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oh it's like a whoa whoa she growing look at that beautiful she never heard of ARCA for men well what about Gillette what about Ocelot anyway Oh Cooper COO that's a great we haven't heard of onomatopoeia called perk oof you ever heard that no I've not heard that that's what that did it up here coos all right Chandler my phone is awesome but all those games on it it's not even fun so you know what I gotta do why get some new games I gotta get new games on my phone whoa look at all these increments that's a lot got it I say where's that don't mean what they stressed to me pick a shoe he drew that that's a good very good Wow he actually made this oh he's making a phone but it's again but it's a game so that way he always got games oh he's got game on his phone every day to eat food that's it that's a hard puzzle to solve yeah he did it he didn't do it he did he did great job ooh those are Mentos or lot a mental matzo what's that sound like Lord Almighty moto moto yes that's what it is it's that phonetic sounded I think moto moto likes you look at that it's a kind of necklace you're supposed to use diet coke you think nurses don't like does it just get rid of all the code yeah pretty much it was Chandler don't ruin lollipop you or lollipop cream that looks like a good lollipop you know that yeah of course know if someone does this to me I would literally never talk to them again I probably would square up at you it would square your face look at this dude oh he's gonna make it red on the inside oh oh you're gonna cut this show up he's gonna clean up that excess Wow wow this guy don't take this oh wow that looks real actually well it looks like that's crazy don't ever do that to me see this is how people get bad Halloween candy this is how people get slapped you give this to me I'm slapping you in your face I wonder what it tastes like glue but like is it gonna be crunchy you wanna try it no just eat a glue stick done that before it look at that musical candle oh yeah what are we gonna do Chris what are we gonna do you make a candle holder like they did and movies back in the day yeah what you gonna do you're gonna use a perfectly good roll of electrical tape yeah for a reason wrap it in tinfoil Hey look at work wow this is this is a hack that is very nice you go from solving the world's problems did not get in wax on your fingers Hey look at that it worked it's a candle in the bathroom now the zombie apocalypse happens and you have to use candle light you won't get wax on your finger dude look at this guy it's like doing the Irish jig look at that happy feet look can we zoom in on his face look I've never seen somebody so it unenthused to be doing something so cool hold up he's like oh man why are my kids making me do this do that EPIK they're like how does that happen in the earth like someone explained this to me in the comments please play net I'm a curious man like that you might call me George play now cuz I'm curious he very care to be wearing yellow oh I've seen this what I've seen this before just a piece of wood and a lot yeah but he it shows you how to pop a lot with two or you just go like this and go honest couldn't saw oh he's putting a nut in there give it some leverage I see that's very smart that's very smart look and you just hop-hop it come on come on your man strength donor over there is that is leverage that is physics at work children that is optical illusion that it not says it's right physically illusion it's not one more try obstacle of physical illusion sure all right oh whoa whoa whoa dude that looks like that is so cool how do I make this it's got to be like glow-in-the-dark liquid or it's glow-in-the-dark food color and I feel like oh wow that is sexy my mind is just blown and how cool that looks all right write this one down for sure this is a top list this is top priority is you just spin the water and spin sawara and puts it in and it's like force look at some food I think ihe 30 but he got 10 accounts and 10 guys do his life in Vietnam at oh he's getting volte Franken so right well I tell him that was the wackest song ever resistor resistor you and your resistor that's pretty good yeah that is pretty good Wow Wow it looks like the lamp that doctors always used to wear back in the day bring those back doctors LA yeah makes it more cool and now you can just crank that all day just crank crank the crank flashlight yeah yeah wow that's not you I love when they do there oh it's like a whoa whoa she growing hey he is really out here grass whoa why is it well he's making a rocket no way oh my good dolly no way this is so cool dude I'm actually wild holy crap does this guy have Wow everyone in the please take off please work dude that was so ahh blurry camera know who gets limo here here we go Oh three two one liftoff Houston this is flame rocket we are on fire over we have a problem houston we have a problem we are actually made out of matches and on fire over dude this is a beautiful journey where is it yeah the palm trees in like Florida or something this has got to be in like the Philippines I think I feel like this is a Philippines dude that's pretty cool don't hate me that it was amazing I give that a 100 out of 100 look at these pulled those are lighter skills boys you seen this no this is an S how the boss walks in so is the building built yet no why it's been like six months what do you guys been doing that does take finesse that's really hard to do it I used to operate a bulldozer all right what time is it I don't know we need a timer man what dude they're getting lazy now they don't even want to show the cutter I mean they're doing magic tricks like we need to see there's a nose I know what he's gonna make he's gonna make a hourglass oh how many hours does I have in it that's that's the thing so what Oh very very beautiful but like why wouldn't you sand like don't they base the timer off of like how slowly sand falls it's about the weight I wonder how so I wonder how they found out how long a minute is that was it's a minute you know what I mean yeah yeah he just used a timer to figure out how long his timer was how did they figure out the first one yeah what what if time is off because the first person that made it like a timer was like 1 2 3 4 is true both but time is relevant and it's the abstract concepts we made in our mind is it mm-hmm time doesn't exist but it also is the fabric of the entire universe [Music] what if we next act do you remember those pins back in the day to see commercials for them it's like you ride it and it says it and like records and you can read listen back yeah yeah no way there were pins and you could write like I could write my name Chris and it would figure out what she wrote by like zip in strokes and it would you can play it back so you take notes and then listen to your notes it's pretty cool I had one no that's actually really impressive some kids stole it for that kid somebody when I was in school somebody stole my playstation portable dude someone stole mine too dude if you had a PSP they were always still the only people who have PSPs were the people who stole PSP it's true it's cool as wow people really out here stealing PSPs like the video if you don't still think no more stealing he made a stylus do that guys recommend the videos are all like thanks dude that's actually pretty cool that how you made that I was like that oh she's just going one Stephanie like that plate what that looks like a plate your grandmother how did that happen it's this so oh that looks like play that is so cool brother why do we not know any of this oh it looks like dippin dots hello nice it's the ice cream of the future but this is really cool but we need to write this one down so we can just chew our list is getting so long it's only like ten that's a lot we don't have we don't have the patience to do idiot deep I don't have any patience some live doctor oh look at those terrible headphones there's a gas station special register cook them he's getting the wires this is too much for me audio jack well he's about to shrink wrap it shrink it I know he's just using it looks like the grip off of those pins yeah that was the grips off those pins that's weird you get it a shrink wrap it why don't you why are you doing me I know I should I should be a life hacker but instead I'm just reacting to him guys I got a new pink shirt rate it 1 out of 10 what is it it is just tipping how sweet okay I got it on clearance guess I'll give it a Sheree this is your shirt off turn out you're never getting that five not one not three eighty-seven cents Wow is that Old Navy is on clearance and add a coupon so hey and I say I my wife said she was so excited what does he do it he made a speaker oh very nice yeah good very nice for you Wow this hurts my eyes it does hurt my eyes whoa it's like a hallway at one point dude arts amazing and now it's like another always how does just looking at this different is it oh it's like 3d so I don't yeah it's out oh that's pretty cool but your eyes adjust to it sees me feeling and it's killing me literally I have a headache now gave me a headache thanks mister mind blown hey we made a Lego car one time we did that arses you Mars was for Cedars I almost lost my license in that video too yeah the cop was like I could take your license right now and I was like don't do that I don't have it with me sir you should have been like no you hear he's like you're you don't have your license on you see you're driving without a license you're operating a vehicle that's not registered you're driving erratically and I was like I wasn't driving erratically I was driving slow and he's like that's a danger and I was like all right well let's I'm sorry I was like I'm sorry and he was like that's a fair point didn't think about that don't do it again yeah he didn't see that coming nice heavy-duty batteries work all the time I'm proud of you yeah right ballsy shirts a big fan of those Oh what yummy yeah I used to eat toothpaste I know why it was good no it's not I used to eat it every day of the week for lunch what I love even what fruit on toes so he just put Orbeez into piece and then put water in it yep and then glues it together and now he has or be toothpaste and technically you could brush your teeth with it it would not be good cuz I've had all reason they're not very good it looks like a pimple that was gross dude Connors having so much fun with that that was a laugh genuine laugh did you ever play roller coaster second yep I used to throw P like this Park isn't fun I'd be like thank you fly you're not in the park anymore we were like this this ride sucks you take off some of the track and they just go right out of the park right you keep good that game I probably put like 300 hour do that play back in my job I played roller coaster tycoon zoo tycoon thank you are baseball baseball yes sir I had phones on my team did I would I would set the CPUs on the hardest mode ever and I would still win like 25 best game ever look at that that's a roller coaster I get it now I get a coaster that roll it's a roller coaster not very good one why is you have to use the yellow thread Esther I guess our tradition is what's best Christopher oh that's wrong to my pack oh all right I guess
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 5,683,904
Rating: 4.8935175 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, 2019, matches, rocket, insane
Id: AVnKEeGA060
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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