Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Under the Sea | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts at the lake [Music] Lucy I do love fishing me dad it's so peaceful just what I need to get my nerves back in order I wonder if we'll see any ounce of fairies do we have to talk about weird magical stuff you know it upsets me but you've seen the elves fairies too dad I've been thinking about it and I've decided I imagined it all there are no such things as fairies or elves Oh Lucy's dad yeah an elf in a submarine we're fishing yes we were just having a quiet morning's fishing Barry the fish is called Barry yes the biggest baddest fish in the lake well what whopper of course I will but but just take a photo so I can show my friends you go Barry this isn't a fish [Music] yes it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone cool okay well is it it's been nice chatting to you little folk but I think it's time to go home do you think the mirror is magic dad I hope not I've seen enough magic for one day [Music] listen somebody's crying it's a girl hello what are you doing in the leg I live here you live in the light yes I'm a mermaid my name is Oceana why were you crying I've lost my mirror that must be the mirror Lucy found and where is this Lucy she's a big girl so she'll probably be on her way to school bye Lucy pick you up later oh no a mermaid's mirror must never be seen by big people don't worry I'm sure Lucy won't show it to anyone look everybody I found a mirror Oh lovely that's perfect for our show-and-tell come up to the front Lucy and show them around tada Oh class ah my poor mirror I'll never get it back if I can't walk on land don't worry we'll get your mirror back oh thank you hi Lucy good day Lucy what are you doing here we've come for the mirror it belongs to a lemon a mermaid Wow yes and she needs her mirror back oh okay please tell me this is just a game elves and fairies are one thing yes but I've also read about dragons and witches and they're not real either yes we can show you witches and Dragons and loads more if you like no no thanks I'll take your word for it so where is this mermaid after you left she got called back home to the bottom of the lake she'll be having a dinner fish properly we have to find out she Anna and give her mirror back right there into the submarine we'd love to join you but I think we are just a tad too big to fit in your little submarine and will we stay little forever Oh No the spell will wear off in a bit and you'll grow big again [Music] prepare okay [Music] it's beautiful look dad yes it's all very pretty in fact I'm beginning to quite enjoy this magical adventure yes I don't know why I was so worried about being magically shrunk down it's amazing to be as small as these sweet little fishes not all the fish in the lake are sweet and little don't forget the fisherman this morning big bad daddy as I remember berry is about this big [Music] what does he want with us he wants to eat the submarine any boat with me in it very what to eat no oh tight everyone I'm going to reverse now we go forwards [Music] that's good to know I don't understand he should have eaten us by now maybe he remembers how my dad was nice to him this morning that's right you let Barry Kirk and first never forget or is that elephants nice very saying that as you so kindly let him go this morning he is your best friend for ever in fact he now thinks of you is his brother lovely one tiny problem you know the excitement of being chased by Barry we've got lost Barr is saying that he knows where the mermaids live and he'll take us there that's what his brother wants his brother that's you dad oh yes Barry old brother please lead us to the land of the mermaids right [Music] my Palace this must be where Oceana is diving suit on everybody [Music] nice buddy we're friends of your brother yes they're with me [Music] hello hey I'm looking for Oceania she's over there being sad oh we brought your mirror back oh thank you so much the boy is so tiny we had to shrink it down to fit in a submarine don't worry the spell will wear off soon it'll grow big again there you go my mirror thank you all so much you're very welcome well it's been very interesting meeting you mermaids but we must be getting back [Music] suddenly got big again that happened to me and my dad yep and the fun bit is you don't know one which means we should get a move on we don't want them to grow big in the submarine hi we must get to land speed ahead don't need to panic we eclipse your time yes it was quite amazing remember Lucy's dad the Little Kingdom is meant to be secret you must not tell any of your friends what you saw today tell my friends what I saw today let me think about that and then the magical fairies shrank me down to the size of my thumb I saw singing mermaids and did I tell you that I now have a fish for a brother no I will not be telling anyone what I saw today today's adventure starts at the great elf tree it's autumn then my favorite time of year mind you they'll be leaf sweeping work to do let's get everyone organized falling all ill sweeping what are we [Applause] oh never mind who's the best not sweeping so many leaves I have to use three magic brooms the trees goodness knows autumn leaves are so precious oh they might look pretty to you violet but it just means more work for me this one looks just like the leaf in bends it's an oak leaf it must be from the elf tree I don't know why elves have to live in a tree I don't know why we have to have tree autumn crumbling again Danny you should be happy autumn is here yes your majesty where are you I'm returning these leaves who's the best at sweeping leaves these are your leaves Oh Thank You nanny plum leave your hats have changed color - oh so they have em - resting let's play tag okay tag you're it wait I wasn't ready [Music] look you can't trick me like that no Ben there really is a squirrel a squirrel easy now Ben elf what's wrong it's just a squirrel just ignore the squirrel princess Holly sound the Acorn alarm mr. elf what's going on it might be a con day what I calm down not now princess Holly holing a cold day has begun don't panic please leave the country immediately it's probably a false alarm yes hopefully it's just a practice Oh panic mrs. elf just hand it back get out of here mrs. elf quickly somebody please tell me what's going on one day every year the squirrels come and store their icons in the great elf tree we call that day acorn day what's so bad about squirrels storing acorns yes they need to store their food for winter and it's just an icon one acorn would be okay but there are many squirrels and they have many acorns I'm sorry I couldn't stop him wise old elf it's not your fault mrs. elf there is no stopping them once they've started what do we do now now we wait you will see after one squirrel has put its acorn in the tree and now that will come and copy it squirrels are very good copying [Music] [Music] happy acorn day when do the squirrels arrive missed all the fun the squirrels have failed the elk tree with icons daddy ah yes very clever animals those squirrels menace well if you're going to live in an oak tree with little windows you might as well put of a sign saying store your acorns here well if I've missed the squirrels I might as well go home goodbye happy a called a wise old elf why don't you just move the akon somewhere else squirrels won't let anyone move their acorns watch now we're going to move the acorns out of the tree but you said you couldn't move the icons we can't but we can trick the squirrels into moving the acorns for us how wait here you'll see oh it's very clever is it really clever no it's stupid but funny here we are squeak oh why is the wise old elf dress there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if I move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter ha ha yes that's why I'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail kick ACORN check squirrels watching check go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a pity I missed a court date I say an acorn how charming Your Majesty ACORN away a talking squirrel throw the acorn away your majesty ah wise old elf where did you come from the Acorn Your Majesty it's dangerous nonsense how can an acorn be dangerous this lovely acorn isn't dangerous well not exactly but the castle is a great place to store acorns for the winter happy I can't I daddy you didn't miss it after all how am I going to get rid of all these acorns you will need this squirrel costume what how does that work you wear the costume and the squirrels copy oh I see okay on with the costume nanny off you go chop-chop [Music] today's adventure starts at the magic bus stop Daisy and poppy go to the museum hello everyone and welcome to today's playgroup outing uh mrs. Fothergill are you sure it's a good idea taking the toddler's on an outing they can be quite a handful little darlings do have high spirits but this time I'm not going to let them get the better of me that's the spirit mrs. fathering Gayle she's doomed let's check all the toddler's are here Daisy and poppy Daisy and poppy have promised to be as good as gold today not that means very much I'm sure if Daisy poppy say they will be good they will be it is pal metal elf don't she's done mrs. author and girl with her nettle raspberry fairy my little sister even how one disrude and last but not least Turk when he talked me I fought again Cochran is a monster remember last time when the toddlers made mrs. Fothergill disappear yes all they found was her shoes now for today's outing we're going on a trip to the museum the big museum but that's fun of big people yes but the museum has so many interesting things for the toddlers to look at are you going to take away their ones mrs. father and Gail no Holly if you trust a child they will repay your trust this is going to be a catastrophe what's a catastrophe daddy what this is going to be museum now as you know there will be big people at the Museum and we don't want to be seen by big people do we so what should you do if a big person sees you turn them into a frog no no no if a big person sees you just pretend to be a toy like this I'm a toy I'm a toy stop fake Museum everybody keep together and we go Wow they smash a pig well this museum is built for big people call me everyone and try not to be seen [Music] mom a tiny little person every toy by the time it's a toy some poor child must have lost it just put it over there so they can find it again okay mom phew that was close yes Ben but it shows the plan works if you're seen just pretend to be a toy I still think turning them into frogs is simpler in the big museum we can get an idea of how wonderful it was in the past this first room is about the Stone Age a long time ago the big people lived in caves these are models of how the cave people must have looked there's Martin supress if the cave people have electric light bulbs no it has to show how the campfire would have looked when it was lit he's another button you see King thistle the stoppers are big as good as gold it's actually going quite well the tumblers haven't even made mrs. Fothergill disappear yet Stone Age times close your eyes and imagine what it must have been like I have always wanted to know what it would be like to live in Stone Age oh dear I suppose it was never going to last oh I'm left is her shoes Daisy papi where have you said mrs. fathering Gayle [Music] they've sent mrs. fathering girl back to the Stone Age that was a very naughty thing to do Rick mrs. Fothergill back right now okay on second thoughts you don't want to know what it was like to live in the Stone Age oh my shoes it's good to have them back right next room ancient Egypt oh look here's a model showing how a pyramid was built it's quite small for the ancient Egyptians the size of ounce of fairies no the ancient Egyptians were big people and the pyramids are huge they wouldn't be able to fit a full-size pyramid into the museum big that's right Daisy think how big a real pyramid would be here we go again use your imagination big what's going on here big people are coming watching that everyone pretends to be toys and what are these little toys doing here hello hello well done Tarquin like they always say when things are not going quite right turn them into a fraud that doesn't even rhyme and turning people into frogs is not a good way to do things why not they'll turn back to a person in a moment and he won't remember a thing we'd better get out of here before he turns back again yes on with the tour oh my goodness that was all a bit of an adventure what we need now is something a little less dangerous that's true the Vikings less dangerous James people think the Vikings just ran around shouting but really they were gentle people who formed and played music if only there were Vikings around today I'd love to know what they'd say to us she never learns I knew an interesting fact about Vikings all they a was spam I don't think that is correct it's true Vikings ate spam it was on the telly nanny what's happens on the frogs turn back in the five kings they'll be very confused and maybe a tiny bit annoyed right let's make sure we're not around when that happens Wow look at all those frogs then what's this sorry about this but I'm going to have to turn you all into frogs yes prepared going to happen at some point anyway so I thought I'd say two minutes how I just all the big people in the museum you've turned them all into frogs that's right I knew you'd be pleased yeah what happened where am I it's Museum man he's come back to himself again yes and he's confused I think this is as good a time as any to leave [Music] keep together children next Little Kingdom [Music] oh well all in all that didn't go too badly we survived and the museum wasn't destroyed you see all you have to do is trust the little darlings and they will repay your trust she's really in a world of her own she never learns and next time I thought we could visit a mixed time yes we'll visit a big castle you know I've always wanted to live in the times of knights in armor let's bring her back abracadabra on second thoughts I never want to live in the time of knights in armor I think the safest nicest time is right here and now today's adventure starts at the lead the elf submarine Your Majesty may I present the L factories latest toy the elf submarine ah yes jolly good does it float does it float of course it floats allow us to demonstrate we carefully chose this day to test the submarine as there are no other boats on the lake me treasure gone down to the bottom of the sea how sad anyway as I was saying this is a perfect day to test the submarine with no boats on the lake if only we had some way of sailing underwater to look for it ah only anyway back to my submarine hang on the elf submarine is a toy it's not for going on adventure oh so it can't go underwater yes it can to probably think like a stone no it will not good that's that sorted captain Redbeard our submarine is at your service thank you your majesty captain Redbeard can I come and me I'd better come too if there's any trouble I can use magic to help us no nanny plum there will be no magic on the elf submarine because where else and elves don't do magic yes we know Polly my faithful friend you'll have to wait you mr. elf steer the submarine hi Ben and I wind up the engine what should I do why you just sit there and look pretty My Little Mermaid oh I know this lake I've sailed on it often are you a sailor I was a sailor I'm not anymore why not big bad body hose way bad berry only the biggest gigantic is most enormous fish the world has ever seen he's eaten nine of dads boats you lost nine boats I thought it was a bad sailor I'm not about sailor I'm just unlucky that big bad buddy is quite big and bad means mr. Elvis die die oh it's so pretty it's red boots ah Neptune you're right well-spotted man Oh for a moment I thought you'd seen big bad fatty oh ho now I could get me treasure back let's get it and go I don't like it down here I love all the fish in the flowers and that big underwater cloud you don't get underwater clothes me hearty shiver me timbers that's a fashion Sunday it looks bad buddy he's swimming toward red beards burnt oh dear he's going to eat it Oh treasure did you see that he swallowed it whole like it were a great oh what a shame should we get home then go oh but we haven't got my treasure Wow we can't do much about that now I never thought I'd say it but nanny plum is right unless you want to sail into Berry's stomach and take your treasure back this adventure is over you're right be fruity pancake mmm take us home mr. Ralph aye-aye captain Redbeard who turned out the lights it's all gone dark well we must have sailed into a cave mr. Alf was chatting instead of looking where he was going I was parked well we're somewhere strange no mistake and I will shave me beard off if there's not something fishy going on turn on the lights mr. elf aye aye captain what's up palm where are we there are more boats as well its Bunty the boat big bad bear yet last winter that's my old boat tricks about how dares Fifi [Music] if all these boats are inside big bad bear eh then we must be inside big bad bear eh by all that's wet and fishy you're right we're in the belly of the big fish that explains the smell just think all those years I tried to catch paddy and now he's called me how are we going to get out of here if we could get big bad berry to open his mouth we could just sail out oh very clever Ben only how do we get him to open his mouth maybe it's time to ask for a bit of advice can someone answer their phone it's not my phone oh it's mine hello oh hello nanny plum what's that they've got good news and bad news what's the good news they found the treasure and what's the bad news they've been swallowed by a giant fish what are they okay I'll ask is my submarine all right it's not scratched is it listen clever clogs we need your help someone needs to talk to the fish nanny plum can speak fish ah nanny plum you must tell the fish a joke and make him laugh that's a no idea a very stupid idea but an idea what's the plan I'm going to tell big bad Barry a joke to make him laugh what utter nonsense it was the wise old elves idea it's brilliant everyone back on the sub get ready to sail what's a good fish joke I know you might not get it [Music] we didn't yes pirate red beard and his crew returned it's a triumph so you got the treasure nope you got your boat nope so in what way is this trip a triumph in well we're not inside a big fish in that case congratulations it's a shame the treasures lost it's not lost I know where it is and no one will ever find it in the belly of big bad Barry that's true of course it is me tasty little fruit tree Nani plum what was the joke you told big bad Barry it was where do fish keep their money we don't know where do fish keep their money in a river bank oh that's not very funny I know it's a bit of a rubbish joke but then fish find the silliest things funny they have very small brains where do fish keep their money oh I get it that's brilliant today's adventure starts at the ferry village [Music] Father's Day - the nicest Papa in the world oh sweet and no work for you today you get the day off that sounds good but what shall I do you can play who will I play with the other daddies of course it's Father's Day for every daddy card been it's a picture of me waving from the elf truck the truck I've got to make my food deliveries no mr. elf you've got the day off but but don't worry someone else is doing your deliveries oh I'm in charge of your deliveries today so you just sit back and relax sit back and relax with nanny doing my deliveries where's the brave [Music] breakfast in bed if only everyday could start like this but every day does start like this you always have breakfast in bed ah yes read your card daddy you're the best daddy in the universe and today you can do whatever you like yeah you're not the king today you're just my daddy marvelous now make sure mrs. figs egg is nice and fresh and don't forget the orange for mrs. peach right a page for mrs. orange no an orange for mrs. peach yes yes whatever hey hey you forgot the egg hello there it's the king I'm not the King today I'm just a humble daddy like you lot and today all the daddies have to play yes here's a bow to you your majesty to you oops which scurvy scoundrel be shooting cannonballs at me now that would be me Oh begging your pardon King Cecil that's quite all right I'm just a normal daddy today oh the daddies have the day off because it's Father's Day ah I know and that's why I brought the sheer card I'm not you hello Fred Singh dad today hello I've come to join in the fun I'm sorry wise old elf but you have to be a daddy to have the day off actually Holly I am a daddy I have three sons three sons yes but I don't talk about it much it's a bit of embarrassing my eldest boy ran off to sea to make his fortune he has a big red beard and he's a pirate happy Father's Day dad thank you son and from mate okay thank you you never said the wise old elf was your dad well pirates don't like to admit they have mommies and daddies true but they all do and that's a fact captain squid what are you doing here you scurvy old rogue keeping an eye on you you black out so you don't steal my treasure tell you I'd stand row happy Father's Day dad thank you son what captain squared is your son too that's right Oh two of my sons pirates but at least I have one son who's sensible guess what dad I have decided to bait Park [Music] I'd go tonight but I've got an orange I've brought my orange sorry mrs. P just hours of oranges mr. Brooklyn stance no like broccoli oh but it's good for you this is a lettuce but I ordered a cabbage oh for goodness sake also grumpy we're only grumpy because you muddled or delivery is nowhere mr. elf does it yeah you can have yourselves let's see how high I can kick the ball did you kick this ball um no it was me oh dear this Father's Day game has got a bit silly hasn't it it's not as bad as last Mother's Day yes you mummies know how to party [Music] do you know what time it is maybe we did go a bit wild come on daddies let's play at the meadow let's play basketball we'll need two Nets we'll need a referee dum dee dum dee doo dee doo nanny we need a referee for our game okay what's the game basketball never ever one team has to throw the ball into this net and the other team has to throw the ball into that net and you can own okay catch I need to know all the little details let's start but I haven't finished telling you the rules yes yet [Music] go on Ben right in the neck Nannie in basketball you don't say goal you say yes yes I'm awarding you five points but that's too many I decide the roles on the referee carry on remember daddy you mustn't take the bone oh I see I use magic then you can't use magic it's Father's Day what does magic got to do with Father's Day yellow card for being naughty but I'm the king red card for talking back [Music] no no that's too many points let's make it easier okay oh this is the ridiculous why don't you add some dragons for good measure oh that's a good idea ride those out [Music] no bells for suggesting what school would you like okay a hundred million points to this day a hundred million points to that oh that means it's a draw [Music] what a great Father's Day this is bean it'll be hard getting back to my work tomorrow yes it'll be hard getting back to my food deliveries again Oh wrong today mrs. peach wanted an orange and nanny gave her broccoli and I think I gave mr. AG a page or was it the other way round it'll take weeks to sort this out I'm quite looking forward to it I really enjoyed Father's Day that's a shame it's over that's still a tiny bit of Father's Day left Papa I'll read you a bedtime story Thank You strawberry ready once upon a time a big bad wolf came along to the straw house and he huffed and he puffed and then there was a loud knock on the door who could that be said the princess Oh ho-ho the Pirates said sale ha ha the deep blue sea does the story have to be about pirates not about pirates what else could a story be about how about Vikings oh ok Vikings then the Vikings set sail across the deep blue sea on the way they met a pirate it's not bad being a father not that at all today's adventure starts at the little castle do you want to come and play I'd like to play Ben but I can't we're going to visit king and queen marigold snow I'm glad I'm not going I wish I wasn't going maybe your mum will let you stay and play with me mummy can i play with Ben today what a good idea hey em can come too oh that's all right isn't it mr. elf oh yes go off and enjoy yourself Ben see you later bye oh you're coming too are you ok magic car drive on this is fun a magic car yes it eases fairy dust to make it go cool I want you all on your best behavior today yes princess king and queen maracle's home will be full of very precious things horrible but precious so you mustn't touch anything visiting king and queen marigold sounds like hard work it'll be exhausting [Music] here we are king and queen marigolds castle oh what a horrible building such bad taste it's beautiful cool castle hello and welcome Holly you remember Kane and Queen Mary cold hello and this is my best friend Ben you've met him before of course the charming little Goblin I'm not a goblin I'm an elf Oh an elf how exotic did you have a pleasant journey it must be so nice to leave your little kingdom behind for a day jealous or nice beer what do you think of our Castle honestly it looks like a completely it's very nice I wish we had a castle like this mummy Oh before we had it rebuilt and plastic it was made of stone imagine Oh Castle is made of stone but you live in an urn fashioned Castle oh it must be very uncomfortable not really you brought your ladybird oh that means he likes you charmed I'm sure let's go inside we'll give you the tour can Gaston come too as long as he wipes his feet yes if you could all wipe your feet and please don't touch anything and if you could try not to breathe too heavily we've got lots of precious things as you can see we've turned the idea of the hallway on its head ridiculous Wow it's all upside down raising Oh where's Gaston gone bears Gaston he's walking on the ceiling no daddy gasps Don's walking on the upside down floor cover Gaston hmm so I see he didn't wipe his feet nanny clean it up I'm not your servant that's right nanny you're my servant thank you your majesty so he lit up nanny yes your majesty muddy footprints where you go Gord no we're worried there are 100 rooms in our castle what do you do with all those rooms we flew them my boy we have feelin's this is our collection of pebbles as a well-polished pebble who indeed what do they do they're beautiful please don't touch them we don't want them to get stickier children always have sticky hands no II don't yes you do do you think the pebbles look beautiful King fizzle what oh yes very our Peverley this way [Music] greenfly hmm good boy Gaston he won't be needing dinner now error I see you found our pet green fly Lucinda Gucci and Tim here where is Tim in ma TV TV here hmm Betsy's gone for a walk TV just on spit Timmy out Oh playing hide-and-seek worried now you may find the next room a little chilly in here yes this room must be kept well below freezing temperature at all time all these lovely things have made of ice they look very beautiful Queen Mary girl yes they're cool please don't touch oh they made with magic yeah that would be too easy they're made from ice that froze over a thousand years ago and hand-carved by Norwegian mining pig field these sculptures a one-of-a-kind and simply irreplaceable hmm I swore nuts now I sell like swamis Oh dear me what have you done you've broken my swans head off it's all right I'm magic another one abracadabra make me a bird's ice thingy that's not a swan looks like a ham or a duck maybe it looks lovely by like ducks this way Dukey Bob this is our finest and most treasured collection of all antique toys I could play here forever this monkey is over a hundred and this clown is over 200 years old they were made at the elf factory by someone called the wise old elf we know the wise old elf huh you know the wise old elf what's him like he's wise he's old he's he's a grumpy old Alf that's a bit clever this is my favorite toy at clockwork fairground ride but sadly it's broken don't worry I can mend it I don't think so it needs to be seen by an expert elves are experts don't touch these toys must not be touched by children will have to touch it to mend it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there it's stopped I wanted to go ahead oh forget it get or did oh okay Mary goes casa is blowing at oh yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 11,207,520
Rating: 3.8832185 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: r5HOhtt9aC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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