Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Wise Old Elf Becomes Honey Bees | Cartoon for Kids

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honey bees I do love a good picnic yes nothing beats eating in the great outdoors sandwich mrs. elf Thank You Queen fissile sandwich darling mmm yummy honey sandwiches my favorite well I don't like them they're good for nothing good for nothing the honey in your sandwich comes from bees no it doesn't honey comes from a jar didn't you go to school dear yes king school we learn to waive bends right King thistle please do make honey it all starts with a flower the bees eat sweet nectar from the flower Thank You mrs. elf when they eat lots of nectar they take it back to make honey in the Beehive I'd love to see the Beehive I'll take you there if you like good idea mr. elf and while you're at it can you get me some more honey of course your majesty we'll bring you back a nice fresh jar of honey bees in a hive thousand they must make a right old racket oh yes get ready for the low buzzing it will be very noisy indeed oh it's very quiet wise old elf where are all the bees they've gone yes flown off we're waiting to see if they come back there that's the queen bee the rest of them always follow huh [Music] good she's led them all back into the hi [Music] everyone relax all's back to normal now then Ben and Holly what can we do for you we've come to see how bees make honey well you've come to the right place this is the bee hive and I'm the beekeeper we need a jar of honey for the king no problem so I suppose we go in and get some where's the door hang on nanny plum you can't just walk into the hive there's thousands of bees in there with thousands of STIs and they wouldn't be too pleased if we try to take away their honey Oh so what do we do first we make the bees sleepy ah well it involves magic but so I thought you didn't like magic I don't but when I'm about to walk into a nest of angry bees I'm prepared to bend the rules Oh any old fairy will do nanny plum can you do a sleep spell for me all right then Oh nanny not the wise old elf [Music] what happened right so just to be clear you want me to magic the bees to sleep if you wouldn't mind yes they're all asleep good now it will be much safer so now do you come in and get the honey not quite yet we need a fail-safe a fail-safe what's that extra safety in case our first safety measure fails watch this it's very clever what's he doing goodness knows it'll probably be stupid but funny told you he's dressed as a bee yes so if the bees do wake up they'll think I'm a bee and not sting me your failsafe yes Ben now I simply fly into the hive but you can't fly that's where the elf le copter comes in bees asleep check bee costume on check jar for honey go go go now watch a beekeeper at work calm safe and sensible I'm a bee buzz buzz buzz noemi in I am inside take me down all thanks for a jar of honey yes it's very exciting [Music] now left to beat the peas will wake up soon if he doesn't get a move on I need position quick wise all down old elf yeah we are done come safe and sensible nice bees just for doing a bit of honey and I'm a P buzz buzz old me up [Music] only up [Music] mission accomplished come safe and sensible what are those bees doing that hey they seem to be following head ah bee swarm get me out of here follow and maybe they think he's the queen bee oh we're almost at the little castle thank goodness the windows open hmm but if it draft in here let's close the window yeah goodness me wise old elf what are you ah my jar of honey what an amazing delivery service your even dress does it be yes let me in what are you playing at what's going on bees bees ah yes I used to be frightened of bees too but it turns out they're quite useful sure who switched the lights out [Music] follow me quietly your majesty where are we going wise old elf there better be a good reason for this oh good grief what are those bees doing the bees have decided that the little castle is their new home Your Majesty what's but looking on the bright side you can have all the honey you can eat why are they all come here they followed me because they think I'm the queen bee well I don't want them on my castle Shh if the bees notice us they'll follow me again oh I see well why didn't you say so hello he's over here [Music] wait what about my honey [Music] they're getting closer try to shake them off aren't we a bit near this bond there's the queen bee I mean the wise old elf [Music] come on here's your queen bee and that is how you get a jar of honey calm safe and sensible huh what's the matter haven't you ever seen a beekeeper in his underpants before come safe and sensible yes exactly it's all quite easy when you're an expert beekeeper like me a nutcase can you fetch me a jar of honey - no at least perhaps not today the new one Gaston wants to play fetch the stake okay uh magic up a stick ready one day it's raining we're getting wet no problem one two umbrella [Music] I'm enjoy umbrella do one whoops it sounds like your ones got a cold no Paul one day it's because she got all wet I better call the wand doctor hello is that the wand doctor yes we've got a sick wand thank you goodbye the doctor says you have to put one day to bed and he'll be right over the ones doctor is here hello but that's just the wise old owl I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a fully qualified one doctor Oh see we elves make the ones remember yes why is that you hate magic we make ones but we don't use them magic always leads to trouble now where is my patient here that's loud turn out please as I thought a cold I suggest plenty of rest the wand needs to stay in bed and keep nice and warm will won't he be able to do magic oh no no no there'll be no waving wand around for a while what shall I do without a wound funny you should ask I've been working on a brand new wand maybe you'd like to try it out Wow it's been top secret until now I call it the wise wand 3000 even I didn't know about it gosh thanks wise old elf it's so pretty and it talks incredible amazing that's not all this wand has a very special feature no other wand has what special feature oh you'll find out soon enough I have to say ones don't get any better than this what do you mean by that what does he ever mean I always lose interest halfway through I can't wait to do some magic with my Wise Ones 3000 well you will have to wait till tomorrow because it's nearly bedtime by Olli by Ben by Gaston see tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] morning daddy morning Holly ah the new wand how is it it's amazing good news princess Holly 1d is better the ones doctor was right she just needed a bit of rest oh that's nice so you can paint that new ones back to the wise old elf if you like I think I might like to keep it for a bit I haven't even tried doing magic with it yet oh well what should we do with this um I don't really need it anymore can you put it with my baby toys okay oh well there you go Holly's got a new ones now yes it's called the wise one 3000 Wow yes it's very very new and top secrets oh let's play a game yes what shall we play let's say princesses knights and nor sea witches yes I'll be the princess because I am a princess and I'll be the brave knight okay and the naughty wait what do we do now the brave knight has to rescue the princess from a tower full of tower [Music] Wow how am I going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the night kinds up oh yes climbing up hair oh we can easily get down not if I put bars on the window that's my mum I've got to go bye ok bye Fleur how are we going to get down don't worry I've got my Wise One 3000 okay let's get out of here oh it didn't work it's not doing anything what happens the last time you used it nothing I haven't done any magic with it yet it's useless I wish I had my old one it's Gaston Gaston could fetch hell yes Gaston yeah we'll get wounded Thank You Gaston fetch you're in a hurry today to be a very special wand but it doesn't do anything maybe it's broken it doesn't look broken that's it's actually a bit annoying yes my old ones never talked it just I'm so glad to see you this tower yes indeed [Music] I think I'll use my old wound from now on ah princess Holly how are you getting on with a wise wand 3000 it's broken is it it looks perfectly fine to me but it doesn't do magic yes that's the special feature I was talking about no magic wands that doesn't do magic correct you see magic always leads to trouble and also it's the one that doesn't do magic is not a wand it's just a stick so you're saying that the wise one 3000 is good for absolutely nothing yes I know one thing it's good for yes hey Gaston fetch the stick [Music] and I love you one day you're my best friend the Queen Thanks hello mrs. fig lovely autumn day isn't it um yes wise old elf only problem is the apples are starting to fall wow that was close so far I've been lucky they've all missed my magic school oh that's one didn't mess oh dear my poor Magic School broken well you're a fairy can't you just mend it with magic no magic always leads to trouble you don't like magic do you mrs. fake that's rightfully I want to mend the school the normal sensible safe way by using a builder well you're in luck I'm a builder but it won't be cheap we're going to need bricks cement roof tiles I know we'll have a cake stall the money we make from selling cakes will pay for the repairs a cake stole it sounds fun let's tell everyone to get baking mrs. fix Magic School and now the school has a big hole in it oh dear that's a shame mrs. Fink is asking everybody to bake cakes to raise money eh cakes uh well don't tell your mother about that about what darling mrs. Fink is running a cake store oh how exciting I'll bake some cakes there's no need mrs. fake needs them today then I better start straightaway no what is it daddy your mother is not very good at baking cakes oh she bakes horrible cakes and she gets very upset if anyone doesn't like them dum dee dum dee doo dee doo that's odd who's in my kitchen yes nanny plum would you like to try a cake maybe later I know we'll have to leave the country pack a bag everyone the Queen's cakes can't be that bad they're worse than bad cake time who wants to try my lovely cakes [Applause] I've got Rock cakes fudge cake and gingerbread they look lovely in fact they look too good to eat no no I can't wait to try them have a ROC cake no I said oh is it nice it's inedible I mean incredible but maybe I'll save it for later try the fudge cake oh isn't it someone else's turn my fudge cake of course I do what do you think tasty no no of course not darling it's amazing oh good try the gingerbread dunk it in your coffee that will make it all soft and yummy the coffee's just rolled off it it's completely dry take a bite you know maybe I'll save this one for later okay well I can't stand around chatting I've got loads more cakes to bake rock hard rock cakes super sticky fudge proof gingerbread will have the wall the Queen's baking cakes [Music] McQueen's baking cakes oh no I can't eat one of those cakes again no one can eat lemon survived hello cake time everyone yes but you shouldn't have troubled yourself your majesty we already have lots of cake you don't want my cakes oh yes we do you think we're horrible don't you of course we don't oh good then I'll clip them here that should raise lots of money to mend your school mrs. fig thank you your majesty maybe I should have used magic to me in the school it would have been less dangerous keep clear of the cakes no one eat them Oh cakes wait yeah what kind of a cake is that it's a rock okay Queen thistle baked it oh the Queen baking again the fudge cake blues your mouth shut and the gingerbread is waterproof incredible what can these things be made of I want to do some tests on these cakes [Music] this machine tests how strong things are let's start with something very weak like this egg the egg had a strength of 1 now let's try a brick the brick had a strength of 5 now let's try the Queen's rock cake Neven nothing has gone through 11 [Music] the cake broke the machine that cake is the strongest substance known to man the such cake stuck daddy's mouth shut mmm let's test how sticky it really is stopwhy sold out don't touch the fudge cake you'll be stuck to it forever okay let's just say the Queen has created the stickiest substance known to man what about the gingerbreads daddy dipped it in his coffee and it stayed dry let's see how waterproof it is amazing the most waterproof substance known to man these cakes must be locked away they must never be eaten not eaten no but maybe they can be used for something else I do hope I've made enough cakes what if they need more for the cake stall trust me they won't want any more cake more cake please yes as many as you can be and fudge cake and gingerbread oh goody they love my cakes I'd better get baking who's eating all these cakes eating them no one's eating them so why do you want more these cakes are the perfect building material the rock cakes are super strong bricks we're gluing one together using the super sticky fudge cake super waterproof gingerbread place great tiles amazing but of course you must never tell the Queen never tell the Queen what Oh Oh mrs. fig you've meant at the school so you managed to raise enough money by selling my cakes and let's just say your cakes were a great help yes three cheers for Queen thistle these bricks look just like my walk cakes yes and this cement is just like my fudge cake it is my fudge cake at least she hasn't spotted the room and the roof tiles are like gingerbread you didn't want to eat my cake well they're not really for eating are they darling not if you want to survive I thought everybody liked my cakes but nobody did I wish I'd never baked a single cake if you hadn't baked any cakes we wouldn't have mended to school Holly is right it's only because of your baking the magic school is fixed I suppose that's true hooray for Queen thistle in fact we could do with some cakes to finish the chimney if you don't mind baking some more could you my house I want to build a patio you know paving slabs well I suppose I could take it out drain pie so you do MDF everyone loves my mummys folks Cubs are you looking for what's your first day at fox cubs Ben yes dad I loved being a fox cub when I was your age I still got my hat in my day it was old gray wolf in charge they've got a new leader now I wonder who it is welcome to fox cubs everybody I'm the new leader don't call me nanny plum I'm fluffy ow - wait - whoa hello nanny plum what are you doing here I'm the new fox cub leader you have to call me fluffy owl wait - whoa oh hello fluffy all you have to say that - waits away bit as well cow it - whoa you're just in time for the badges Oh is someone getting a badge Ben you're going to have so much fun getting your badges dad what badges did you get when you're a fox cub I got an adventure badge a sailing badge and a nuts badge a nuts patch yes after days and days of tying not after not I finally got my knots patch it was hard work but worth it everyone step forward and tell me what bad you'd like you first Rosie one adventure badge but but of course one sailing badge strawberry what would you like and non spats please stop it stop it at once you don't just hand out badges why not you have to earn your badges to get my adventure badge I had to spend three days camping in the wild well I watched a whole night of TV am i watching TV bad watching TV badge that's not what the comes at about the Fox comes our about having adventures in the wild adventures do sound like we like adventures mr. Ralph can we have an adventure in the wild well it's not up to be it's up to fluffy ole oh very well follow me everyone okay here we are having an adventure what do we do well imagine we had to look for food fluffy owl why don't you show the children how to find food in the wild all right this way everyone know they'll see it's not easy to find food in the wild hi foods ice cream ice cream yes from the ice cream van over there but that's cheating look you said find some food so we did now you're changing the rules we've got you a spree Ripple mr. elf okay moving on from finding food does anybody know how to make a shelter Oh me me I brought my tent what's this it's got bedrooms a bathroom a television we can't sleep in that why not what's wrong with being comfortable when you're on holiday this is an adventure not a holiday we'll make a shelter out of two twigs and a leaf you'll need the twigs up like this and hey presto what have you got tea twigs and a leaf where's the bed you sleep on the ground it's nature's bed lovely and cozy well why bother when you can sleep in my castle tens you're missing the point do you fox cubs want a real adventure yes good if you're going to learn how to survive in the wild you have to be in the wild like at the top of a mountain huh lafiel please magic us to the top of a mountain okay Wow we're at the top of a mountain fantastic now how are we going to get home Oh magic ofone let's say you don't have your wand with you okay I'll call for help you're firm either but that's going to make it very very difficult to get home exactly but when you get home you will have earned your adventure badge what do we do fast maybe we should start by working out which mountain we're on good Ben that's exactly what we should do fluffy ow which mountain did you magic us - no idea what you just said a Man Thing I don't know what man seen from another well that makes things a bit tricky why because we don't even know what country were in perhaps you should magic us back home and we'll start again I can't you threw my wand down the mountain oh yes let's ring for help but you throw a fluffy house firing down the mountain turn oh yes so I did you wanted us to be lost no we're lost happy now I'm sure mr. elf wouldn't have sent us to the top of a mountain if he didn't know how to get us home Thank You strawberry okay I think I can work out where we are by using my compass let's see North is that way and the position of the Sun is oh my goodness we're on Everest what's that then Mount Everest the tallest mountain in the whole world is Mount Everest far from our dad bit far from a home been yes bit high yes Holly I suppose we could just climb down just climb down just climb down Everest the enormous treacherous mountain of rock and ice perilous cliff after Pyrenees cliff that could only be conquered by the world's greatest Mountaineers Mount Everest is not safe for children to climb down no Mount Everest isn't a child-friendly so what we do now mr. Einstein I don't know we have my castle tent what good would that do we could watch TV in that wind you'll be blown away no what we need is someone who can climb down the mountain and fetch help I know Gaston is good at climbing oh good idea Ben go Gaston go get help fast it may be some time before Gaston returns after climbing down the mountain he will have to journey through the jungle plus the desert swim the ocean before he arrives at the Little Kingdom hello Gaston what's that all the children and fluffy owl and mr. elf all trapped at the top of a mountain you say well then this is a job for old gray wolf Oh lead the way Gaston papa is this bouncing far still further oh how we nearly there so quite away then gasps Dawn's been gone for ages I hope he's all right and he's brought in grave wolf Oh Barry please be heroes great donkey it's old gray wolf and you have to say uh whoa okay oh whoa what's your plan old gray wolf a wool have you brought the elf helicopter to lift us to safety or a team of mountain rescue elves took carriers down the mountain actually I set off it in a bit of a hurry and you were a bit further away that I expected so you're just here on your own without a plan of any sort yes that's about it maybe you should do a bit of a magic I'd love to baby through my wand away so that's why I found it at the bottom of the mountain oh it's good to have you back again so if you wouldn't mind him magic in us back home no problemo [Music] that was a really good adventure Thank You fluffy I'll do it too well you should thank mr. elf it was his idea Thank You mr. elf yes dad it was great oh and I think all of you fox cubs have earned your adventure badges indeed adventure badges for everyone and for fetching help in the fox cubs hour of need one of you has earned the rescue badge gaston of course yes we love coming to your house it's my birthday soon and you can come to my party that sounds brilliant you could have a fairy party or an elf party yes and how the fairy party and all my friends can come dressed up I could do some party magic that's hides that can be a bit funny about you too mum dad I've decided to have an elfin fairy party for my birthday that's nice Lucy and I've invited health and fairy princess Holly now Lucy we've been through this elves and fairies aren't really real we are real but but we can't have real elves and fairies at Lucy's birthday party why not dad there'll be lots of other children and they're not used to seeing real elves and fairies we understand yes see you later Lucy bye-bye Holly was going to do some magic at my party well I can do some magic drinks watch here's a coin now it's gone oh what's this behind your ear will you do a magic show at my party of course I will hi everyone Lucy's having an elf or fairy party great I've always wanted to go to a big kids party me too what shall we wear what we always were after all we are our own some fairies that's the thing real elves and fairies aren't invited it's just a lot of big children dressed up as elves and fairies what's the matter mom I really want sit Ben and Holly to come to my party well I think they can just keep them out of sight and away from your dad it was only supposed to be Ben and Holly so you don't want us to come of course I do you can all come I'm sure it will be fine as long as you promise to stay out of sight and away from my dad let's put your wings on hey now you look like a real fairy princess Lucy all your friends are here here's a balloon each hold tight are their fly away have fun I'll be back to pick you up after the party I think the coast is clear have fun I'll be back to pick you up after the party my goodness you've all come em welcome here's a balloon hold on tight or it'll fly away [Music] it's all the lovely party there's the birthday cake Dustin's gonna eat the hay no Gaston bad ladybird that's for later come on everyone party time let's get started with a bit of a bougie musical statues when the music stops [Music] Katie you moved I nearly snapped on this toy Oh I'll just pop the toy over here with the rest of the toys what are you doing Barnaby sorry Lucy's mom Barnaby we're supposed to stay here but I love to boogie no Lucy's dad is going to do some magic tricks oh goody I love magic it won't be real magic just magic tricks what's a magic tricks you'll say hello and welcome to the magic show you see that's a magic trick it's a trick wand that was really good my dad's been practicing and now I will make a rabbit come out of my hat hey presto I can't Lucy only has one rabbit oh maybe he needs a bit of help no strawberry rabbits rabbits rabbits Oh another rabbit and another rabbit and birds where did they come from good there's no more animals in the Hat oh I see you already have some chili yes it just sort of appeared magically naughty Gaston come here he's ducking me Ising don't worry Gaston will rescue you for the cake keep still now you see blow out the candles Betty won't she blows candles out don't tell her to blow them all out in one go remember to blow them all out in one go [Music] don't forget to make a wish I want a pink unicorn Wow a pink unicorn my wish came true that's amazing right everyone time don't forget your party bags hello Yasmine did you have a nice time yes what are you looking like that for all right out you come all of you I thought I made it clear there were to be no real elves and fairies at the party but as soon as my back is turned you invite every elephant fairy in the world where's Jake he's missing he must have fallen into a party bag all right don't panic just wait here I think Lucy lost one of her toys ah there it is Lucy's dad your magic show was great yes everyone said so hmm did they this is my best party ever I'm glad you had fun Lucy and no one really saw your yep little friends so I suppose everything turned out all right back to normal eh yes except for the unicorn oh yes the unicorn I've forgot about that don't worry dad we could just keep it in the barn with the cows [Music] look what's come in the post what a fancy envelope it looks very posh let's see who it's from dear King and Queen thistle I have decided to come and visit your little kingdom today I'll be arriving at dinnertime yours sincerely King Leopold yes never heard of him he's heard of you daddy just think a king I'm a king no but a proper one we must give him a royal welcome he's a VIP what's a VIP a very important person I'm a very important person what is everyone getting so excited about have you heard the news a king is coming to visit it's written down in writing brilliant isn't it a real king I'm a real king it's so exciting that a very important person is coming I want to tell everyone I want to tell the maracle's Queen thistle here my little sister how are you I'm fine I just thought you'd like to know that we have King Leopold visiting today who's King Leopold a very important person VIP oh my goodness a VIP our castles bigger why can't the VIP come here no thank you King Leopold wants to visit us but maybe you could come and meet him too oh yes piers we're having a party in his honor tonight we'll be there by usually the marigolds laugh and laugh and laugh at us but this time will be different we've got King Leopold coming to visit we must start preparing we'll have to make lots of lovely food I'll start cooking straight away we'll need a red cup and the little children can wave flags to welcome King Leopold and we'll have beautiful music now children everyone picked an instrument then you can play the spa throttle okay and I've got the trim piece Trumpy I think I'll have the fairy heart [Music] match against turbines it is meant to be an elf and fairy band and we fairies always use magical instruments oh very well just a little magic then okay here's the magic piano I sing and I talk too much backing the wise old elf doesn't like magic oh sorry I'm not a magic piano I'm just a normal piano I don't talk really I can't bear to look Oh a pretty triangle what's magical about that just don't ask it free wishes okay if we fight some broken vow rockin secondly doctor we're playing for King Leopold remember okay it was just a thought now let's make music [Music] good work everybody it's looking great where's the food nibbler there you go I've made spaghetti vongole I love truffles yeah yeah this foods delicious better than the usual staad you make me that's because King Leopold is coming to dinner have all the little children but their flags to wave why don't they do that for me because I know I know I'm not King Leopold and we need music where's the band it's nearly time everybody into their seats I can hear footsteps someone's coming [Applause] [Music] here he comes let's start the music evening all gets out of the way we're waiting for a very important person oh yes who's that then King Leopold that's me you're King Leopold oh yes where's your crown oh you keep it under me hot but why have you never told us before oh oh you don't like to go on about it don't like to go on about it you sent us this flowery letter asking for a feast yes well if I just drop in or find people usually send me away but if I send a letter is King Leopold I get a bit bored of a welcome and a dinner it works the first time anyway can I have this POI yes I suppose so very nice oh you know a fact about boys do you want to hear it no I'll take that as a yes boys are never found in the wild so you have to be made by someone turns out to be the new yes it's outrage and you've all been making such a fuss about a very important person coming daddy is right yes where is there welcome King Leopold especially after all our practice let's enjoy ourselves we've got a party with music and lovely food yes I suppose things haven't worked out too badly Canaan Queen marigold are here oh no more poise what's this it's spaghetti vongole okay I'll give it a go America safe and they see that fell off and blow and blow and well he's there he that knee room King look he doesn't even wear a crown oh boy keep it under me at oh I'm not he is how modern oh I feel positively overdressed me true from now on I'm going to wear a sack oh yes King Leopold may I present the elf and fairy band lovely [Music] excuse me for interrupting but oh he couldn't help now Kasane you've got a magic piano hello I no offense but that fancy witty Wafi music is a waste of a good magic piano do you know any rock and roll roads my middle name wise old elf do you like rock and roll rock and roll I most certainly do not like rock and roll I'll take that as a yes over to you mr. piano a paper doot da doot doot [Music] come on wise old elf let your hair down no I'd bust your booze and we do do very man oh that was fun I'm going to enjoy staying here I stuck with him for weeks now this Nome King is incredible if only King Leopold would come and stay with us at our castle I don't see why not just mention pies and he's all yours I say old boy would you like to stay with us for a few weeks there will be pies oh if there's poison ville I'll stay with you forever I'm a puppet do not
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 7,034,215
Rating: 3.9390078 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: aI6jbz4q2Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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