Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | The Dolls Have Eyes | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts you're visiting the ALF factory why well Your Majesty it's a very busy time of the year for the owl Factory what the Christmas coming up so what's that got to do with me you have to inspect the toys and make sure they're perfect hey that sounds fun well it's not fun Holly the toys are always perfect and all I say is their perfect do I have to go well someone has to they're expecting a royal visit I could go and I could save the toys of perfect yes why not a nanny plum can go along too to look after you Oh [Music] hi olli hi Pam we've come to see the elf factory do you know where it is of course I do I'm an elf so where is it follow me good morning can I help you hello princess Holly is here for the royal visit I see could you sign it please uh what do i do just put your name and a job my name is princess Holly as my job is being a pretty fairy princess very good now you will need these hard hats and I notice you have ones yes we're fairies I'll need to take your wand no magic is allowed in the elf factory elves don't do magic as we are elves the factory is very busy today we have a big toy order since father Christmas Wow oh hello mr. Christmas can I speak to the wise old elf yeah I'll get him right away telephone calls for the wise old elf [Music] hello princess Holly hello rise out elf it's father Christmas oh excuse me a moment hello oh oh wise old elf will those dolls be ready in time for Christmas yes mr. Christmas we'll definitely have the dolls ready today and you will make sure they have a pretty red dress won't you yes she'll have a lovely red dress thank you goodbye is this the doll you made for father Christmas yes we're making hundreds of them and they have to be ready today can we see how you make them of course this way we'll be taking the train all aboard first stop level 1 the computer room Oh tight everyone [Music] [Applause] the computer rope it made my tummy all funny good wasn't it and it'll be even better next time what do you mean next time you'll say follow me this is where we decide what the toys will look like no no no the toys are designed to the very last detail nothing is left to chance gosh it seems like a lot of hard work for me we pride ourselves on our thoroughness this is where we choose the colors Christmas yes now for example if I wanted to I could change the color of the doll's dress from red to blue no dress the elf factory would they know to paint the doll's dress blue Christmas what suggest red of course he does princess Holly that was just an example all aboard next stop the old factory oh we don't have to go down again Dewey yes money the factory is deep down in the roots of the tree how deep down [Music] [Music] next up level 99 bowtie level 99 the elf factory I'm the clip machine that was the glue machine this way princess Holly please feel free to ask any question I pull this lever princess what else do you do pull this lever and the loop comes out then you get bored they'll never get bored but I'm an elf thank you now moving on I press this button yes all James you must be very patient helps are very patient a dime and else next is the paint room this is where the toys are painting every has their bit two things one paints the eyes another Mouse and another hair amazing I thought it would be all done by machine oh we do it all by hand it looks such hard work elves work hard work thank goodness I'm a fairy shush many once the dress is painted the dog goes through to the dryer and then it's packed ready for delivery and here we are the finished doll a perfect example of elf workmanship isn't the DOS dress supposed to be right what oh you're quite right princess Holly oh never mind some mistakes occur when you're making so many dolls right we'll have to unpack them all and paint them again but there's not enough time I could sort this out in a moment with a bit of magic magic is not allowed in the elf factory okay I'll just ring up father Christmas and tell him what's happened I'm sure he'll understand no no don't ring father Christmas may be nanny plum can you was a bit of magic just this once good first I need my wand [Music] hello wand ahem blue to red thank you it was nothing really just a simple spell a chair for nanny plum please what's this fool 1 down 999 to go Oh blue to red blue to red blue to red gosh nanny you must be so patient yes nanny plum will make an elf of you yet I'm an elf today's adventure starts at the middle [Music] he's dug up an old stick yes done stretching sticks let's play indoors come on Gaston dee dee da dum dee dum dee doo oh I love a clean kitchen lady bird into my kitchen he's making muddy footprints everywhere get off the floor on the table where's he going no maybe he's gone to see daddy he likes daddy yes Bobby please keep Gaston under control sorry daddy we live in the castle Gaston lives outside never mind Gaston let's all go to the great elf tree instead mrs. elf that blueberry pie smells delicious yes mr. elf the secret is to cook it very slowly over three days hello Holly can't he shake himself outside that pie is not for you Gaston oh well now Ben Gaston should live outside we live inside okay mom where's the pie gone yes Don z28 we don't know it was Gaston it could have been someone else Oh Gaston I never want to see you again sorry Gaston is better go hang no longest on off you go [Music] bedtime holy ah are you alright darling or I'm a bit sad Gaston isn't allowed in our houses anymore Gaston Oh Gaston is a wet and cold Oh Gaston go and make that rocket somewhere else Gaston Gaston hello Ben I can't find Gaston anywhere maybe he's in his cave Gaston it's empty where is Gaston he must have gone off somewhere to be sad don't worry I'll find him and I'm an elf talking door hello I wonder what's behind it let's get the grown-ups a talking door yes Daddy it said speak friend and enter oh that will be the old dwarf mine do off my yes that dwarves used to dig down into the earth looking for diamonds and gold stuff like that I like diamonds and gold they're so pretty and sparkling literally let's take a look at this dwarf mine what are dwarves like they're big bigger than us yes dwarves are huge here's the door it's locked mean it's a riddle no one's real until you solve it that's silly I'll just magic it open oh my magic doesn't work on the door yes fairy magic and dwarf magic don't mix maybe we should just ask nicely how are you today mr. door hmm can we come in please Shh maybe it means say the word friend good idea been friend that was easy let's go in Ben and Holly you wait outside oh the dwarf mine could be dangerous and why are you going in well we're grownups can we go with you why not if you're with us grown-ups you'll be safe as long as the door doesn't shut behind us oh now what do we do wand give me light maybe we can say friend again to make the door open friend it's a new riddle this time alright what's the new riddle if a car was a 2-liter engine travels up a 15-degree hill at ten miles an hour how much fuel it use if there is a hundred meters ah ah what if we go this way lots and lots of tunnels leading for miles we'd get lost going that way if only Gaston was here he could smell his way out good idea where is Gaston yes where is good old Gaston you said you never wanted to see him again and so did you dad oh yes and now Gaston's off somewhere being sad [Music] good old Gaston my best friend help Gaston we're stuck Gaston run and get Manny plumb all nice and clean again oh no Gaston out fools what's that been in Holly and king and queen Susilo mister mrs. L all stuck in the old mine you say oh then there's no time to lose lead the way Gaston hello nanny plum thank goodness you're here we're trapped hang on I'll just magic the door open it doesn't work no because the door is sealed with dwarf magic you have to answer a question well question a little plane is flying at 180 miles per hour I'll strong will the wind have to be destroyed speed by 15% that's just gobbledygook nanny magic of a spade and dig us out this will take ages ina Gaston can dig us out yes Gaston's brilliant at digging just an old friend dig us out you want you to say please oh please Gaston [Music] [Applause] Thank You Gaston Oh Gaston you're wonderful oh good boy Gaston sir and Gaston come to the little castle now yes and to our house - yes I'll even today's adventure starts little cosmic mrs. witch and then the witch locked the fairy and all the elves in a big cage Oh help they shouted hee hee I'll never let you go said the witch Oh No why did she lock the children up because the wix was very naughty and the children were annoying her aah all that chasing around had made the witch hungry so she ate a mouldy old cake Chomp Chomp Chomp oh why did she eat a mouldy old cake that's what witches eat and she drank a glass of sour milk after that she fell asleep snore snore snore she's asleep said the fairy quick let's escape so the elves broke open the cage door and the fairy princess got her wand back then the witch woke up get back in your cage cried the witch but the fairy was already casting her spell ping currant bun witch's magic all undone in a flash all the children were set free and the witch stuffed full of moldy old cake couldn't catch them the and then what happened mummy um the witch was told off for being mean and nasty and made to wash dishes for the rest of her life horrible things witches it's a good job they don't really exist isn't it oh but they do exist I never witch who lives in the woods really yes I can take you to see her if you like but won't you look us up in a big cage no witches can sometimes be a bit naughty but only when they get very annoyed mummy do you think we should go and see the witch yes why not nanny plum will protect you then you can see for yourselves how disgusting witches are come on man let's go which is like are they scary not that scary but witches are a bit smelly and do witches use magic to do nasty spells which is hardly ever do magic and they're not that good at magic anyway [Music] here we are this which hasn't done a spell in over a hundred years nanny nanny nanny plum what a treat a real fairy and an elf yes this is princess Holly and burn out see she's not frightening it's all just a bit smelly well that's that don't touch anything children why can't we touch because it's dirty what's that don't worry dear I just wanted to show the children how a real witch lives oh I see some rat milk cakes nice thank you mrs. witch we've already eaten mrs. witch can we ask you some questions about being a witch of course anything you like are you any good at magic well I don't like to use magic these days because I told you which is the no good at magic and they never use it anyway what magic these days I'm retired so you don't chase elves or fairies anymore then oh no I just look witches don't do anything they just smell a bit funny and make horrible cakes what has the magic they're completely harmless she probably can't even do a simple transformation spell that's okay then why don't you change this horrible wallpaper we'll make these seats more comfortable you could make tasty cake get some new clothes makeup I'm sorry I had to free his nanny plum she was very rude to me I don't think nanny meant to be rude mrs. which maybe not but she boss are you going to keep nanny frozen forever know if nanny says sorry she can go nanny say sorry to missus which I will not say sorry I was only trying to help you out your grumpy old witch oh so you won't let Manny go nope we should get help is it all right if we go mrs. which of course you have both been delightful company what's your plan we have to get the king yes Daddy can tell the weight jar then she'll let nanny go bye-bye yes thank you mrs. rich [Music] he's frozen like a statue oh yeah daddy if we don't do something the nanny will stay frozen forever hmm we'll never see mommy again Oh sad and now be no more lovely dinners no dinners what nanny plum frozen Wow show me where mrs. witch lives was nanny plum rude to mrs. witch hmm witches can be a little rude no I've got a better idea King thistle King thistle King thistle Oh Your Majesty you must be the mrs. witch I have heard so much about please let me explain about your cleverness your kindness and beauty oh not to mention your wonderful cooking would you like a warm cake no thank you I believe you may have frozen nanny plum yes but I completely understand why you would want to do this you do nanny plum can be quite rude at times but she's really not that clever yes well I am sure being as clever and as kind as you are and knowing that nanny really can't help herself you will let her go this time quite apart from that I need nanny to cook my dinner I'll cook you dinner your majesty that's very kind of you I was just about to boil some but I just need nanny plum back I understand just one moment say thank you for having me nanny thank you for having me goodbye mrs. witch and very nice to meet you I'm honored your majesty Thomas's reach alpha toll and you said mrs. witch was beautiful when she's ugly and smelly well Ben there's a time for telling someone they're ugly and smelly and a time to be just nice hmm saying nice things about people always goes a long way it's good to have you back nanny pan Thank You Holly yes what's for supper [Music] today's adventure starts at the fairy village miss cookies nature trail Oh panic over everyone it's Lucy we thought it might be someone dangerous big people have big feet yes and we don't like being stepped on oops sorry for stepping on you mr. mayor I didn't see you there it's fine dad it's just you but it's not just me my teacher miss cookie is bringing my whole class here today on the nature trail lots of big children and a big teacher they mustn't see us fairies o us L Oh mrs. wait all the dwarfs already ate the elf pirate yes yes yes the whole of the Little Kingdom is meant to be secret [Music] oh did I just say little windows in the toasters all right gather round children yes miss McGee here are some toadstools tick toadstools off on your lists miss cookie the toasters have little windows in them Oh No that was close yes but I think we got away with it next on the list is an oak tree let's go and find one oh no bearing towards the great oak tree we have to get good it looks like a normal tree here we are you can tell an oak tree by the shape of the leaves do oak trees have little people living in them what of course not tick oak tree on your lists everyone [Music] phew that was close you're telling me right next on the list is insects this way children follow they're heading straight for the little castle we have to get there first wait for me [Music] now we're completely hidden but what about the castle perhaps they won't notice it well notice it whoa notice it a little fairy castle with a flag on top I know I'll just magic the castle invisible brilliant nanny invisible invisible castle disappear invisible invisible disappear a castle this field is a perfect place for insects to live I think I just saw a castle then it went invisible Oh what fantastic imaginations you children have what that does seem to be something here I can feel a tower with a flag on top oh oh yes insect that's what we're looking for okay I found an insect lovely now does anyone know what this insect is called just on what oh I mean a ladybird oh all right children tick insects on your lists insects and now on to the lake I think it's this way thank goodness they're moving away from the little castle but they're going right towards mrs. witch's house no time to lose how can we hide mrs. witch she's huge maybe she could pretend she's not Oh a good idea Ben hello mrs. witch listen there's no time to explain but you have to pretend you're not a witch okay Who am I then you're just a nice old lady okay here they come remember you're just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly okay hello I'm not a witch I'm just nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly well I'm pleased to hear it my name is Miss cookie I'm mrs. witch your name is mrs. witch yes but I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't eat a fly that's good can you tell us the way to the lake yes straight down the path and through the trees you can't miss it is that a weak cheese hat you're wearing yes but I'm not a witch but you are called mrs. witch yes and you're called miss cookie but you're not a biscuit talking of cookies if anyone would like a snack take a roof tiles their gingerbread you know never suspected a thing but now they're going to the lake and that's where red beard the elf pirate sails his boat we have to warn him [Music] hello Redbeard the elf pirate speaking listen carefully big people are coming your way I hear them and I have no time to hide Britain to be a toy okey-dokey I am a toy here's the lake I found a toy boat there's a doll on it oh that's red beard who's I mean the dolls got two red beards some poor child must have lost it let's put it here where they'll find it lovely tic-tac poles off your list and that's the end of todays nature trail come on children back to school yes well done red boot they never suspected a thing it was a close call and no mistake they've been all live in the Little Kingdom now but we haven't been discovered yes well done everyone the big people have no idea us little people live here they didn't see the great elf tree or the little castle and they didn't find out mrs. Witt is a witch all I can say is it's a good thing they didn't bump into the no Dumpty don't you dude evening all hello are you going to a fancy dress party party is their party food there boy Lloyd food we're just on a nature trail oh yes what have you seen on this nature trial we've seen tight stools and insects and tadpoles toad stools insects tadpoles but there's loads more stuff really there's the elves and the fairies what that blabbermouth is giving everything away oh can we stop yes the elves live in a tree an oak tree yes it's got tiny windows in it I thought I saw a castle you saw it all right because it's there the post fairies live in a little castle made of tiny brick cities is there work of course she's called mrs. which is living these types toes yes this is a secret fairy village sure what's that Kingdom oh yes of course leave this to me now then you know how I was talking about toadstools insects and tadpoles yes right everything I talked about after that forget it forget it yes and there's no magic twelves dragons or goblins in these woods neither okay come on class let's go home good boy I think we just about got away with it bye everyone that was close close you told them everything but I also told them to forget it all today's adventure starts at the great elf tree [Laughter] [Music] hi Ben hi Holly I've got a new toy what is it it's a telescope you can see things that are really far away Wow can I have a guy okay I can't see anything try twisting it a bit it still doesn't work it's a joke telescope it gives you a black ring around your visor makes you look really silly look today is elf joke day what's elf joke day it's a special day when all the elf play jokes on each other he that sounds fun it is fun would you like one of my chewy sweets yes please sorry here have this flower no thanks I've had enough of your silly jokes it's okay Holly it won't jump out or make your face dirty promise I promise that's my squirty water flower it's not [Music] princess Holly is this your doing it was Ben's fault he was playing jokes on me never use magic in anger it can be very dangerous sorry many pong Holly put bend down that's better now what's all this about jokes burn itself joke day I love jokes I don't thing they're very funny you should learn to have a sense of humor Holly come on Holly let's have some fun yes today's lesson can be how to have fun off you go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's only a toy spider dad gets it out every year oh happy elf joke day mr. elf I'm terribly sorry princess Holly I hope we didn't startle you it's okay it's funny are you having a merry elf joke day she loves jokes oh I didn't know nanny plum like such things yes nanny's got a really good sense of humor really then maybe we should go and show her some jokes to the elf strap [Music] princess Holly a joke should be a surprise it'll be fun oh I'm really busy you cannot be hello what do you want hello what do you want what why are you copying everything I say why are you copying everything I say I haven't got time for this I haven't got time for this silly old fool old fool oh I don't think nanny found that funny I thought you said she liked jokes she does let's try another one very well this is my favorite it's a little toy mouse like this one it's funny [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go and join in the fun happy okay that was not funny wise old elf I'm terribly sorry nanny plum may I say how lovely you are looking today what is this another silly joke no oh you are so pretty may I take your photograph yeah well I suppose so oh you are most kind GG's it smelly elf geez yes it's top quality smelly elf cheese that was not funny at all mister old Alf oh yes it was I'm going to turn you into a snail nanny you said never use magic in anger I'm not angry now where's my wand it was just a joke yes and here's another joke you said never use magic when you're angry yes happy elf joke day wise old snail what's that snail doing here the wise old elf play jokes on any palm and she got angry and did a spell on him the wise old elf was just having fun don't you have a sense of humor nanny plum yes your majesty nanny plum why did you turn him into a snail um it was meant to be a funny joke and was it funny no your majesty he doesn't look very happy I'm not surprised turn him back into the wise old elf peas nanny plum very well your majesty silly old girl that's yourself your majesty thank you so much for your help oh that's all right I must say you are looking most handsome today Your Majesty may I take your photograph of course your majesty not now nanny plum I'm having my picture taken say cheese jeez ouchies I got help lame jokes it's elf joke day and I'm an elf most amusing happy elf joke day [Music] [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow the new one Gaston wants to play fetch the snake okay magic up a stick and dry umbrella do one it sounds like you're one's got a cold no it's because she got all wet I'd better call the wand doctor hello is that the wand doctor yes we've got a sick wand thank you goodbye the doctor says you have to put one day to bed and he'll be right over the once doctor is here hello but that's just the wise old elf I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a fully qualified one doctor oh we elves make the ones remember yes why is that you hate magic we make ones but we don't use them magic always leads to trouble now where is my patient here that's loud turn out please as I saw a cold I suggest plenty of rest the wand needs to stay in bed and keep nice and warm will 1d be able to do magic oh no no no there'll be no waving wand around for a while Oh what shall I do without a wand funny you should ask I've been working on a brand new wand maybe you'd like to try it out wow it's been top secret until now I call it the wise wand 3000 even I didn't know about it gosh thanks wise old elf it's so pretty and it talks incredible amazing that's not all this wand has a very special feature no other wand has what special feature oh you'll find out soon enough I have to say once don't get any better than this what did he mean by that what does he ever mean I always lose interest halfway through I can't wait to do some magic with my Wise Ones 3000 well you will have to wait till tomorrow because it's nearly bedtime by Olie bye Ben bye guests don't see tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] morning daddy morning Holly than you want how is it it's amazing good news princess Holly 1d is better the ones doctor was right she just needed a bit of rest oh that's nice so you can take that new ones back to the wise old elf if you like I think I might like to keep it for a bit I haven't even tried doing magic with it yet oh well what should we do with this um I don't really need it anymore can you put it with my baby toys okay oh wow there you go Holly's got a new ones now [Music] yes it's called the wise wand 3000 Wow yes it's very very new and top-secret Oh let's play a game yes what shall we play let's say princesses knights and nor sea witches yes I'll be the princess because I am a princess and I'll be the brave knight okay Wow Rio Alba and I'll be the naughty waste what do we do now the brave knights has to rescue the princess from a tower full of tower Wow how am I going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the night comes up it oh yes [Music] [Music] climbing up hair oh we can easily get down not if I put bars on the window [Music] that's my mum I've got to go bye ok bye Fleur how are we going to get down don't worry I've got my wise one 3000 ok let's get out of here oh it didn't work it's not doing anything what happens the last time you used it nothing I haven't done any magic with it yet it's useless I wish I had my old one it's Gaston Gaston could fetch hell yes Gaston darlin gets wounded Gaston fetch you're in a hurry today to be a very special wand but it doesn't do anything maybe it's broken it doesn't look broken that it's actually a bit annoying yes my old ones never talked it just [Music] one day I'm so glad to see you now let's get down for this tower yes indeed [Music] I think I'll use my old wound from now on ah princess Holly how are you getting on with a wise wand 3000 it's broken is it it looks perfectly fine to me but it doesn't do magic yes that's the special feature I was talking about no magic wands that doesn't do magic correct you see magic always leads to trouble and also the one that doesn't do magic is not a wand it's just a stick so you're saying that the wise one 3000 is good for absolutely nothing yes I know one thing it's good for yes hey Gaston fetch the stick [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 3,830,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: wmyTJZXe970
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 1sec (3601 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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