Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | When Life Gives You Lemons | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle the pink dress blue dress mummy I can't decide the pink one looks nice on you Holly but what about me green or yellow or turquoise then what do you think um maybe the pink one for you and the greeny blue one for your mum green blue yellow purple what's all this fuss about king and queen marigold are coming to visit today remember oh yes they are very fashionable and I don't want them to think we look scruffy who looks scruffy you look scruffy do I yes Daddy hmm what do you think Ben man to man do I look scruffy ah maybe you could be a tiny bit smarter that is why I have ordered the elf tailor to make you some new clothes hmm and you must have a bath okay Taylor that's just the wise old elf I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a qualified tailor oh I see carry on then I'm off to have a ball but hurry up our guests will be here soon King sizzles new clothes your majesty hmm lovely but is this fashionable this is a classic cat made from the finest woolen fabrics your majesty oh very nice oh please don't product nanny plum it's a very delicate fabric which means you must not clean it with magic yes yes Thank You Taylor bye good bye can you see that speck of dirt there Holly I can't see anything mummy nanny plum can you see that speck of dirt Wow [Music] thirteen so I have and king and queen marigold will be here soon nanny have you got time to clean it leave it with me your majesty nanny plum can Ben and I help you of course hmm that's a fair old stain how are we going to clean it that's all right we'll just throw it in the washing machine let me out Taylor said it was very delicate what does an elf know about washing clothes he makes them he might make clothes but he hasn't washed as many as I have we'll need lots of soap powder of course it's a good idea nothing clothes like better than a good hot soapy wash you know as we're doing a wash we should clean the King's old clothes as well here's graphy clothes yes okay we're going to wash all your clothes okay why not then everything will be plain fantastic in there go there now we let wash you see the world work so very clever and scientific what's it doing that's the first wash cycle now what's it doing it's rinsing all the soap out it's very clever finish yes now let's see all that so got that stain out daddy's crown is a bit bent auntie's shoes all sake oh dear where the Kings clothes always this small oh they've shrunk are the Kings clothes keep that's money Oh nearly ready your majesty nanny what are we going to do maybe when the clothes are dry they'll go back to their normal size yes bet I'll just do a simple spell to try them all only use a teeny tiny gentle little spell abracadabra make clothes dry [Music] nanny plum quick give me the Kings new clothes our guests will be here any minute where are the clothes nanny plum and what's that smell we washed Daddy's cars but they shrunk and then nanny burnt them with magic my goodness daddy will have to wear his old clothes then I suppose but we cleaned daddy's old clothes too what you mean he has no clothes to wear yes hello there are my clothes nearly ready darling I'm all clean now nanny will bring you your clothes in a moment and I smell lovely honey call the elf tailor ah too late that's King and Queen Mary cold what are we going to do now we can make magic clothes nanny can you do that if you insist Queen the super magic clothes can be a bit tricky anyone just make the magic clothes nanny I'll go and see to our guests as you wish your majesty first we need something to turn into shoes lemons no there needs to be shoe shaped oh now we need something round and juicy for the jacket oh no a tomato hmm what can we use for the crown ah Harley you remember King and Queen marigold hello and this is my best friend then elf hello Ben I must say your skills are quite um charming yes nice and sensible oh is it the country look I think the way one dresses is very important my husband won't be a moment he's just changing into his new clothes new clothes that sounds interesting well it is an experiment sorry outstanding oh really the jacket feels a bit soggy actually it looks wonderful feel fresh and exciting nope we were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear oh I don't think I think it's all yes I was worried that might happen tricky things magic clothes this is nothing to do with me my wife chose it that yes Maisy oh I've never seen anything like it absolute genius and you say that you don't think about what to wear more my fashion than we ever could wear boy we'll get your inspiration fraud ah well tell me have you ever considered a teaching passion oh ah Danny plum could you make us something for dinner please of course your majesty I can make you anything you like as long as you don't want carrots tomatoes or lemons [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow superheroes everyone I'm not Ben yes you are Ben is my usual name but when I put on my superhero costume I become Elfman what does elf boy do else man he can run and jump and fly that's not flying this is flying but I can fly in the elf 'mobile but that's just Gaston no it's the Alpha vo the elf 'mobile can go on land see we can be superheroes [Music] and we can all do nice things and help people hang on we can't all be goodies someone has to be the body the what you know a supervillain can I be the supervillain okay strawberry do I help people to know you have to try and take over the world well well maybe we should just start with the little kingdom and I'll try and stop you okay I will be the ice queen strawberry ice queen strawberry ice cream ice queen not cream Oh supervillains always have a guy will be the gun so it will be Elfman and fairy girl against strawberry ice queen and her gang the goodies will win the baddies will win no the goodies will win Timmy health 'mobile come on fairy go okay I'm the ice queen so maybe I should make it a bit cold it's truly yes that's because I'm the ice queen sorry my goodness it's cold yes and in the middle of summer very odd very odd indeed it's gone all cold I bet that ice cream has something to do with that yes let's go to the elf pain this is just gas Don's house well today it's the elf kay here's the elf computer I invented it myself but it's a cardboard box ah as I thought strawberry ice queen has made it cold on purpose that's how do you know that there's nothing on the screen it's pretend remember Holly oh yes the computer doesn't really work that would be crazy it's me the ice queen how are you oh boy Elfman did you do that this computer is just a cardboard box I can do anything I'm the one who made it cold I wouldn't say it's that cold no we're not even wearing gloves ha oh yes I can make it colder if you like do your worst you'll never stop Elfman and ferry go we'll see about that lunch time oh I've got to go I'm having pizza for lunch Pizza can we all country can we please okay you can all come for pizza there you are I was getting worried what with this mad weather mum my friends have come for lunch too is this okay yes of course we're superheroes and super millions that's nice who wants pizza we can't stop long I've got to take over the world and Ben and I have to save the world oh good so you'll need to keep your strength up then hmm what's the best way of taking over the world you are the ice queen you could make it snow yes maybe I will thanks fairy girl come on let's get on with the game we're off to our secret hideout us too okay I'm going to make it snow no now as well in July oh this is ridiculous it's something you have to see hey what's that come with me I'll show you the very edge of the Little Kingdom and the snow stops here no no no no thank you mrs. elf we get the idea no snow but what is causing this strange snow it's magic magic and I'll bet my beard that nanny plum has done it da da dum dee dum dee do whatever you're doing stop it what the bull Shing no the snow is not my fault oh come on Danny it's always your fault no it's normally my fault but not today then who on earth is doing it maybe it's a super villain oh don't be ridiculous daddy plum boys are ridiculous because super villains don't exist what about superheroes they don't exist either it's a lot of nonsense then what that it's a superhero symbol in the sky oh let's find out where it's coming from now when the people of the world need help they'll know where to find the elf cane freely well people really ask us for help well no it's just a game no one is actually going to knock on the door huh hello is anyone there that's my dad anyone home isn't this where Gaston lives maybe a super hero lives here too that's the silliest thing I've heard in all my life hello this is Elfman and fairy girl we are superheroes see told you Elfman who's Elfman can we come in no our secret identities have to remain a secret can you help us the Hall of the Little Kingdom is covered in snow yes that's the work of the ice queen she is a super villain you see a super villain all right all right leave your problem with Elfman and fairy girl we'll take care of it Thank You elf boy Oh Elfman we have to find strawberry secret hideout and tell her to stop the snow [Music] the Hoenn is a Little Kingdom is freezing cold hey Vernon whoo yes my bottom is getting cold sitting on the ice throne couldn't be the sunshine Queen instead it's too late now I'm strawberry ice queen strawberry's hideout must be around here somewhere we need to look out for a sort of place that a supervillain ice queen might live it Wow tired Palace of ice this is better than the elf cave any day no it's not it's just showing up [Music] not so fast probably ice queen what brings you here elf boy elf Manor I've come to stop you but you can't stop me I'm me ice cream oh that's cold strawberry the grown ups are a bit cross about all the freezing snow oops are they yes are we in trouble I don't think we're in trouble as long as the game is over okay do I win no the goodies win that's not fair you're stuck in the ice okay you win finally I can get rid of the ice throne my bottom is freezing [Music] the little kingdom is saved all thanks to Elfman and fairy girl if only we knew their secret identities but we never will today's adventure starts at the meadow elf school now princess Holly what's the name of this flower that's easy it's a daisy yes yes an elf might call it a daisy but a fairy princess would call it a Bella's paw amia correct now what is this Bluebell called Bluebell oh no no a fairy princess would call it a - thoughts nan script are Oh nanny nature class is so boring why do I have to learn the proper names of all these flowers that is the sort of thing a fairy princess needs to know well maybe I don't want to be a fairy princess I'm off twelve school ah what do you do tell school we learn how to make toys that sounds fun it is elves love making toys and I'm an elf I want to make toys Manny can I go to elf school too but you're not an elf you're a royal fairy princess I please many plum please nanny plum let Holly come okay [Music] I'll come along too just to make sure you don't get into any mischief okay but hurry we can't be late for our school school is at the top of the tree [Music] nanny plum hello mr. old elf hello princess Holly wants to see what elves get up to in your little school hmm very well Holly may join the class but no magic or flying please okay Holly sit next to me no flying you will kindly walk flying is not allowed at elf school only because elves can't fly that's right mistress pearl um elves cannot fly but we do have very good hearing and elves are very good at making toys so today we are going to make toys we will carry on from where we left off last time [Applause] I make I see that Miss Holly does not have a toy that's okay Miss Holly magic is not allowed at elf school only because I was counting magic elves could do magic if they wanted to but elves don't do magic [Music] Miss Holly you can work on this toy owl for today thank you and I will take this one for now so that you learn how to work the proper elf way without magic don't worry you can have it back at the end of the class boys and girls take out your hammers and remember to tap gently I know I didn't mean to do that don't worry honey I'll fix it I still got my magic water elves go oh it should be alright no one amount is Micmac now Oh what was that loud bang oh I think there's a bit of a storm brewing outside mmm well as long as there's new magic going on I assure you mr. old elf princess Holly is not using magic naughty nanny plum Oh sauce now it's time to paint our toys remember be very careful a little paint goes a long long way I bother doing things without magic is very hard maybe you need just a teeny tiny bit of magic trust me zigzag Zowie paint this top miss Holly are you doing magic no I don't elf not me I think it's just the storm outside it must be really close now hmm there's something funny going on around here wise old health what do we do next a good question Holly next we wind the toys up don't worry I'll just give it a little help nanny plum have you been doing magic just a teeny tiny little bit to help things along you are a very naughty fairy sorry wise old elf we'll say no more about it now Holly let's see what your owl can do it doesn't work at all hmm maybe too much magic went into its making I can fix it I'm very good at mending things [Music] that should do it [Applause] I'd be try to do it the elf way yes Holly I know you did but it's not easy to make toys without using magic it's easy for us because well now Holly here's your wand back thank you and remember no magic until you have left the classroom yes wise old elf and that goes for you too Nana pal um yes wise old owl [Music] [Applause] today's adventure starts at mrs. witch's house mrs. witch's spring clean mrs. witch are you in I'm here to spring clean your cottage and these are my helpers burn and Haleh right spring cleaning time yes I'm a terrible one for keeping things I just can't throw anything away never mind I'll throw things away for you yes the problem is everything in here is magical and dangerous so someone has to look after it what feed a miss dishcloth that's a little magic carpet from a magic dog house well where is this doll's house huh I'm not sure so you don't need it then do you what about this old mirror that's my magic mirror hmm this that's my magic lamp there's a genie in it you know of course there is I'm not sure I want to spring clean what's this horrid stuff Oh logjam slug jam we'll get rid of that for you good job done Thanks you're really very kind nanny plum are these things really magical no it's just a load of old junk now we've got to get rid of it all starting with the slug jam slug jam Oh disgusting nice do you want to eat that so I know I'll put it safely at the back of the cupboard where no one can find it I wonder if mummy would like this mirror my mum might like this pretty long and maybe someone would want the old carpet it'd have to be someone with very bad taste that's a nice carpet missus which is throwing it away oh it's not magical is it no nanny plum said it's just junk do you want it yes I would like it thank you ah very nice very cozy a tropical paradise I wish I was there it is a magic carpet now listen here you naughty magic carpet take me back at once I've got a present for mommy oh where is mommy she's been locked in the bathroom for ages getting ready to go out and I'm hungry I've got something for you oh thank you my dear it's a magic mirror mrs. witch didn't want it anymore so what does the magic mirror do I tell the truth oh how exciting mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all you are queen thistle oh how wonderful well you normally are the fairest of them all Oh what do you mean well it's a bit of a bad hair day today isn't it oh dear now I'll have to start all over again [Laughter] what did you say that for just telling the truth your majesty now we'll be eating even later and I'm starving I've got a present for you mrs. which had a spring clean and she threw this out a lamp isn't it nice Oh lovely very brassy I'll just give it a Polish [Music] oh-oh-oh-oh he's very manly what should we wish for why don't you dance for us wish I wish for loud music xxx we wish we had a big party with all of us dancing what is your third and final wish [Music] but you have used up your three wishes bye-bye let's go and see King missile he can sort it out how are you doing in there darling I'm hungry I'm ready mummy you look super yes you look lovely right let's go eat I'll just ask the mirror what it thinks mirror mirror on the wall how does my hair look now honestly not good oh dear I don't know what to do let me help I am a magic mirror after all sorted that's horrid change my hair back no it looks great do something nobody will notice your hair come on let's go to dinner no no I can't go out like this I'm going to get a snack now then what would be a lovely tasty snack Oh nanny always put the best stuff at the back of the cupboard move yeah [Music] I wish for a big party and now I can't stop dancing oh really it was a genie from the witch's old lamp please help us King thistle witch's magic eh I can't help fairy magic doesn't work on which is magic sorry and all that this witch's carpet just flew me off to a tropical paradise well just keep the noise down there's a good fellow the mayor has made it even how do I stop this thing well if you will all play around with witch's magic that's the most disgusting thing I've ever where did you get that gem from the back of nanny's cupboard oh you've just eaten the witch's slug jam and it's a bit worse than that it's magic slug jam Oh No what's gonna happen to me now you might change into a slug this is outrageous magic mirrors flying carpets magic lamps slug jam mrs. witch can jolly well take all this stuff back mrs. witch mrs. witch oh hello who King thistle I see you tried my smug jab ah yes could you turn me back into myself please don't you like being a swamp it's delightful I just feel a bit uh sticky oh very Bell ah that's better mrs. witch can you stop with dancing of course and can you magic my hair back to normal my pleasure and will you mind taking all this stuff back I don't want it Hey what throwing out all those old things made me realize I needed up the spring mean anyone want a magic sauce pen now what do we do all this stuff is too dangerous to just leave lying around hmm this is King's work gosh what have you done to your house what do you mean I really liked it how you had it before much more witchy Oh this lamp would look really good here that's where I had it this slug Jan would look nice that's where it's always lived the carpet here and the mirror you really have got good taste mrs. witch that's why you've got such a nice little house oh oh well you know I do my best goodbye mrs. witch goodbye everyone thanks for all your help daddy did you really think that mrs. witch's house was nice of it all that stuff in it no it was a big smelly mess why didn't you say so then there's a time for telling someone their house is a big smelly mess and a time for being just nice today's adventure starts and the Royal Golf Course while golf course it is simple really to play golf you just hit the ball into the hole it's a bit boring it would be more fun if we had little Hills to hit the ball up and down looking your ball up hills and around corners is called crazy golf that sounds great please daddy can we play crazy golf we are playing normal golf Wow where did these hills come from Patti must have magic to them thanks daddy I didn't magic these hills I don't know but I'm going to find out wise old elf good morning King Titian who made these hills on my golf course hey mol your majesty well get rid of it we've been trying to chase it away all morning your majesty don't you know how to get rid of moles wise old elf No then who does Oh animal languages of course yes your majesty ah nanny plum you talk to animals don't you yes your majesty then can you tell this mole to leave my golf course uh no your majesty what I can't speak mole it's one of the more difficult animal languages along with aardvark but can't you use magic to get rid of the mole there is one magical method to get rid of moles but unfortunately it uses a known watch that and name Your Majesty is a sort of elf with a big tummy what gnomes are nothing like elves they eat too much talk too much and never do any work I don't care what you use just get rid of that mole okay I'll fetch as a gnome hello mr. gnome I've called you here to get rid of some moles it will be my pleasure Oh trees they're not Lloyd Pease custard creams or do you seek my song and strum along with the flu that was easy wasn't it thank you know how much do I owe you oh I'm not finished yet your majesty if I go now the mole will come back what then you must stay as long as it takes of course getting rid of moles uses a lot of energy on my tummy is very empty nanny plum and get this gnome some food very well your majesty i sack of cheese sandwiches with a bucket of tea and I say you are hungry I will also need some workers absolutely wise old elf I command you to do whatever the gnome says as you wish thank you your majesty not at all just let me know when you're finished so I can pay my goal of course your royalness I am the wise old elf I look after this royal golf course and my knowledge of it is second to none can you use a shovel yes good the first job is to flatten these hills but you can call me Holly that's nice you can call me mr. gnome I need a deck chair and a fishing rod why do you need a fishing rod on a golf course so I can pretend to fish moles don't like it when I pretend to fish no quick before the mole comes back [Music] sandwiches one bucket of tea mr9 means add action and the fishing rod quickly so he can pretend to fish oh dear I thought this might happen we have flattened all the hills so goodbye thank you boys all else or you will also believe in a windmill what a working windmill is a very difficult thing to build oh it mustn't actually work no just pretend but with sales the dough round [Music] alright sandwiches [Music] most coin [Music] nice wise old Oh what are you doing we're building a pretend windmill for the gnome yes it mustn't actually work it's just silly fun Canole and I help you oh yes please [Music] now we can fix the sails is it dinner time already not really could you get me a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles please oh and some plastic flowers you're going to eat plastic flowers no that would be silly they go with the windmill ah good work boys old elf thank you goodbye finally or you will need a little bridge what a plastic well and a little picket fence so he wants a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles yes make everyone else work well they just eat and sleep grumbling again Danny I say are we going on a picnic no daddy this is for mr. 9 what are we going to eat for dinner nanny there's no food left your majesty the gnome has eaten it all mummy remember that miss Turner needs plastic flowers - plastic flowers they go with the windmill windmill I'd better see what this gnome is up to thank you wise old elf I couldn't have done a better job myself oh I can see you've certainly been working hard no yes your kingliness so when would it be safe for you to leave oh well oh you don't think it ever will be your royalness what oh he might after stay here forever what about my golf oh we won't get in your way but you are in my way Oh custard and brittle I can't play golf with all this stuff around oh yes crazy goal this crazy golf is much better than the other kind yes ask to teach you how to play crazy golf it's fun oh okay what do I do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] today's adventure starts at the great elf tree holy where are you all going it's harvest day can we today's the day we pick all our fruit on the farm to make fruit pies tonight it's harvest time to the strawberry patch everyone it's been a go cheapest straw brace yes we've grown loads of them here we are the strawberry patch oh but where are all the strawberries they're gone all eaten but that's crazy incredible there were lots of strawberries here yesterday what could have eaten them I don't know I've never seen anything like it there's still the apples to the orchard mr. elf the apple orchard right pick the apples but there are no apples what it's impossible there were loads of apples in yesterday something very odd is going on no strawberries no apples what's eating them all it could be locusts stories tell of insects called locusts who arrive in their minions swarming all over the fruit and eat it all up in seconds they eat and eat and eat and eat thank you mrs. elf we get the idea but locusts don't wear size 10 shoes what is it it's a footprint our fruit hasn't been eaten by a swarm of locusts this is the work of a swarm of gnomes how many does it take to make a swarm just the one gnomes have a huge appetite they can't stop themselves eating if they see food they eat it that's right they eat and eat yes yes mrs. elf so does it mean no be no fruit harvest and no dancing yes no because there's always blackberries they grow in the wild mmm blackberries but we have to get to the blackberries before the gnome does well they used to say to scare off a gnome bring an orange from home yes we tried that once he ate the orange yes nose like all fruit the only thing they like more than fruit is pie [Music] the BlackBerry's are still here thank goodness no time to waste begin the harvest everyone right picking blackberries is one of the most dangerous jobs for an elf why because elves are quite small and blackberry bushes are covered in big thorns and the best fairies are very high up let me help that's tasty Oh No nice to see you well it's not nice to see you oh that's a shame normally I'm very popular are you know everyone hates me well I'm not surprised you've beaten our strawberries and our apples and now you're eating our blackberries - oh dear I'm terribly sorry we didn't realize they were yours hmm delicious stop it stop it stop eating everything I can help it sorry he's really good at picking blackberries yes the thorns don't bother me oh you have a thick skin why don't me a Stan I'm if he'll pick blackberries for us clever Holly then we can still have a harvest and our harvest dance harvest dance boy Lloyd dancing can I come no I'll type that as a yes what time does it start mister 9 you can come to the dance if he picks some blackberries for us it's a deal we'd like this truck filled up with blackberries thank you no problem one blackberry coming up oh it's a nice one Felicia's not in your mouth in the truck oh yes sorry don't worry this time I owe a blackberry oh no no no no no this isn't going to work if you keep eating them whoops-a-daisy Oh to apologize this time I'll make sure I owe a blackberry sorry oh yeah it again ah this is useless every time he has food in his hand he just eats it that's just what gnomes do they eat and eat and eat right it's time for Plan B what's plan B you'll see I'll be back in a moment do you know but if it's the wise old elf who's come up with it it's bound to be very clever oh very stupid as you see I am dressed as a pie why are you dressed as a pie gnomes love pie more than anything in the world so every time mr. gnome is about to eat a blackberry I will run in front of him dressed as a bi yes very that's why it's plan B this time I promise I'm not gonna eat it oh look at that silly made I did it again focus mr. no right this is it no more Oh a black furry hey there mr. newm look over here I'm a PI Oh a poor oh sorry thought I saw a poi never mind he is a lovely blackberry for me hey wouldn't you rather eat a pie yes I would oh I talking pie that'll be tasty I'm not a pie I'm not a pie not a POI what are you then I'm the wise old elf Oh what are you doing here let's put you down again oh look a blackberry oh here we go again hey there mr. newm look down here I'm a PI Oh [Music] this is going to be a long afternoon worth can maybe it's been ages and we can't start the harvest dance without them well it looks like we can't on a dance then here we are with a fruit harvest blackberry's what happened to the strawberries the gnome ate them the gnome oh no what about the apples the gnome ate them too well I'd like to give this no but talking to you can if you like he's here what's he doing here he helped pick the blackberries for us so we invited him to the dance eight thousand blackberries but we got ten for us knowing oh I won on the way here sorry anyway there's still enough for a big pie excellent then let the harvest dance commence [Applause] [Music] this is a bit boring let's get this party started take your honors please swing to the left step to the relief wiggle your hips spin around and get a big kitty hi everybody its traditional that the first slice of pie goes to the person who picked the most fruit oh who's that then oh thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 6,122,061
Rating: 3.8463809 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: pvYmYdXe8Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 34sec (3634 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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