WATERMELON Noodles!! Street Food of the Future in Vietnam!!

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now the question everybody wants to know do these noodles taste like watermelon [Music] in the age of this pandemic nearly every step of the food supply chain has been negatively impacted during the pandemic they couldn't sell anything everyone is feeling the pity he seems like a little emotional or does he have something in his eye restaurants i'm scared ocean dwelling seafood farmers far from civilization and especially large-scale manufacturers of yum it's like nostalgia in this exclusive series we're digging deep into food factories that are mass producing the affordable and convenient products we all take for granted what is this skins of animals or whatever oh just skin of animals today's mission learning how a fruit trading crisis fueled by kobit 19. uh oh we're getting help became an opportunity for food innovation your company has taken dragon fruit and you've incorporated it into what you're making already i'm heading into some of southeast asia's countryside food factories where do you find a machine like this at a garage sale where small teams and big passions turn simple ingredients into amazing eats oh my god so how do they do it let's find out [Music] vietnam is the second biggest rice exporter in the world geez that's really interesting with so much rice on hand folks here have gotten darn creative with how to use it rice is used to make booze rice noodles oh i'll have what she's having rice paper steamed rice sheets our mission today is to witness how a modern manufacturer has transformed fruit and rice into something the world has never seen before before today had you ever heard of dragon fruit rice paper [Music] for you to appreciate what you're about to witness we need to first take a step back and learn how rice paper is made in this super local countryside factory and [Applause] xin chao ko lahan shank thank you so much for having us here at your rice paper making factory this way comes from a family of rice paper manufacturers they've been in the biz for over 20 years here she and her team of 10 are producing up to 1500 pounds per day every day she wants like 600 kilograms of rice paper that's pretty significant when you consider one sheet of this stuff weighs almost nothing how do you even measure your production she measured by the finished product joining me on today's culinary adventure friend of the show you have a huge machine here where do you find a machine like this at a garage sale in this factory the rice paper starts with flour could be rice flour tapioca flour or some ratio in between in a large vat the flower is mixed with water until it becomes one even thick consistency then it gets pumped into the steamer the giant roller picks up a thin layer of batter from the trough below the silky liquid is evenly applied to a conveyor belt where it rolls into a steamer [Music] after cooking and popping out the other side this thin sheet sticks to a handmade bamboo pallet [Music] pallets that are also loaded by hand [Music] here speed is key any gaps between the pallets means lost product and lost profit [Music] as the pallets reach the end of the belt a rice paper technician rips them apart one by one now they're ready to go outside and get a dose of sunlight allowing the paper to completely dry right now we're in the drying area there's a disconcerting sound what is that as it dries the paper reduces in size retracting across the bamboo rack creating a positively eerie sound it sounds like it's raining yeah it sounds like the pitter patter of rain i will ask her if this sounds like a money coming for her the drawing can last anywhere between one to three hours depending on weather conditions have you ever tried to make a giant spring roll she's never thought of that okay i was just scared that's a good pity laugh why does this guy have a show [Music] once drying is complete the paper is peeled and stacked several layers of paper then descend beneath a massive hydraulic cutting press where the sheets take their final form [Music] these guys will be packaged and sold for dishes like spring rolls or rice paper salad the last thing i want to do while we're here if it's okay can i rip off a bite right now it's clean it's crispy and it's just waiting to be filled with other fun ingredients fantastic [Music] we've seen it being made but now i want to see rice paper in action here you can get it rolled grilled mixed pretty much any way you can imagine [Music] most of this stuff wasn't always around in vietnam these dishes were developed more than 12 years ago by the rice paper queen miss vaughn since then the popularity of this dish has spread like wildfire now they sell up to twenty thousand rolls per day here this is uh banchenkun yes nice to start we'll try two of their famous dishes first rice paper rolls with a side of dip a rice paper sheet is sprayed with water she scissors pieces of quail egg then peanuts dried shrimp beef liver jerky and vietnamese mint should we go for it that's really nice this food is as much about the texture as it is the flavor i mean there's some peanuts in there chewiness from the rice paper mainly those two things a vietnam seems to take a lot of pride in its rice paper you see it used everywhere did vietnam invent rice paper yeah we invented are you sure i'm sure how do you know vietnam invented rice paper you feel it i feel that yeah yeah okay just a rooster walking by the second dish is made with rolls of rice paper that have been dyed orange they're cut up and smothered in chili sauce and mayonnaise me too there's just even more flavor and more texture when you were a kid did you have this kind of a food no they have just invented it recently it seems like every day people in vietnam are coming up with new ways to use rice paper yeah exactly [Music] next we're going to see how one factory is turning an oversupply of dragon fruit into a type of rice paper that never existed before but first what the heck is a dragon fruit so right now we're in the middle of a dragon fruit field i've never been this close to the park for me i never even tried dragon fruit until i was well into my 30s the first time i tried it was with you on this show like two years ago the plant itself is kind of like a cactus and then there's big beautiful fruits on it dragon fruit can be found in three main varieties red white and one that's a bit yellow i think we cut one off and eat one right now we got permission to enter this farm no we don't have permission this exotic fruit in asia is actually native to central america but these days you can find it growing anywhere from california or australia to here in southeast asia oh no oh we're getting help okay she's coming she saw me you need to cut the male fruit which tastes better oh the male is better yeah the mess hey i didn't say it she said it she said it [Music] this is a male yeah that is a male how can she tell the difference the male has less lips i thought she's gonna say that male has a little mustache [Music] try it out [Music] super juicy one million seeds inside and then sweet but not over sweet hey look i planted a tree on accident i don't think that's not how that works i don't think so [Music] all the fruit from this farm will soon be collected and shipped here after the fruit arrives here it's sorted by size species and quality then it gets a warm bath [Music] dozens of staff work to package the dragon fruit before it ships out [Music] some of this will be exported to china some will go to markets and some will end up in this factory sir thank you so much for joining us today this is mr toon owner of the farm we just came from how long have you been growing dragon fruit he has been growing dragon fruit for five years in the past few years dragon fruit production has increased dramatically in the mekong delta farmers were trying to keep up with the huge demand coming from nearby china that was until corona during the pandemic there was a lockdown so they couldn't sell their dragon fruits oh man after the pandemic was in full swing the vietnam china border was closed that meant a huge surplus of fruit that had nowhere to go prices bottomed out dropping 70 to 80 percent was fruit going bad was it being wasted all of the fruits that he harvested during that time he didn't waste them there were still people come to buy but they have more power to bargain the price luckily some local entrepreneurs saw this tragedy as an opportunity creating whole new products like dragon fruit bread burgers and even rice paper these new products resulted in new demand for this tropical fruit helping dragon fruit prices to stabilize he would be very happy if there are more and more domestic companies to create new types of dishes from dragon fruit because selling for china and other countries is not very safe option for the farmer yeah i totally understand [Music] now i'm getting a behind the scenes look at how this brand new food is made have you ever had a big person come to your factory uh not yet i'm the first one yes this is mr duan the ceo some call him mr rice how many different types of products are you making here we have rice paper rice noodle river misery and some about the vegetable product we mix with the rice oh hey there's some rice right now rice paper here he's taken the old traditional method of making rice paper and scaled it up in this modern factory using technology to increase quality hygiene and volume we met a lady today she's making 600 kgs of rice paper a day wow how many kgs do you make in a day eight ton of rice paper or eight tons yeah oh that's way more this was one of the many businesses that seized the opportunity and helped to solve the fruit crisis in vietnam by doing this you've really been able to help out local farmers yes since february they've saved more than 100 tons of dragon fruit from simply rotting when you started maybe you were able to take advantage of a little bit lower price now the price is creeping back up which is good for the farmers but is that going to be good for you guys we still produce but we offer with our customer with a new price brand new price all right people like new things so i think that could work the signature mr rice dragon fruit rice paper starts with the d fruit cutting and peeling piece by piece and turning it into a type of smoothie that's mixed with rice flour and blended until it resembles hubba bubba bubble gum this beautiful bucket of peptidal looking relief is pumped into the steamer here a thin sheet of rice paper is formed when the rice paper leaves the steamer the mr rice team splits the pallets the color is very vibrant is that all natural unnatural these get stacked up and sent to the drying machine after 45 minutes the paper is dry then it's peeled stacked and cut into smaller sizes [Music] quick quality check and it's ready for packaging is there any big difference between this and the normal rice paper yeah about the repairing about the material mixing and steaming drying also different oh everything's different wow this product is usually shipped out of vietnam so few people have tried it domestically he has never seen anything like this i want to see it in action now so i'm heading back to our rice paper prepping specialist miss vaughn since thank you for having us this is the dragon fruit rice paper before today had you ever heard of dragon fruit rice paper she has heard about the dragon fruit rice paper on the television but she has never had experience with it so it's a pretty exciting day [Music] after wetting it down she stuffs it with all the familiar ingredients peanuts fried onions quail eggs coriander and beef jerky [Music] it does taste more pink can you taste dragon fruit not at all just the texture is chewy it's certainly thicker and it's pleasing to look at maybe this is something you could make on valentine's day i'll have you think about it wait hold on a second anytime i ask a girl out in the past she said she'll think about it i just never heard from them again give her that's life get right there are you gonna absolutely 100 percent put this on your menu starting tomorrow you think of that [Music] for mr rice dragon fruit is just the beginning he's also invented a rice noodle that's made with watermelon this is the watermelon vermicelli how do you make this the watermelon is peeled cut into chunks then that liquefies mixed with rice flour to create the dough for these noodles two tons of flour and watermelon juice can produce one ton of noodles finally this machine transforms the dough into vibrant orange noodles you thought it was going to be red huh yeah me too after you mix with the rice flour and you steaming the color will change to orange yeah it turns orange maybe it even looks like pumpkin flavor when the noodles leave the noodle machine an automated slicer will cut them to equal length those get hung on steel rods so they can dry a question everybody wants to know do these noodles taste like watermelon yes but not really strong so it's just the gentle aroma of watermelon yes the essence you feel like there was a watermelon in the room recently the dry noodles are weighed and packed in watermelon packaging ensuring the customer knows that watermelon played a critical role in the production of these noodles before we leave are you mr rice yeah sir thank you so much such a pleasure [Music] i bet you're wondering if these noodles really taste like watermelon i was too so i took them here this shop is famous among locals it's also enjoyed by outsiders like this young backpacker guy their signature dish marinated grilled pork mixed with rice noodles or so we just got back from the factory where they make noodles they make all kinds of noodles but we brought you a watermelon vermicelli this win heads up the front of the house and she's gladly taking on our challenge first she boils the noodles for a few minutes in a separate bowl she preps the greens top that with our watermelon noodles grilled pork grilled beef wrapped in beetle leaves grilled beef wrapped in pork fat spring rolls pickles crushed peanuts and scallion oil does it look any different to you she sees the difference in the color of the noodles really yes so the normal noodles is the whiter than this one this one is like off-white i'm very curious if it's going to actually have a hint of watermelon or not cheers [Music] if it tastes like any part of the watermelon it tastes like the green part yes it tastes like the peel what about you what do you think yum yum does that mean really yummy it means the same are you sure it's yum yum did you try to taste very deeply yeah you're right he's very sure about it okay so i think we should take a bite with everything together [Music] mmm one of my favorites sweet caramelized pork a little spicy and then just some nice vermicelli noodles she said it's delicious that's great when are you gonna put it on the menu you could add my picture next to it she says she uh i don't know well listen i think this was a lot of fun yeah you had fun yeah i had fun you guys had fun and the only thing left to do now conclusion let's go to a conclusion vietnam is a land of entrepreneurs scrappy he has been growing dragon fruit land for five years motivated every day she had like thousands of guests coming and creative was this your idea yes these are the elements required to make something from nothing she already found a formulation for success or to transform simple rice into a money making machine put another way a rice paper factory from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here guys we did it what another fun video we had a lot of fun and you had an equal or more amount of fun thank you very much for joining me awkward handshake guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time a piece you know nobody watches as far into the video anyways i don't even know why i do it we should go all right good video though i'm full man i ate a lot of mayonnaise [Music] [Applause] [Music] so
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,617,638
Rating: 4.9355783 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, best ever factory tour, vietnam, asia, asian country, south east asian country, saigon, asian food factory, vietnamese food, rice paper factory, how to make rice paper, dragon fruit factory, dragon fruit farm, WATERMELON VERMICELLI
Id: AV0c1Ai4uwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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