Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Ladybird Love | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle Gaston goes to school Holly and Ben please keep Gaston under control sorry daddy I've come to show you my new pet oh come hello everyone this is Ethan my rainbow beetles are sure she's very pretty watch this shake hands wow that's amazing I've been taking fufu to pet school well it's very impressive like I've just on do tricks like that Gaston can do tricks really yes we've been teaching him to fetch your slippers oh I'd like to see that Gaston fetch Daddy slippers good boy Gaston drop the slippers Gaston bad Gaston sits Gaston sit I say I think it's about time Gaston was trained he can go to pet school with sensing good idea strawberry lead the way this is school just saying hello this is my pet baby this is my pet [Music] it's king and queen marigold well hello how nice to see we always bring our pedigree a green flag to pet training we've brought our ladybird well you remember Lucinda Gucci and Timmy Tim you say hello to the ladybird burner Gaston Spitz Timmy out sorry about that look here comes miss Julie who's miss Jolie morning everybody I'm miss Jolie [Music] everyone on time good show well Don our chair ice posture suddenly she's funny Juna Babu that's better let's face the future like we mean it aha a new pet wonderful he's called Gaston and I'm Holly I'm Ben and I'm King thistle hello Gaston oh no mr. thistle why isn't Gaston wearing a lead he never wears a lead no sons he has to wear a lead to be trained he's not really trainable poppycock all pets are trainable by Miss Julie tell him to sit down ah sit Gaston sit down please you see it's impossible cert now oh just be firm let your pet know who's boss now let's all show Gaston how we walk with a lead nice and upright that's it do you want to have a go Gaston no no talk to Gaston like that who's the boss here well I've always thought of Gaston as a friend you're the boss so show him that Gaston here knees up Gaston chin in the air don't slouch good boy Gaston what a good boy no you do it mr. thistle ah he'll not bad but louder here okay through the obstacle course everyone don't dilly-dally now the seesaw very good new flying please pop it come on Gaston jump over remember who's in charge Gaston jump that's it now the Cecil good work straight through Lupe's good boy Gaston jump over the mud pit Oh gasps Dom's in the mud he's covered in it haha no harm in a bit of mud is there Gaston oh no Gaston is going to shake himself sorry miss jolly well you're a mucky pup aren't you Gaston but next time you will jump over now who would like to show us all a trick me first my green flies can dull Oh [Music] Archy can lift really heavy things [Music] ba-baby can do a somersault and what about Gaston he does know how to fetch shoes excellent but maybe it's not a good time to see it fiddlesticks no time like the present Gaston fetch my boot Oh No Gaston is going to eat miss Jolie's filles drop didn't eat it Gaston is now trained thank you Miss Julie my pleasure just remember miss Julie's simple rule show them who's boss yes it seems a bit silly to keep Gaston on the lead that's daddy you're meant to show Gaston who's boss oh I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm just this once there we go [Music] um should we keep Gaston outside Manny doesn't like his muddy feet indoors oh yes Gaston wait outside oh well I think we can bend the rules just this once well hello how was training it was amazing miss jolly put Gaston on a lead yes Gaston is completely trained oh well he does everything I say really yes he could even fetch shoes properly now goodness are you sure oh yes watch this Gaston fetch the Queen slippers please good boy Gaston drop drop please Eitan my slippers what's gone wrong he was trained a minute ago but daddy you did break miss Johnny's rules yes we were supposed to show guests on who's boss what you mean you shouldn't have let him off the lead and you shouldn't have let him come in the castle you're right I should be much firmer with him Gaston sit sit oh well pet school isn't such a big deal anyway the important thing is Gaston knows who's boss come on Gaston off my throne oh yes I'll just sit down here oh well yes I think Gaston does know who's the boss [Music] battle today's adventure starts at the Great Tree hello mrs. elf hello princess Holly can then come out to play sounds like he's on his way down already and princesses okay I can be the princess because I am the princess and I can be the Prince yes I'll turn you into a prince by magic can't we just pretend I'm a prince no magic is much better admirable I seem to have turned Ben into a frog I always get frogs and princes mixed up then if you could hear me croaks good I'm going to get help wait here I've been into a frog oh good you've been practicing your magic it was an accident Ben is not happy being a frog frogs are never happy can you help me turn himself again alright now calm down I'll fetch my wand while you wait with Ben okay make sure he doesn't hop off frogs do that I know Ben's gone hi hello what's wrong I've turned Ben into a frog and he's hopped off somewhere hmm that's where frogs live of course you really should have waited like I told you yes that one is your best friend yes then wear the hats hi Ben if it's really you do I croak at last you've no idea what time we've had trying to find you now Ben don't worry nanny plum will be here soon and she knows the spell to turn you back again we don't need nanny plum I know lots of spells violet I think we should just wait for many no no no turning frogs back into elves is easy-peasy watch this TV turn yourself into whatever you see well done violet ah that was horrible I was a frog eating flies turned into a boat that wasn't meant to happen now we will never ever find him hello Barnaby have you been I would say football with him I don't think you can play football with a bird but yes violet turned Ben into a bird you changed him into a frog first well anyway now he's thrown away and we will never find him it's very annoying hmm that's living trees so we need to look up in the trees [Music] hi and we're not allowed to fly hi it's a lucky thing oh now we just have to get Ben turn back into Ben again I've got a very good idea if we both do a spell together yes that would be fun [Music] now here hop off somewhere and we'll have to find him all over again huh we're not having a good day what about sport Ben goodness me Holly I've been looking everywhere for you sorry nanny but Ben kept wandering off and we had to keep finding him I see so where's this frog that needs to be turned back into Ben here but that's a rabbit Ben was a frog then a bird and now he's turned himself into our rabbits we've tried everything well it just shows that you both need a lot more spell practice yes fairies of your age really should be able to get a simple spell right yes watch and learn when you turned bang into a frog I broke esophagus you should not have turned him into a bird double disease and certainly not into a rabbit at the start you should have made him Bennigan's Africa somebody's a birdie be glad that's over you see girls it's easy anyone can do it okay can I have another guy no if anyone can do it I want to go oh all right Holly give Ben your wand but don't do magic I'd like to give magic ago just this once that's the spirit burn into frogs advocacy body whew for a moment I thought Ben was going to turn us into frogs aprica so buddy it's no good else don't do magic mmm maybe you just need a teeny tiny bit of magical help tricky trick tricks this young owl do magic aah have another go burn into frogs into Birds seventies ooh I'm into rabbits very good ban but haven't you forgotten something what you need to turn them back into girls again well done Ben did you to follow that good anyone else wants to try no how about a game of football yes the rules say no magic okay yes I think we've had quite enough magic to one day today's adventure starts at the lake I'll rescue nothing quite like sailing the high seas a nanny plum no there's nothing quite as boring my little cherry blossom much I love it that you say what you mean I don't like failing in boats they think not my boat it's unsinkable what was that noise I think we hit a rock never fear nanny plum I know just the people to call who's he calling he's calling I'll rescue el frisky [Music] alfresco hello Rafael here boy boat is sinking I see you red beard hang on elf rescue Argo calling all units to the lake red beards boat is sinking elf rocket a-ok a plane Hey okay elf helicopter a okay elf submarine Hey okay elf rescue our goal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey they come [Music] what seems to be the trouble we're thinking hang on we'll have you out of there in a jiffy mr. elf lower the claw lowering claw [Music] hold on I'm lifting you off dose that was amazing would you like a cup of tea yes please biscuit Oh ginger snaps my favorite thank you so much think nothing of it nanny plum it's all in a day's work for earth rescue [Music] thank you frisky not at all whenever you need us just call well we'd better start fixing the boat and we'd better go home oh I'm too tired to walk shall we fly that's even more tiring it's not that far nanny plum I'd feel better about it if I had a biscuit maybe I'll call elf rescue but nanny I don't think elf rescue is really forgiving people lift tone nonsense the wise old owl said whenever you need us just call alfresco you say hang on we'll be right there elf rescue Argo [Music] what seems to be the problem my legs are tired can I have a lift home what nanny plum the elf rescue service is for emergencies only Karen can you give me a lift or not hmm this is the way to travel tea biscuits and great view dad can I have a go at flying no Ben you're not a grown up it's not fair grown-ups up all the fun we want to rescue people you're just going to have to wait till you're older [Music] Thank You alfresco and don't waste our time again charming the wise old elf is right nanny plum elf rescue is only for emergencies oh whatever oh you got rescued by elf rascal I wish we could rescue people too yes it's just the silly grown-ups won't let us elf rescue oh thank goodness we need your help alfresco what's the problem our big cow is stuck in some rainbows we'll be right there calling all units cows stuck in brambles the Moon Moon no good the move and dig up the brambles don't worry mrs. cow we'll have you out of there in no time [Music] l fresh fuel um I told you elf rescue is for emergencies this is an emergency I'm stuck stuck with what a tricky jigsaw no in the muds Oh Christa elf you take over the cow rescue I'll deal with nanny plum right oh I can't believe a ghost stuck in mud what a day never mind alfe rescue will be here in a minute and then it'll be tea and biscuits on the ride home so you are stuck of course I'm stuck what did you think can't you use magic to get yourself out no my ones over there I see we're alfresco already biscuits last we don't need a rocket to pull you out of a puddle nanny plum it's not a puddle it's very deep mud yes yes yes I'll just pull you out it's very deep mud told you no problem I'll call elf rescue hello thank you for calling elf rescue we're a bit busy right now please call back later are they coming No so what do we do now shout for help listen someone's shouting the help they need rescuing we can rescue them we can be children rescue children rescue Oh [Music] we're children rescue thank goodness you're here are you stopped yes I'm going to throw this lasso around your waist [Music] what about me I know I can magic him out of the mud oh yes good ideally no no no no magic I want to be rescued properly what is properly magic is cheating please let me use magic oh we won't be able to get you out no magic no magic please well done children rescue you runners wise old elf what seems to be the trouble nothing panic over wise old elf you should know better than to call out elf rescue for no reason but Bob it wasn't for no reason George um Rescue had to rescue us from the mud Oh that case I think everyone deserves a lift home oh goody biscuits oh this is the way to travel not anymore those ginger snaps yes biscuits ah go today's adventure starts at the little castle the Kings busy day [Music] delivery's hi hi you're late I'm helping my dad today he's very busy Thank You mr. owl got to dash on to our next delivery are you busy I'm King thistle I'm always busy I have lots of important work to do you're not working now I am I'm practicing sitting still without falling asleep that's not work it is King's work and it's harder than it looks I what else is King's work making speeches shaking hands and waving a lot see that sounds fun can I help you work today of course hobby oh good magic car drive on now the first job for any King is waving it's a bit boring you do it like this [Music] yes a good wave will work wonders wherever you go where are we going nanny plum what's the first bit of work I'm doing today you're launching an elf boat your majesty how do you launch a boat I'll show you [Music] princess Holly and King Cecil this is where I make a speech well done elves for building this boat it looks like a good one and I'm sure you will have a lot of fun of it got a good show now we smash a bottle of sparkling fairy juice against the side of the boat but where is the fairy juice [Music] sorry your majesty we're very busy today hi Holly hi Ben Cotter - on to our next delivery I declare this elf boats well and truly launched no we shake hands and ask questions hello and what do you do I have a metal your majesty how very interesting hello and what do you do I'm the ship's cook your majesty how very interesting and what do you do I'm the captain princess Holly how very interesting daddy can we ride on the boat please good idea Holly I never get to try these things captain would it be possible to ride on your boat please it would be an honor your majesty [Music] this is nice daddy yes it is rather nice isn't it I don't know why I've never done this before would you like some lunch your majesty oh yes I am rather hungry telephone your majesty someone called nanny plum hello yes yes of course right away nanny says I have to get back to work I know but there's more important King work to be done daddy your king that means you're in charge ah Holi everyone thinks I'm in charge but really I get told what to do all the time [Music] when are we having lunch nanny there's no time for lunch your majesty you have to judge a fairy fruit and vegetable competition how do you do that daddy how do I do that nanny you pick the biggest princess Holly and King thistle here are the finalists your majesty this is a tamato ah very uh big and this is strawberry also very big and red now I have to make another speech well done everybody for growing this um stuff it all looks are very big now that further ado I judge that the winner is better market or perhaps the strawberry no no the tomahto daddy they keep using magic yes this happens every time why don't we just see which one tastes the best what a good idea let's taste them he can be our lunch first the main course that's a motto the strawberry scrumptious yo yeah they're both so very tasty they both win so where's the trophy hope I'm not too late your majesty no you're just in time well done jolly good show hi Dan hi Holly bye ollie that was delicious now I'd like a little nap I'm sorry your majesty there's no time for that but I'm tired nanny you must make another speech at the festival of elf and fairy dancing oh I don't know anything about dancing how can I make a speech about it daddy I can do a speech I've been watching you do it all day excellent you can make the speech Holly [Music] princess Holly and King thistle hi olli that was the last delivery now we can play you might have finished Ben but I'm still working hey it's time for your speech good show now now comes the hard bit we have to sit still and not fall asleep in honor of your majesty we will now do a chance [Music] how often [Music] very good very good come on daddy let's dance boss but I fell all right could you play something a little bit more modern right Oh [Music] oh you're right Holly Kings work is fun [Music] oh that was a busy day oh yes it was [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow Lucy's school I knew this shortcut through the meadow wasn't a good idea you'll be late for school Lucy but I love going this way we might meet my little elf and fairy friends again Lucy the other day when we thought we saw elves and fairies it was a very hot day and I'm afraid we let our imaginations run away with us there really aren't any such things as fairies and elves good morning good morning come on Lucy you'll be late for school bye little people I'm going to school its nature day can we come it should be a brilliant adventure yes no no I forbid it remember we mustn't be seen by big people but I've seen you and so has my dad but you're nice it's just other big people we can't trust oh don't worry I'll go with them and we'll keep well-hidden okay but if you do get seen pretend to be a toy like this I'm a toy yes yes whatever come on Lucy say goodbye to your little friends [Music] bye Lucy pick you up later this is my school Wow so many big children stay hidden we mustn't be seen good morning children today we are learning about wonderful things in nature like fluffy our hamster who knows what kind of animal fluffy is a hamster yes but what sort of animal is a hamster oh he's a mammal is he a mammal yes well done Lucy its proper name is mess Oh crickey to us our artists its proper name is mess okra pizzas our artists goodness I think we'll just stick with fluffy Oh No yes don't melt the bananas he likes bananas Gaston here boy stop come back nature is all around us like this pretty little insect does anyone know what she's called Gaston and he's a boy very funny Lucy is it a ladybird yes or you could call her a ladybug and what does she eat Gaston like spice and spaghetti bolognaise pies and spaghetti bolognaise no lady birds eat things like green flies let's keep the Lady Bird in this jar I know Gaston's trapped we'll let her go later I hope Gaston will be all right don't worry I'll get him out of the jar but you'll be saved it's all right then I'll be very careful miss cookie there's a fairy world here across my desk a fairy let's have a look nanny the teachers coming pretend to be a toy oh yes I returned Oh a little fairy godmother whose toy is this um it's mine do you remember what our rule is that's right I'll pop the dolly in my drawer and you can have it back at the end of the lesson all right yes miss cookie pie miss cookie it was a real fairy Thank You Katie let's carry on shall we she's got nanny's wand sparkly that girl doesn't know she's doing magic what oh where did he spring from well well can anyone tell me what kind of animal a frog is it's not a kitten oh my goodness it is a kitten I didn't mean to lift her as well miss cookie Katie's out of her seat sit down please Katie good she's dropped the wand I'll go and get it wait for me quick pretend to be toys what a pretty fairy doll and a handsome elf are they're yours as well Lucy yes miss cookie I think I'll put these toys in the drawer as well what are you two doing here we tried to get your wand but a boy saw us did you pretend to be toys yes Annie good well I think we've been very clever so far no one knows we're not toys but we shot in the teachers draw and we haven't got our wands yeah I think we'll have to call for a little help elf rescue hello well if it isn't nanny plum let me guess the big children have seen you you've lost your wand and you've been locked in a cupboard No you've got it all wrong we've been locked in a drawer oh alright I suppose I better rescue you el helicopter is go I'm on my way sit tight and don't do any magic he's on his way [Music] Lucy Lucy oh hello wise old owl are you here to rescue Ben Lally yes watch an elf ninja at work Oh bother miss cookie there's an owl on a string ah this is an odd-looking doll yours as well Lucy ah yes miss cookie I'll put this funny-looking goblin in the drawer with the rest of the toys funny looking goblin funny goblin ah it's the wise old elf here to rescue us yay yes hello I never thought I'd be so glad to see you what's the rescue plan uh will you make a hole in the drawer with a special elf rescue drill there no getting locked in the drawer was not part of my plan it wasn't no it's all right Lacey's teacher will let us out at the end of the lesson home time children Oh Lucy let me give you your toys back I said it was risky but oh no you don't listen oh it's all right they all thing we're toys Oh guys oh I must have imagined it right here are your toys back Lucy the pretty fairy the handsome elf the fairy godmother and the strange old goblin madam for your information I am NOT a goblin I'm an elf well done wise old elf so much for not being seen by big people now miss cookie knows about us don't worry I'll sort it out hello miss cookie you must promise not to tell any of your friends that you've been seeing elves and fairies no I promise I won't tell anyone any of my friends that I've been seeing elves and fairies thank you so much bye can I have my ladybird back your ladybird okay laughter by the way he's a boy and he loves spaghetti bolognaise don't you got salon by now I've seen everything cheerio hi dad hi Lucy good day great so what did you do at school today see you again soon cheerio Lucy's dad cheerio you're never in a million years guess what I saw today an elf in a helicopter don't tell me you've seen them too um yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves eh yeah good idea I think we got away with that only a couple of people Soares and her teacher thanks to the wise old owl yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves yeah what's it worth today's adventure starts at the great elf dreams [Music] this is my very special cupcake recipe using flour honey milk chocolate and an apple yummy now we add okay hi Holly I'm helping mum make cakes oh can I help fairies are good at making cakes of course princess Holly you can help with the stirring that's my favorite bit splashing and splashing the cake mixture whose I'd like more stirring and less splashing and splashing please Holly maybe you should do the stirring okay [Music] very good stone it could've been a bit more splashy next we put the mixture into the cake - can we have one now sorry Ben I have to bake them in the oven first these are elf cakes baked without magic the magic can bake them really quick I'll show you no thanks Holly remember elves don't do magic and where else [Laughter] allocates ready yet we haven't even started cooking Oh maybe all he should use a bit of magic I think a better idea would be if you two played outside for a bit and I call you in when the cakes are ready oh do we have to just think of some fun games to play don't feel like playing games today What nonsense you not playing games I [Music] wish those cakes did take so long to bake me too I suppose you might as well try playing again okay how about tag I like tag all right but you must play fair no magic okay you're it catch me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes okay I love flying okay okay four five six seven eight nine ten coming ready or not [Music] [Music] I have better things to do with my time [Music] good hiding place hey ollie it was okay I suppose elves always hide well and I'm an elf I can't hide remember play fair a no flying or anything no flying I promise [Music] I'll find anywhere good to hide inside they said no flying but he's inside my magic what do you think wand shall we do a teeny bit of magic no one I'm sure Ben won't minds make me invisible coming ready or not hmm very very very ice-cold Oh a polar bear hmm I see hey you might as well give up you'll never find me I wonder where Holly can be maybe she's not in the meadow at all it's no good Holly's hidden too well oh never find her found you oh how did you find me I'm invisible oh I'm not invisible the magics worn off magic um I was just using a teeny bit of magic hmm anyway let's play a different game I promise not to use flying all magic okay let's play game Oh Holly children the cupcakes are ready I'm mrs. elf do we have to come in can we just play one more game well I never I thought a certain fairy princess and a certain elf found playing games boring but mum we've hardly been playing any time at all and you said the cakes would take ages he the cakes have taken ages have they the times whizzed by because you were enjoying yourselves time does that ah would you like a cupcake Ange yes please [Music] these cakes are the best and mrs. elf didn't even use any magic Thank You Holly I think it was your stirring that made all the difference do you want to see a trick okay I can make this cake disappear how I saw elves in do magic watch carefully [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,117,995
Rating: 3.7699814 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: h48rP6mNlIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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