Can 50,000 Magnets Catch A Cannon Ball?

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today we're gonna test multiple different ways to stop Buckhannon we're gonna try magnets Legos a bulletproof vest a mannequin we put some baseballs in the cannon and we put some gloves on the people need i say more do you think this is the first time a baseball has ever been fired from a cannon can't be hey Ella what's up [Music] the legs are standing no way I very much doubt typical of scrubs did it go through the glove Wow Oh oh we don't like goodness it's there perfect that is a crispy that woulda smells like popcorn that's a problem oh man that smells bad smell it this is legit real bulletproof glass I'm actually curious it will stop this cannon you don't think that the bulletproof glass can take a cannonball no it's a cannon but you think so it's right whoa [Music] yo the bulletproof glass beat the cannonball dude here's the cannonball proof glass I know right easy we're watching the slow mo guys what I love it bulletproof glass can stop a cannon but can a bulletproof vest let's say you become a cop one night and the guy Rob's a convenience store he comes out with the cannon is your vest gonna protect you I will answer that well by me I mean Brandon I'm just here for the ride we will answer it together cuz we're a power couple Wow oh my gosh look we caught look at this beauty if you had a chest made out of steel you'd be fine it's a cardinal feather that's only the state bird Italy you know they only come around once a year yeah I'll give you $1,000 what'd you say nevermind guys we're going on you ready whoa you are ready hey Taylor that was beautiful this beautiful writable confetti this right here is Manny and he's very self-conscious of the fact that he can't grow hair Baldy it makes him Chandler don't talk about it he said he's self-conscious about it so to make him feel better we're going to take this wig we're to cram it in the cannon and then were to put a lot of that black powder stuff and then we're gonna shoot it at his head and hopefully that allows him to feel more confident in its own skin you look like the dude off of iRobot honestly you know Will Smith well well well boys we meet again Oh going hot guys going hot up that's good oh my goood right in the chest look at that he's just got an eye left that's it Oh where's that go further I'm still working blowing up stuff with the cannon is fun but you know what else is fun Chandler what our sponsor of this video Lords mobile their game my favorite game they're not only sponsor in the video but they're sponsoring a giveaway I get PlayStation fours and Nintendo switches here I'm gonna tell you guys about it we have tons of PlayStation 4s and tons of Nintendo switches and on top of that for every download we're gonna make a donation to charity to the Crohn's and Colitis foundation or either the Ronald McDonald House up to $100,000 so that means this is literally the best sponsorship free stuff of great game and charity Lords boville is hands-down the best strategy game ever this is where you beefs game polish fight to reign supreme that one game that ninja and Tipu played takes years of dedication to even get decent at lords mobile you can play anywhere and it's easy to pick up and buy anywhere I literally mean anywhere you can play them meeting a boss appeared oh boy in the bathroom at the office in the bathroom at lunch and even in the bathroom how you build your city gives you a strategic edge you can place your troops and heroes however you want like you can even be original don't let more to copy your city yeah well yeah I said it find friends to team up with like me or Chris or Chandler or if you don't have friends anymore just you know capture them and hold them for ransom and if that doesn't work just execute them because it's Lord mobile you can do whatever you want and now let's go back to the red welcome back use the download link in the description to install Lords mobile remember you can win a ps4 a Nintendo switch and also I didn't mention this before but you could also win a two hundred dollar gift card so make sure you download the game link below [Music] hello at the cannon this is for all you people who ever lost money to a vision I got revenge perfect guys a vending machine never steals money from you hit it with the Cannonball [Music] your vending machine didn't work I actually broke it I'm gonna clean it up and take care of it okay sure yeah appreciate it it's not starting blow it up as well all right boys when I show this car who's boss [Music] [Laughter] that was kind of cool yeah that was pretty dope one more that's way too much it's way too much whose cannon made the most amount of damage you really needed the eek in the mine went all the way through it cannonballs right here that's your cannonball they didn't even make it to the car oh my gosh you can't even you can't even get in this passenger door look at this that's really we got an extra would I like that it just literally look you can see right there where it went through okay now we're gonna see if a logo wall can stop a cannonball let's doing this cannon guys ready you just fire cannons and look hot yeah dick take your shirt off I don't you right in the go just click the top that's gonna look good on the GoPro or not we'll see right here I've been struggling with cell phone service so we're gonna see if shooting it out a wall out of a cannon fixes up get it sexy boy did it go over Wow no it didn't it's just annihilated it if there are you serious wow wow funky huh hey Kia the unburnt hey Dad oh thanks it works no thanks guys this is a fridge this is a cannon this is alphabet numbers and letters alphabet numbers and letters isn't the alphabet letters this is very special to me I love this what if it smells something on the fridge it burned a hole on it no hey what hey a and are you and they eat you look at you guys if your alphabet magnets aren't working just shoot them with the cannon here's the new game plan this is a cannon it's about this way that wide pits right there so outside that cannon and here we'll work Brandon we're doing what what is this Chandler okay Annan and what is it inside of a cannon Annan we have no idea what's gonna happen like this literally might explode light probably won't explode so we should back away like a lot away this is so dangerous that we're actually sitting in a u-haul I'm watching it through these mirrors alright that's our front row seat viewers oh wow fuses lip we can't find the cat yo where did the cannon go oh my goodness cannon like disappeared oh you've got to be kidding all the way over here how many yards do y'all think that is at least three 25 20 so 20 dude that is the cannon right here and that's where we shot it down we have 50,000 magnets a watermelon and again it so yeah we're gonna see if these 50,000 magnets can catch a cannonball midair so here's big chunga's and this is a 40 pound cannon boom I'm scared I don't want to break it and you give it to Chandler yeah he's already broken half the stuff Oh God the oven is ready all right it's good fire I'm excited I like cannons we're about to shoot the cannon it's been the bust did Tariq so scared right now look at three I'm terrified I'm scared oh it did not stop it [Music] the watermelon and the magnets couldn't stop it what let's get a closer look did you like having a cannon ran through you yes the 50,000 magnets didn't catch it out of the cannon so maybe if I throw it slower it will it got one - no Jesus sure yes unleash it why no holding back use more than 1% of your powers 2% man you like the actual bit don't underestimate dumb strength you see that hey look a pole at me what is it Chandler's left a dent you're sitting with any strong man man oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh we have a real-life pirate ship right here in a cannon we're gonna reenact it in a simulation fire the cannon we're gonna see what happens this is gonna be exactly how it was 300 years ago no different cannon ship we bet that light it up [Music] [Music] oh shoot my teeth it's in the harbor well hey what yeah this is actually way smoking it's smoking then all of the kit I did you really swallow it the fancy word for things you shouldn't eat I wanted a little piece of you inside of me all you had to do is ask it is a mouth not for a thousand dollars that's actually possible Taylor will you spin this malphur grant yeah can I get a grant sure yeah Chandler get the money if he spits in his mouth I mean sure I don't want you to do it you guys are gross mouth sure I feel dirty to shooting things of the kid there's nothing weirder than having somebody else to spit in your mouth it's like really warm out here this is a hoodie from shot mischievous calm this is a mailbox metaphorically speaking it could be your mailbox when you place an order online we take it we stuff it in a candidate and we shoot at your mailbox that's how we deliver it guaranteed fast and furious deliveries let us demonstrate sure you don't get any marks on the merch fast delivery and clean perfect you've got mail you've got mail [Music] it did hit the mailbox all right so whoever bought this merch here you go the hood and a few sleeves might have been a little messed up but oh no it's pretty good Dustin you caught a dragonfly he matches my merch Oh imagine that besmirch her shot mr. beast come we match dragonflies so today we figured out that cannons work for delivering merch they're good at fixing vending machines and broken cars sadly cannot be stopped by magnets what blow proof glass can stop it and most importantly none of these cannons are mine I have no idea how to work a cannon and if we had to do it Taylor probably lost an arm like no joke so shout out to this guy here Brandon he helped us out and I just want to give him a second to plug his channel because literally without him we could not have done this video so like I told you this is like the first time I've had fun doing stuff like this in a long time so I appreciate you guys thank you out and all those cords fantastic man but yeah just Brandon from the aka guy so what's the exact name of the channel it's a Brandon Herrera Wow it's conveniently right there see all right are you gonna subscribe of course are you gonna subscribe I was already subscribe good I'm already subscribed as well hope you guys enjoyed and you want to spit in Chris's mouth again [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 22,268,219
Rating: 4.8905187 out of 5
Id: ws694xrKopA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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