Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | HELP! There's an Alien in my Bed | Kids Videos

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planets bomb episode 2 we're lost in deep space I can't believe they just left us behind I hope they turn the spaceship around and come back for us yes otherwise we'll be floating here together for all eternity how long is eternity a very very long time oh well let's play game while we're waiting I spy with my little eye something beginning with s stars yes you're good at this can I have another go if your must I spy with my little eye something beginning with s stars no space ha you say this is a really good game this is going to be a very long eternity we left them behind well it was nice knowing them no daddy we have to go back for them yes without smartypants we cannot make planet bong beautiful again stars no space no oh right it was stars can I have another go [Applause] saved from an eternity of I spy oh don't worry we can carry on our board is loosing faces smartypants when we get to Planet bomb you will make all the plants grow again and of course listen Annie when we get to Planet bomb I may need a little bit of help yes I am the fairy helper and I already helped you man the flying saucer yes this might be a bit bigger no bigger the perfect holiday planet we're going into the ground I am home again and I have brought to save our planet [Applause] here to celebrate this special meeting of people's hello he's tiny yes on planet bong we get smaller as we get older who said that daddy oh say hello everybody the great leader is very old it is a fantastic honor for you to meet him say hello Gaston eats in the great leader naughty Gaston spits the great leader out terribly sorry he's not very house trained yes as our special guests we will now welcome you with a song boys when are you going to start playing the tune he's our national anthem and the rightful it is to save us why do you live on the ground once planet home was covered in plants everywhere was green and beautiful and the people were happy then the plants began to die out it became too hard to live on the surface so we moved underground everyone lives underground yes even the animals animals [Music] just a flower girl is so cute mommy can we take the flower girl flats blog back home with us please I think it is much happier living here darling um when do we go to the beach [Music] but where's the see is no see so where could we swim no where there is no water not for swimming not for drinking not for anything nothing but sand yes just sand and sand and sand and sand and [Music] so this isn't a holiday no it's a rescue mission your majesty smarty pants make the plants grow yes I've given this problem a lot of thought and I believe that I smarty pants have the answer good so without further ado I will hand over to my very helper me yes just magic the plants up would you oh right it is very excellent thank you my pleasure now please do the rest of the planet wall Oh plummet yes but I'm nonny plumb not an interplanetary terraforming bioengineer do you mean feces eat yes plants aren't easy to do what's the fiddly bits Oh so smarty pants you cannot save us after all we'll know thank you for trying so whenever we can have lots of plants and a beautiful once more no wait a minute plants need water to grow yes and have you had lots of water you could have lots of plants yes so we just need to make it rain I can do that rains much easier to make the plants it's just water then please make it rain magic wand on planet bones make it rain loud and strong [Music] [Music] you have saved an innocent unspoiled world of nature gentle and beautiful image loveliness [Music] what's happening yes they always do that how lovely and now you can have your honey day you know what I think we'll just go home very well I will take you home [Music] you are home thank you again smartypants oh it was nothing but you maybe all magic tap a whole planets worth the rain to honor our alien guests the elf band will now play a tune are you sure that's a good idea [Music] today's adventure starts at the great elf tree the toy robot I'll be right down hi Gaston let's play in the meadow what are you doing we're throwing sticks for guests on just on likes fetching sticks hello hi strawberry what's that it looks like Hudson Oh Gaston where did you find this it's a toy robot it's a bit broken we could mend it with magic no thanks strawberry we'll fix it the elf way elves are very good at fixing things and [Music] so it will it make me a cup of tea no it's just a toy robot it'll do this [Music] boring that's what time I've watched boom let's switch it on it doesn't do anything maybe it needs batteries no it's clockwork but there's no K our magic occurs holy I don't think we should use a magic key magic can be dangerous I'm sure it will be okay whatever happens this will be fun okay what is your name elf you are my master we thought right once when [Music] I only answer to my master band elf robots and say so sorry that was a bit scary hmm it's not like a normal toy robot I think my kids might have nice it's a bit magic but it seems to do what I say so we should be okay hello boys and girls what do you have there we found a toy robot well done ah yes this is the old mark z33 built by the elf factory hmm it was a rather basic model I beg your pardon Ben elf you talk as if it can understand well it does seem - it's just a toy robot only capable of going [Music] put me down you silly robot strange I don't remember the robots put many plumb down yes oh oh oh thank you Ben what is this thing it's just a toy robots but it does anything Ben says really yes watch this whoa but clean up the courtyard it's very good I'd like one of those to do all my cleaning you can if you want to that's very kind of you Ben maybe I'll borrow it just for this evening okay I'm going home but I want you to stay here and tidy the castle yes bye everyone [Music] must tidy up must tidy up it looks like it's doing a very good job must tidy up must tidy up I think I prefer the traditional fairy way I expect the robot has come to serve us our dinner I think we should tell this robot to stop we can't the robot only listens to men so what can we do then tell the robot to tidy the whole castle so maybe we should go to bed and let the robot finish good idea honey the robot should have finished tidying by morning bust tidy up must tidy up [Music] what is it morning already goodness me what's happening the robot is tidying up everything yes including us it's a monster how do we stop it only Ben can stop it hello mrs. elf speaking sorry it is a bit late but this is an emergency we need Ben now right Oh Ben there's an emergency at the little castle we have to go right away right Oh who's the best at rescuing [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's wound down but what could have caused the toy robot to act so strangely what have you got there Gaston it's the proper key well done Gaston then are you sure that's a good idea it'll be fine ah that's the toy robot I remember [Music] today's adventure starts at mrs. figs magic school hello mrs. fig lovely autumn day isn't it yes wise old elf only problem is the apples are starting to fall wow that was close so far I've been lucky they've all missed my magic school school well you're a fairy can't you just mend it with magic no magic always leads to trouble you don't like magic do you mrs. fake that's rightfully I want to mend the school the normal sensible safe way by using a builder well you're in luck I'm a builder but it won't be cheap we're going to need bricks cement roof tiles I know we'll have a cake stall the money we make from selling cakes will pay for the repairs a cake stole it sounds fun let's tell everyone to get baking mrs. fix Magic School and now the school has a big hole in it oh dear that's a shame mrs. fig is asking everybody to bake cakes to raise money peach cakes ah well don't tell your mother about that about what darling mrs. fake is running a cake store oh how exciting I'll bake some cakes there's no need mrs. fake needs them today then I better start straightaway what is it daddy your mother is not very good at baking cakes Oh she bakes horrible cakes and she gets very upset if anyone doesn't like them dum dee dum dee doo dee doo that's odd who's in my kitchen yes nanny plum would you like to try a cake I know we'll have to leave the country pack a bag everyone the Queen's cakes can't be that bad they're worse than bad cake time who wants to try my lovely cakes [Applause] I've got Rock cakes fudge cake and gingerbread they look lovely in fact they look too good to eat no no I can't wait to try them have a rock cake no I said oh is it nice it's inedible I mean incredible but maybe I'll save it for later try the fudge cake oh isn't it someone else's turn don't you want my fudge cake of course I do what do you think tasty are you all right today was horrific you think the fudge cake is too sticky don't you hate it no no of course not darling it's amazing oh good try the gingerbread dunk is in your coffee that will make it all soft and yummy the coffee's just rolled off it it's completely dry take a bite you know maybe I'll save this one for later okay well I can't stand around chatting I've got loads more cakes to bake rock hard rock cakes super sticky fudge waterproof gingerbread [Music] the Queen's baking cakes oh no I can't eat one of those cakes again no one can eat lemon survived hello cake time everyone yes but you shouldn't have troubled yourself your majesty we already have lots of cake you don't want my cakes oh yes we do you think we're horrible don't you of course we don't oh good then I'll clip them here that should raise lots of money to mend your school mrs. fig thank you your majesty maybe I should have used magic to me in the school it would have been less dangerous keep clear of the cakes no one eat them Oh cakes wait yeah what kind of a cake is that it's a rock okay Queens thistle baked it oh the Queen baking again the fudge cake blues your mouth shut and the gingerbread is waterproof incredible what can these things be made of I want to do some tests on these cakes [Music] this machine tests how strong things are let's start with something very weak like this egg the egg had a strength of 1 now let's try a brick the brick had a strength of 5 now let's try the Queen's rock cake never nothing has gone through 11 [Music] the cake broke the machine that cake is the strongest substance known to man the fat cake stock daddy's mouth shut mmm let's test how sticky it really is stop why sold out don't touch the fudge cake you'll be stuck to it forever okay let's just say the Queen has created the stickiest substance known to man what about the gingerbread daddy dipped it in his coffee and it stayed dry let's see how waterproof it is amazing the most waterproof substance known to man these cakes must be locked away they must never be eaten not eaten no but maybe they can be used for something else I do hope I've made enough cakes what if they need more for the cake stall trust me they won't watch any more cake more cake please yes as many as you can be and fudge cake and gingerbread oh goody they love my cakes I better get baking who's eating all these cakes eating them no one's eating them so why do you want war these cakes are the perfect building material the Rock cakes are super strong bricks we're glowing one together using the super stick a fudge game gingerbread cakes great amazing but of course you must never tell the Queen never tell the Queen what Oh Oh mrs. fig you've meant at the school so you managed to raise enough money by selling my cakes and let's just say your cakes were a great help yes three cheers for Queen thistle on these bricks look just like my walk cakes yes and this cement is just like my fudge cake it is my fudge cake at least she hasn't spotted the room and the roof tiles are like gingerbread you didn't want to eat my cake well they're not really for eating are they darling but if you want to survive I thought everybody liked my cakes but nobody did I wish I'd never baked a single cake if we hadn't baked any catty we wouldn't have mended the school Holly is right it's only because of your baking the magic school is fixed I suppose that's true pray for Queen thistle in fact we could do with some cakes to finish the chimney if you don't mind baking some more could you my house I want to build a patio you know paving slabs well I suppose I could do you don't dream pie so you do MDF everyone loves my mummys today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] big bad berries I say I'm getting a little hungry me too I think I fancy fishing ships don't have any fish your majesty what no fish but I can magic up some fish fingers I like this finger no no I want fresh fish fresh from the lake with chips I not Ben's dad has a vision but then we shall go and see Ben's dad it's time we put the boat away for the winter Ben I'm pleased Bunty has made it through the summer with no accidents what kind of accidents the kind where the boat gets eaten eaten yes have I never told you the story of big bad Barry the fish no it was a dark and stormy night I was sailing in my favorite boat when suddenly a fish a fish mr. elf what's that I want a fish for dinner with chips Oh so we'd like you to take us out on the lake to catch one I was just putting Bunty away for the winter he's bandy my boat well one more trip won't do any harm will it I rather not she might get wet mr. elf your King commands you okay climb aboard you'll have to leave your ones here magic isn't allowed on elf boats and let's get going I'll do the steering hang on a minute you might be king on land your majesty but on this boat I'm the captain so I'm in charge all right captain as long as I get a fish holy and been wined the engine King this all take the wheel okey-dokey captain to starboard what huh turn right why didn't you say so at sea we don't say left and right we say port and starboard isn't that a bit silly wheel fish from the stern where's that her the back of the boat come with me fishing is a tricky business you must have the right type of bait what kind of using today stale bread stale bread who likes stale bread should we put some butter on it dad and jam yes we're not gonna catch anything with stale bread old boy stick a bit of jam on it stop I'm the captain so while we're apart Bunty we do what I say now be quiet fish don't like noise very bossy isn't he exciting Shh everybody now we wait are you sure this is right of course I'm sure come on let me have a go fine you'll see it takes time to catch a fish I've caught a fish Polly grab the net get ready to catch it wow it's big it's a whopper alright and I caught it it's only a little tiddler it must be the biggest fish in the lake it's too small that was the biggest fish I've ever seen I've seen bigger much much bigger really really it was many years ago when I first met big bad buddy only the biggest hugest most gigantic hissed fish the world has ever seen No it was a dark and stormy night I was out sailing in my favorite boat Hilda when I first saw the body I knew straight away I had to catch him I had to be the fisherman who took him home for the biggest fish dinner in history I tried several different baits before I found what Bali liked jeans cheese I put a bit of cheese on the line and Barry was hooked straight away the only thing was he was stronger than my old boat Gilda was bad bad attract my poor boat Hilda all over the link and when he'd finished that he ate her I killed her it sounds horrid it was so you built Bunty to replace ILDA no first there was Doris then Peggy there was Abigail Fifi and Trixie belt not forgetting Sabrina Vicky and Miss boo-boo Barry ate them all I tried to catch Barry so many times but he was always too strong so that's where all the cheese went in the end I gave up big bad Barry is still out there somewhere incredible I have come to a Royal decision we must catch big bad Barry and have him with chips though we mustn't I don't want to lose another boat not Bunty anyway there's no cheese on the boat I won't allow it that he can smell cheese a mile away even a mild cheddar good I've got some cheese in my picnic hamper we can use that quick get rid of it before it's too late what did you do that for I told you it's dangerous to have cheese on board luckily I also brought a nice Stilton cheese we can tempt Barry with no I refuse to help then we'll do it without you I'm taking charge mutiny on the bounty we'll catch this Barry and have him with chips then take the wheel aye captain Holly hold the net here Barry Barry Barry come on Barry where are you it's not working hey Barry come on boy if we're going to catch big bad Barry let's do it properly yes you must do what I say as soon as I say it big bad body is too big huh that rod we use you wanted to meet big bad Barry here's your chance excellent now we wait but not for long what a fish will be eating him for weeks he's got the cheese yes we are bad berries pulling us backwards we've got him we got him I think he's got a static Polly is right we should never try to catch bad Barry he he's too [Music] we have to let him go never aha he's giving up I don't think so then he can have it I give it sorry we try to catch you Barry no hard feelings hey Ichi Bunty women children as Kings first hello everyone the chips are ready where's the fish what's going on big fat Barry is eating Bunty yum yum oh dear do you think Barry would like some chips with that I think he's full alas poor Bunty I knew her well right wall should be up at dinner van I think I'd like fish fingers [Music] today's adventure starts at mrs. witch's house the witch competition thank you for helping tidy my house nanny plum no problem mrs. witch my goodness what's a lot of cobwebs let's March Eve them away I don't know what I'll do without you nanny but mrs. witch why can't you just use your own magic to tie to your house the thing is I don't do much magic these days I'm retired now still got your name joke a typhoon don't feel good about muggy I say cards but it's just a bugger please really please mrs. witch you've turned nanny to stone so you can do magic only if I'm boss nanny was being very rude about my cat can you turn nanny back if she says sorry sorry and say sorry Tamaki sorry Margay oh I forgot she's so touchy about her cat hello are you mrs. witch that's me I'm Wendy witch Oh Wendy witch I'm so excited to be standing here with you you're famous I was brought up on stories of you doing the fastest spells in the West that was all a long time ago I'm retired now and what a lovely which he house I can't believe I'll be living here huh what was that I'll be living in your house but this only room in this house for one witch yes now you're retired you'll be going to the old witch's home you'll be very happy there it's full of other old witches watching telly all day you know what I said I was retired I meant I'm not retired goodbye that was close I'm sorry to bother you again since there's only room for one witch around here we'll have a witch competition the winner stays the loser goes oh yes of course a witch competition needs a judge someone important my daddy is a king is that important enough a king will do nicely let's go meet this daddy of yours hello your majesty oh I'm Wendy witch oh hello Wendy witch we're having a witch competition and we need someone important and wise to be the judge that'll be me I'm very important and wise if mrs. witch loses she'll have to leave her house daddy you have to make sure mrs. witch wins I'm sorry Holly but I'm the judge and I have to be fair and aboveboard I suppose there's a first time for everything when does the competition start at high noon I haven't got a chance against Wendy which I haven't been in a witch competition for years what happens in a witch competition there's a spell contest broomstick riding and jam-making Wow good Jam smells quite nice see I've lost my touch which dam is supposed to be horrible don't worry we'll help you make it horrible what if you put in some snail slime snail slime yes that could do it and some worm poo yes that would make it taste awful you see you can win now let's tackle the broomstick riding I haven't ridden my broom in years it's forgotten all its training let's try spells missus wait you did the fastest spells in the West right mrs. witch turned these cans into frogs I'm afraid she's passed it passed it she can't even turn a can into a frog she might be good at magic once but now she's a bit of a husband I'll show you [Music] you turn nanny into a frog that's because nanny got me annoyed oh if you can do magic like that in the competition you'll be falling so just remember to get cross with Wendy witch but she's so friendly and nice it's your only chance to win okay I'll try to be cross which competition begin making em why are they all staring at me you're the judge darling they're waiting for you to taste witches Oh what's in it slog mostly with a hint of fat and spider eggs for crunch oh that's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted thank you no my jam your majesty yes why should I have all the fun isn't it someone else's girl daddy you're the judge so you must taste both jabs of course I'm most looking oh they both taste equally revolting so the jam making is a draw I'm now broomstick flying [Music] I was really good [Music] now it's mrs. witch's turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's riding the broom brilliantly I declare the broomstick riding true now for the smell contest mrs. wait where are you coming to the old witch's home I can't win a spell contest yes you can you turned nanny to stone and she turned her into a frog well nanny plum makes me so close just remember to be cross when Wendy work but she's so polite and charming she wants to put you in the old witch's home and live in your house you're right remember I'm cross remember I'm my boss let the spells begin the which returns the other tesco is the winner remember improv mrs. witch it's been such a thrill to be in a competition with you remember I know thank you dear you're so nice she's the missus which to study the little kingdoms which I'll really enjoy working with you King thistle ah working with me oh yes I've got big plans for the Little Kingdom oh dear she sounds like a bit of a bossy boots yeah and mrs. which his mangy old cat will have to go did you see mrs. which move she can't move she's been Turks no he really is a flea-bitten old thing he smells awful [Music] Wow mrs. which turned the other witch to stone I suppose mrs. witch is the winner [Music] [Applause] shouldn't you turn when DeWitt's back now she was very rude about my okay but if she says sorry sorry I'm sorry Tamaki sorry okay oh thanks you're just amazing mrs. witch I've never seen anyone break out of a stone spell before and you're a very polite and clever young witch mostly well as they say this town ain't big enough for the both of us so I'll be moving along [Music] I'm glad mrs. witch won the Little Kingdom wouldn't be the same without mrs. witch yes mind you Wendy which did have a point about the cat it does rather smell and it's what more that it is a most lovely pussycat Thank You King thistle I do love my monkey today's adventure starts at the little castle Qing officials birthday happy birthday what is it darling I don't want a birthday No why on earth not I don't like my birthday every year we make a big song and dance about the fact that I'm getting older but we always celebrate your birthday the elves hold a big party with music dancing and fireworks it's so much fun yes well today is going to be different no birthday party that that uh happy birthday your majesty here's your K shush any pun sorry there aren't enough candles there should be one for every year for weed nice stop going on about how old I am but darling you're only have no cake take it away no cake I've baked loads of cakes for the party I don't care no cakes and no birthday oh my suppose I'll just have to be all the cakes myself why doesn't daddy want a birthday he doesn't like getting older who does ah oh well that's better cancel the fireworks I can't wait for the King's birthday party me too we've got a really big firework to let off yes it's as big as a terror palpable under the music dancing and cakes everyone loves King thistles birthday party firework delivery for King thistles birthday party open is not going to be a party no party King thistle has decided he doesn't like getting older who does I do so there won't be any fireworks now Oh music Oh dancing we'd better take this delivery back to the elf tree can I stay here with Holly okay bye see you later if we could shake Kings this lap then maybe he'd want to part a good idea Ben I could do a magic spell to cheer the King up really will not work of course but how do you cheer people up with magic I'll show you abracadabra abracadabra [Music] [Laughter] I'm not sure about the Hat you were very happy yes a little too happy maybe we won't use magic to cheer the King up perhaps we could shaking Cecil up another way Wow my dad always likes talking about when he was a boy does he so if we ask your dad about when he was young that might cheer him up good idea Ben [Music] daddy hello Holly hello Ben dad hmm what was it like when you were a boy why would you want to know that we're interested yes I can't remember it was a long time ago you must remember something well yes when I was a boy what about dinosaurs dinosaurs yes dinosaurs with big pointy teeth no how old you think I am what was it like before the telephone was invented a cave daddy no I didn't and that's quite enough questions about when I was young thank you very interesting well I'm not now please leave me alone alright daddy seems more sad than ever yes now we'll never have a party what about if we ask the wise old elf for advice yes he's very wise and he's old he'll know what to do hello Holly hello Ben have you heard Kings missiles not having a birthday party ah yes after all our hard work arranging everything and the elf band had composed a special song to listen and in one year [Music] [Music] that's very nice but daddy doesn't want to have his birthday cause he thinks he's too old King thistles not old I've got t-shirts older than him really I'm sure the King just needs cheering up we've tried that it didn't work so I suppose there won't be a party after all no music no dancing nice fireworks hmm the King likes surprises doesn't he yes we can give the King a surprise party but he doesn't want a birthday party ah but it won't be a birthday party they'll be music and dancing and fireworks and no one will say the word birthday gosh that's very clever it's brilliant come on Ben we need to get ready for the party calling all elves we need to arrange the Kings party [Music] hello daddy I've got something for you what's this open it and see I said no birthday cars it's not a birthday card this is just a card to say what a lovely daddy you are and here's a present it's not a birthday present is it no King Cecil are you sure sure a toy robot Thank You Ben I made it myself and here's your cake it's not a birthday cake is it absolutely not this is just an ordinary cake the taste is completely different oh good delicious mmm cards presents cake and this is nothing to do with my birthday no well I suppose it's not really a birthday then as long as the elf band doesn't turn up [Music] that's one more surprise daddy oh I love surprises you have to close your eyes okay you can open your eyes now [Music] I said no birthday party it's not a birthday party darling it's just a surprise party oh well then I suppose happy birth I mean congratulations your majesty on being such an excellent King well done oh thank you and now for the giant firework it's as big as a carrot I love fireworks and now your majesty the elf band will sing a special song in your honor King Sissel is a very old king and he's one year older today Oh King Sicilies old and gray happy happy happy birthday of course the song isn't actually about you it's about a different King Your Majesty I came far away from here whose birthday it is today in that case it was a very nice song [Applause] [Music] oh thank you honey [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 5,719,506
Rating: 4.0203137 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: JT0AqRJ6aeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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