Top 10 WORST Acting Oscar Nominations of the 2010s

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so there were a lot of great acting Oscar nominations of the 2010s but there were also let's be honest some really bad ones too hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and it's time for my top 10 list of the worst acting Oscar nominations of the 2010s let's start with number 10 best supporting actress Laura D wild then what cherl if there's one thing I could teach you it's how to find your best self now this isn't a terrible performance I would say I just think it's extremely forgettable wild was a solid movie I saw it opening weekend Reese Witherspoon is great in it but Laura dur as her mother only gets a few scenes throughout that movie and I don't remember her performance at all it was kind of surface level there's not a whole lot for her to do in that film and that sort of surprise Oscar and nomination for D felt more to me as like we love Laura D it's been more than a couple of decades since she got her previous Oscar nomination for rambling Rose and D had consistently been putting in good work in film and television year after year she's also very good in The Fault in Our Stars which also came out in 2014 and because supporting actress that year wasn't overly competitive like there were a couple slots up for grabs and so dur made it in in the end I think her slot should have gone to Renee rouso for Nightcrawler that is an amazing performance from an actress I have adored for decades she got in at bafta so I was hopeful but on Oscar nominations morning when they did nominate Jake Gyllenhaal and best actor like Russo wasn't getting into supporting actress they went with d instead I don't love her then a few years later for marriage story and I don't really care for this nomination for wild either number nine best actor Denzel Washington Roman J Israel Esquire so here we go we're going to we're going to wrap I don't mean hip-hop so from the director of Nightcrawler came this follow-up film starring Washington in 2017 I saw this movie once it was okay while Washington doesn't really look like himself he's got a little bit of a physical transformation I guess you'd say and that appeared to be enough for another Oscar nomination for the celebrated actor he did very well at the Academy Awards in the 2010s he's nominated for flight he came very close to winning for fences after his sag Victory I love his nomination for the tragedy of MC Beth in early 2021 but this nomin ation for Washington in Roman J Israel Esquire just feels kind of lazy to me I don't know about you it's like they needed to fill the category they had four nominations for Best Actor and they were like well who do we put into number five did Denzel Washington have a movie this year oh he did let's put him in there and it's just it's fine I'm not going to really hate on a Denzel Washington Oscar nomination because he is fantastic fantastic and he always brings something great to every role he plays but this is the one Oscar nomination for Washington that didn't need to happen it was such an astonishing field of nominations that year in best actor like Daniel Kya for get out and Daniel de Lewis for Phantom thread and Timothy shalam for call me by your name I mean these are films we're still watching and loving today is anyone now watching Roman J Israel Esquire I don't think so number eight best supporting actor Bradley Cooper American Hustle No No I need this please I need to go dancing with you I've talked about this recently on the channel I do not like American Hustle I really struggled watching that film opening day Christmas Day 2013 I was so excited for this film and it just didn't deliver at all and I was kind of shocked to see how well it did that award season season like give Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence nominations for things okay maybe even Christian Bale he's very good in that movie too even if I had a lot of problems with the narrative and the pacing and things but Bradley Cooper and best supporting actor what was that about like what did he really bring to that movie not much besides I guess his hairstyle his dance moves this is not a very good or memorable performance and so it is kind of a heads scratcher to me why he got in at the Oscars for this it was like they were just checking off all the names of the actors from American Hustle like any category they could put all of these people into let's give it lead actor lead actress supporting actor supporting actress and like we could have nominated the other three I can live with those nominations but Cooper and supporting actor I do think this is by far his weakest acting a nomination I love his nomination for silver Lightning's Playbook and for a star is born and I'm also okay with his nominations for American Sniper and Maestro in acting let me just make that clear in acting but American Hustle come on that one's just Overkill totally unnecessary number seven best supporting actress Jackie Weaver silver Lings Playbook we have to tell him that she's going but that's a lie that's a white lie that's a white lie what's that matter that's no big deal so it's a little light now oddly enough we have the same situation here as I just talked about with Cooper an American Hustle in that silver Lightnings Playbook also directed by David O Russell the year before also overperformed at the Oscars and got into every acting category three of these acting Oscar nominations are great Cooper and best actor Jennifer Lawrence and best actress she won of course and Robert DeNiro and best supporting actor those nominations for this movie are great and can stay but then it's like Jesus Christ did we also have to nominate Jackie Weaver in supporting actress too no she really didn't show up at all that award season but then got that surprise Oscar nomination and supporting actress and it was like gez they really love this movie it's like if they could have given silver Lightnings Playbook 37 Oscar nominations they would have because as much as I adore Jackie weed her as an actor I love her nomination from 2 years before for Animal Kingdom but I just don't think she had enough to do in silver Ling's Playbook to Warrant an Oscar nomination it's not her fault at all it's the screenplay that never gives her a chance to shine and so while she's perfectly good in silver Lightning's Playbook like is that an Oscar worthy role no it was a totally silly nomination stemming from that abundance of love for Silver Lightning Playbook from the academy and like Bradley Cooper's nomination for American Hustle a year later it just came off as Overkill number six best actress Charlie Theon bombshell a hotline in this building is like a complaint box and occupied Paris it's like we're telling women go on speak up for yourself just know the entire network is with Roger I don't know how you felt about bombshell that came out at the end of 2019 but I wasn't much of a fan I had been looking forward to it I thought it was an interesting idea for a film but it was a bit of a wamp wamp at the end of the day when I walked out of the theater I felt like I hadn't been given very much bombshell to me just felt like a lot of impersonations and not much of a story grounded in reality I thought that best supporting actress nomination for Margot Robbie was a bit of a shrug and then Charlie's Theon getting into best actress for playing Megan Kelly in bombshell I was just never on board that train even though I love Theon as an actress I think her win for monster is one of the best acting Oscar wins of all time she is absolutely incredible in that movie but her other two Oscar nominations I don't really care for North Country like she's good in that movie did she need to get an Oscar nomination for that one I'm not sure and then when it came to bombshell it felt like the nomination was more for the makeup job done to make her look like Kelly than it was for the performance itself the resemblance is pretty uncanny I'll give you that but is this one of her best performances in the movies I don't really think so I don't think she gets any great scenes in that movie that you're necessarily thinking about days later I do think this is a pretty weak Best Actress Oscar nomination of the 2010s I think Charlie Theon gave much better performances that decade like in Tully and young adults and especially Mad Max Fury Road like come on that would have been an alltime nomination if Theon had been recognized at the Oscars for Mad Max Fury Road but instead her one nomination that decade is for bombshell no thanks number five best supporting actress Kathy Bates Richard Jewel my son is innocent Mr President please clear my son's name this nomination kind of infuriated me like this one was ridiculous I believed it then and I believe it now Jennifer Lopez should have received her first Oscar nomination for Hustlers think what you want of that movie she is incredible in it she has such a dynamic presence such energy such Charisma in that film and she got into I think every precursor ceremony she might have missed one but she did very well that award season she wasn't winning anything this of course was the year where Laura D swept the season for marriage story unnecessarily I would say I liked her in marriage story I thought she was better in Little Women I don't know best supporting actress in early 2020 was kind of a mess Lopez I thought was one of the best performances in that category and then she snubbed on a osar nominations morning so that Scarlet Johansson can have two nominations one in lead actress for marriage story and one in supporting actress for Jojo rabbits like I'm okay I guess with that nomination for Jojo rabbits she's good in that film but Kathy Bates and Richard juwel give me a break Richard Jewel from director Clint Eastwood was such a mediocre film that I was not thinking about the next day it's just kind of there it's doesn't really move you and I feel like if we were to give this movie a major nomination it would be for Paul Walter Hower in the title role not Kathy Bates who cries in the movie sure playing his mom she shows a lot of distress I don't know this nomination to me felt kind of lazy and also strategic in a way to ensure that Jennifer Lopez wouldn't be nominated like let's go back to an old favorite Cath Bates who won one of my favorite acting Oscars for misery I have talked about that win on the Channel all the time I love her Oscar winning role as Annie wils in misery and I also really adore her other two nominations for primary colors in 99 and about Schmid in 2003 those are all fantastic but then we get to Richard juwel and it just feels kind of obvious and safe I believe this was the only nomination at the Oscars for the movie so yeah I love Kathy Bates of course but this nomination can go number four best actor Eddie redm the Danish girl I've been seeing en Santa how many times have I said Alicia Vander should not have won best supporting actress for the Danish girl I mean I've probably talked about that in 8 to 10 videos throughout the years that win should have gone to Kate Winslet for Steve Jobs or Jennifer Jason Lee for the hateful eights but you know what if I had to choose I would keep that win for Vander and supporting actress and take out that nomination for Red Man and best actor I think that performance by redm in the Danish girl is pretty cringy it hasn't aged very well he's trying tring to be sure but I don't think this performance deserved an Oscar nomination I know best actor in early 2016 wasn't overly competitive but like this was the best we had red M and the Danish girl one year after he won for the theory of everything it just felt unnecessary and I do think there were better performances here that could have been recognized like Johnny Depp for black mass dominal gleon for exm and especially Tom Courtney for 45 years years Charlotte rampling got into best actress for that movie she gives an amazing performance in 45 years but so does Tom Courtney and I do think he would have been a better Oscar nomination that Year and best actor over Eddie redm for the Danish girl number three best supporting actor Kenneth BR My Week with Marilyn do you know what would make Marilyn Monroe a real actor a season in rep they wouldn't stand for this kind of nonsense at the Hippodrome at East I mean talk about forgettable so forgettable like does anybody even remember BR got this best supporting actor nomination at the Oscars for My Week with Marilyn which was in every way a showcase for Michelle Williams who won at the Golden Globes and at the film independent Spirit Awards and did pretty well that award season for a performance that's kind of divisive I don't know how many people today really love that Williams Performance but at the time it was pretty impressive and I do think she deserve that Academy Award nomination in best actress but Bron and best supporting actor come on the only reason he's in there the only reason he got nominated pretty much everywhere that award season was that he's playing Lawrence Olivier in My Week with Maryland and everybody knows and remembers and loves Lawrence Olivier who was an Oscar winner himself and so it's like okay check R's name off the list of course he has to get in but he didn't have to get in for that performance there is nothing he's doing in that movie I felt was awards-worthy like he's not bad but he's also not memorable and it's not worthy of an Oscar nomination especially in a year where Albert Brooks gives a Monumental performance in drive that is one of my favorite villainous performances in the movies in the 2010 ends and Brooks got into a few precursor ceremonies he won a lot of critics prizes Drive I know was not everyone's cup of tea but it was my favorite film of 2011 and being a big fan of Brook's comedic work in films like lost in America and Defending Your Life and mother I thought he gave such a remarkable dramatic performance and drive such a chilling villain and we go with Kenneth Brana for My Week With Marilyn no number two best actress Merill stre yes Merill Streep Florence Foster Jenkins this is my favorite place in the whole world mhm and I'm going to sing here I am such a huge fan of Merill Streep I have made countless videos about her career on this channel I am about to complete an eight-part video series all about Merill at the Oscar of her 21 Oscar nominations they're not all amazing performances but I would rank two at the bottom into the woods which got her a best supporting actress nomination but her worst nomination like the worst one is Florence Foster Jenkins I don't even think it's a question I do think this is her worst performance to get an Oscar nomination and what makes it especially infuriating what makes it really annoying is that there were so many better performances that could have been nominated in best actress instead like Amy Adams for arrival we talk about that one all the time I do think Amy Adams finest performance in the movies is an arrival and she got into all of the precursor ceremonies and then at the Oscars a Ral gets nominated for tons of things including best picture and Best Director but it doesn't get into best actress for Adams it still makes no sense to me but it's like to make room for stre again at the Oscars for her 20th Oscar nomination for a movie that's just okay I mean she's having fun with this role as a terrible opera singer it's not a bad performance it's not a bad movie but like we could have skipped this Oscar nomination I think for stre she didn't need this one and you know what I think she agrees because after they play her clip at the Oscars she is noticeably embarrassed she doesn't seem to like what she's seeing and so yeah of course I love Merill street with a passion I think it's really cool that she has 21 Oscar nominations by far the record right that record by an actor will probably never be broken I mean even if stre never gets another Oscar nomination I hope she does I really really hope she comes back to the movies and gets some more Oscar nominations but I do believe with my whole heart if there was one Oscar nomination for Streep we should take away and give to someone else it is her nomination for Florence Foster Jenkins that should have gone to Amy Adams for a rival all right that takes me to my number one choice what do I think is the worst like the absolute worst acting Oscar nomination of the 2010s this was a very easy call to make my number one choice is best supporting actor Sam Rockwell Vice are visible for you yeah yeah me me look closer yeah has my hair this nomination completely Stupify me I don't know why this happened other than I guess Vice was a well-liked movie at the end of 2018 and there's a lot of like Prosthetics and makeup turning actors we know into these real life figures Christian Bale as Dick Cheney Amy Adams as Lynn Cheney I just talked about how Adams very much deserved an Oscar nomination for arriv Ral she didn't really need to be nominated for vice she's okay in that movie I do think Christian Bale is very good in Vice I had some problems with that movie but the Bale performance is not one of them he is excellent in that movie I'm fine with his nomination but Sam Rockwell playing George W bush give me an effing break seriously this performance by Rockwell does not work it is borderline comical like SNL parody also he's not in the movie very much it's an extended Cameo let's be honest and in early 2019 the academy thought Rockwell deserved an ustar nomination for this like for this really it just came off as really weird and lazy in a way because it's like well we gave Sam Rockwell the Oscar and best supporting actor the year before for a much better performance in three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri let's just give him another nomination again he's perfectly fine in Vice maybe it's not the best performance of his career but let's let's just invite him back again and it's like oh God I just I it drives me crazy when an actor as talented as Sam Rockwell is is snubbed for an amazing performance like he gives in the way way back from 2013 but then gets in for vice which is just not very good it's an extremely cringy impersonation of George W bush that should not have come anywhere close to an Academy Award nomination I mean come on there were so many better performances that could have been nominated here instead like Timothy shalamay who is so emotionally devastating and beautiful boy or what about Josh Hamilton who was so great as the dad in e8th grade or what about Alex Wolf who was absolutely incredible in hereditary honestly now don't you agree any one of those performances would have made a much better Oscar nomination and best supporting actor Sam Rockwell as George W bush in Vice holy shits that truly is the worst acting Oscar nomination of the 2010s thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what do you think are some of the worst acting Oscar nominations of that decade and is there anyone I left off the list we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 39,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DBcXLwMa-oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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