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hey guys I brought Garrett this time everyone my name is Garrett alright let's look at hacks ooh that's pretty wacky is that Lackey I like these hacks because he made sure to put that link down there just in case you didn't didn't uh of course but it's crazy how it says slash Chris the mean Chris underscore the meme guide so this is supposed to be a plasma cannon I don't know how he's gonna do with two water jugs Wow what is this this looks insane this looks like some stuffs about to blow up don't try this at home for the love of God is this like the mr. row from call of duty what whoa dude look at that glowing ball is that the plasma ball yeah that's a strong discharge oh my god yo can we do that here I kind of want to try this now I feel like it's not safe for me to try it though my wife comes in why is the house on fire plasma cannon look as you can got into the plasma cannon again I got stopped leaving that out there I hate when I lose my plasma cannon out did I used to play with those dinosaurs all the time when I was a kid dude why didn't it make a horse make a sound why don't make a horse noise all Mike that's uh that looks wrong that's not very nice no okay oh yeah that's a pop socket why not just use the pop socket why is he kind of maim a dinosaur to do this you could just stay in your pop sock it up you don't have to use a dinosaur look how well that works why I get a regular phone sand when you could get a toy don't dinosaur toy dinosaur dinosaur isn't in fact a hard word to say it is Oh what flavor I take that fruit adventure you want to go on a fruit adventure with me Garrett oh yeah isn't what we're doing right now this is a big fruit adventure what in the music is distracting me guys my brains not working right now I think it's Bowling For Soup I think that's the band or Weird Al Yankovic I don't know they always listen to those like nerdy bands from the 90s oh wow look it launched something is that animal crossing yeah did you see the new animal crossing get it these are leaked or whatever no I wasn't leaked I guess it was revealed wow that life snack reminded me of my life disappointing an expert disappointing and boring Thanks appreciate what what is topo chica you were banished restaurant what is topo chica it's those things with the bottles you know I don't that's why I asked you've never heard of topo Chico nothin literally never heard of it okay you have some learning is you Chris these acts are a one today by the way hey one sauce thank you for we go back to the plasma cannon yeah the plasma cannon was a strong start this not feeling it oh that is actually pretty cool except he's really bad I wanted more gameplay you know there's a magnet in that wouldn't that mess up your phone well I mean it's the price to pay when you're an awesome gamer all right whoa more syringes speaking of syringes yeah here you literally have a problem and we need to discuss it this is where they're getting all the syringes for the life hacks Garrett I supply the don't my name is Garrett and I supply all life hack essentials he's the biggest syringe supplier in North Carolina after I'm done with them I don't know what to do with them sorry the sound of these guys that looks interesting this is this what we're doing now we're mate this is my family can destroy your Beyblade this is like that really imagine going to the local beyblade Meetup and they're pulling out ones that are like really intricate and stuff and you pull out a tennis ball with a syringe on it dad made you because he doesn't have enough money to buy you a beyblade those dads thanks dad I've never wanted to just eat sour pop-tarts and I can't say I do but I keep going I like this is what I do at home and I'm bored you make your own pop-tarts yeah so what I do is I wait for Hadley to buy some pop-tarts mm-hmm cut them in half and the sour patch kids in them they just totally mess and franker man pranked like watch this watch can't even notice that I opened it I bet that would taste pretty good maybe I'll go no Hadley doesn't seem to like you so I don't think you would yeah I guess look at this guy he's like I'd give it a shot that's a drinking glass for milk nothing else nothing else okay oh I get what he's gonna do if you can't dip your pop-tarts in that milk blast so what are you gonna do grab another syringe this one has a needle I didn't supply this one guys I don't know where they got this yeah these are the extra large ones they're like going behind your back and get another syringe guys this is not cool oh that taste buddy yeah I think it's all on the thing I didn't find out that that's not my syringe oh there's something about seeing milk squirt out of a syringe that just doesn't feel comfortable just stick milk into pop-tarts guys oh this guy always does some crazy stuff with his white glove oh yeah bleh we're doing this in school heating up you had just lighters just chilling and dude my teacher didn't care dude this guy has precision look at that whoa that's a bendy straw dude he puts so much effort into this like most people would have just like taped two pins together make the slingshot this guy used to flame tube in plastic this guy's this guy's probably Jesus where'd this guy come from Jesus came back and was like I was gonna save everybody but then I started making life hacks and people like them so just gonna do this for a little bit he said I'm gonna make your life hacks better Jesus is the ultimate life back this video is sponsored by Jesus thanks Jesus I guarantee you he's gonna use the fire to seal that in there if I'm right you owe me 10 bucks Garrett no all right oh no you said no right when I saw this fine whatever man you know just go back on your your little bet there dude this is really dope and it works oh here we go let's see how good his aim as though the other channel really has that nice tooth you not see that just one-handed dude this guy's better than everyone bang I like how we have those lights what see we have that light I haven't made fun of Connor in a second Connor your cat's fat that's like make fun of Trey yes that trail only only time I think of a name Trey is where I'm going to cook out Oh a TV tray why don't you balance my dinner while I'm watching The Simpsons oh dude I got a new cat and he is a jerk did last night he just came up to me and he was like and I oh you want some love and he's like suck I'm gonna bite your arm ah and then I was like oh man I shouldn't have rescued you this was horrible that's what I get for rescuing him he just walks up and bites my arm that's horrible no it's not no I'm talking about with a cat did too you know yeah you know it's really cat what does that say it's right now it's so funny and made me Chuck my knee up and laughter and I cut my knee on the microphone stand actually oh this is the guy is this a lean guy I hope yeah guy please bless us if this is you raise the roof all it is I can tell about that text yeah [Music] dude nothing is more hype than a lien guy oh my good health well a lien guard ORS hairdryer we used to do this in science class and then I felt science but my teacher helped me cheat and that's not a that's not a false statement she did she knows who she is I appreciate it I just called my teacher out hey should I miss be I didn't know you guys had an alien working for you first of all oh yeah we got we hired an alien now since when yeah aren't alien science guy you didn't know if he'll actually pass either no this guy is just teaching us the ways of the force I don't know I'm done with this bit I tried I'm done you know when you're dribbling like all teenagers do what's a dremel that well you and your your buddies are just chilling at the house Dremel in and you're like oh man I keep on getting these dremel shavings in my eyes I need to make a shield so you make a dremel shield that makes sense I guess you want to talk one more time while I'm talking Garrett I'm a teacher here goodnight minimal dremel Dremel Dremel that's it going off the script this was not in the page I gave you I'm sorry I'll go check it again turn to page 17 you're not supposed to interrupt me until I hear hey somebody is like talk over Chris talk over Chris who wrote this script you did talk about Chris so Chris can make fun of you for talking over it that's why you already do it and it also says make a joke about the script even though there's obviously no script because that's funny well it's all here hey wait a minute we've done this before but we did it with sour patch kids well I'll tell you what this doesn't interest me you know it does what a pineapple under the sea oh look at that oh why now they're using turkey basters they have all these syringes and they decide to use a turkey baster what was the point of this they must have gone to a third party I just like you spend so much time wondering if you could you never stop the ass should and the answer is no you should not hey you know what sounds like ice right is this how rice gums are made no this is our rice cube Cermak oh this is his cousin instead of flexing he just makes your drink really soggy and like gross actually you know what oh it's kind of nice now you're ruined ruined it I ruin it no they did dude I got an idea do this make sure the rice is already cooked put them in miso soup to cool down the miso soup you have ice cubes made out of rice rice and miso soup is really good I am patenting kept General General Patton's dead I'm paddling this and I'm not gonna don't put it in but they were doing this whoa high hits from 1927 well I was hot in 1927 yeah we don't have any money because of the Great Depression well that's when they invented crab brave actually Chris I don't think that's when they have in a crab rave I mean I should go out on a limb and guess that is incorrect that's you know this crowd crying because they're burning us what is it oh dude screw the bit we were doing this is dope oh this is glassblowing whoa Wow we have to do this finger a-hole and seat music fun well dude that was just that was the bee's knees there's been a lot of misses that one was not a miss that was a hit yo look at that oh that's funny when he zooms in it zooms in that's that's dude oh my goodness oh he doesn't have a lens cap though what would you use in this city I would use Pringles Pringles suck and they only keep using Pringles because I say that and I keep feeding into it but I still firmly believe that Pringles do in fact suck feel like they have a Pringles mural just waiting for you over there probably but honestly no Pringles just don't even taste good like I'm not even doing it for the memes anymore they just don't taste good I'm not the second new on that one yeah you really like wrinkles at all what about you you think Pringles are good we didn't ask if they were unhealthy be a second do they taste good yeah whoo I'd rather eat my shoe than zucchini chips I'm coming in here trying to relate with you and you're like no fritters are bad I'm like yeah we can relate and you go zucchini chips you know it's better than zucchini chips dog food kale chips if you eat cow chips you literally are the worst even on the planet that was a good one to end on thanks for having me Chris I really appreciate it you're very welcome guys if you want to see Garrett coming Garrett below will bring Garrett back if you like him if not we're still gonna bring him back because I'm running out of people I can't get out the door's locked we're on an island pretty much no one's here [Music]
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 4,432,783
Rating: 4.9027948 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: q0Lg9SCwmNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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