Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Tiddly Diddly Tadpoles | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts at the Frog Pond for two days nature class we shall be studying the pond some creatures live on land like elves some creatures live in water like fish others live in water and on land like good men who can tell me what frogs like to eat ice cream for fool no princess Holly does anyone else know correct Barbie frogs eat flies would you like to see where frogs come from yes yes very well [Applause] frogs lay eggs called frog spawn they don't look like frogs Oh we'll have to wait a few days to see now who's going to look after our frog spawn really princess Holly yes please very well I'll help you take them home to the little castle [Music] da da da da dum dee da hello princess Holly how did your lesson go it was great we learned all about frog spawn and I've got some homework today that's very nice hello nanny plum where do you want the frogs for goodness me frog spawn you all I said I should learn more about nature manly yes but I didn't expect it to be in my kitchen it was great today mummy we learned all about frogs and I've got some homework to do that's nice darling good night good night mummy [Music] Oh where did those little fish come from those aren't fish Holley they're tadpoles hello Ted Pass what are tadpoles nanny they're baby frogs they hatched from the frog spawn Wow I'm a bit of an expert on frogs by tomorrow they'll have changed again they start off as frog spawn and then I get little fishy tails and they're called tadpoles oh you seem to know an awful lot about frogs manis teaching me all about them do you like frogs daddy of course as long as they keep to their pond and don't bother anyone they can be a bit slimy and disgusting daddy good night [Music] wow that's amazing yes Holly but it'll be even more amazing later hmm [Music] I want to show you something what is it Holly come and see I can't see my tadpoles anymore tadpoles why must be invisible Manny did you spell them no honey so where oh dear I think the King has found them your tadpoles have turned into frogs princess Holly tadpoles frogs what on earth is going on daddy I did tell you I had some homework coming ready or not let's play another game princess hallo nanny say hello to my friends fluffy Tiddles Mopsy and Ben um hello goodnight rookies morning are you coming out to play Holi I'm a bit busy ban I'm playing with my frogs frogs this one's very good at running and jumping I've called him then see you later okay do something about these the roms they do seem to be getting bigger and noisier in this small touch they'll be quieter why me easy to fly drink to hop your size maybe knocks along in water [Music] daddy says frogs belong in water sorry let's magic the courtyard into a paddling pool hmm we won't be needing that door bye bye [Music] good now we can fill the courtyard with water daddy will be pleased that's odd where's the door gone it was there earlier no problem our magic it back did you do this yes Daddy you said the frogs needed water so I made them a paddling pool that's enough the frogs must go you okay no daddy says I've got to save my frogs back to the pond but they won't go hmm what we need is a clever plan to move them elves very good at clever plans and I'm an elf so what is your clever plan we'll play leapfrog you jump over my back and I'll jump over yours house is going to help blah blah they're following us [Music] well done there thank goodness they're not in the castle anymore but daddy I'll miss them don't worry princess Holly they'll come back to the castle one day frogs always return to the place where they hatched to lay their eggs [Music] today's adventure starts what was that I don't know it was coming from the old dwarf mine but isn't the dwarf mine empty yes I think so I can hear voices that was loud weeds bear to tell the grown-ups there are noises in the mine the mine what mine the old dwarf mine you're not supposed to be in there it's dangerous we once in there we just heard a big bang yes I'm the ground shook oh yes deep inside the mine the dwarves have been sleeping they sleep for years and years then when they wake up they start to dig what are they digging for precious jewels gold diamonds gemstones but digging for things doesn't make a big bang noise it does when the dwarves do it they carry out big explosions underground [Music] then dig through the mess yes missus else they keep digging until they are so tired they fall asleep again they sleep and sleep they're big bigger than us yes Dwarfs are huge this is a worrying time the hole of a Little Kingdom might get dug up holes everywhere just hope hope they dig in the other direction hope they don't come anywhere near us no no just letting you know there'll be some digging work in this area Oh No we apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused to your journey journey what journey we're not going anywhere now hi what if I were you look at this hole someone could fall II hmm I think we need to talk to King thistle wise old elf to see you your majesty hmm dwarves your majesty thoughts they're back no I'm afraid so we haven't got a dwarf infestation for years but now they've woken up I see well they live underground mostly maybe they won't bother us but they've already dug a hole by the elf tree it's only one hole maybe you can turn it into a pond or something Your Majesty you don't understand this is just the start the dwarfs will dig up all of the little kingdom wise old elf you worry too much it will be fine that's gracious I say do you mind what's that night you've made a great big hole in my courtyard nap l don't get upset upset my castle is falling over yeah you want to get that fixed now listen here I'm the king Oh a complaint is it you better talk to the boss right I will okay what you were saying I want to speak to the boss I'm the boss do you have an appointment he doesn't need one he's the king a king doesn't make appointments nor even at the hairdresser's daddy doesn't have any hair he's bald well that's not our fault look we want to complain about the noise what noise the noise from the mine I can't hear anything toys now look I'm the king and I'm commanding you to stop all the digging yeah the thing is though you're only king above the ground just to the top soil below that I'm the boss but we can't stop digging anyway that's what we do we won't stop until we found gold and diamond gold and diamonds and gems good thinking Holley there we go problem solved now kindly stop digging but I can magic up that stuff hey where's the fun in that you have to dig for it now if you don't mind some of us have work to do come on lads let's get digging well that could have gone better let's go away and come up with another plan so if no-one wants this treasure can I have it yes yes take it now we are gathered here to discuss the dwarf problem they're making loud bangs they're digging holes everywhere they've dug up my carrots yes yes we all know how annoying they can be magic them away no fairy magic doesn't work on dwarfs I know how to get rid of the dwarves we take all this treasure sneaked into the mine and bury the treasure deep down Oh and then the dwarves will take it up and they'll be happy and stop digging correct excellent plan all right nanny plums in charge off you go but it's my plan okay you can both be in charge thank you your majesty but I'm in charge really we need to bury the treasure deep down in the Train yes a bag wait for me [Music] is the my deep very deep home tight everyone [Music] dig dig dig dig in of all fuck-ups alone creates a time as we take the gold dig dig dig dig dig how can we hide treasure with all the dwarves around I know I'm good at voices this is the dwarf false god oh lord knows go go go that's brilliant now watch this what boys tape right [Music] well done nanny plum no probs right let's hide this treasure quickly now dwarves never stop digging for long [Music] there we go joins this diamond tier have we found the treasure yes lots of it well done lads hey what do you mean keep digging in cases more treasure of course we always do twice as hard when we find treasure oh no what are you doing here anyway this is the dwarf only area we put the treasure there for you to find what we thought you'd stop digging we thought you'd be happy why how thoughtful of you and we thought you'd stop making that racket well I suppose all the noise could be a bit upsetting yes yes it is and that's why we apologize in advance come on lads let's get digging foolish digging has made me quite tired [Music] [Applause] they've tired themselves out no I know it boss know it knowledge good now they'll sleep for years they'll sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and then they'll wake up and start digging all over again yes they'll take and take and take and take [Music] today's adventure starts at the elphaba cows this way for the elf farm tour now children who can tell me where carrots come from carrots come from the elf um yes nanny plum does any child know where carrots come from very good hard hats on please and step this way now what animal gives us eggs a sheep no strawberry not a sheep a chicken yes Jake that's right [Music] so you see the elf farm gives us all the food we need what about milk milk comes from very big animals no not elephants milk comes from cows but we don't have any cows on the elf farm I want to see some cows no no no the big farm is far too dangerous for elves and fairies to visit really wise old elf you are making a fuss and what would a fairy know about Anna Farrah's love animals don't we girls hmm especially fluffy little kittens hmm the big farm is full of big animals and big people with big feet I've been to the big farm and it was fine who wants to go come along children yes today we'll be going to the big farm to learn about cows oh I'm not sure if the ladybird should come with us oh very well as long as he behaves himself gaston likes you mmm charmed I'm sure [Music] here we are the big farm watch out for the cattle grades what now remember everyone big people have very big feet never know where they're going to start with luck we won't meet any big people but if we do please keep calm no panicking wise old elf is that one of the big people toy bus please put us down it's ok it's Lucy she's just a little girl she's a very big little girl she's ginormous fairies I'll have you know I'm not a fairy I'm an elf has got wings can fly elves do not fly can you do magic spells elves don't do magic Oh elves do lots of things ones away please there is a farm is no place for magic as you can see Lucy this is a rather bossy oh we won't see where the milk comes from we want to see can you show us please yes chickens yes we know and we know what chickens give us don't we children stupid creatures because they are so big [Laughter] yes and who can tell me what no stupid indeed is busy now children what does the cow give us a big neck yes and what is milk well done but she hasn't brought any with her she has watch me okay I'll be very gentle and there you have it that's where milk comes from a cow another interesting thing about cows is they always sit down when it's going to rain Oh daddy plum that's just a silly fairy tale it's true cow sit down when it's going to rain oh yes yes what a superb example of a female bovine quadruped head I just felt a teeny drop of rain these are the cows udders yes [Music] only I could take a clue send up my umbrella what about the wise old Oh Oh at least he's dry under there Lucy could you get busy to stand up I'm sorry cows never get up when it's raining daddy plum you may now use magic if you wish I didn't think you liked magic just get me out if you're sure I'm sure [Music] now what was I saying the last thing you said was that's the sound you made when the cows sat on you Thank You strawberry it's back on the chickens magic came into the bar it's not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today's adventure starts at Lucy's house [Music] yes we love coming to your house it's my birthday soon and you can come to my party that sounds brilliant you could have a fairy party or an elf party yes and help a fairy party and all my friends can come dressed up I could do some party magic that's hides that can be a bit funny about you too mum dad I've decided to have an elfin berry party for my birthday that's nice Lucy and I've invited Ben health and fairy princess Holly now Lucy we've been through this elves and fairies aren't really real we are real but but we can't have real elves and fairies at Lucy's birthday party why not dad there'll be lots of other children and they're not used to seeing real elves and fairies we understand yes see you later Lucy bye bye Holley was going to do some magic at my party well I can do some magic drinks watch here's a coin now it's gone oh what's this behind your ear you do a magic show at my party of course I will [Music] hi everyone Lucy's having an L for fairy party great I've always wanted to go to a big kids party me too what shall we wear what we always were after all we are elves and fairies that's the thing real elves and fairies aren't invited it's just a lot of big children dressed up as elves and fairies see what's the matter Oh mom I really wants it Ben and Holly to come to my party well I think they can just keep them out of sight and away from your dad [Music] it was only supposed to be Ben and Holly so you don't want us to come of course I do you can all come I'm sure it will be fine as long as you promise to stay out of sight and away from my dad let's put your wings on hey now you look like a real fairy princess Lucy all your friends are here here's a balloon each hold tight are there fly away have fun I'll be back to pick you up after the party I think the coast is clear have fun I'll be back to pick you up after the party my goodness you've all come em welcome here's a balloon hold on tight or it'll fly away [Music] it's all the lovely party food is the birthday cake Justin's gonna eat hay no Gaston bad ladybird that's for later come on everyone party time let's get started with a bit of a bougie musical statues when the music stops [Music] Katie you moved I nearly stepped on this toy No oh I'll just pop up the toy over here with the rest of the toys what are you doing Barnaby sorry Lucy's mom Barnaby we're supposed to stay here but I love to boogie no Lucy's dad is going to do some magic tricks oh goody I love magic it won't be real magic just magic tricks what's a magic tricks you'll say hello and welcome to the magic show you see that's a magic trick it's a trick wouldn't that was really good my dad's been practicing and now I will make a rabbit come out of my hat hey presto I can't Lucy only has one rabbit Oh maybe he needs a bit of help no strawberries rabbits rabbits rabbits Oh another rabbit and another rabbit and birds where did they come from good there's no more animals in the Hat I see you already have some chili yes it just sort of appeared magically naughty Gaston come here me I think don't worry Gaston will rescue you for the cake keep still now you see blow out the candles Betty won't she blows candles out don't tell her to blow them all out in one go remember to blow them all out in one go [Music] don't forget to make a wish I want a pink unicorn Wow a pink unicorn my wish came true that's amazing right everyone time don't forget your party bags hello Yasmine did you have a nice time yes what are you looking like that for all right out you come all of you I thought I made it clear there were to be no real elves and fairies at the party but as soon as my back is turned you invite every elephant fairy in the world where's Jake he's missing he must have fallen into a party bag all right don't panic just wait here I think Lucy lost one of her toys ah there it is Lucy's dad your magic show was great yes everyone said so hmm did they this is my best party ever I'm glad you had fun Lucy and no one really saw your yep little friends so I suppose everything turned out all right back to normal eh yes except for the unicorn oh yes the unicorn I've forgot about that don't worry dad we could just keep it in the barn with the cows today's adventure starts at the little castle stay on da da da da I'm going to visit my sister today will you be all right on your own yes mummy I'll be okay don't worry Queen thistle we'll be fine yes darling we'll all be fine you'll be fine but what about Daisy and poppy they need looking after Oh Daisy and poppy mommy when you're not here the twins are always so naughty yes they can be quite a handful us about two tiny children just let them play but don't let them do any magic right yes and read them a story before they go to bed yes very well goodbye everyone have fun so what are we going to do mommy's the only one who can handle the twins don't worry nanny will know what to do um I think I've got some important things to do in the kitchen nanny aren't you going to help us look after the twins I'm sure you Ben and King thistle can manage right we just need to keep the twins busy let's play a game with them it has to be something safe what about building blocks that can collapse who wrong okay watch daddy build a big Tower magic me a tower and make it big mommy said not to let the twins do magic oh don't worry Holly it's easy to make blocks little again little little there you see Holly Daisy poppy give daddy your wands hey Wow they've made Kings thistle really smooth Daisy poppy that wasn't funny or clever sighs I just need my wand maybe we should call nanny Blum dah dah dah do dah dah dah oh I wonder what they want typical they ring for me and then they wander off somewhere hey why are you so tiny honestly it's not hard to look after Daisy and poppy you just have to play with them we drive that nanny plum but it went a bit long what Daisy and poppy like most is their baby dolly now where is it Oh Daisy and poppy where have you put your baby darling [Music] [Music] let's call my mom to do [Music] hello mrs. elf speaking Oh Ben you sound different yes we need a bit of help please come quick right Oh wonder what the matter can be hello can you tell me where the big children are we need a bit of help your majesty we do seem to have got ourselves in a bit of a pickle today please of course now now Daisy and poppy I'm sure you're not meant to fly so high [Music] now girls put me down this instant [Music] hello mr. elf speaking we've got an emergency at the little castle bring the elves right halt calling all elves emergency at the little castle if there's a problem what do we say what are we the elves are here what's the emergency it's the twins is that you mrs. elf where are you mr. elf goodness me mrs. elf I thought you were invisible [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmmm it's very quiet in the castle I hope everything's all right hello my little ones mommy mommy my goodness you look tired have you been playing with Holly Ben and Daddy all day yes mummy uh-huh what is daddy why are you so tiny Daisy and puppy have been a bit naughty I see and where is nanny plum I see but that didn't work out too well and where is your mum up here your majesty oh I'm afraid the twins have done something to all the other elves - what other elves where are they right and all this is Daisy and Poppy's doing yes okay let's put everything right again make this magic all undone good evening your majesty so are you telling me that I've gone away for just one day and the whole kingdom couldn't look after two little children yes we tried our best mummy but the twins really are a bit of a handful thinking about it they weren't that bad it was rather fun really oh yes I'm sure if you went away again queen thistle we'd manage just fine that's good because I'm going to visit my sister again next week [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle what's all this noise no it's our friends iris from planets bong we have come for help from the wise one wise one that must be me no dear I think he means the wise old elf oh yes smartypants he lives at the gray elf tree over there thank you we will go and look for smartypants we are looking for the one they call smartypants he must mean the wise old elf did someone say my name could this be we need your help smartypants well of course anything I can do is it true you can solve any problem yes I can solve any problem good we have a big problem once upon a time a whole planet was a wonderful planet it was covered in trucks and all was good there was everything we needed and we were surrounded by beautiful flowers we worked happily in our factories and everything was fine it sounds very nice yes it was but now it is very hot and the plows do not grow anymore oh that's a shame so we want you to bring all the plants back to life and make planet bond nice again like it was before that sounds a bit difficult but don't you use your magic magic elves don't do magic and I'm an elf so you cannot help us you are not smartypants yes I am smartypants and I will save your planet with a day of the magic but wise old elf elves don't do magic don't worry about it been good this will be an elf expedition to save planet bound I'll just need to stop on the way to collect a friend [Music] we have found smarty pants Here I am how do I get down is there a ladder I am afraid we do not have this ladder you speak of merely a primitive chronic beams what do you want it's the middle of the night we're going to plan it bomb it's very hot there yes and I have a job to do there which may require the services of a fairy helper I can help I'm good at helping I need a sensible fairy that's me a fairy who does magic in a responsible grown-up way it's almost like you've said my name oh very well if we're going on holiday we'll need to pack some things no no no it's not a holiday whatever let's see what do we need for holiday swimming costumes in town beach ball first aid kit deck chair she's bringing everything but the kitchen sink thank you my magic bag [Music] [Applause] here we come it's not really a holiday we must leave Oh tight everyone it can be bumpy what do you mean bumpy why are we floating there is no gravity in space nothing to hold you down sorry I forgot to turn on the ship's gravity motor look at all the pretty sparkly lives behold the wondrous science of an alien race where's the toilet we do not go to the toilet incredible being so advanced they have stopped needing to go to the toilet toilets what am I once again should have gone before we set off maybe they'll be toilets at the beach is there a beach on planet bong planet bong is all Beach Wow all Beach yes it is very hot and sunny like anyone like a smack yes please this machine can make any food or drink you like can I make orange juice [Music] delicious can it make a German peanut butter and banana sandwich yes it can make anything in the universe but not Jenny which is a shame because I like jelly jelly I can do jelly nanny hey jelly never did anyone any harm magic jelly please ah it is a bit small I would like lots of jelly okay magic jelly a jelly flood inside a pressurized spacecraft landed you have surpassed yourself thank you wise old elf mmm magic Jenny is very tasty we're slowing down he ancient stops why I'll tell you why it's full of magic jelly drifting in space here forever aren't we know we have smarty pants he can fix me ancient well I will open the engine now smarty pants we'll go outside and fix the engine I'd love to but I can't go outside I don't have a spacesuit a spacesuit oh hang on okay my messy bye here you are Thank You nanny [Music] hmm this looks a bit like plumbing elves are good at plumbing and I'm an elf oh [Music] hello there what are you doing here I'm the fairy helper remember well don't touch anything this is advanced alien technology capable of traveling across the universe at the speed of light although it is very light plumbing maybe if I give it a kick why don't you just give it a push give it up boss this technological miracle you just gave it a cake oh okay let's give it a push it's just like getting a car to start ok mr. Tsai Ross give it a bit of gas ok nothing more gas [Music] they went off like a rocket hey come back [Applause] we'll Danny plum and the wise old elf be lost in space forever find out next time in Planet bong episode 2
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 3,525,477
Rating: 4.0346389 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: tcJhn8ydhOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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