Bernie Mac "Call In Sick For Me" The Kings of Comedy

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we don't know my vocal delight job until I boss what the we ain't gonna do come on over here look at them I ain't doing the mother of the van and I I'm tired my head hurt I'm sick black folks all the pity rent when the they get ready baby got them and be fine an excuse why the they gonna bed I believe them to fix this goddamn winner for three goddamn hours I'm not paying them others other than white phones I like white people I love you guys you will organize your priorities is straight pay your rent on time you oughta come to work get paid on Friday you doing working Saturday black for the coal in the on your ass in a goddamn minute even if they don't call it in and get somebody call inform and my line man black folks slick on but what we gonna get a phone go we the only one I'll let me know telephone on the job telephone we won't suppose every goddamn about it but who the we supposed to be talking to what's up dawg with what y'all on god damn I've got some over there god damn I'm gonna be over there and I can't get off man I just got ruled up I can't get all look here man do me a favor I'm get ready go to lunch call him and ask for Sarah tell him my brother just got shot oh we go to the there's more and we'll play that off - we come back for lunch just [Applause] miRNA yeah yeah yeah you gotta know you've got a call what's this here what you know some coming burning you got a call what your brother got shot I'm out this those baby on the big guy damn it but I said I'm out this bottle that night be at the club like a oh we're gonna take us three days off we do three days but see black folks we don't we don't think we forget what the we said why four listen to everything we say we come back to Z we left Friday we will take an extra day to make the believable then we come in we got a walk and that won't mean don't with me [Applause] burne how your brother who your brother he got oh yeah yeah yeah
Channel: Walter Latham Comedy
Views: 2,314,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: standup, Mike Epps, black comedy, funny video, Comic View, Chappelle, hilarious, parody, improv, funny videos, jokes, Empire
Id: vc74VxtFHGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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