Water Balloons in Slow Motion!

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if there's two things we like in life it's slow-mo and water balloons those two only screw our girlfriends and wife and child here's what i mean watch this clip right here okay dude it's like a pancake oh my goodness like that's like literally the coolest thing i've ever seen it's like half the size of his body now and i'm gonna pause this okay that's just a taste of the water balloons you're gonna see in this video there's like a 10-foot one later in okay it gets nuts wow i'm gonna want to watch good and so should you all right let's see this next one all right we have a fence and a water balloon oh great that's so cool that looks like something that you would like to see and best buy on the tv like on the it does yeah oh my gosh the quality's so good all right all right good enough next one next one okay so now he's about to punt it but wait it's not a football it's a water balloon well now it's a pizza a blue pizza or is it a blanket i'm telling you man nothing beats a water balloon in slow-mo oh oh it's becoming it it's like the water balloon is now the bowling ball this looks like frosting that looks like a mouth does that not look like a mouth he's like oh no whatever you do don't zoom in on this with scary music oh you did it anyways spoilers this next one epic okay all right watch this i don't know if i'm ready is that a paintball oh look at that that looks like a mouth i have water balloons that you just drop it and it explodes but these you could probably like throw at the sun and they'd be fine a chainsaw oh my god no way we didn't even know this existed until slo-mo cameras were created oh my god this camera had to be like 80 grand the ball of water just moving so slow wet drones this video is sponsored by havoc drones i don't think it's actually sponsored unless they wanna get wet bunch of weed whackers thank you thank you for introducing it oh wait that was it that you didn't get a slope what the heck we got click bait now we just got this guy just slapping his chops wait for it wait for it wait for it paused it look at his nose look at it his nose is like dead oh a fan that's a lot more oh those are blades i just realized the lawnmower is a fan deadly fan now it looks like beautiful but it's just a water balloon getting chopped up by a lawnmower oh no not his man bun mega mine yeah he's magnified his neck of mine is real oh but why is it not exploded oh there we go there it looks like the water is holding the air it's like oh you are mine now the light bulb well i thought there's a slow-mo water balloon is that slow wait for it i think it's gonna go over to it and pop it oh look at that okay okay that's the power of going forward i don't know what that's called nerf shot oh gosh i thought this was about to be different dude it like didn't pop it until it got right to the end of it that's cool you guys are probably thinking right we've already seen a lot of yo jimmy shut up this is cool it became a pizza oh what's he doing here he's logan paul in it is that mike tyson how did that pop it because he's strong he got big punches oh that's a playing card that's cool we met a guy who could throw cards really well one time like that we did all right all right i mean i mean it was cool see this this is what i want to see more of oh it didn't so it needed to stay intact for a little longer i wanted to see it like wrap around the spokes this is just a really pretty shot honestly it's a good screen saver oh you know what i think what this video really shows is that there's unlimited ways to pop a water balloon you can use cards you can use a knife your fist your face mouse trap mouse i didn't even know that was coming that's what she said i stopped it oh it's pushing back wait so chris you meant to say anything about mousetraps water balloons are impervious to mouse traps honestly why don't mice just take water balloons and throw them on the track i just got a mental image of them just chunking that like that's how mice take over the world they just grab a million water balloons and just throw them everywhere and because they can eat more they get smarter and become top of the food chain and then they take over the entire world if a mouse is watching with you cover its eyes don't let it see it this is dangerous this is incriminating stuff i think this is really relaxing and calming yeah if you're having a stressful day just watch us watch this that's cool it made a circle it did yo that's cool oh it's twisting it it's not popped it yet this water balloon tough what it still hasn't what that's wild that looks like a stomach now oh that looked like your kid a year ago who was four lil bean no chris this could be us yeah but we don't have water balloons or a really nice slow-mo camera how do we literally spend tens of millions of dollars a year on videos on the main channel but we don't even have a slumber camera we're not doing it right also that guy has a wedding ring on he's married he's married but this is what he spends his time doing well i'm spending my time watching him and i'm married there's hope everybody hey that was a rock that rocked sl oh wait wait it looked always frozen yeah he threw us for a loop he threw us for luke that's not a water balloon that's a ice balloon you liar he had us in the first half why is this what what why is that what that's not sick that wasn't safe at all no cool but not safe oh this is gonna be a cool one yes i'm a professional water balloon slow-mo expert and this is certified cool there it is that's cool we get it you're ripped whoa are we supposed to be staring at a six-pack of the water balloon both that looks like it took so long to pop but you know it happened instantly oh well okay that's that's cool like imagine being in the balloon and you're like oh hey it's more of us and it just goes no if you put eyes right there it looks like a guy who was drinking a sip of water and he just found out something really shocking and he's like what yeah that's a strong water balloon i strive to be like that water balloon this year oh oh not that quadruple threat and then he gets ambushed from behind there's no way he can come back honestly those water balloons look like a full fit yo steal this man's fit five grand oh back at it again with the chainsaw i thought i'd work in that necklace ah we don't want chainsaw oh it was a balloon inside of a balloon oh never mind we brought you back i didn't realize there's a balloon in the balloon with a balloon inside that balloon with color okay nevermind this was cool i was like why would we put this here but i know why we put it you almost gave up i did never give up see back to cool stuff all right a sword what why is it not popping imagine using that sword in war like two thousand years ago you gotta like cut somebody and it just like doesn't work you're like oh why even wear bull food that's when you just wear a watermelon clearly it's the toughest substance on earth oh this is going to be nice this one's nice yes yes look at where they meet right there they're just like hey bud have you ever done this with your butt on the glass and you like press it up it oh man i haven't but i know you did play the clip i want to test something out oh my butt's wet to be fair i didn't know the ice was see-through yeah trust me we know 30 million people saw it oh watch out for your nuts dude oh watch out for your nuts you're nuts that's cool it stopped it right now that we're no longer concerned for his nuts that's pretty dope yo an air conditioner what happens after it pops though i think they were running out of things and they were like i don't know air conditioner they're just walking around the house they're like this works that reminds me of what a cereal out of a speaker we did that in this room hey look at that damascus steel blade oh tennis racket slightly less dangerous than the glove still equally kind of dangerous and here's the moment you've all been waiting for water balloons and snow that's kind of cool i don't even know what is going on but i like it and now for the grand finale a cow a cow i thought it's getting called a horse is it a horse or a cow i don't know that's a horse whoa he just kicked it and it died oh my god so horses or cows whatever it is are stronger than swords did you see the distance between the hoof and the balloon this shows that they can break water balloons with their brains horses are all powerful i gotta go tell the fbi i'll see you be later 000.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 15,243,901
Rating: 4.9482765 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: NhtPxMMOi4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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