THAI FOOD HEAVEN in Chiang Mai, Thailand! What you SHOULD be eating in Thailand.

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today we are chowing down on some must-try food here in Chiang Mai starting with their famous egg noodles and look Thai immigration will literally stop you at the airport if you have not tried these noodles so let's do it I hope you're ready for another fun food adventure in my first Chiang Mai video I may have scared you off with the buffalo bile eating of live shrimp and giant water bugs so today I wanted to show you some Thai food so delicious that you and your dog will want to hop on your motorbike and drive to Chiang Mai immediately let's get started [Music] it was a restaurant right here I'm gonna try to use my a normal person voice a little bit right off the bat we got my tote bag and some sauteed it's not to come yes this smells amazing it's obviously been marinated in some kind of curry flavors what I like more than anything is he's got honey big old pot of peanut sauce over here there's nothing that goes better with some nice salty satay and some peanut sauce together we're definitely gonna be getting that but we're mainly here for the noodles let's go check out the noodles sweaty cop we're gonna be back here in a second I want to show you a couple things first of all while we're eating today it's called Khao SOI guy and it is a northern Thai noodle curry soup with chicken and that's coming from my own knowledge it's not coming from I'm not reading this menu up here I wish more restaurants would do this if you look at this like how nice is this they have all all the menu items just laid out a number deer all restaurants in Asia can you please just do this Montegrappa minimap Oh Khao SOI guy the only problem these are the famous egg noodle it's made with some rice flour and egg so they're yellow they're looking plump hearty and beautiful and then all jeepers look at this there's a giant pot full of boiling chicken it's boiling in coconut milk and there's chilies and there's giant pieces of chicken like this it's gonna top that with some delicious juices and so forth more toppings the fried noodle so they've got both versions of the noodle in the dish they have like the normal version and then the fried version on top for some more texture that's nice Duncan come all right guys it is about 9:00 a.m. in the morning right now a little bit early people are getting breakfast it's a super chill restaurant people it's quiet place so I'm trying to keep some quiet focused energy so you can still hear my enthusiasm will tell me being loud and obnoxious droves of people coming here for breakfast then it's easy to see why it like this looks like the most beautiful breakfast I've ever seen especially when it's kissed by the sunlight it was some a little bit of slow motion - oh very nice off the bat we're gonna start with our pork sautee there's nothing I like more than I'm find peanut sauce it's between liquidy and solid we're gonna just bathe our pork in that this is what the pig would have wanted to be mixed with a delicious peanut sauce like this undeniable sweet salty creamy and Pinot deep it's so awesome I'm very light is dainty it's cute I could eat about a thousand of these peanuts are so good you're gonna want to drink it right now the main event our chicken with these fried noodles on top these fried noodles alone our art would be such a good snack Oh amazing flavor but let go to put it all together and mix it together too so we have some lime here we have put in some shallots and a little bit of pickled cabbage there we go we're gonna mix that all up and then we've got the chicken on the side now the chicken is such a mystery because it is still on the bone because it's super tender it's been boiling for a while got our nice delicate chicken there some nudes and some fried nudes guys it's a whole new level of nudes put it all together I mean like would you look at that happy I'm just telling you I don't mean to swipe let's try it out mm oh now I understand so this is true you have to eat this or the immigration will stop you when you try to leave the country because they need you to experience this deliciousness this is amazing it seems like it would be a little bit heavy very light flavors the citrus adds some nice citrus the chicken is amazingly tender it's been boiling in a chili paste so yes there's some spice in there but it's not overly spicy you're getting the true flavor of the chili without the overly intense hotness of it and you can add more if you want to but I'm good I'm pretty good the thing I like most about this dish is the texture these these fried noodles are awesome and they we're making a show about first quiet it's quiet time in here no one's even talking in this restaurant I don't know what's going on that is location one I'm gonna finish eating this and then we're heading to location two obviously obviously location 2 all right cut and the Thai food adventure continues right here before us some amazing chicken grilled on this huge barbecue of proportions I've never seen before when you look at this like all these hot coals here going at once they've got like 15 chickens on the grill you can see they've split the chickens open making them kind of flat easy to grill they put two skewers on there or wood to hold our things here we have a lot more chicken selections we have some grilled chicken feet it looks like liver Hui there it is and intestines well look at these intestines these are like the most tasty looking chicken intestines I've ever seen nice and charred on the outside they're like little noodley chicken intestines we're gonna order some chicken some random chicken parts and some papaya salad food guy he goes a food guy some papaya salad throw it all together and eat it up let's do this the chicken and these chicken parts have not been seasoned but here we have the seasoning for everything our chili dip these intestines look awesome I don't think I've had intestines that look this great well it is like a chewy noodle wonderful texture chewy low crunching and then at the end it becomes a little livery almost our chili dip it's like cool at first and then there's like a glowing radiating heat that comes off of it but it's not too spicy that's a good intestine you got some sticky rice on the side to break up the protein feast sticky rice goes amazing with everything hold on I got some intestine in my teeth beautifully grilled succulent chicken here oh it's juicy I'm gonna just give it a bite on its own its own juices will be tasty enough not stupid good that is like summertime barbecue and potato salad frisbee hot Sun sunscreen that is what that chicken brings me to but it doesn't even need the sauce but we're gonna try it with some sauce - we got a nice piece of chicken breast here yeah cuz that's a real test anyone can make that dark meat of the leg be juicy but when them breast is still juicy it's been barbecued like that it's not dry at all and then it's taking on all the beautiful sweetness from the sauce oh it's game over for your mouth ah that is some good chicken we have a papaya salad here there's fermented freshwater fish inside so it does have a pungent smell to it we've got some crab but you don't eat the crab you you suck it I don't have the patience for a lot of stuff breaking off tiny pieces of crab I don't I don't have time to suck tiny pieces of crab but that's what you're supposed to do we're gonna dig right into the body of this this is like a minefield full of just little crab pieces that are gonna break my fillings off let's give it a try hmm huh oh god there's looking at me now mmm good stuff thank you chicken outstanding the fermented fish bit much for me let it stew a little bit it's a little bit in my face even this place is still not tempering the fishiness of that fermented water fish it's not for me can I say that I'm loving 99.9% of the food intense fermented fish mmm confirmed not for me but that's okay because we got plenty of chicken for me to munch on and from here we're going to location you guessed it location three the third one obviously God Jesus this search continues for some of chiang mai's tastiest treats yummy of snacks and coming up refreshing beverages local to this area swathi cop-out Cayenne noon cup she has a cup full of condensed milk and she just put some sugar on it and then she's got this cool net filtration system the hot orange looking tea it's got a really beautiful color too in and then she's mixing that all together and then she's gonna put it in this huge glass it's a cool refreshing treat she's putting that hot tea right over the ice that's melting immediately oh they are not done they're putting in some more evaporated milk Wow all this for only 20 or 25 or 15 I'm not sure how this menu works usually if I'm not sure how much something costs I will give them my full wallet and they can take the of the right amount we have our beautiful orange tea here she's put even more evaporated milk on top this is gonna be just a sugary feast what's really cool about this place though is they're doing a little double handling they have a print shop here they're printing stuff you need some stuff printed you need a quick drink coming here let's try it out oh that is actually ridiculously good I'm not a big drinks guy unless it has alcohol but that is true a tremendous super-sweet the tea flavor is coming through albeit a bit subtle it's mostly sugar all right let's get some more food before we finish out our epic lunch adventure Thai cooking in the North it's been influenced by all these surrounding countries but also by the mass of Chinese immigrants that have come here over the years and today right now we're gonna have a Chinese inspired dish it is the Chinese curled noodle they have the broth over here boiling away swati copper mmm I don't know how to order this one soup the oh yeah I a this yeah yes okay that worked she's going for the nudes over here okay I'm gonna follow you around and then she's gonna put in some herbs minced garlic the texture of those noodles is probably gonna be amazing it's time for a meat explosion we've got fried pork belly sausage some holes an egg and she cuts the egg and a half with some dental floss that's awesome that's a good idea and then last a steady brew of broth steaming right here all day and is that it ah kun cop oh here it is let's go try it out it's been the biggest lunch of my life so far I feel like I'm ready to explode and die after this I'm gonna go home and sleep for nine hours but it's all worth it to show you guys all these awesome foods I'm gonna get to the noodles but I'm gonna try some of this meat first it's a meat party in here and right now it's about to be a sausage party in my mouth very nice fatty chewy hmm chewy opals there's just so many meats to choose from it here in here they call it like a rolled noodle or a curled noodle Oh God okay she didn't see that it is slippery maybe I could put it on this way aha so if you do it that way what do you know about beating the system huh I've got my curled noodle on my chopstick and now I can grab another one like that smart oh sure okay yes we're doing it we're drying some cold noodle let's do it mmm great texture I knew it this was pretty predictably delicious with it being rolled on itself like that it's gonna have a nice chew to it so it's got some body it's not just falling apart I don't like a soft noodle I like a nude that's got some body and some composition to it mmm these noodles are tough though man they can be very elusive mmm it ain't no basic broth you know I'm saying peppery salting and just full of porky goodness that is gonna wrap it up for today if you're gonna have three or four lunches in one day I recommend coming to this place for lunch number three or four but do start with the noodles that we add first this morning this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam I know what you're thinking Vietnam but sunny you are in Chiang Mai Thailand that's right they have made this chiang mai video series possible by supporting me and what I'm doing here one trip is a company putting on amazing tours in Hanoi Saigon Danae and many more locations to come they have food tours adventure tours village tours my personal favorite is a Mekong Delta tour you just really get to go out there experience country side culture and see the real Vietnam for more information on one trip check out the links in the description down below don't forget to throw a sub do one of these not one of these I love you and I will see you next week peace when we do that anything again [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,870,088
Rating: 4.9141512 out of 5
Keywords: where to eat thailand, where to eat chiang mai, thai food, thailand, thailand food, where to eat in thailand, best ever food review show, Khao soi Kai, Khao soi Gai, street food thailand, thailand street food, chiang mai street food, street food chiang mai, travel show, travel food, travel food show, thai icetea
Id: rVUw-ZnYe18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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