NOODLE PARADISE! Central Vietnam Noodle Tour

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this is what I love about food all over the world because no matter what scale of food you're eating it's always possible to make it delicious to make it savory to make it beautiful to really take pride in the food we have traveled to central Vietnam here to dine on courtesy of one trip tours and let me tell you my friends these next four weeks are gonna make you crave for central Vietnamese food here's a taste of what's to come Wow that doesn't look like any fish I've ever seen during this four video series will visit de noms biggest port and feast on a boat in the middle of nowhere that's what I call a fat ball roll oh you're looking beautiful look at this one we'll chow down in Danang most packed market brimming with tasty treats and then Oh topping it with some plump juicy silkworms Wow what a treat we'll even take a field trip to way home of the original wooden ball we're inside the blood cake there are all these tiny little holes do you have any idea why those are there I don't central Vietnam has a culinary identity completely its own and I can't wait to show you guys what it's all about let's get started it's this way actually today it's all about those succulent noodles including dishes you will only find in central Vietnam noodles they fill you up and they never let you down well today we're gonna learn even more about these amazing creatures right here in Danang with my guide jim it is bright and early in the morning right here in beautiful Danang and we are headed to noodle location number one hold on wait for me I'm fortunate that I'm with this amazing guy joob joob knows literally everything about food in Vietnam and she's confident we're at a very typical stall you can find everywhere in get now she sells breakfast for everyone every day is she already selling me way this little Street side stall started selling about six years ago using the owners sister's recipe today I'll find out if this is truly the beginning of a mean Wang dynasty how do we order should I handle this hi me Wang why does no one ever understand me he Wang starts with a special regional Wang noodle made from rice flour but thicker and chewier than a fog noodle then one shrimpy some quail eggs chicken and pork a heavenly shower of scallions a bit of savory pork stock and peanuts we have two fresh steaming bowls of me Wang here and listen let's not be so immature about the name me Wang there's nothing funny about the word me okay so this noodle is made specially just for this dish just for this and for you you you eat it with a lot of soup so it's a soup noodles but this one is half soup and half meals it's like a noodle salad yeah first I will add vegetable in and dip it now to the bottom to make the vegetable absorb the the props I can do a little bit like that ma'am under done putting chunks of hot chili in there yeah and you're gonna eat those yeah fine I'm gonna do it too is that a big enough one I do it like this dip it in the sauce and I need and then some lime juice mix mix mix oh you're just going straight a broth huh oh there's a pepper in there mmm fatty meaty salty I like it I want to ask you about this shrink you eat the whole body yeah we're cool that will be space they turn the shafts and meet up the shrimp that's where the profit get into no I wouldn't ordinarily eat a whole shrimp with the head and eyeballs looking at me so innocently but let's do it anyways right okay am i right mmm that's a tastiest shrimp head I've ever had it was actually really crunchy I don't think we can show like ten different styles of bites let's just take a big bite oh you okay I thought we're just gonna take a bite together but that's fine are you ready [Music] hmmm that's got some kick to it but that tastes great I really love these noodles they're so pillowy and so just not mushy it's a great chewing experience when noodle are you looking forward to the most [Music] we're headed to our next destination right here with the punkin noodle noodle there are three types of mankind in Vietnam at this shop people mix rice flour and tapioca starch most of the time when you eat noodles the noodles already mmm but this one it's gone wrong one Oh can I eat this no no what happens if I eat it oh my god what's out like a cyanide tablet am I gonna be okay hope so it's like eating dope basically this one it's both inside from this soup begins with a pork broth and thick tapioca rice noodles a pork bone beef tendon quail egg sliced fish cake topped with scallions and herbs we are at the lowest table I've ever witnessed in my life and as if the table isn't low enough they put a crossbar here so you can't get under they have such a diversity of noodles in the show today this is super unique it's like you said with that rice flour but with some tapioca starch and then the noodle itself starts to look kind of glutinous and like clear the bread is here oh no what do you call this again white white so we have the white here it looks just like a big donut dip dip dip here we go Oh stunning there are a lot of poles inside the bread yeah so it pops up all the problem already alone it tastes so good it's just a big piece of soft fried bread oh no it soaks up that salty broth mmm hearty meaty little bit sweet salty flavor to it what kind of soup is this is that fish sauce with chilies yeah ah little bit of spiciness I've been doing pretty good today don't you think I've been handling it pretty well so let's take a big bite I'm gonna get some noodles we got some meat let's do it mmm oh there's perfection it's starchy but it's got some chewiness to it oh that's a great noodle we got some chilies in there too that's cool in spite of this punkin bistros ever-increasing popularity the owner still keeps the prices low so everyone can enjoy the spices used to be a poor neighborhood so on the food here they sell it very cheap price is all it cost $14,000 that's 75 cents or maybe a little bit less we can see these on a cheapest part of the port and tendon is also the cheapest part of yes beef and fish cake this is what I love about food all over the world because no matter what scale of food you're eating it's always possible to make it delicious to make it savory to make it beautiful and to really take pride in the food even if you're using more inexpensive cuts of meat she's managed to make an incredible bowl of to adhere for less than a dollar like that's astounding noodle location three and we're here for some more noodley goodness with Juke by one shrimp guide for today jus I don't exactly need to get my bike fixed what is this doing yeah and the wife is selling noodles okay and do they live like on the second floor if you ever find yourself getting hungry while getting your motorcycle wheels rotated this is the place for you what we're eating today it wouldn't it no and look I need everyone to be very mature about this I know the name can sound kind of funny wouldn't it no but there's nothing funny about the word known okay nothing funny about that word wouldn't it know starts with a bed of green spoon or vermicelli rice noodles a creamy peanut sauce sweet barbecue pork pickled cucumber carrot and radish peanuts fried onions fish sauce and cashew oil with some chili jelly this is the beauty of street food in Vietnam we are literally on the street in an alley beneath a drippy tarp we've got people just driving by have a good day sir take care we're gonna eat a quick meal and we'll see you next time this one we have the least amount of extra things around us so far this place is simple and straightforward all the stuff that we want to eat they put it in the damn hole already are we gonna mix it up yeah so it looks just really saucy think already I can tell it's gonna be kind of powerful and salty all right let's try a piece of this partially grilled meat mm-hm very nice it has that sweet fish sauce flavor in there so let's get some veggies some meat some noodles oh yeah buddy are you ready oh let's go for it [Music] oh do you need a napkin paper I didn't wipe my face on that one are you just eating a whole pepper chili chili pepper with your mouth and not even mixing it in you're insane [Music] nobody deal for me either so red means cold for me the best part is that peanut sauce like little sweet sausages and peanut butter mixed with noodles freakin awesome I love it [Music] here we are in noodle alley this is the aluminum alloy in Vietnam ma means something fermented so in this case for the mum is the fermented anchovy sauce fermented anchovy sauce and they're putting it with noodles so this is gonna be intense this smelly anchovy sauce isn't scaring anyone away in fact 13 years after opening they continue drawing in hungry patrons it is so intense it is like an old toenail kind of smell would you agree with that yeah so you've smelled your toenails before yes someone else you smelled someone else's toenail that's even weirder right no because we call it mom name so anything with mom in front of it is gonna be a little smelly got it she's gonna actually scoop up a little bit of this for me to sample with my nose oh man so you can definitely smell the anchovy but it's just fermented it's old it's rotten for some reason when you put the chili in there it can kind of neutralize the sauce and it all works together for the greater good like the Avengers this bowl of YUM starts with a bed of fresh greens shredded papaya then vermicelli noodles and a bit of young jackfruit and then it's time for the mood board fermented pork young rice pork sausage more sausage pig ear crunchy fried pork belly and peanuts fried onions and that smelly sauce you can only love or hate fermented anchovy then chili oil and bam one of the most media monstrosities in central Vietnam which part of this is kind of unique to central Vietnam romantic port oh we got all kinds of fermentation going on here yeah let's try that mmm it's just sour it doesn't have that like rotten flavor to it at all it just tastes a little bit sour it's nice I like it a lot the way you can fight that intensity of their fermented Nasir oh here [Applause] this is almost like a Chilean jelly right you lose just like strawberry jam but don't put this on your toast in the morning Vietnam is all about people doing their personal customization would you like more off the fiv sauce no I'm good we must mix it up so you know what it is um shark fin what ear oh let's try it out you ready let's do this hmm oh it's good it's good but it's shocking it really wakes you up in the morning oh man oh yeah so much happening super salty super spicy and the chili jelly it's doing its best that fermented flavor is there but it's not too overpowering oh I got everything here let's do it mmm there are a lot of ingredients with different texture and it really adds value to the soft texture a beautiful mix of textures it's spicy it's intense I love it it's kind of like an adventure in your mouth joke I want to say thank you so much for showing me around tonight today this was an awesome experience for me and a delicious one and for you guys if you're looking for the ultimate vietnam foodie experience let me tell you about a company called one trip they are putting on food tours in Danang also in Saigon and Hoi An you get to ride on the back of the bike get the real back of the bike experience in Vietnam they drive you around two tons of locations you get to tour the city more importantly tour and try out a ton of different foods until you're ready to explode with happiness for more information on one trip check out the links in the description down below I'm gonna see you next week please go and do a piece with me the end cut [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,727,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bun thit nuong, bun bo hue, danang food, where to eat in danang, vietnam noodles, veitnamese noodles, mam nem, my quang, vietnam street food, vietnamese street food, best vietnamese street food, vietnam food, vietnamese food
Id: FUmUoE-n8BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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