Best Backpacking Cook Kit! (ALL-in-One On A Budget!)

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today we're talking about budget beginner cook kits it's the only one I have it's my first one and I still think it's the best one out there for beginners let's talk about it there's an interesting problem that happens when you decide you want to get into backpacking you get out there you usually start looking at backpacks tents sleeping bags and the last thing on your mind at least it was for me was what am I gonna eat this was one of the last pieces of gear that I bought before my first backpacking trip but it is definitely one of the most important because let me tell you man cannot live off of granola bars alone yeah just can't so I found this completely on a whim by accident and yet I think it's one of the best backpacking beginner cook kits out there it's super affordable which is partly why I think it's a great deal and it comes with everything you need that's right everything you need I'm not joking everything it's a one and all versatile option but before we go any further my name is Jesse and this is backcountry forward where we're all about getting backpackers backpacking I believe the backcountry is for everyone so I offer the tips and tools you need to be backcountry forward but let's get to it I'm gonna break this into two parts I'm going to first look at the essentials of what comes with this cook it and then I'm going to show you guys my unique system and how I do it I should also say that my entire cooking which weighs under a pound costs me much less than fifty dollars to put together so this is definitely a budget option we'll get to that later on let's start with an out of the box review essentially this is what you're going to get when you buy the core centerpiece of your cooks system which is what's in this bad boy right here also I should make mention that while mine is called the Wolfe yolk this cook kick goes by many different names I will be showing in a second which cook it not to get and why I strongly suggest beginners do not buy another popular cook kit that you can find on Amazon but get this one instead if it goes by a lot of different names like Big Ear or honest equipment or something like that it goes by all different names up here in Canada Wolfe yolk is the one that you can get on Amazon CA and in the States I'll let put some links in the description below of what you guys can get that's an awesome set up so like I said I've been using this cook kit for the past two years now and it was only this year that I really worked on modifying my system but this is basically what you get out of the box you get stuff stuff kit and you get a frying pan and a well-used well it's not well used once it's first out of the box well use pot now I very rarely bring the frying pan and just use the pot so that saves me some weight if I had to bring this every single time it would add unnecessary weight to the gear but inside this is where the goodies are it comes jam-packed with a bunch of different goodies and again this varies slightly by brad from brand to brand some have a few extra bells and whistles some comes with a spork or a fork or spoon a folding spoon of something like that mine didn't mine actually came with a little flashlight and a little emergency saw which as you can see I've never really used I have used the Fras flashlight a little bit and then it comes with two little bowls and a little ladle scoop thingamajigger but the big thing here and why this is such a great kit in my opinion is that it comes with the stove and not just any stove this is a jet stove it's a great high pressure butane stove but not just that it comes with an ignition so you don't need to if you don't want to bring a little mini bic to like this you can just turn it on with the valve here and then press your ignition button in in an instant you've got flames and then you can take your pot and rest it right on top just like that and that is the core of this cook kit now the reason I think that this is such a better system than other systems out there is because it comes with this lid many other cook hits on Amazon like the Tom Shu come with a frying pan that has to sit on top in order to have a lid and the downside with that is if you don't want the frying pan or you never use the frying pan like I rarely do you don't have a lid and then you've just got a pot and that's not the end of the but trust me a lid on top lowers the amount of time it takes to boil water or cook your food by a lot so having a separate lid is totally worth it now if you sort of get rid of all the bells and whistles and you just keep the cook hid by itself the pot pan and stove in the stuff sack weighs sixteen point six four ounces which is just over a pound but if you get rid of the pan it drops everything down to just ten point four ounces so you're well under that one pound range so that you can add some necessary accessories to keep things under weight and yet versatile and so that's what I'm going to show you guys right now I'm going to show you how I put my entire cook kit together that keeps it under a pound or just over a pound once you factor in the fuel oh yeah here let me show you how to turn this bad boy on just like that simple off I love it simple easy no lighter necessary obviously you'll want to have some sort of backup fire source like a match or maybe a big mitt a big mini in your emergency case in case for some reason this fails you never know gear can fail at any point and you'll want a backup option PS this little stove is called the etekcity or I tech city stove it's a great stove I've been using it a ton love it never had a problem with it boils all my water in easily under five minutes I haven't done too many time tests but I love it haven't had any problems so a few cool things I have with my system are these little things which are 3d printed little eggs that my friend Kyle made for me that I can put on my pot thanks Kyle those were our birthday gift so cost him all of like 25 cents he said so I just keep those in with the stove so the first thing that I have is my windscreen for my stove which is just a homemade windscreen which I actually made out of one of these that's right just like a cheap dollar 25 from dollar rammer or Dollar Tree roasting pan and I cut off the bottom basically folded it up and I have that I'll do a little bit more of a detailed video on some of the gear that I have inside of this bad boy but basically I have that I roll it up and then I put my fuel canister which this whole system can hold a small fuel canister and also hold a large fuel canister one of the like 350 models the only downside is you're gonna want to put it upside down and then the lid doesn't fit perfectly I mean you can tell it's it's a little wobbly but once it's in its stuff sack and I'll cinch together it's actually pretty good but with one of the smaller cans everything fits in here nicely so I put my can in there I put my stove in there it is definitely a little tight you can tell there's a little bit of a squeeze but I haven't had any problems with that then I have just a little cutoff sponge I put the little sponge in there and sometimes the sponge just doesn't cut it I want something for me so I've cut off a piece of like a ShamWow cloth a little chamois and I take that I put that in there and then it's always good to have an emergency lighter so I have mine just in my cook kit just like that so if after that little ignition switch does stop working I have my backup and then last but not least put the lid on there oh boy put it in it's stuff sack and there's one last piece of gear one important piece of gear that I need to eat this food now when I first started backpacking I just went to the dollar store and got one of these these are a buck fifty it comes with a spoon a fork a knife and all on this little tiny carabiner it's not a bad deal honestly they're pretty lightweight they're plastic how can you go wrong I have a couple of these kicking around just in case I ever need them so they're they're a great option the other thing that I did was I went out to McDonald's and I got a McFlurry spoon that's right a McFlurry spoon the cool thing about this is you can find any old stick jab it into the end and you have an extended handle it's a half people and extended handle to reach deep into those dehydrated meal bags and that's awesome I've since switched that oh and thanks to Dan Becker got myself a human gear go bites I love this thing slides apart real easy slides back together and you got a spork spoon it has even like little sharp edges for a knife it's great and so what I do is I take this and I put it on top I seal it all down cinch it closed and by the boom but a bang with a nearly full canister of fuel it weighs 1.36 which I believe 1.4 is what I weighed it when it was full pound that is perfect ironically that's the amount of weight as if I had left all the insides out and just brought this thing which I really don't need I've brought it once and cooked bacon in it that bacon was amazed but I generally don't need that and this fits everything that I need for any of my backpacking trips if you're just getting backpacking this is an awesome option on I'll leave a link in the description below so that's my budget beginner backpacking cook kit and why I think it's a great option for you it has everything you need it comes with a pot it comes with a lid it comes with a pen if you should choose it and it comes with a stove plus a few other handy things and it all comes under $50 usually that set ranges anywhere from 25 to 35 dollars the go bite spoon cost me another ten dollars and everything else I had laying around the house it was an awesome option but more importantly there's other systems that you need to keep on your mind that you need to make some decisions for so I'm gonna put together a little playlist of the five backpacking system that every beginner needs to make some decisions on and think about as they get started just five short videos of things that I used as I started this journey not too long ago I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Backcountry Forward
Views: 25,656
Rating: 4.6381259 out of 5
Keywords: backcountry forward, budget beginner backpacking, backpacking cook kit, beginner cook kit, beginner backpacking, budget cook kit, budget backpacking cook kit, bisgear, wolfyok, mallome, etekcity, gold armour, camping cookware, camping mess kit, campling cookwear, backpacking cookware, beginner backpacking cookware, backpacking stove, backpacking pot, lightweight pot, best amazon cook kit, cook kit for beginner, best backpacking cook kit, cheap backpacking gear, cook kit
Id: AsMNd_KzqNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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