Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Peak Plumbing | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts on the elf road folks Cubs are you looking forward to your first day at fox cubs Ben yes dad I loved being a fox cub when I was your age I still got my hat in my day it was old gray wolf in charge they've got a new leader now I wonder who it is welcome to fox cubs everybody I'm the new leader don't call me nanny plum I'm fluffy owl - wait - whoa hello nanny plum what are you doing here I'm the new fox cub leader you have to call me fluffy owl its weight - whoo oh hello fluffy all you have to say that awaits away bit as well cow it tawa you're just in time for the badges Oh is someone getting a badge Ben you're going to have so much fun getting your badges dad what badges did you get when you're a fox cub I got an adventure badge a sailing badge and a nuts badge a nuts patch yes after days and days of trying not after not I finally got my nuts patch it was hard work but worth it everyone Ford and tell me what bad you'd like you first Rosie please one adventure badge but but can I have a sailing badge of course one sailing badge strawberry what would you like and non spats please hey stop it stop it at once you don't just hand out badges why not you have to earn your badges to get my adventure badge I had to spend three days camping in the wild well I watched a whole night of TV am i watching TV badge watching TV badge that's not what the Cubs are about the fox cubs are about having adventures in the wild adventures do sound like fun we like adventures mr. ELLs can we have an adventure in the wild well it's not up to me it's up to fluffy ole oh very well follow me everyone okay here we are having an adventure what do we do well imagine we had to look for food Flavio why don't you show the children how to find food in the wild all right everyone know they'll see it's not easy to find food in the wild hi ice cream ice cream yes from the ice cream van but that's cheating look you said find some food so we did now you're changing the rules we got you a spree ripple mister well okay moving on from finding food does anybody know how to make a shelter oh my what a television we can't sleep in that why not what's wrong with being comfortable when you're on holiday this is an adventure not a holiday we'll make a shelter out of two twigs and a leaf you'll need the twigs up like this and hey presto what have you got tea twigs and a leaf where's the bird you sleep on the ground it's nature's bed lovely and cozy but why bother when you can sleep in my castle tens you're missing the point do you fox cubs want a real adventure good if you're going to learn how to survive in the wild you have to be in the wild like at the top of a mountain huh fluffy all pleased magicus to the top of a mountain okay I broke it bro Wow we're at the top of a real mountain fantastic now how are we going to get home Hey Oh magical foam let's say you don't have your wand with you okay I'll call for help no firm either but that's going to make it very very difficult to get home exactly but when you get home you will have earned your adventure badge what do we do fast maybe we should start by working out which mountain we're on good Ben that's exactly what we should do fluffy ow which man - did you magic us - no idea what you just said a Man Thing I don't know what man Singh from another well that makes things a bit tricky why because we don't even know what country were in Oh perhaps you should magic us back home and we'll start again I can't you threw my wand down the mountain oh yes let's ring for help but you throw a fluffy house firing down the mountain turn oh yes so I did you wanted us to be lost no we're lost happy now I'm sure mr. elf wouldn't have sent us to the top of a mountain if he didn't know how to get us home Thank You strawberry okay I think I can work out where we are by using my compass let's see North is that way and the position of the Sun is oh my goodness we're on Everest what's that then Mount Everest the tallest mountain in the whole world is Mount Everest far from home dad a bit far from a home Ben yes very high a bit high yes Holly I suppose we could just climb down just climb down just climb down Everest the enormous treacherous mountain of rock and ice perilous cliff after Pyrenees cliff that could only be conquered by the world's greatest move it is Mount Everest is not safe for children to climb down No Mount Everest isn't a child-friendly so what we do now mr. Einstein I don't know we have my castle tent huh what good would that do we could watch TV in that wind you'll be blown away no what we need is someone who can climb down the mountain and fetch help I know Gaston is good at climbing oh good idea Ben go Gaston go get help but it may be some time before Gaston returns after climbing down the mountain he will have to journey through the jungle plus the desert swim the ocean before he arrives at the Little Kingdom hello Gaston what's that all the children and fluffy owl and mr. elf all trapped at the top of a mountain you say well then this is a job for old gray wolf Oh lead the way Gaston papa is this mountain far still further oh how we nearly there so quite away then and he's brought in Great Wolf Oh Barry please be heroes great donkey it's old gray wolf and you have to say uh whoa okay oh whoa what's your plan old gray wolf uh whoa have you brought the elf helicopter to lift us to safety or a team of mountain rescue elves took carriers down the mountain actually I set off it in a bit of a hurry and you were a bit further away that I expected so you're just here on your own without a plan of any sort yes that's about it maybe you should do a bit of a magic I'd love to baby through my wand away so that's why I found it at the bottom of the mountain oh it's good to have you back again so if you wouldn't mind magic in us back home no problemo that was a really good adventure thank you fluffy I'll do it too well you should thank mr. elf it was his idea Thank You mr. elf yes dad it was great oh and I think all of you fox cubs have earned your adventure badges indeed adventure badges for everyone and for fetching help in the fox cubs hour of need one of you has earned the rescue badge Gaston of course today's adventure starts at the little castle nanny plum your pie mash and chips is delicious what's for pudding I hope it's not too heavy treacle sponge pudding with blancmange and custard excellent nanny plum is the best cook in the Little Kingdom I say nanny plum is the best cook in the whole world oh thank you your majesty Oh No they're so boring and snooty just eating spinach with sifu well he's thought how nice it would be if you joined us but did not tomorrow invited us dinner oh no don't worry I'll handle this sorry we can't come for dinner oh what a shame I know you hardly ever get to eat good food what I'll have you know we have the best cook in the whole world you have the best cook in the whole world yes well then we must come to you for dinner instead see you tomorrow Tokyopop I've got some good news and some bad news what's the good news we're not going to King and Queen Mary girls for dinner tomorrow what's the bad news they're coming here Oh what are we going to do King and Queen marigold will want to eat something special luckily we have the best cook in the whole world yeah thank you your majesty what about baked potato stuffed with potato with chips and mash and a fried egg on top no nanny they will want special modern food I can cook porridge that's not modern food what is modern food mummy it is very delicate food in tiny portions I can do tiny portions well done nanny that is small home of course it will get bigger when the magic wears off when is the magic going to wear off nanny um about now excuse me it's not just the size of the food nanny Morden cooking is fussy no problem nanny has until tomorrow evening to come up with something oh yes your majesty good that's that sorted no what are you going to do I don't know I need to help nanny learn how to cook but nanny plums a very good cook she is the best cook in the world Ben but she can't cook modern food why does she need to cook modern food it's what king and queen marigold like and they're coming to dinner tonight what mummy needs a cup [Music] the great library excuse me wise old elf shush this is a library we need a book of modern cooking for nanny plum but nanny plum is an excellent cook yes she's the best cook in the whole world but she can't do modern cooking hmm let's see the elf book of pies the world of spaghetti and mash a complete history of egg sandwiches is there anything modern what exactly is modern cooking princess Holly it is food that's very delicate and special and not porridge oh wait a minute this doesn't look like an elf [Music] what's that doing in by elf library there I am a magical to get a Booker where are all your recipes well if you tell me what you want to cook I will get you out to cook it we want to cook a special Martin nail please calm down very modern satiny you will need the following ingredients that doesn't sound very special one recipe for a very modern meal this is a library can I borrow this book wise old elf you can't keep it princess Holly fairy books do not belong in the elf library thank you [Music] king and queen miracles are lovely to see you hello darling it's always a pleasure to visit your Little Kingdom oh I hope you're hungry nanny's been in the kitchen all day we haven't eaten a thing since breakfast we didn't want to spoil a dinner made by the best cook in the whole world I wonder if baked beans a modern nanny we've got a magic hello nanny plum oh you found my cookbook where was she she was in the elf library what were you doing in there I was getting very bored the book now is a recipe for a modern meal oh good what's the ingredients a potato and onion some beef and cheese but that's what I would normally cook yes the ingredients are simple but the way we cook them is not now boil a pot of water just before onion and cheese and boil for one minute and then collect this gene itself a very delicate dish it's such short notice no trouble at all we can't wait to see what's the best cook in the world course for dinner sorry that's my tummy I'm just say looking for lovely meal enjoy your meal Majesties yes such a delicate flavor so subtle nanny your majesty what's this cold cloud of vegetable soup it's just steamed sartre sensitive dish Oh wonderful okay better you taste it does it come with any potatoes Oh No I'm hungry no problem these leftover potatoes carrots onions peas and cheese have made a lovely soup this scheme is delicious of course but will there be anything else to follow yes it's very filling I could eat a tiny something more I could eat a lot lot more what that lovely smell it's coming from the kitchen [Music] hmm it's the best I'll say what's this it's just the children's supper it smells very nice it's only some soup I made from the leftovers it's not very modern you wouldn't like it could I try just a little bit the taste is there kiss dear can I try some too and me and me [Music] marvelous nanny I have an announcement to make nanny plum is indeed the best cook in the whole world yeah hey thank you very much now what would everyone like for pudding something modern or my treacle pudding [Music] [Applause] today's adventure starts at the little castle nanny plum and the wives out have swapped jobs for one whole day very cakes who wants fairy cakes oh yes please wise old elf hmm don't mind if I do my ears are wiggling that means there's magic about well I did make the cakes with magic why can't you make cakes the normal way by baking them in the oven I don't have time for baking in ovens I have lots of work to do bah what work do more than you know you don't I do more work than you can see what you do no problem I could do what you do easily why don't you swap jobs then you'd know who does the most work good idea oh very funny your majesty I'm not joking as your king I command you to swap jobs for one day the wise old elf can be nanny and nanny can be the wise old oh but no buts it's a Royal Command all right then you'd better have my hat and you'd better have my apron now I better warn the elves what they're in for calling all elves just for today somebody else is going to be the wise old elf who is it me [Music] don't worry she won't do any magic she has to do everything the elf way I'm the wise old Alf hem magic always leads to trouble well I have to go I'm being nanny plum for the day good bye I should have taken nanny's Wanda way don't worry mommy said she wouldn't do any magic hmm I'll know if she does my ears will wiggle so what did the wise old elf do all day he has a list of jobs he starts with the toy factory hello everyone I'm the wise old owl don't worry it's just for today oh I see and well wise old elf the glute machine is broken can you fix it no problemo time for a bit of magic my ears are wiggling nanny is doing magic hello Manny you're the wise old elf today remember oh yes how would he fix the gloop machine you probably just kick it okay the paint machine needs fixing beginning to ache ah wise old elf I'm nanny plum today your majesty do you have Nana's list of jobs list of jobs I don't think she has one nanny isn't one for lists why not start by washing my socks alright let's go down to the washing room oh these stairs are going up but a moment ago they went down yes it's magic the stairs changed all the time the rooms get bored so they move around the toilet was on the roof once [Music] yes that was fun but how do I get down to the kitchen you ask the stairs to go down stairs go down you have to say the magic word what magic word abracadabra no please oh please go down thank you right let's get these dirty clothes into the washing machine how do I turn it on it's a magic washing machine you have to talk to it okay washing machine wash the clothes say the magic word oh please no abracadabra Oh abracadabra goodness this is harder than I thought it would be right back what does the wise old elf do now next on the list the old school good morning children where's the wise old Oh today I'm the wise old elf em magic always leads to trouble [Music] so what's today's lesson we've been building a robot you can ask him anything okay where am I you on that moon that's not right is it maybe ask louder okay hmm where am I you are at the bottom of the sea hmm how would the wise old elf mend it he probably disassembled the bias Colonel hooli and geek logic Higgs boson quark and Len rewires even if I had the you started what you were talking about can you see me doing that no okay magic time dee dee da dum dee ah my ears are Wiggly now where am I you hear you can't get more accurate than that hello Danny I know your ears are wiggling which means you are doing magic stop it stop it now I do not like magic now Holly what is my next job magic school oh good morning children I am nanny plum for today good morning nanny plum today's magic lesson is magic always leads to trouble so don't do magic the end yes now I think I'll have a little nap so this is Nanette a lamb's bedroom it's all flowers bunnies and cushions lovely isn't it at least I could have a little sleep ah it's so soft it's not a bed it's a giant pudding what's next the wise old elf has a little map this is the wise old elf bedroom how could it be more boring oh that's not a bad it's a plank of wood oh please report to elf rescue Oh what now you have to sit here and wait for the red phone to ring if the red phone rings you launch tell rescue and save people from deadly peril for the biscuits yes oh goody how could a bed be so soft Oh what is it now Danny I want a snack okay your majesty aha jelly your snack King Cecil lovely what is it Jenny oh that's magic jelly we don't want a jelly flood oh there's not going to be a jelly flood but all it takes is someone to shouts magic jelly more more MORE who would be foolish enough to shout magic jelly ball [Music] somebody answer the phone I'm busy biscuits daddy you're in charge whoa all right hello elf rescue here it had better be something important I seem to have made a jelly flood can you rescue us please hey kid okay I'll rescue ago no Jake okay now helicopter a okay [Music] thank goodness you're here elf rescue jelly flood is not your alfresco it's a jumper nanny plum magic time thank you daddy being you for a day wasn't easy and it wasn't easy being you either ah I'm nanny plum again and I'm the wise old elf good everything is back to normal can I celebrate by turning you into a frog don't even think about turning me into a frog today's adventure starts at the little castle do you have to move it I like knitting it's my hobby why does it have to be so noisy someone's a bit grumpy I'm not grumpy I'm bored maybe you should have a hobby like stamp collecting what stamp collecting you collect stamps and put them in a book why would anyone want to do that how about Trainspotting you look at trains and write down their numbers in a book no one would want to do that or there's bird spotting don't tell me I look at birds and write them down in a book yes I love that please try it daddy no okay what do I do you'll need binoculars a bird spotters badge and of course a book welcome to the world of bird spotting look for birds then check them off in this book all right I'll give it a go [Music] Oh a bird what sort of bird is it daddy um it's a Robin yes a Robin and I spotted it this is rather fun whoo there's another bird what does it look like um it's got a long pointy beak oh it's a woodpecker a very special bird can I have a look daddy Miss Holly oh the word peckers landed on the great elf tray orange juice Ben yes please mum it's not an earthquake it's worse than an earthquake it's a woodpecker it's not in my flat whew it's not in my flat here son let me try I believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic everybody out run for your life hi Ben hello Holly we've got a bird in our tree yes I saw it first it's a woodpecker that's correct I didn't realize your Majesty was interested in birds oh yes I'm a bird spotter here's my badge and then it's very good you turned up we need all the help we can get take me to the bird Your Majesty it's building and soon there be eggs baby woodpecker chicks are extremely rare to spot fantastic when they hatch I can come back and take them off in my book it's got to go now before it lays its eggs it can't go I want to spot the chicks this tree is for elves not for woodpeckers no nesting creature shall be disturbed that's the law ah it is now by Royal Command oh it's in writing we'll have to obey it elves never break the law splendid that's that sorted can I stay and look at the word pecker with pen yes Holly I've got more bird spotting to do dah dah doo dum da da da da da dee da da hands of detail they're all nice and tidy oh it's just birdseed Danny I'm trying to attract some rare birds don't sweep it up are you sure your majesty we don't want to attract the mouse Oh baby birds hello I'm Ben and this is holly ah they're so sweet won't there be a lot sweeter if they weren't in our home I think they're trying to fly but they can't fly I can teach them very good flying and okay baby birds just copy me lying is easy-peasy oh they're not copying names maybe we should start with something simpler how did you learn to fly I've been flying since I was a baby I can't remember my first flying lesson hmm let's begin with flapping like this he hit make up a new bear now flap faster now jump [Music] even though you can't fly yourself oh don't say you miss them no no just got something in my eye have the chips hatched yet I want to tick them off in my book they fly know why daddy I taught them how to fly Oh baby woodpecker chicks are a once-in-a-lifetime sight for a bird spotter but you missed them it's not fair now I'm not going to spot anything good hello King thistle we've got a strange nest in the castle a nest I'll be there straight away where's the nest it's in the middle of my kitchen don't tell me nanny I want to be the one to spot it wow that's a big nest it can't stay my kitchen nanny plum my law says no nesting creature may be disturbed but it's lost nanny this is my hobby not yours I'll name it whoa it's got beady eyes beady eyes hmm it could be the beady-eyed blackbird AHA that sounds rare whiskers it could be the whisker rush and it's got a long scaly tail scaly tail this birdie saw red I don't even know it I've discovered a new bird it shall be named the King thistle bird if you say so your majesty but I don't want that filthy smelly rodent in my kitchen nanny plum that's no way to talk about the King thistle bird we must let it lay its eggs in peace I don't think rats lay eggs rats oh yes shoo shoo get out of here are you filthy rats no Your Majesty the King thistle bird must be allowed to stay what your law says no nesting animal may be disturbed did I say that yes Daddy well um maybe the law should say um let me see this law you will see it's in writing there's nothing we can do about it as Queen I declare this silly law abolished now get this rat out of my castle um nanny plum you speak rat tell it to leave please no what's rat for please leave oh yes I think I can live with that hmm why does knitting you have to be so noisy honestly why do you have to have such a noisy hobby today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] Luke watts come in the post what a fancy envelope it looks very posh let's see who it's from dear King and Queen thistle I have decided to come and visit your little kingdom today I'll be arriving at dinnertime yours sincerely King Leopold yes never heard of him he's heard of you daddy just think a king I'm a king no but a proper one we must give him a royal welcome he's a VIP what's the VIP a very important person I'm a very important person what is everyone getting so excited about have you heard the news a king is coming to visit it's written down in writing brilliant isn't it a real king I'm a real king it's so exciting that a very important person is coming I want to tell everyone I want to tell the maracle's Queen thistle here my little sister how are you I'm fine I just thought you'd like to know that we have King Leopold visiting today who's King Leopold a very important VIP oh my goodness a VIP our castles bigger why can't the VIP come here no thank you King Leopold wants to visit us but maybe you could come and meet him too oh yes piers we're having a party in his honor tonight we'll be there by usually the marigolds laugh and laugh and laugh at us but this time will be different we've got King Leopold coming too it we must start preparing we'll have to make lots of lovely food I'll start cooking straight away we'll need a red carpet and the little children can wave flags to welcome King Leopold and we'll have beautiful music now children everyone picked an instrument then you can play the spa throttle okay and I've got the trim piece frumpy I think I'll have the very heart badge against turbans it is meant to be an elf and fairy band and we fairies always use magical instruments oh very well just a little magic then okay here's the magic piano I sing and I talk too much Maggie the wise old elf doesn't like magic oh sorry I'm not a magic piano I'm just a normal piano I don't talk really I can't bear to look Oh a pretty triangle what's magical about that free wishes okay if we fight some mouth rockin secondly doc we're playing for King Leopold remember okay it was just a thought now let's make music [Music] good work everybody it's looking great where's the food nanny blah there you go I've made spaghetti vongole I love truffles yeah yeah it's folks delicious better than the usual staad you make me that's because King Leopold is coming to dinner have all the little children got their flags today why don't they do that for me because I know I know I'm not King Leopold and we need music where's the band it's nearly time everybody into their seats I can hear footsteps someone's coming [Applause] [Music] here he comes let's starts the music evening all get out of the way we're waiting for a very important person oh yes who's that then King Leopold that's me you're King Leopold King oh yes where's your crown or you keep it under me hot but my if you never told us before oh oh you don't like to go on about it don't like to go on about it you sent us this flowery letter asking for a feast yes well if I just drop in boy I find people usually send me away but if I send a letter is King Leopold I get a bit bored of a welcome and a dinner it works the first time anyway can I have this boy it very nice we know a fact about boys do you want to hear it no I'll take that as a yes toys are never found in the wild though you have to be made by someone turns out to be the new yes it's an outrage still a king and you've all been making such a fuss about a very important person coming daddy is right yes where is there welcome King Leopold especially after all our practice let's enjoy ourselves we've got a party with music and lovely food yes I suppose things haven't worked out too badly Canaan Queen marigolds are here oh no more poise what's this it's spaghetti vongole okay I'll give it a go what will the Marigold say when they see that they'll dose and blow and blow and blow well he's there he that nearly King look he doesn't even wear a crown oh boy keep it under me at her I'm not he is how modern oh I feel positively overdressed me true from now on I'm going to wear a sack oh yes King Leopold may I present the elf and fairy band lovely [Music] excuse me for interrupting but oh he couldn't help now listen you've got a magic piano hello I no offense but that fancy witty Wafi music is a waste of a good magic piano do you know any rock'n'roll around my middle name boys old elf do you like rock and roll rock and roll I most certainly do not like rock and roll I'll take that as a yes over to you mister piano Ave pop doo-dah doo-dah [Music] so they'll let your hair down no I'd bust your booze and we do a very mad whoo that was fun I'm going to enjoy staying here stuck with him for weeks now this Nome King is incredible if only King Leopold would come and stay with us at our castle I don't see why not just mention pies and he's all yours I say old boy who do you like to stay with us for a few weeks there will be pies oh if there's poison ball I'll stay with you forever obey Papa to dog today's adventure starts at the little castle don't ride your hobby horses on the breakfast table I'm sorry your majesty the twins really like ponies at the moment hmm they really want a pet and ponies are lovely pets so pretty and cuddly and they've got lungs where she tails to brush Daisy and poppy would so love a pony hi Mimi good this meat No ponies are ginormous and Daisy and poppy are tiny fairies no pony [Music] maybe the princesses could have another sort of pet I can magic them up a harmless fluffy little pet wait a minute pets need looking after who's going to do all the cleaning up the twins can we okay but please make it a sensible pet nanny not a dragon aura or guys horse Your Majesty oh I've got a bad feeling about this don't worry darling nanny plum knows what she's doing I've got a very bad feeling about this we are the magical very library now let's find a book on pets hmm a tiger no too big Oh hmm snake snake II sneaky no to Wrigley an alligator alligator alligator no too many teeth oh oh here we go perfect it'll pass a hamster [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I wonder what pet Nanny has magicked up for Daisy and poppy as long as it's small I don't care ahem may I present the princess's new pet Pippin no your majesty Pippin is a lovely little hump stop sweet like you daddy oh it is cute isn't it cute isn't quite the word I had in mind I think it would be happier if it lived outside very well back back by pens that's fine as long as you don't show your afraid welcome to the courtyard your new home I hope Pippy won't be bored living here will give Pippin some toys and hamsters like lots of straw that should make people feel at home why is the courtyard full of straw it's for your hamster Your Majesty my hamster it's funny the courtyard looks just like a hamster cage yes very amusing why does it have to run about so much hamsters like running about - hi Gaston oh heavens run away oh how sad how terribly sad weeping what a dreadful turn of events it pins gone gone forever wait Kings this soul I can get your hamster back don't trouble yourself bend it's no trouble elves are good at rounding up hamsters and I'm an elf ready Gaston Kings this soul safe and sound ah thank you then let's close the cage door before pipping escapes again go to sleep maybe when it's tired and how do we make it tired let's ask the wise old elf he knows everything hello wise old elf speaking how do you make a hamster tards hamster oh the King's pet hamster we need to make it tired ah I see what you need is a wheel a wheel how will that help wait and see I'll be right over [Music] hello King Sisson where's this Hampstead of yours my hamster Pippin likes you no charmed I'm sure bring in the wheel right hole not going to go the things we do for our pets hey King Cecil it's not my pets hello the wheel into the hamster cage hamster cage are you talking about my castle put the wheel in the middle of the hamster cage mister are you sure the wheel is strong enough it'll be fine hamsters don't run very fast oh you've got a fast hamster haven't you [Music] we'll have to warn the elves do you know what hamsters yes dear they're sweet little fluffy creatures yes well don't panic but there's a hamster coming your way in an enormous weird it's heading back to the little castle [Laughter] there's good news and bad news what's the good news the wheel hit the elf tree but everyone is okay what's the bad news the wheel is coming back everyone into the tower for your name believe it yes King Cecil wonderful isn't it your hamster is back home you see though we've worked now we know how much exercise Pippin needs every day to the old tree and back no Pippin has to go Oh Daisy and poppy love Pippin I don't want a pet living in my castle I could magic opinions with different kinds of pets a pet that could live outside the castle okay nanny just do it the elves have mended the hamster cage I mean the castle your majesty spotted let's take a look yes your majesty why is there straw in my courtyard oh yard oh you mean the feeding bowl watch yes darling you asked for a pet that could live outside the castle so we went back to what we all wanted in the first place [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,577,382
Rating: 4.100183 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: saX0kdImgD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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