those are my picks for races but halfling I think is a really excellent choice for a sorcerer and is my recommendation for our ability scores we get to keep things very simple and take a very standard attribute split we're going to take 16 Charisma it's our primary casting stat so we need that as high as possible and 16 Constitution because we want High hit points and high concentration save Constitution saves so we can maintain concentration on our spells and drop intelligence to eight because we don't need that at all go to 14 dexterity and then put our last two points in wisdom to make sure we have a high wisdom saving throw which is the most important saving throw in the game for our skills we are going to ensure that you have persuasion which you can do either by selecting it at character creation or taking a background that gives it to you and then probably take additional um additional skill proficiencies in dialogue skills as well Sorcerers are only likely to need Charisma skills to give you the best options for various conversations that's what they're most likely to be doing it their skill checks and don't really need any other skills um so I recommend putting all of your points into these another option is you could take 17 Charisma and 10 wisdom so do this and plan to get the actor feat if you do that you'll get expertise in deception and performance and if you intend to do that don't select those two skills cuz the actor feat will give those to you regardless but just to keep things simple we're going to go with the very basic split for this example next we have to make the the most important decision that we're going to make when building our sorcerer what kind of sorcerer we're going to be Sorcerers choose their subass at level one which is actually a pretty significant Advantage because it means that not only do you get your class abilities just from being a sorcerer at first level you also get subass abilities starting right from the beginning of the game since these abilities are so powerful getting access to them right away really Powers up the character overall and so it's really good that we get to pick our subass so early and choosing the right one can make a significant difference in how powerful your sorcerer is there's three sorcerer subclasses wild magic is based on Randomness and causes random things to happen and so because this one is going to mostly disrupt your plans you can safely discount it if you're trying to build the most powerful character wild magic sorcerer is super fun but also very risky and so we're going to avoid it since we're just trying to make the most powerful sorcerer that we can draconic sorcerer does the most damage of any of the three sorcerer sub classes but requires you to focus in on a single element which can somewhat restrict your characters play so if you just want raw damage check out my fire sorcerer build for draconic sorcerer but for the best overall sorcerer we're going to go with storm sorcery storm sorcery seems like it's going to focus on lightning damage but um despite being a lightning themed character what it actually gives you is just some of the most powerful and versatile subass features in in the entire game as well as access to many of the best spells in the game without having to spend spells known slots on them so it makes your sorcerer significantly more versatile if you're a storm sorcerer you get to just know spells that you would have had to learn um because the storm sorcerer just learns new learns more spells than the other sorcerer variants and so that gives you quite a leg up in terms of being able to react to many situations at level one storm sorcerer gets tempestuous magic which is one of the top five or so class abilities in the entire game let alone uh ones that appear at level one whenever you cast a level one spell or higher you can fly as a bonus action and that flight doesn't provoke opportunity attacks that means that enemies who are next to you you can always cast a spell and then just leave you never have to take an attack of opportunity from them and it lets you reposition to High Ground where enemies can't get to you uh infinitely fly out of combat if you have any ritual spell any spell that doesn't cost a spell slot to cast so tempestuous magic just gives you an enormous amount of Versatility and positioning power for your character it's one of the best abilities in the game and is a significant draw and why I recommend going with storm sorcery and finally we have to choose our level one spells for our cantrip selection we are going to go with Ray of frost as our main combat spell you typically only need one damage spell um one damage cantrip for your sorcerer you might think you want multiple elements to be able to swap between elements but mostly that won't come up and if you do come up against an enemy who's immune to cold damage you can simply use a higher level spell in order to hurt that enemy Ray of frost is the one of the best uh combat cantrips in the game second only to warlock's eldrich blast because it does 1d8 cold damage which is very slightly less than Firebolt but slowing the target's movement speed is extremely relevant especially in the early game and can definitely keep you alive you can also double the damage because it's cold damage so any enemy who's wet who's been hit by a create water from your cleric or a water bottle that's been thrown at them will take double damage from all cold and lightning damage which is an important concept that we are going to talk about a lot as we go through this uh sorcerer build and finally it can be used to freeze puddles of water on the ground this is an incredible utility option because ice surfaces in Boulder's Gate are ludicrously powerful an enemy on an ice surface has to make a deck save or fall prone and if they do that on their turn they just lose the rest of their turn so this lets you effectively if you there's a large puddle of water on the ground it can let you stun an entire group of enemies for only a single can trip action just by freezing the ice under them and making them slip and fall when they try to come after you so Ray of frost is incredibly powerful next we're going to take minor illusion this is maybe the best uh cantrip in the game it may even be the single best spell in the game because it it has just such an wide variety of uses you can use it to steal things by distracting NPCs or group enemies for AOE fights pull individual enemies away from their allies to assassinate them on their own um the number of uses for this spell are limited only by your creativity so I recommend getting used to it next we are going to take uh Mage hand because Mage hand gives you the ability to um set up a lot of things it you can only use it once per day unlike these other can trips but it is still extremely powerful um one trick that you can use for example is to drop a healing potion or a bottle of water at your feet and then the Mage hand can throw that to at an enemy or an ally um so you can use the Mage hand basically as a whole extra character in combat and then finally for our last can trip we're going to take friends friends is very useful for any character that's going to be doing dialogue checks it is dangerous to take on honor mode because it is committing a crime when you cast friends but there's two ways around this either you only use it against characters you were going to fight anyways and there's a lot of times you'll be making a dialogue check um to make a subsequent combat easier or something and friends can help with that or you just leave immediately after the conversation because if you leave immediately and then wait a minute the crime will go away um so friends is just very powerful if you don't like doing either of those things then you can drop access to friends and pick up uh another utility spell like light or dancing lights either of those are good for our spell selection at this level we are going to take chromatic orb as our combat spell chromatic orb lets you choose any one of the elements so you can always have the right element and lets you create ice surfaces on the ground just like with Ray of Frost with the ice version or just do a ton of damage um with the other damaging versions of chromatic orb it's also AOE if enemies are close to each other and is therefore just the best level one combat spell and for our second spell we're going to take shield shield is an incredible defensive reaction that will help keep your character alive much more easily and you absolutely want it on every sorcerer that's our level one build let's move on to level two at character level two we get to learn one more spell and we also get access to our first two metamagic features metam magic lets Sorcerers spend sorcery points which you get one of per sorcerer level and can also turn other spells turn turn spell slots into for more of them if you need more um in order to affect your spells in some way in this case we get access to Twin spell one of the most powerful features in the entire game because it lets you spend sorcery points to cast two spells for the price of one action that if is double the spells for a single action so where other characters are casting only one spell we're already casting two at second level which just lets us completely overwhelm enemies with the number of actions that we can take absolutely mandatory one of the most powerful features in the game twin spell is definitely what you're taking as your first metam magic pick our second one is less 100% set in stone both distant spell and extended spell are quite good I personally favor distance spell uh quite a bit because you will often want to be hanging way back from combat and so the ability to cast a spell for only a single sorcery point it's relatively cheap the ability to cast a spell on a turn you wouldn't otherwise have been in range is very useful but extended spell is also good because it can lock down enemies for more turns I find that Sorcerers are really good at ending combats quickly though so extended spell comes up less often but either of these are reasonable picks depending on what you want for our spell selection at this level we're going to take magic Missile which is just absolutely mandatory for any Caster that can pick it up magic Missile never misses um it will work 100% of the time unless the enemy has Shield and you can split it across multiple enemies to finish off low Health enemies so it's extremely valuable for that there's also lots of combats where you just need to do some damage to a few things guaranteed you can also just focus in on a single enemy for a whole bunch of damage magic missiles just an incredibly versatile and Powerful combat spell and definitely required for most casters so we're going to pick it up here at character level three we get access to second level spells which is where things start to get really exciting as well as even more metamagic options for our metamagic choice there's only one choice that makes sense and that is going to be Quicken spell lets you spend three sorcery points to cast a spell as a bonus action right now that's pretty expensive CU we only have three sorcery points base although remember you can turn spell slots into more sorcery points if you need to but later on down the line Quicken spell is going to become incredibly important and if you both Quicken and twin a spell in the same turn you you are effectively casting three spells in a single turn which lets you triple the number of actions another character would be taking Quicken spell is awesome and again one of the reasons that Sorcerers are just so incredibly powerful for our spells known at this level we are going to take a another damaging combat spell which we're a little heavy on right now but it's really good to have these for the early game to make sure that you can contribute reasonably in combat and the spell that we're going to take is cloud of daggers cloud of daggers like magic missile is 100% reliable it never misses enemies don't get to make a save against it and it will always do 4 D4 slashing damage and what's not intuitive about cloud of daggers is that not only is it the best AOE damage spell at level two it's also the best single Target spell it will do 10 average damage when you cast it and then 10 average damage at the beginning of the enemy's next turn for 20 damage even if you only hit a single enemy with it with no save and no hit roll so even against only one enemy this is the best damaging spell at level two um and against multiple enemies is not even close you will be able to wipe entire encounters if you can keep enemies trapped in cloud of daggers that's it for our level three selections let's move on to level four h character level four we get access to our very first feet and there are really two different directions that we could go with which feet we take we could either increase our Charisma by taking an ability Improvement to go from 16 to 18 or by taking to go from 17 to 18 if we started with 17 or picked up Ethel's hair for Charisma um or we could increase our initiative by taking alert initiative is incredibly important in Dungeons and Dragons and in Boulders Gate 3 because if you go first there's a very good chance your enemies won't get a chance to go at all especially with a sorcerer who's so good at unloading multiple spells in a turn going first and just wiping the floor with the enemies before they ever get to act is exactly what want to do for this reason I highly recommend going with alert for this character especially because you'll notice with our spell selection we've taken several spells that don't have attack roles or saving throws at all that means that we don't actually use our Charisma for our spells that much at this point um and can highly benefit from going first especially on honor mode where it'll make this characters run through the game much much smoother if you are interested in higher dialogue skills though it will certainly not hurt your character that much to delay alert and take actor at this level um but for the most powerful version of the character you definitely want the higher initiative early we also get to add an additional canant trip to our character and we're going to take another combat canant trip I know I said you only want um one damage can trip typically but in this case we're taking one that's effectively a utility can trip as well bone chill prevents enemy healing which can be very powerful against enemies in the game are going to heal against for example an enemy with regeneration who heals every turn bone chill can deal not only the damage that it does but also plus 10 or 20 or 30 damage just by stopping them from healing for one turn which means that often bone chill is going to be a ridiculous amount of damage for a can trip in addition it gives Undead disadvantage on their attack roles for an entire turn which is very powerful and we're about to be facing a lot of Undead neither of these effects have a saving throw at all you just have to hit with the spell so it's very reliable for turning off enemy healing giving Undead disadvantage it's very nice to have bone chill in your party for our spell selection if you have watched a lot of my build guides previously you are anticipating that I'm going to say every character should have access to Misty step and so we should take Misty step that's mostly true but this character is a storm sorcerer and effectively gets Misty step every time they cast a spell our storm sorcerer tempestuous flight feature means that whenever we cast a leveled spell we get get to fly 30 ft as a bonus action so Misty step is still very good for this character and is one that you can absolutely pick up and it it won't be a bad choice obviously Misty step is always amazing but this character can actually get away with not taking it much better than any other character in fact the spell selection I'm going to recommend is to maximize your tempestuous flight uh Power by taking a ritual spell any spell that doesn't cost a spell slot to cast can let you fly with tempestuous flight at will out of combat and so we're going to take uh disguise self featherfall or enhanced leap I'm going to recommend disguise self because there's a lot of encounters with dialogue where this can come up in dialogue and it also makes you better at buying stuff from merchants and remember that disguise self is a ritual you can cast it outside of combat to trigger tempestuous flight and that just gives you infinite outof combat flight very useful to get into certain positions uh before combats start in order to make sure to maximize the power of your character character without spending any resources if you aren't interested in that you can also just take Misty step or a combat spell like scorching Ray um or a utility spell like invisibility but I really like having the ritual spell available on a storm sorcerer so we're going to pick up dis Sky self at this level at character level five we get access to third level spells which are some of the very best in the entire game third level spells are where you hit a huge power Spike on spellcasters and there's really embarrassment of riches here and we kind of want all of the third level spells in the game but unfortunately can't pick all of them at level five we can take up to two if we use a spell replacement and one of them is almost certainly going to be haste Sorcerers can twin cast haste using their sorcery points meaning you can cast it on two party members you can even cast it on yourself and another party member in order to just fire off lots of canant trips in a turn um or lots of chromatic orbs plus be hasted and the amount of additional actions you get from haste is just ludicrous even on honor mode where Marshall characters only get one additional attack with haste just Hasting Two fighters is still two x for attacks every turn and Hasting a warlock or something doubles their effectiveness completely so haste is just incredibly powerful the other really important spell is counter spell at this level because counter spell just lets you shut down the most dangerous thing that an enemy can do a highle spell cast but we're going to delay taking counter spell for one turn because we don't actually have any spells at this point that we want to replace though if there are any here that you find you just aren't using go ahead and replace them with counter spell now next level we'll get a lot more freedom as to what spells to to pick up or replace cuz we're just going to learn a lot of free spells so let's go ahead and do that and go to level six because at um at level six storm sorcerer we get to learn five free spells which is extremely helpful we learn create water which we can now use to Quicken uh create water and then zap an enemy with a lightning spell in order to just do enormous amounts of damage to them um we also learned sleed storm which lets us make a massive AOE ice surface uh causing enemies to fall over and Thunder Wave which is a pretty good emergency option to push enemies away from you especially cuz when you cast it you then get to fly we also get the class features of increasing our lightning and thunder damage and gaining resistance to lightning and thunder damage these are both relatively minor boosts but definitely nice to have for our spell selection at this level because we got access to create water we have some of the really important spells in the game we're going to go ahead and pick up lightning bolt so now we can do quick and create water uh on an enemy plus lightning bolt for double damage and that's just an incredible amount of damage um we also now have a good concentration damage spell in call lightning so we're going to replace cloud daggers because we have call lightning from that we just learned and we're going to go ahead and replace that with counter spell this gives us a great mix of spells known that lets us adapt to any situation you have Lo AOE locked down with sleet storm counter spell to stop enemies lightning bolt to just blast them or haste to support your party all of those are level three spells so we're a little level three Spell heavy but you still have magic Missile and chromatic orb just for lower level combat spells that's it for level six let's go on to level seven at character level seven we get access to fourth level spells and fourth level spells are less uh immediately exciting than third level spells there's a lot of really strong third level spells in the game um and fourth level spells often what you're going to be doing is just upcasting a third level spell uh but there's still some fourth level spells that are really nice to have the two that you're really going to be choosing between here are going to be ice storm for another ice surface uh just some damage and an ice surface or the three excuse me that you're going to be choosing between are ice storm wall of fire and confusion confusion is a great AOE disable you can also cast it into melee because it doesn't affect your allies uh and so you can just shut down a whole encounter with it this lets you create an ice surface but we're already pretty good at that so I gener cuz we have sleet storm so I think we don't usually need ice storm and overall the spell that I like the most here is wall of fire if you don't have access to elsewhere in your party there's just some encounters that this wins on its own any encounter where enemies are coming towards you in a narrow Corridor or where enemies just have to approach your party wall of fire instantly wins so it's great to have in a party if you have access to it on another character though go ahead and take confusion at this level we don't need to replace anything because our spell list is perfect so let's move on to level eight and at character level eight we get access to another feat the feat that we're going to take is an ability Improvement just to boost our Charisma up to 18 maxing out our Charisma is very important for this character so we are going to do that especially because we now have a lot more spells with hit rolls or saving throws so we really do want to increase our spell saf DC for a second of our to um for our SEC our additional spell that we get at fourth level I am going to suggest going back for a lower level spell because our spell selection is slightly uh topheavy at this point we have a lot of high high level spells and not as many lower level spells so depending on what you feel like your party is really needing you can pick up Misty step if you just do want more Mobility you can pick up hold person which is very good for lock down and can be twinned against multiple enemies um and especially because by this point in the game you'll probably be able to boost your safet DC's very high hold person is very good and can really shut down uh a lot of enemies because it can be used with higher level spell slots to hit multiple enemies for multiple turns um or you could just take a reasonable combat spell like scorching Ray or ice knife if you feel like you just need a one shot damaging spell from lower levels I'm going to recommend hold person because there's some encounters that that this just instantly wins uh because of how it works with Sorcerers it's just a very very powerful spell and we'll get even better as we get access to higher to our metamagic features that we're going to pick up as we level uh character level n we get our fifth level Spell access and fifth level spells for Sorcerers are honestly a little bit disappointing there's not that much here that we're really excited to pick up um but definitely hold monster is still very powerful because for all the same reasons that hold person is it can Target anything except an undead and just lock it down completely so it just wins a lot of encounters on its own very powerful spell um or you can take a a highle damage spell this is also a good point to pick up a utility spell if you feel like there's something your party is missing like greater invisibility invisibility um enhance ability to pass more skill checks that kind of thing from lower levels um another option here because you're very likely to be in highle robes is just to pick up Mage Armor because you can increase your AC with Mage Armor typically I prefer to just use uh Scrolls of Mage Armor rather than actually learn it um and just not get in general uh but because it it's so expensive but because there's we now have all of the core spells that we need going back for Mage Armor at this point isn't a terrible idea either and can increase your survivability in the end game for now though we're just going to pick up hold monster finally at character level 10 we get access to our last metam magic feature and the one that we are going to take is going to be heightened spell this gives you uh costs three sorcery points so it's quite expensive to use but gives enemies disadvantage on the saving throw heighten spell on hold person or hold monster is just ridiculously powerful um will just completely take enemies out of the fight and you can also use it with something like sleet storm or uh confusion to just fully lock down an entire encounter very very powerful to give enemies disadvantage on a on saving throws they will basically always fail them for our spell selection at this level if we haven't gone back to pick up um something like Mage Armor or other utility we're going to grab that at this point uh it just makes your life a little bit easier especially in the end game makes enemies less likely to Target you and then for a cantrip selection we're going to take true strike to annoy people in the comments of this video then things get exciting again I know that we have had a couple levels where the Spells were sort of not that in enticing but at character level 11 we get access to six level spells which obviously are some of the most powerful in the entire game the subclass feature storms Fury is unfortunately not very good although being able to push enemies away when you're hit by a melee attack can help keep you alive ideally though you just don't get hit by a melee attack so this won't come up that often but the real draw here is that we get access to six level spells there are two that are uh two six level spells that I think are incredibly important for a sorcerer the first is going to be chain lightning which even though wi U can no longer twin it that was changed in patch six you can still Quicken it and then uh cast another chain lightning if you can refresh the spell slot somehow um or you can Quicken it alongside another spell it still just also wins encounters on its own because of how much damage it does and because we're a storm sorcerer it's incredibly powerful and the second is globe of invulnerability if your party doesn't have access to this elsewhere if you don't have access to Globe of invulnerability you should just pick globe of invulnerability it just instantly wins so many encounters in the game um this is just one one of the best tools in your late game Arsenal many late game encounters are just pure damage races a lot of late game Arenas just do damage to you that's unavoidable glob of invulnerability completely shuts that down it also lets you just cheese encounters by setting off uh gigantic explosions from explosive barrels safely so glob invulnerability just wins late game encounters on its own and this an incredible spell but we're going to pick up both of them which order you pick these up in doesn't matter that much finally at sorcerer level 12 we get our last sorcery point and our last feet for our feet we are going to Simply max out Charisma to increase our safety season hit chances to the maximum possible level and then for our spell selection we're going to take the other of chain lightning and globe of invulnerability to make sure that we have both our damage and our encounter winning late game effect online um chain lightning can just One-Shot a lot of encounters if you cast it effectively and globe of invulnerability just wins them so together that will be your best tool in the late game at this point also don't forget that over these levels if there's any spell that you find you aren't using at this stage you can replace it uh for example you could replace hold person if you're only using hold monster you could replace uh any of these lower level combat spells if you're only using higher level combat spells and you can pick up any utility that your party is missing always keep that in mind as an option as you level up that's one of the great things about sorcerer is you can pick up any of these spells in order to fill holes in your party all right that is our level 1 to2 build but of course we can make this character more powerful with proper item selection and if we want to by multiclassing so let's talk about that next for items for this character well one of the great things about sorcerer is that they are almost completely item independent Sorcerers are just such in so inherently powerful and their leveling is so smooth that they don't particularly need any items to make up for downsides of the class because the class has very few downsides and they don't particularly need any items to increase the strengths of the class because those strengths are already so strong however there are two stats that they really do want from items one of those is spell save d PC and the other one is initiative the fist breaker Helm therefore is an excellent helmet for your characters and any other items that give these stats are going to be real for your Sorcerer And The any other items that give these stats are going to be heavily in demand for Sorcerers going first and making sure that your spells land is going to be incredibly powerful and so any item that increases your saf DC or your initiative rule is going to be premium for a sorcerer another item that you should consider is some to make yourself immune to falling over on Ice surfaces or immune to being knocked down like the boots of striding um you will become unable therefore to lose concentration on your spells At All by being knocked over you're very good at passing saving throws uh to passing concentration saves if you take damage but in Boulders Gate 3 any spellcaster Who falls over immediately loses concentration on their spells without any saving throw at all so the boots of striding can turn off the only fail case for your character you also because you are a sorcerer are the best character in the game at using spells that are cast from items or Scrolls and so you want to be collecting as many Scrolls and items with spells on them as possible even relatively marginal spells like scorching Ray from the gloves of Cinder and Sizzle a pretty weak spell overall gains value on a sorcerer because you can Quicken that alongside the other things that you're doing your s sorcery uh metam Magic can be used on spells cast from items particularly important ones include very powerful single Target spells because those can be twinned um gaining double value things like disintegrate or Autos irresistible dance when cast from a scroll you can double up on those with a sorcerer and cast uh two Autos irresistible dances to immediately take two enemies out of combat without any saving throw at all that's incredibly powerful and so your sorcerer is usually going to be your character that's going to to cast uh spells from Scrolls and items because it's just so good for them and also you gain a benefit whenever you cast one of those spells of being able to fly for your armor you're either going to go with a robe that increases your spell save DC or another good armor piece is the Elven chain um if you are not a race that normally gets light armor proficiency the Elven chain you're always proficient so you can still cast spells while you're wearing it and it gives you additional uh uh initiative which of course is very important if you do have light armor proficiency and shield proficiency then you can go with the um with any Shield like kck's Shield or The Sentinel Shield that increases your safety C or initiative I know I'm saying this a lot but that's all Sorcerers care about um though those will typically be more in demand by other spellcasters cuz Sorcerers have really good item options to increase those regardless a couple other items that are worth noticing worth mentioning are in the early game the bracers of Defense can increase your armor class uh a little bit just a little bit making it a little bit harder for enemies to hit you and just discouraging them from doing so alongside Shield those will help keep you alive in the early game um and because we're going to be doing a lot of cold damage probably the snowb burst ring can give you a lot of free ice surfaces and is very good for this character as well finally in the end game the best in slot weapon for this character is going to be marah hes here um you will usually set it to lightning and that will give you a free cast of chain lightning once per short rest and that's the six level spell so that is incredibly powerful and at time of recording this is bugged and while normal chain lightning can't be twinned the marah hesar chain lightning can be twinned which just lets you uh deal four times as much damage um because of how the chain lightning uh arcs intersect with one another so that massively increases the damage output of this character even without that bug though Market Hesh's ability to refresh your level six spell slot and give you additional free cast of level six spells as well as increase your damage spell save DC and attack roles means it's the best um item for this character and this character is the best character to use this item which is a very important consideration because it's one of the best items in the game other than that though the sorcerer is very item independent and there's really not much that you need in the way of um items just increase your safety C and initiative as much as possible and you won't conflict with the rest of your party for high value items so you can get away with um so your sorcerer will give you the the value without requiring much from your party which is one of the great things about the class finally for multiclass options for this character there are a lot of uh levels in other classes that can benefit your sorcerer significantly first off because we're a Charisma based class we can benefit a lot from multiclassing with any of the other Charisma based classes in just about any combination of levels bars paladins and warlocks all combine extremely well with Sorcerers and I have videos up for those combinations if you're interested in learning more about those um although one that's really worth paying attention to as a one Lev dip for Sorcerers is a single level of warlock for the fiend warlock subclass not for the subclass abilities but because fiend warlock gets access to to command which is incredibly powerful uh for a sorcerer just one of the best spells in the game um and right away at very early levels gives you the ability to just drop whole groups of enemies quickened command or extended command in the late game synergize extremely well with sorcerer um and of course you also get eldrich blast so you just get a very good combat can trip even if you only take one level and don't get agonizing blast eldrich blast is still just a lot of good damage so you can benefit a lot from a single warlock level another option for a single level is to take one level of cleric now this is a little bit complicated because of how balers gate calculates save DCS from items and Scrolls um if you take a level of cleric as your second level it's going to break the save DC on your items and Scrolls uh because of the unintuitive way in which it works where that's calculated based on the class you took your most recent level one of so if you take sorcerer uh at level one cleric at level two and then sorcerer for the rest of the way all your items will use your wisdom for their saf DC so you do have to be careful with the ordering if you're taking a sorcerer maybe if you're taking a level of cleric or just accept that a different character is going to have to use your items on the other hand you get a huge amount out of cleric levels you get guidance which makes you even better at conversation skills as well as thury which makes you even better at conversation skills you also get um with for example with um life domain you get a lot of utility from healing uh from healing word and so on you get the bless spell which is a very good spell uh and you get heavy armor and shield proficiency making your character much much harder to kill so one level of cleric can help with that a single level of fighter can do the same thing giving you heavy armor and shield proficiency if you don't care about dialogue skills you can take it at level one and still have Constitution saves so one fighter level is really good get you the defense fighting style and Two fighter levels gets you action surge letting you manipulate the action economy even further those are my recommended one Lev dips but there's also another one that's worth mentioning which is one level of wizard which uses how Boulders gate calculates wizard uh calculates what spells Wizards can learn from Scrolls to gain access to every wizard spell Wizards learn Scrolls learn spells from Scrolls in balers gate based on their total Caster level not their wizard level so a single wizard level and sorcerer levels let you learn effectively every spell in the game uh every wizard spell in the game and quick in and multicast them twin them Etc because you're a sorcerer so you get all the versatility of a wizard and all the power of a sorcerer in a single character you can also go with two levels of cleric to maximize your lightning damage and you can even combine those things in a build uh which I did a video for called The One Shot lightning Lord to gain six level spell casting from Wizard levels maximize lightning damage from cleric and Quicken spells from sorcerer All In A Single Character so there's a lot of different ways you can multiclass your sorcerer but overall if you're looking to build a sorcerer um as a as a primary sorcerer character the main multiclass options that you're going to be looking at are one level of warlock for command one level of wizard for Spell access one level of cleric for armor and utility and one or two levels of fighter for armor and possibly action surch all right my friends I hope that you've enjoyed this look at the Sorcerer And as always if you have please feel free to leave a comment and uh like the video both of those things help me out a ton with the algorithm so I appreciate you taking the time to do so and of course you can subscribe to my channel for more balers Gate 3 build guides and other strategy game content cheers my friends I'll catch you next time
Channel: Cephalopocalypse
Views: 56,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etarran, Cephalopocalypse, Baldur's Gate 3, Larian, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Build, Guide, Strategy, Tactics, Tutorial
Id: _MJwdRd8koY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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