Best Backpacking Gear To Get You Started - Food and Cook Kit

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today we're going to talk about backpacking items on a budget we're gonna be talking about food and cooking food what's going on guys my name is Dan I love backpacking I love gear if you love that stuff too consider subscribing and if you want to just like the video now because I promise it's gonna be the best video you've ever seen in your life if you're watching this video you likely found it because you are either new to backpacking or you just are smart and don't want to spend a lot of money on backpacking items and you're just trying to get started trying to get out on the trail quickly and you'd maybe were invited on a trip with somebody who loves the backpack or you guys got together and thought of a great idea that was backpacking and now you're out searching for items so my goal in today's video is to help you guys out because I've been backpacking for a few years now I bought tons of gear and I think I've got it narrowed down to some of the best the most lightweight items to get you started look I've seen too many guys buy all kinds of expensive gear they got out on the trail they didn't enjoy backpacking and then they ended up selling it so you can find a lot of really cheap gear online and there's great places to find it there's definitely websites out there there are Facebook groups that you can get on to you can go onto Craigslist and I'll list some of those in the links below just to help you out as well maybe you can save some money there you can find some of these items on there but the first thing you need when you cook food while is food but specifically not like recipes or anything like that because I am no chef and I'm definitely not a chef out on the trail and I'll just tell you straight up in my personal opinion and backpacking enough and this is something that I still do today I just go out and buy mountain house meals sometimes I supplement them with other stuff like you know a sausage and maybe some cheese and that kind of stuff if I'm taking a little bit of a shorter trip and I just want some nicer stuff to carry that so that I don't mind being a little bit too heavy but Mountain House meals are great I've never had a mountain house meal I wasn't willing to eat they are all delicious especially after you've hiked a ton of miles and you are just super tired and you that food now and everything tastes good this stuff is gonna taste awesome the reason I love these is because they are absolutely no thinking involved whatsoever you boil the recommended amount of water you open up the bag you pour the water in and you are done now you may be thinking that these are really expensive they are more expensive and you can do food E cheaper but it takes a lot more thought to go into it and if you're that kind of a person that's fine but it features to the first few times backpacking you've got all this other stuff to think about just go out and get yourself a mountain house meal they're one of the best out there you can still save money on a mountain house meal for lunch I don't typically eat a whole mountain house meal what I do is I split it in half and I found the best way to do that is to just take the pack open it up before your trip and you can dump it into a ziploc bag and this will stay good still for a few weeks you dump it into a ziploc bag and now you've got two meals but you got to make sure that the ziplock bag that you're gonna cook out of you can cook directly in this second Kooten ziploc bag just like you can in the mountain house meal you got to make sure this is a freezer bag if it's not a freezer bag you're gonna be disappointed when you pour that boiling water in because that bag is gonna melt so now that you've got your food you have to have a bag to store it in you got to have some type of a food bag and you're gonna go online you're gonna find tons of opinions on food bags and there are some ridiculously expensive food bags out there you can spend $50 or more on a bag to carry your food I recommend just going to Walmart or to a Meijer and going to their camping sections and picking up some of the three pack dry bags this is I think from Walmart and this is the Walmart brand the camping brand it's called outdoor products and this is a this bag does fine it's a dry bag so you can use it for other things too like store in your clothes or whatever but I use the big one for my food bag and it'll fit maybe three days of food in there roughly and then you can roll it up you can figure out a way to tie it and you can hang it up in a tree you can shove it into the bear cans you can put these into the storage containers in some places or if you're lucky like me here in Wisconsin we don't have to worry about tons of bears and in Wisconsin so we don't even have to hang our food you can just store this a little bit away from your campsite make sure it's away from the campsite you don't want anything near you as far as food but and try to keep it off the ground as much as you can because rodents will get them there as well but this is a great inexpensive food bag to get you started so now you got the food you want to eat but you got to have a way to cook it and you're gonna go online in the Amazon and you're gonna shop for back packing food pots and one of the main ones that's going to come up is this Chinese food pot that you can get on Amazon and I'll be honest it's actually a pretty decent food pot mine that came with the stove it came with little carrying compartment like a little orange plastic thing for the stove it came with this mesh pouch it you know it came with a pot here and it also came with the mug and then you can use this pot to cook your mountain house meals you just boil the water in here and you can still use this as a coffee mug as well you can keep it clean because you're gonna be eating out of your mountain house bag and then you can keep this bag as well this is a great pot they're fairly inexpensive this will get you started it's decently lightweight this one's also got the markings for measurements for you and I think this one will hold about a liter of water while that pot is a good pot I would still recommend one of my go-to pots which is the tokes titanium pot it's a little bit more expensive but it's a lot better quality and it's much much much lighter weight this will hold five hundred and fifty milliliters of water which is still plenty of water to be able to fill any size mountain house meal that's out there and it already comes with a perfectly fitting lid with some holes in it so you can actually strain water let's say you want to cook a little pasta in here or something like that or ramen noodles or whatever else you might want to bring but it's also good but it's also a pretty good pot maybe you've now decided you want to buy this pot right here and it came with your stove it came with everything that is a great option to get you started because it's got all that you need but the stove that I got with that pot it only worked about two or three times it was kind of a piece of junk the seal came just defective underneath and every time I screwed it onto my gas canister it was leaking fuel like crazy it was just not a good situation other guys however I've heard have had great experiences with that stove and still use it years later so it's kind of a hit and miss situation I'm not sure what quality control is like for that stove but if you buy that that's great otherwise if you buy the toks titanium pot I will tell you to go out and also buy the b RS stove this stove is extremely popular almost every other backpacking channel is going to rant and rave about this stove it weighs less than an ounce with its carrying case which you don't need by the way you can just toss this into your pot and it'll be fine and you can also find this pot a little bit less expensive sometimes like if you search BRS on Amazon and you scroll down a little bit Amazon will give you recommendations for other stoves and you can find this exact same stove under different manufacturing names so I think some company came up with the design and just sold it to a bunch of different manufacturers and it's kind of like a no-name stove in a way but the BRS stove this is a great stove to get you started out on the trail just go out and get yourself one super budget item let's talk utensils so you're shopping for a utensil you can go to Walmart and you can spend four or five bucks on one of their cheap utensils I'll just tell you're not going to be happy with it it's too short your hands gonna get nasty dirty when you start eating your food what one option you can do is to go to like a Dairy Queen or something like that and just get one of their plastic long spoons for grab a couple of them for those mountain house meals those are super cheap and they're free another option and one of my favorites is just to go online and spend 8 bucks on the human gear duo this thing is really nice it is a fork and a spoon and it comes it nests together first of all just slides together just like this and so it's nice and compact and then when you're ready to eat you can take it apart and you can slide it back in on itself and it gets super long and it will easily fit to the bottom of one of these mountain house bags so you can get all the way to the bottom and not get your handful of nasty food where your eating pasta off a bit or something I don't know so the human gear duo guana Amazon buy it it's great otherwise if you don't want to spend any money super free go to Dairy Queen or someplace like that and get one of the longest plastic spoons you can find super ultra light and it'll work for your trip so those are just a couple of items that I wanted to help you guys out with for some inexpensive backpacking budget food gear I'm hungry after talking about all this food I'm gonna go eat we'll see on the next one
Channel: Dan Becker
Views: 66,394
Rating: 4.9100418 out of 5
Keywords: Backpacking, food kit, cook kit, mountain house, ultralight gear, lightweight, lightweight backpacking, How to, Backpack, toaks, humangear, review, cook system, backpacking food ideas, beginner backpacking, Hammock camping, backcountry, bushcraft, backpacking stove, brs, best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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