The New Stainless Steel Ozark Trail 5 Piece Mess Kit

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hey everybody welcome back today we're gonna check out the brand new improved Ozark Trail five piece mess kit for those of you that frequent Walmart you know a lot of times around this season is when they start bringing out all the new camp gear and this was no exception this is something that I have not seen in the camping aisle and I thought hey for the price I can bring it and show you guys because I think it's worth it you know my channel I like to feature affordable stuff I've covered some higher-end Kuk kits and mess kits and stuff I like to cover the stuff that anybody could go out and get in an afternoon even if they wanted to just drive down the street and pick it up without having to order it without having to space pay seventy eighty dollars you know it's just easy simple way to get prepared I figured the more people we have prepared for a disaster or emergency the better and having something like this being able to cook your food and your bug out bag instead of waiting six months to save up for a two hundred dollar cook set there's a whole lot more worthwhile when the emergency actually hits so I wanted to show you this this comes in from Ozark Trail the charge 597 for it so for just under six bucks it is a greatly improved mess kit now I had an old one of these let me open this up while we're talking here I had it old one of these and it was all that thin cheap sheezy aluminum that bent I mean it warped when you cooked with it I think it was almost melting I don't know it was pretty bad I've long since thrown it out and I figured this would be good for my wife's bug out bag because she really doesn't have a cook kit in there and it's definitely you know not a heavy kit we can weigh it in a second but I just want to show you what's inside so you got your plate up top here and you have a pot lid measuring cup I'm assuming that's your pot haven't opened it up yet yeah can be hung over a fire if you want and there you go okay and of course your pan let's see how this locks up or does it there you go so you got a pan there and we are gonna test this out and cook some breakfast in it I always seem to be cooking breakfast in my videos that's cuz I shoot him in the morning that's probably why anyway I wanted to give you a look at it and let you know it's stainless steel so it's not aluminum anymore it's got one nonstick pant pot and lid which is a 5.3 inches one frypan and with a reversible handle this is six point nine inches one Bowl which is 6.5 inches and the plastic cup which is seven point five ounces definitely a space saver you know you can break it down and put put it all together you can choose what you want so it is kind of a scalable kit let's say you only want to take the pan well you know you can take the pan with the lid stuff your cooks do your stove in there maybe it's very small can of gas you know you could kind of switch it any way you want put your silverware in there maybe even put some food in there a small thing nor soup or whatever so you know you can really switch it up depending on how you're gonna be going for my uses here I probably take all of it because it's going in a bug-out bag and again with a bug-out bag you don't know what you're bugging out from you know so it's good to have all your options available so let me get out the scale and we'll weigh it really quick and then we're gonna take it outside and test it out alright I finally figured out how you can actually see display on this scale so let's pop it on here and say I'm showing fourteen point three six ounces not bad a little bit on the heavy side but again you know my wife's bag doesn't really have much in it I'm carrying the food and the fries fried stuff and a lot of other stuff so with her bag having a little extra weight really isn't the end of the world so let me go set up outside and we will take you over to our little outdoor a filming area and we'll try it out with the new stove all right so I got my slices of spam out here I got my eggs all set up and some cheese and butter and I have some salt pepper onions and stuff and a little piece of tinfoil and I'm just gonna chop this up if you noticed for using the new looks on a stove that I reviewed to test this out I will probably test this out over a wood fire in a later video this this cook kit mess kit but for now I figured that's nice and easy and I got a lot of stuff to do today so don't want to build a big fire out here the stove and I'll bring you over here look all right it's going I'm putting a little little butter in the bottom here just to kind of moisten the bottom and I have another nice low simmer that's one of the things I like about this little look SATA remote canister stove as you can keep it on a simmer like that and it won't go nuts and burn everything well trying to get this off the wrong hand I am using my little you co spooling pork combo here the titanium one when you think about it about 16 bucks just cost more than the cook kit please have yourself a nice little cook get a nice little setup now the only problem I proceed with it if you're boiling the water if you're boiling water for saying mountain house type stuff that would probably be a problem and you probably need to use the the pot but I'm not sure that the pot is big enough for two cups of water so may not be convenient for you but if you're looking to go out and actually cook stuff you know you're gonna use a pan or something this works very very well now I've activated every alarm dog in the neighborhood they probably smell the food anyway let me get that a little more time and I'll bring you back when we've got the eggs going and the cheese going and see how it comes out and one of the things I'm noticing is they weren't kidding about it being easy cleanup I kind of let some of this burn just to see and even with the edge of the knife I'm getting it off the burn marks off so we're gonna have them clean it up after and I'll show you how it cleans up with a little bit of soap and water let's dump the eggs in now I don't think I needed that butter man that looks kind of greasy she's ready throwing like seasoning we need to get me a curb with seasonings so that I can mix it up pretty good I used to like salt pepper and onion flakes it's pretty much all I put in here sometimes some garlic with different meals different foods not eggs and I need to get one of those shakers that has all the different holders in it dump in cheese it already hit the floor that place just hit a rock it didn't do any rolling all over creation out here all right I'm gonna finish this up and bring you back when we're done the lower a little bit finish it up bring you back when we're done and I'll show you how it came out all right so there's breakfast tastes and looks pretty good here is the pan now that looks pretty nasty and bad we're gonna see how well that will clean up what I'm gonna do bring everything inside and I'm gonna give this some soap and water and my scrubby that I use for my outdoor gear and see how easy it is to clean up all right so we're back inside everything's cleaned up and eaten because that was really good and we didn't test this of course this will probably get tested at a later date I do have my little fire pit over there and I do want to hang it and see how it works maybe with some soup maybe you could put one ramen soup in there or a canned soup or something it isn't the biggest so don't know how it would work for you know boiling water for your most your mountain house entrees and other entrees take about two cups and I doubt that's two cups and we didn't test this of course but what's there to test I probably wouldn't even save this honestly I have enough cups with measuring marks on them that I wouldn't probably heated pan of course washed up nicely that's what I ate out of the frying pan there's a couple of scorch marks on there but you know again this is a under $6 frying pan cookset mess kit in general you really can't worry about that too much when you're spending so little and it's gonna get used it's gonna get beat up and let's face it you're probably not gonna it did clean up very easily the areas with the burned on spam cleaned right off so you may get a couple of scorch spots here in there but no real damage to it you can't really beat it for the price and it is something good if you're brand new and you're trying to get started maybe building a bug out bag you could even build an effective home cook kit with your emergency stove you know for a power outage kid or something with something like this remember you're not gonna use it as often as you are gonna use your regular pots and pans of course and to get started and spend five ninety seven you know is a whole lot better than having absolutely nothing to cook on if you ran out and got yourself a little isobutane stove and you're trying to use your regular pots and pans on it so it definitely has a purpose it definitely has a place again you know most of us are to the point where we'd laugh at something that inexpensive you know we go out and buy something far better but I know some of us out there that are watching this are just getting started maybe you're put off by spending fifty sixty dollars on a cook kit or a mess kit and this is definitely a viable option you know if it holds up and I can wash off burned on spam I'm not complaining about it you know it fits together fairly simply really not much to it as I showed you outside just put it there like that now one of the nice improvements of this not only is it stainless steel but the clip actually works on the old one it barely clipped and it really didn't hold this one will not pop off so definitely an improvement there so if you're looking for a nice inexpensive mess slash cook kit for some foods not for all you know not for all foods it's definitely a good cook kit for some foods I would say go for it I mean for six bucks you almost can't go wrong if you're just getting started putting together a bug-out bag and you want something like this and you're not gonna your mainstays of food aren't gonna rely on freeze-dried entrees this might be really good if you've got a boil one cup of water and then boil a second cup of water you know and I think that's about a cup and a half actually when I when I poured two cups in it it seemed like it was about a cup and a half because I had a half cup left in my measuring cup so I mean you know that may not work for you but for what I made you know for regular foods not a problem at all anyway that's the review for the day that's the brand-new Ozark Trail 5 piece mess kit it sells for six hundred six bucks five ninety seven you can pick it up in Walmart I don't have a link to it because I bought it in Walmart so you can just go there and check it out or you can look online Amazon might have a link if they do I'll put it below anyway folks don't forget to check out our amazon store down below we have pretty much aside from this everything we review in the store and you can check out all the stuff that we review in the store if there's nothing there you like just click it go up to the search bar and search for what you normally purchase on Amazon it really does help out the channel a whole lot and don't forget to check out our thrive life link down below I am I got a thrive video coming up in probably a week where I'm gonna be cooking some more of it and trying it out so don't forget to check that out and a good way to get started with your freeze-dried food storage and I thank you folks for watching don't forget to like share and subscribe if you're not a subscriber and stay safe and stay prepared
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 50,350
Rating: 4.8703842 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, bug out bag, affordable prepping, frugal prepping, prepping gear, prep items, bug out, best gear, camp cook, camp cook set, mess kit, bug out prepping, emergency gear, cooking camp, Dry goods, stocking up on food, bug out food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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