Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Journey to the Centre of the Earth | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts castle yes nanny plum yeah this time I am NOT going to let Daisy and poppy get the better of me that's the spirit she's dude mrs. fathering girl is here to give the twins their lesson are you sure you really want to do that mrs. fathering Gil we'd quite understand if you oh no I have thought long and hard about it and what happened last time was not the twins fault it wasn't my fault but the twins zapped you to the South Oh only because I didn't give the little darlings enough to rust if you trust a child they will repay your trust now Daisy and poppy let's start this lesson as we mean to go on no deep down you're good and you'd never make me disappear oh good they've gone quiet quiet isn't good it means they're up to something I hope mrs. bothering Gil is alright Daisy poppy where is mrs. fathering Gil gone Oh God my goodness the twins are so wild and naughty where do they get it from groans papa thistle is here there's your answer hello everyone hello dad hello my dears I was just passing and I asked myself why don't I take my grandchildren for a day out hang on dad where were you thinking of taking the children I thought we'd visit a volcano I don't think climbing up a volcano is such a good idea we're not going to climb up it oh good we're climbing down inside it's hot you can't take children into a volcano it's too dangerous is it all right then how about lion teeth oh what's wrong with a nice walk in the meadow I bet the twins would like to go down a volcano yes the twins are in disgrace today they have been very very naughty yeah what have the little darlings done they've only made their teacher disappear who that nice mrs. fathering Gil Oh easy poppy where have you send your teacher down down to the kitchen down down down to the cellar very down you know what I think Daisy and poppy have said missus bothering Gayle to the center of the earth we have to rescue her well that's settled where we're going for our day out then to the center of the earth I saw the film of Journey to the Center of the Earth they were dinosaurs and Lost Tribes and everything dinosaurs in the center of the earth nonsense it's true I saw Elma telly how do we get to the center of the earth we could just take the stairs stairs yes there are secret stairs in the little castle that go down down down the stairs start from a secret entrance in the kitchen we just have to press this large button I built these stairs when I built the little castle I asked myself why have stairs only to the cellar why not to the centre of the earth you're be crazy on you I'm not crazy I'm completely it's runic writing written by dwarves what does it say Lenny can you translate it hmm says take these stairs down to the centre of the earth at the bottom you'll see dinosaurs does it really say dinosaurs no I made that bit up but there will be dinosaurs you'll say no Holly we have to go past the roots of the plants The Dream's the giant spider caves it send away to the center of the earth so how many steps do we have to go down 48 billion trillion thousand already that's why I got the dwarves to put a lift in hold tight everyone the lift does go rather fast doors closing [Music] center of the earth yeah we are the center of the earth it's a huge pain it's full of trees and giant mushroom yep that's how it was on Feli well one thing that's not here dinosaurs but now that we're here how do we find mrs. fathering Gil Gaston can sniff mrs. fuller in Gil shoes and find her brilliance Ben find mrs. fotheringay oh good boy Gaston I wonder where we'll find the lost tribe lost tribe who journeys through our land we come from the surface of the mighty earth we welcome you surface dwellers we thank you oh lord of the underground funny way that's how they speak on telly we bid you greetings actually we've come to get mrs. fotheringay ah the one we call teacher yes that'll be her good morning children my name is mrs. Bondi mrs. Fotheringay oh hello everybody we're here to rescue you and we've brought your shoes oh my shoes it's good to have them back it's been very nice and peaceful down here a bit like a holiday but I will be glad to be back in my own little home the other hands I think I'll stay here young lady do you want to be rescued or not oh I don't know it's so hard to decide I'll make it easy for you yes as Queen I command you to come back oh well in that case right mission accomplished let's go home back to the lift everyone oh no no the horrid lift again my poor tummy there is another way up we can go by balloon just need a basket abracadabra all aboard goodbye people of the underground we bid you farewell surface dwellers floating gently open up balloons and lovely and relaxing it certainly will be lovely and relaxing if you can call hurting through a volcano relaxing volcano of course the volcano will take us straight up to the surface dad I said no volcanoes Oh we'll be fine as long as the volcano doesn't even see whoops seems to be erupting here we go [Music] next stop the little castle now Daisy and poppy say sorry to missus bothering Gil for causing her so much trouble Zoe and do you promise to be good next time I teach you we owe our suite really aren't they she never learns she's doomed today's adventure starts at the little castle the one factory Oh strawberry isn't it a lovely morning yes nanny plum hi honey hi strawberry have you come to join us for once practice yes I came to see if Holly wanted to play but now you can join us for once practice but I don't know where my wonders you're holding it yes so I am come along you know how much fun one's practices right now you can practice lifting rocks with magic keep it going hi Olie hi strawberry do you want to play football we can't we have to do what practice it's okay ones are very strong don't want to break them don't be silly show him honey hit your wand on that rock okay oh dear holy strawberry has warned practice going not very well Holly's broken how ones how did that happen I was waving it and she bashed it on a rock that wasn't very clever sorry nanny not to worry we'll just get it mended magic oh no I can't mends it why not ones make magic but magic can't make ones it's like chickens and eggs chickens make eggs but egg don't make chickens but eggs do make chickens whatever the important thing is I can't mend ones by magic sigh who commended the elves that made it course they do everyone knows that elves are very good at making ones else don't use the ones honey they just make them he bashed it on a rock one moment please ah princess Holly what can I do for you Holly's broken her wand she bashed it on a rock I see not to worry we'll just mend it follow me we'll make these hard hats [Music] we'll be taking the train all aboard hold tight everyone we're going deep down how they down the one because wolves are magic and magic so we built the one factory has deep underground as possible oh my tummy now what's wrong with your wand it's break itself she bashed it on a rock yes yes but we need to find out exactly what's wrong with your wand the x-ray shows it needs a new stick and a cog service this way this is the stick house where we grow wooden sticks for warnings but the stick for a wand must be specially grown and made from the right type of tree correct nanny plum the wood for my wand comes from a plum tree because I am nanny plum the wood for your wand Holly should come from a exactly it must come from a strawberry tree let's see how that feels big it just needs a little trim this stage of wonder repair is a mixture of woodwork and gardening is my wand mended now and not yet princess Holly we need to mend the head follow me this is the clockwork room spinny equal to class he's mending a one-bed is a mixture of surgery and watch making these huge fudge rot whistles whistles hmm interesting that doesn't sound right [Music] [Applause] not yet nanny plum Holly's wound needs testing to the testing room the one testing boom it is the safest place to do magic in the kingdom magic we don't want the magic leaking out and causing trouble where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun and sensible magic is what we do here what we're going to test the wand by turning the lemonade into something else it's called encourage or a monster with a hundred eyes and three legs wait and see [Music] the lemonade has turned into water why would you want to do that that's not magic it's very sensible magic it's rubbish magic well what would you turn it into how about this you did magic outside the test oh it's a lemon I meant to turn it into a frog nanny plum my ones not working right it's rattling ooh I see what you mean that doesn't sound right hmm when did you last have this wand serviced ten years ago one should be serviced once a year yeah try that yes that's much better Manny you turned wise old elf into a frog so I did are you going to turn him back again oh I suppose I'll have to silly old owl fats yourself very good your wand seems to be working perfectly don't wait ten years before getting it serviced again yes wise old ow sorry thank you for mending my wand wise old elf you're welcome princess Holly want I promise to take special care of you from now on yes don't bash it on a rock I might [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 6,529,255
Rating: 3.9543898 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: isuzlXcRJ3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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