Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Beach Bums | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at the Great Tree they're fully wound up let's set off to the seaside dad we have to wait for princess Holly well where is she it's almost nine o'clock where is holly relax mr. elf we're on holiday but the princess Holly's late fairies are always late hi oh hi olli oh yeah my no princess Holly you're just in time now we're all here let's go we might make the seaside by lunchtime I'd rather you didn't do any magic in today Holly I'm sorry mr. elf you see Holly you're coming on an elf day trip elves don't do magic and I've been everyone seaside here we come [Music] here's the timetable 1 o'clock each lunch to play in the sand 3 idea for please seaside arriving home at 4:33 sorry then it's just that I'm not used to having a day off you work too hard mr. elf please try and relax today I'll do my best mrs. elf seaside I love the seaside come on let's have lunch good idea I'm hungry here's our picnic [Music] you just tell them what you want and they magic up food this is an elf picnic there won't be any magic Oh mrs. elf always makes our really lovely picnic thanks mr. elf but of course you made the picnic this time didn't you make it oh what's wrong we forgot to bring the picnic we just brought an empty basket always take an empty basket on picnics it's still empty that's because it isn't a magic basket it's just an empty basket granted evil magic us a packet of crisps no uh-uh Holly remember what I said about not needing any magic today yes mr. elf well this is an emergency so if you wouldn't mind doing a bit of I dunno a spell for magic jelly oh no not magic jelly right too dangerous hmm I could try an ice-cream spell that's easy and there's no chance of that spell going wrong silly bear always well without magic we're not going to have anything to eat that's right please Holly do your spell [Music] [Applause] I don't know how to magic other flavors yet that's fine vanilla is my favorite delicious maybe magic can be useful sometimes Thank You princess Holly you're welcome ah what should we do next make sand castles making sand castles hmm what's the spell for sand castles Holly you don't need a spell to make sand castles you fill the bucket with sad turn it over give it a tap [Music] Oh we'll make an elf of you yet Holly can we boobs Castle big enough for us to go inside we need a huge bucket to make a sandcastle that big ah like that one that's a very huge bucket it must have been left by big children there aren't any big people here now good thing big people have big feet and you never know where they're going to step look they've left some space let's build up big sandcastle for princess Holly it could be our thank you for lunch good idea mr. elf can I help no no please just relax and enjoy watching elves doing what elves do best what do else do best elves are best at making things [Music] Reince s holly would you do the honors by tapping the bucket but there isn't a door I'll soon sort that out there's your door this is a very own castle I've decided I'm not princess Holly anymore I'm Queen Holly and I am king bed my my it's almost home time Oh dad can't we stay in the castle a little bit longer but the tide will be coming in soon please can we stay a bit just a little bit then we'll pack the car but you must come when we call you yes great Holly almost left her wand behind talking of Holly let's fetch the children I don't want to go home I won't stay now Castle forever and ever oh goodness look how high the Seas then pony leave the castle now you can fly to the shore Holly maybe it's time to do a little magic yes I'll just wave my wand and Oh where's my mom's here's your wand Holly I could throw it to you but what if it falls in the sea don't worry Holly mrs. elf is very good at throwing things and I'm great at catching high don't worry we'll catch you one [Music] extend now for the magic [Music] it's so nice to have you back once I nearly been with catchy thanks Holly and I knew you could magic us for safety yes the rescue was a perfect mix of very magic elf skill [Music] [Music] [Laughter] today's adventure starts at the middle [Music] play football okay Oh magic the ball a bit bigger hang on I'm still holding it don't worry then I'll be very careful [Applause] it was an accident we can't play together like this okay I'll make myself big turn great now we're both big big people are coming shall we hide I don't think we can with too big what shall we do it's just hello Lucy it's a fen and Holly oh yes but you're so big I made us big with a spell Wow that's great I'm here with my friends Katie and Yasmin do you want to meet them but big people are meant to know about little people like us but I know about you you're special don't worry you look just like big people they'll never know okay but we mustn't tell them any of our elf and fairy secrets these are my friends Ben and Holly I'm Yasmin and I'm Katie I like your fairy outfit Thanks where do you live in a fairy castle you live in a fairy castle Holly I mean I live in a house where do you live Ben I live in a tree actually I mean a block of flats we call it the tree I live in a block of flats too but we call it a block of flats I like your elf costume especially there is are you going to fancy dress party oh come on everyone let's play catch Katie [Music] [Music] you can run really fast and jump really high but because I'm an elf I mean that's because I keep fit holy a new one fast no but I can't fly holy remember you can't really fly oh yes I can do magic hmm magic I like magic trick show us a trick then are you sure you can do magic Kaali of course are you really sure yes you'll give away that we're not normal big people oh sorry that's an amazing trick how is it done this is a trick ball it's a secret a magician never gives away their secrets lu lu see home time that's my dad we have to go now it was nice to meet you Bella and Holly you guys drink us back to normal size no I like being big I never want to be small again hi strawberry and you never know where they're gonna step with them's big feet hello everyone it's your big holy magic tuss big and we're going to stay big that's very nice but would you mind lifting your foot up oh sorry mr. mayor that's quite all right princess Holly but if you're going to stay big you'll need to watch those feet of yours [Music] by everyone home time and that's my mum see you tomorrow feet feet feet oops that was close sorry it's okay mom it's me Oh Ben how did you get so big holy magic to me bigger well you can't come inside like that can Holly make you small again I don't want her to I've decided to stay big forever oh well it's your life I suppose do you want some dinner yes please you've got a lovely large pie for dinner today there you go haven't you got anything bigger what are you talking about that's a huge pie oh I think my tummy is a bit bigger than it was well your tummy might have to go without I'm used to feeding Ben the elf not Ben Vijayan [Music] hello I'm hi daddy it's me my goodness holy what happened to you i magicked myself baked and i want to stay big forever ah watch where you put those big faith honey you almost stepped on nanny oops sorry nanny Holly are you really sure you want to stay big forever yes it's almost bedtime how are you going to fit in your little bed I know mommy I'll sleep outside okay but you'll need to keep warm how about my magic you up a giant sleeping bag yes please Benny [Music] this is cozy I hope Ben has found somewhere nice to sleep as well calling all elves stop making toys we need a giant sleeping bag who is this enormous sleeping bag football fan else he's a giant person now oh they grow up so fast these days grab hold of this and pull Wow a giant sleeping bag it's great thanks everyone our pleasure elves are good at making giant sleeping bags maybe don't to your home when you're so big now sleep well good night good night it is fun being big I can't wait till morning [Music] princess Holly time to get up oh where are you I'm here the spell must have worn off and now I'm a little again oh never mind Holly big is overrated in my opinion I'm going to see if Ben has shrunk okay then where are you I'm here the spell wore off in the night oh now we're little again well at least you'll be able to have breakfast yes breakfast thanks mom hmm I didn't realize how hungry I was I do like being small that's Lucy oh you're tiny again yes we are we decided we liked being little after all actually I think I like you being little too just the right size for an elf and a fairy and you're just the right size for a big person today's adventure starts at the great elf tree [Music] Ben's birthday card here's your card call a space rocket and here's your present Wow a spaceman file we made it ourselves thanks mum thanks dad and later all your friends will be coming to your birthday party cool who can that be hi Ben hi Holly you're a bit early for my party Oh party have you brought me a birthday card Oh birthday cards Holly you haven't forgotten my birthday have you oh happy birthday Ben thanks ollie I've just got to pop back home for something see you later [Music] milk sugar flour and good let's do some bacon oh don't worry my little one he'll have another birthday next year no no it's really important I have to do something for this birthday Ben is my best friend no I've got to make a birthday card really quickly but I don't know where to start what you need is there looking magic to get you going ahem milk flour egg and sugar now I've got a very nice spell for making birthday cards it goes oh I better go and see what kingfisher wants nanny plum yes your majesty this chair is a bit hard can you do a magic spell to make me more comfortable Oh King thistle you lazy thing you could do magic spell yourself but my wand is over there oh ok hunky lumpy dumpy making this all nice and comfy ah that's better and some music please Oh Tom the nah turn them in music easy fireman ah lovely thank you you can go now Danny come oh now why were we you just said hocus-pocus blankety-blank oh yes a pony focus focus blinky sorry Bob Oh bother anyone now yes yes coming oh this card will never get made I'll just have to do the magic myself know what was many spell hmm oh yes I could type this to keep long how about a birthday card [Music] brushes you nazi paintbrushes I'll do a stronger spell to make you go faster [Music] [Music] there's your tea your majesty will that be all yes thank you thank you stopped it yes but I've had to stop all the fairy magic in the castle what happened to the magic him there was a little problem in the kitchen and I've had to stop all the fairy magic in the castle for one day your Majesties sorry oh and the weather in little kingdom today will be bright and sunny everywhere hang on if you've stopped all the magic in the castle why is the TV still working the TV's not magic isn't it really if there's no magic today how can I make there a birthday card well you could make the card by hand really could I and I can help you Oh nanny plum I think you will be busy cleaning up the kitchen that would take but a moment with my fairy magic wand but there isn't any magic you stopped all the magic for one day oh yes [Music] see this will be fun hmm this will be fun too I think I'll start with a picture of Ben really easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes it's amazing what can be done without using magic yes nanny plum it is now quick will you be late for Ben's birthday party Ben's going to love his birthday card [Music] hi olli happy birthday Ben come in [Music] thanks ollie Ben's had lots of lovely cards today I made my cards with magic well I made my card with a computer oh I brought ride from a shop that's nice Holly can I have your card now please oh it isn't very good I didn't use magic or a computer or buy it from a shop I made it myself you mean you didn't just use magic wow it's fantastic actually bang I did forget your birthday yes I know you always forget my birthday do i yes but it doesn't matter you're still my best friend today's adventure starts Daisy papi I'm taking your ones away and putting them in the cupboard mummy is right no more ones until you learn to use them properly ah finally a bit of peace and quiet who's that granny thistle is here your granny a hug hello granny fishel Oh young Ben elf always a pleasure to see you what's wrong with the twins why are you so sad oh well ah your once I've taken them away for now but how will they do match it with our wounds maybe it's better if Daisy and poppy don't do magic well they're your children darling and the last thing I want to do is interfere that least Holly has a wall oh yes Holly's having magic lessons from me what have you learned Holly I can turn people into frog Roberts frogs you're still on frog I'm rabbits but that's baby magic what about the hard stuff like putting pink spots in the sky well makin the trees sing thank you mother we don't have much need for singing trees or pink spots in the sky okay you're the boss anyway I brought presents presents for the children Holly I bought you this beautiful ring thank you is it magical um maybe a little just don't drop it okay okay and for Daisy and poppy mundi mundi but we've just taken their ones away yes it's lucky I came when I did these gnomes belonged to your great phantom flash the powerful and Charon the totally insane not dangerous are they only as dangerous as the person who waves them [Music] I think we'd better put these straight in the cupboard well of course you know best and it's past your bedtime come on up to bed now for your bedtime story little bunny bunting darling you mind awfully if I read the twins the story oh yes of course how kind but try not to get them too excited they're meant to be going to sleep of course leave it to me once upon a time there lived a rabbit called little bunny bunting sounds a bit boring to me this is the book that I had when I was a little girl crazy spells for the under-fives geeky spell number one how to make a storm what a day where's granny now uh she's with the twins oh is that such a good idea new ones no of course mummy and daddy knew best and took your wands away never mind here's mine I wonder if that had something to do with granny it's Holi coming out to play hello then she'll be down in a minute did you hear the storm last night hear it it was in our bedroom a storm in a bedroom cold it was a magical storm good morning mother I already know the answer to this but who showed them how to make a magical storm me what a surprise only a little indoor weather darling nothing to worry about what else did you teach them oh just a few harmless little spells [Music] why are there two holy Sh Daisy and poppy did a spell on me we asked them not to what's they did it anyway this is what happens when Daisy and poppy do magic so it's a little doubling spell no harm done it's not like there's ten Hollies and if there were wouldn't that be nice where did they get the water from oh it seems to be my wall [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is all a big fuss over nothing oh yes the twins are out there somewhere and they've got your wand what other spells did you teach them oh I did mention something about walking trees I don't want to hear it it's like a bad dream I suppose this is your doing nanny plum granny I might have known it's been a long time Cedric not long enough Millicent you always were a troublemaker Yes Mother you started this now you have to sort it out okay you're the boss I just think children should have a bit of fun that's all there's good fun and bad fun this is bad fun my goodness Daisy and poppy you're a long way from home Daisy and poppy are going bananas I see you've been doing lots of bad magic wonderful you've turned me to stern maybe not so good I think it's time for you to Robert Jack ring no what's she saying the ring right the ring I think she's saying to up the ring I've changed my mind it's not good fun anymore Bergeron all right here we go [Music] what happened we're back in a little castle and everything's back to normal no walking trees or spots in the sky yes holy rub the magic ring it turned everything back as it was that is some powerful ring yes the ring belonged to your great grandfather Neville the naughty oh look at the little darlings they're all tired out like a story of course my darlings dangerous magic for toddlers how long is my mother staying for two weeks chapter one today's adventure starts at the little castle max but the witch had eaten too much cake and fallen asleep so the fairy tiptoed past the sleeping cat waved her wand abra-cadoodle fabric addy unfreeze the children and set them all free and in a flash the witch's spell was undone as the Sun came up and the stars went away all of the children found themselves safely back in their beds the end mummy why did the witch freeze all the children oh I don't know maybe the witch didn't like the noise the children made and just happened to know a spell for freezing them yes Thank You nanny plum not eating for a year in a day must have made the children very hungry no the witch had frozen them solid like frozen peas now frozen peas don't get hungry do they my queen this'll where do the stars go in the daytime I'm sorry Ben you said the Sun came up and the stars went away but where did the stars go well let's see what the book says hmm it doesn't say where the stars went nanny plum do you know whether stars go in the daytime Oh No ah perhaps we should ask King thistle he knows how the world works yes question yes of course Holly what is it can you tell us where the stars go in the daytime what where do the stars go when the Sun comes up well they go yes they go I'm actually rather busy at the moment Holly our story book said the stars went away but it didn't say where they went oh I see well there are plenty of books in the royal library one of them might have the answer good idea Queen thistle come on everyone [Music] Wow it's very untidy in here that's because these magics you are very naughty bugs flying about and fidgeting don't sort selves out ABC neatly please how do we find what we're looking for these are magic books you just ask them excuse me books where do stars go in the daytime do you have anything about stars at all look at all the fancy writing what does it say has it got the answer it says little star we asked you to make our wishes all come true oh it's just a spell for wishing on a star oh oh I think these Magic books are only for making spells not for answering questions why don't you know the answer I'm nanny plum not an astrophysicist astrophysicist what's that oh it's just someone who knows a lot about stars and space and things elves know a lot about things we can ask my mom and dad are your mum and dad astrophysicists ah maybe let's go and see [Music] my goodness mum dad are you astrophysicists no no nobody knows the answer maybe we could ask the wise old elf yes he's wise he's old this wise old have studied way he thinks about things and his wise stuff good afternoon everybody how can I help you wise old elf we have a question the answer wasn't in our storybook it's an elf question not really a fairy matter so we thought as you are the wise old elf yes of course ask me any question anything at all ask me another question no our on sport perhaps you're not really wise are you you're just old so old elf you don't know the answer no but I do know where to find it well follow me is it far what if is searching for answers made me a bit tired we can take the lift minded orgies [Music] we are going to the great elf library to read it Elf library indeed it's probably just a dusty old cupboard this is a library we must be quiet there are so many books here how do you stop them flying about and fidgeting these are not magic books your majesty oh well how do you ever find what you are looking for then we ask the wise old librarian so where is this wise old librarian can I help you are you the librarian yes yes the answer is in the astrophysics section second row reference 520 point three four this way what books did you will keep my story and we looked in magic spell books well there are different books for different things there are books with stories in and books about how things work there are books about music books about animal Oh chickens that's interesting books about vegetables oh yes I like vegetables especially Peas you can find out the answer if you look in the right book here we are a book on stars is this going to have the answer let's see is everybody comfortable yes greens is low on clear nights we can see the stars twinkling in the sky the light we see from each star is tiny the tiniest little spot of light we can only see it because the sky is so dark black the night Sky's pure blackness yes it is Holly but when the morning comes and the Sun rises the sky gets brighter and the stars disappear but mommy where do the stars go they don't go anywhere what they're still shining in the sky we just can't see them anymore because the sky is so bright it's obvious I knew that and when the Sun Goes Down and described it's darker we can see the stars again when the Sun goes of course daddy where does the Sun go well it ah wise old elf oh these books should answer that question your majesty [Applause] this is a library we must be quiet today's adventure starts at the little castle yes sorry I'm running a bit later today I have a splendid King's breakfast for you though egg and baked beans egg and beans but today is Tuesday we have muffins on Tuesday Tuesday already what happened to Monday that was yesterday was it you've been working too hard mr. elf no no no I'm fine you need a holiday and you can come to Olli oh can i daddy yes of course Holly have a good time but I can't have a holiday who will make my deliveries nanny plum can no I can't of course you can any fool can drive a truck what but but I'm the king remember and I sentence you to a holiday hello mrs. elf I have some terrible terrible news Oh No King thistle what about him has sentenced me too it's worse than that he has sentenced me to I knew you'd be upset this is wonderful we never go on holiday what are you talking about we went to the seaside that was a day trip and we went to the moon behind oh yes very well let's go on holiday this is the plan first we take the elf name and fly somewhere nice Oh we have a quick snack yes then we'll pack up and fly back home in time for me to do my evening delivery it's not a holiday now listen to me mr. elf you're taking us away for at least a week to somewhere hot and you're going to relax but I'm an elf and elves don't like relaxing well you just have to learn it's going to be fun mr. elf all right but this is an elf holiday so no magic wands Polly okay mr. elf and no pets it's my holiday I make the rules sorry Gaston you have to stay here bye bye Gaston come on everyone we're going to be late for the holiday please mr. elf try to have fun all right I'll try ready for takeoff let's go we call it a pop are way far away come on dad join in yes you're supposed to be relaxing I can't relax now what if something goes wrong oh don't be silly welcome possibly go wrong No what is it that the engine has broken we'll have to land in the middle of nowhere prepare for a big spot look that a desert island good everyone out Wow a real desert island really aunt isn't it it is very pretty what a lovely beach stranded on a desert island no what do we do relax darling there are worse places to be stuck yes we can have a holiday here who'd like some lemonade but after the holiday how do we get home we could send a message in a bottle clever bear that's what people on desert islands do we write arrests toast put the note in the bottle and then throw it out to sea then all we have to do is wait until someone finds it fantastic and how long does that normally take usually about 20 years what well there's no rush but what about the Little Kingdom what about the great elf tree what about my ELF deliveries oh stop worrying I'm sure the elf delivery can manage without you berry delivery ah nanny plum have you brought my potato you always have potatoes so I brought you an onion what why pretends have you got my baked beans I've got you a pineapple like pineapple what about my sausages I got you some blue cheese but I hate blue cheese oh that's such a bunch of fast parts honestly it was better when mr. elf did the deliveries yes he knew a sausage when he saw one well you'll just have to make do with me mr. Ralph is on holiday having fun stuck on a desert island I am so bored do try and relax darling I can't I need something to do that's not relaxing it is for me I relax by being very busy maybe I'll explore the island I could work out how big it is do you think there'll be anywhere else on the island no I don't think so that steps huh so something does live here yes a wild beast let's follow its tracks and find it alright but we must take care the wild beast might be dangerous the tracks lead to this bush there's something in there the wild beasts how did you get here what's that you hidden the plane so I'm a sure when we weren't looking and hidden the bushes you say well pleasure Gaston but I thought I said no pets Gaston could be useful dad Gaston we need food can you find some gas Don's good at sniffing out food coconuts it's huge yes enough food and drink to last us for weeks well done Gaston stand clear hey you know this holiday isn't so bad after all I shall call this place else Island burnin holy I've been gone for ages I do miss them me too what's that it's a message in a bottle it's from bang it says trapped on a desert island dad lord please rescue let's go and tell the wise old elf we found a message in a bottle from an elf oh my goodness launch elf rescue we have a family to save dinnertime who wants coconut oh we've had coconut every day for weeks coconut soup coconut pie coconut pancakes curried coconut ah but tonight it's coconut surprise what's the surprise it's coconut coconut surprise dee-licious hmm who's having a great time I know I am I want to go home me too yes I do too oh I can't go home I've got too much work to do here I need to finish the hut start on the garden and I haven't even thought about the plumbing no the last thing I want to do now is go home hello we're here to take you home oh thank you but I haven't finished my work on elf Island but there's work for you back home nanny plum hasn't quite got the hang of the deliveries I want you to potato and she brought me an onion onions instead of potatoes that's crazy I'll hafta sort that out so how we go yes bye bye elf Island I have to admit that's the best holiday I've ever had
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 10,711,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: TW6Y29RUdiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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