My Backpacking Cook Kit System - Backcountry Kitchen - A Detailed Look

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welcome to Wisconsin we're gonna talk about my cook kit but we're gonna do it inside it's way too cold out here what's going on guys my name is Dan I love hiking I love backpacking I love gear and if you love that stuff - would you consider subscribing to this channel because that's what this channel is all about today we're talking about my cook kit I wanted to do it outside really bad it is literally zero degrees and the temperature is dropping the forecast for tomorrow is negative 18 degrees Fahrenheit and it's supposed to be 20 to 25 mile an hour winds the next two days if my kids school are already called off so I was just like I can't think about cold like that so I came into my nice warm house here set up all the lights for you guys set up the camera I've just got a few minutes to film before I got ahead out but I've gotten a ton of questions about my cook kit you know the type of pot I use from the stove I used what kind of fuel do I use what kind of spoon do I use all that stuff and the most common question I've got is about my cook pot this is my cook kit it came in a really nice stuff sack the pot head I took that stuff sack I got rid of it and I just use just a regular rubber band to wrap around my pot to hold it together that's actually working really really well maybe if you have a pot that has a lid that doesn't snap on like mine does that may not work as well for you because that lid may slide around but in my situation the rubber band works great I can toss this into my food bag if there's enough room in my food bag because sometimes on longer trips I'll take more food with me and there's not a ton of room in there so this will kind of sit off the side in my bag it stays together this rubber band keeps it on there just fine so we'll go ahead and open it up for you guys so I use the ever new titanium pasta pot it's a 1 liter pot the reason I love this pot so much is because it gives me more than enough water to have those mountain house meals PACA gourmet meals whatever meals you're using those dehydrated meals usually they take 2 cups of water mine holds 4 cups of water so that gives me enough water to pour into the bag and it also gives me enough water for a cup of coffee tea or if I bring my kids with me which often happens I've got water for them for whatever they're eating for my why for whoever it's called a pasta pot because it's got straining holes on the top so I hiked with a buddy mine who had a jet boil he had one of those cool lids with all the holes in it he was able to like make gourmet macaroni and cheese on the trail and I was like I want to be able to do that so that was what drew me to this pot it's got a nice little hole over here so that way when water straining here it does it quickly because it can bring air back into the pot so it doesn't slow down and then it's got also the little lip here so I can pour out liquid really easily into those mountain house containers that's like the most dangerous part when you're pouring that boiling water into your mountain house bag package gourmet bag whatever is that that water that boiling water you get burned on the trail that's not fun the big reason why I love this pot is not just for capacity I love it because it's got the markings right inside here I love it because it has a lid that snaps on really really easily really really tightly and the lid comes off extremely easily if you take your finger back here and you just slightly push up it pops right off very easy to take off I love it because it's got this plastic handle on the top that I can just grab and lift off real easy I have to worry about burning my hands and it's got this silicone handle so even though titanium gets really really hot I can grab this and not worry about burning my hand the bottom of the pot is a very wide base so it'll actually cook faster the water will boil faster because the stove that fire is got more area to hit so it's more efficient and it will just cook and boil much much quicker I will tell you this this pot is really expensive it's not a cheap pot at all it runs about $70 on Amazon and tokes is probably for value purposes a much more reasonable price but because I backpack so much I bring my family and I go with friends this pot just works really well for me everything that I bring fits nicely inside of this pot so you can see inside this pot I have a human gear duo spoon it comes apart it's snaps together it fits easily inside of a bag it weighs really not much at all it's really really durable and the other thing I like about this that I don't think people talk about too much is that the edges of it are slightly concave so you can almost use it like a knife so if you needed to you could actually slice cheese I mean it's not sharp enough where it's gonna cut your hand by any means but even the sides of the spoon it's got a little bit of edges here and it's easy to you know slice sausage sliced cheese that kind of stuff I will talk about my stove real quick this is a VRS knockoff I have a VRS stove but I grabbed this one as well because I want to show you that VRS stoves are just a name it's like a designer of a stove I'm pretty certain they sold the rights and the design to different manufacturers for some reason BRS became the popular one this one is boo Haws bajas this one's full house or something I have no idea what the name is on this thing but it's whatever it's exactly the BRS stove so the BRS stove it's a cheap Chinese design that happened to work and people caught on to it for a couple reasons one it is titanium so that sounds cool and two it is ridiculously lightweight the stove is a little bit finicky so like when you're turning into the fuel up and down it's not real smooth getting that perfect boil can sometimes be a little bit difficult because it it's just it's touchy is what I should say but it's still a good stove I've used it for a body gear this is my wife's stove and I like it but I want something different I'm gonna be ordering the Soto wind master stove and the reason I'm doing that is because it will boil faster it's a little bit more dependable it's got a self ignition on there I like that also I went and just cut just a regular kitchen sponge and I caught just maybe like an inch off the end of it and I use this to clean out my pot if I eat in my pot which is pretty rare and then because titanium can be really conductive with heat in other words when you have a hot liquid in there heats up that pop really really quickly so when I drink my coffee in order to not burn my lips I went out and got this Snow Peak Hot Lips it's just a little silicone item that just snaps onto the side of your cup or your pot and it stops that liquid from burning your lips it's just one layer of protection fun fact for you guys this is the only item I ever lost on the trail I actually lost it on my last trip when I was at pictured rocks and the fall leaves her out and because this is yellow it blended right in with the fall leaves and I've never lost an item in the all the years I've been backpacking out on the trail one time except for this and I just happen to have two of them because one of them is my wife's and then one item I'm hopefully gonna get rid of is this big lighter that I keep in my pot not that it's heavy but it's just one more thing I gotta bring I do carry another backup pick lighter in my fire kit if I need it to start a fire or whatever but this is used to specifically just light the BRS stove that I bring and because my solo would master that I'm gonna be getting is gonna have a self igniter I won't need this and then for the fuel that I bring I just bring a fuel canister I bring the smaller one this one is a hundred and thirteen grams usually there are a hundred and ten grams this has gotten me through four day trips with no problems whatsoever and I'm talking cooking two to three times a day boiling two cups of water every single time and I've always had fuel left over even on cold trips where it's been 20 degrees outside it's always gotten me through so unless you're going on like really extended trips you know week-long ten days two weeks and you're not going to resupply at all or something like that or something crazy you're probably only going to need a fuel can this sighs all right before you guys take off I want to say thank you to all of the people that have subscribed to my channel I started this channel around Thanksgiving of last year I had no idea that anybody would ever even subscribe at all and I'm just so excited to be able to be a part of this backpacking community this YouTube community and I just met some great people through it every one of you guys has been just so kind and so friendly and so nice and I I've never ever met nicer people than hikers when I'm on the trail I mean everybody's always just so happy always willing to talk always wanted to you know give you and share ideas and see how you're doing so I appreciate every one of you guys so thanks for doing that so that was just a quick video on my cook kit if you like this video would you please hit that like button also consider subscribing to the channel I've got a ton more content waiting for you guys I can't wait to share it with you I've got trips planned I've got more gear coming up to show you guys I've got lots of tips lots of tricks for you guys and we will see you on the next one
Channel: Dan Becker
Views: 57,486
Rating: 4.9269857 out of 5
Keywords: Backpacking, UL backpacking gear, PCT, UL hiking, UL backpacking, ultralight, BRS, Stove, backpacking gear, thru hiking, best cook kit, backpacking cooking, how to cook, soto windmaster, humangear duo, evernew pot, Backcountry, Backpacking gear list
Id: Cix2Dkzh58w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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