Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Triple Episode: 13 to 15 (Season 2) | Kids Cartoon Shows

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small i'm [Music] come on [Music] and holly's little kingdom [Music] today's adventure starts at the great elf tree the shooting star with this telescope i can see deep into space why is ourself can i look yes right now the telescope is pointed at the moon it looks really close can i have a go of course if i turn the telescope this way you can see distant stars amazing oh one of the stars is moving maybe it's a shooting star oh i can see it too it's going to crash into the ground [Music] wow that sounded close let's take a look this is where the shooting star landed it's made a huge hole incredible look at all the smoke it must be very hot let's climb down and get a closer look no we'll have to come back tomorrow with its cool down [Music] morning time [Music] holly breakfast no time daddy a shooting star crashed into the meadow last night morning time ben don't you want your breakfast later mom i'm off to see the shooting star [Music] hi ben hi holly wow what made that hole a shooting star it fell out of the sky excellent so what does this shooting star thingy look like we're just about to find out your majesty lower the claw it's got windows is it a spaceship it's a flying saucer the top's opening don't panic yet but this might be an alien invasion bleep bloop ah alien invasion alien invasion everyone please panic it's the friendly aliens we met on the moon blip bloop bleep hello aliens bleep bleep bloop bloop bleep bloop oh look they've got a baby alien i am not baby whoops sorry but you're so sweet an echo i am oldest one here we get smaller as we get older oh we get bigger as we get older that's crazy my name is xyros take me to your leader uh king thistle is our leader ah thistle king so you are leader well the wise old elf is also a leader in a way oh no your majesty you are our king and leader yes we come in peace phew we are here on holidays have you come far we come from planet bong but our spaceship is crashed oh dear you thistle king must fix it me yes as leader you are clever and wise ah yes of course i'm clever and wise hmm doesn't sound good it is broken maybe i should take a look your majesty good idea elves are good at fixing flying saucers and i'm an elf let's see does the engine use clockwork or batteries oh it's so colorful and pretty it's a massive pipes tubes and incredibly complicated i don't need to know the little details just fix it what a great and clever leader yes we're very lucky hmm this is going to take some time mr zairos while you're waiting would you like a tour of the little kingdom we would very much like that oh goody this way first stop gaston's cave gaston are you in oh well this is our friend gaston the the ladybird ah a ladybird so that is the sound a ladybird makes what did he say he asked if gaston is for eating no we don't eat our friends do you oh no hardly ever [Music] next on the tour the little castle where i live mommy hello darling oh it's okay mummy they're just aliens from planet bong oh that's all right then no you can't eat her thistle king is this way you make your important decisions ah yes yes i'm always making important decisions your majesty do you want soup or sausages for lunch hmm i think sausages you are very wise thistle king oh well you know i do my best and elf ben where do you live i live in a tree tree what is tree here it is the great elf tree ah i see so a tree is a kind of apartment block i am learning much about your planet hello ben ah aliens yes dad you remember the aliens we met on the moon they're here on holiday oh yes those aliens happy holiday no he is not to be eaten either ah this is such a wonderful planet have you been to other planets on holiday oh yes but this is best you see we are quite small and on most planets everyone is big i see yes we go to other planets for lovely relaxing holiday and get stepped on by big people it is not nice uh there are some big people here too don't worry it's only our friend lucy she's a big girl lucy these are aliens they're here on holiday hey hello aliens you are big aren't you are there more like you there's my mum and dad we're having a picnic over there so there are three big people on this planet oh no there's loads millions and millions most of them bigger than me hmm perhaps it is time for end of holiday okay let's go and see if your flying saucer is mended ah just in time i've mended the flying saucer well done wise old elf all those tubes and things made it a bit like plumbing and elves are good at plumbing you i will now start the engine oh that's not right it sounds like a fairy car on a cold day daddy yes it does a bit of magic always helped start the fairy car no you must never mix magic and plumbing oh nonsense sounds good thanks to me being an excellent plumber thanks to my magic fairy dust you mean now now let's say elf skill mended the engine and fairy magic got it started [Music] lucy that's my dad i better go mom dad you'll never guess what i just saw don't tell me elves and fairies again yes and aliens too aliens oh aliens of course lucy we must leave now ben holly would you like a little ride before we go yes please dear lucy everyone knows aliens don't exist [Music] hello lucy hi ben and holly the aliens have to fly back to their planet they just wanted to say hello to your parents hello big people we have just been here on our holidays um hello we go now bye-bye bye bye bye i think we'll have picnics somewhere else in future [Music] next time you go on holiday you must come to planet boom okay we will see you soon bye bye [Music] [Laughter] nanny's magic test keep up children we don't want to be late for your magic test nanny plum why do we have to take a magic test all fairies take a magic test it's how you get your magic license this is mine ooh well ours look like that no this is a grown-up license you'll be getting a children's license who gives us the magic test the elves do but elves don't like magic no but we do make the [Music] and wands do like tests good morning everyone have you come for your magic test yes mrs elf until the test is finished i am not mrs elf i am mrs examiner yes mrs examiner lift up these pebbles please move them forwards this is hot yes now backwoods when i clap my hands stop [Music] excellent and finally one simple question magic must only be used for serious things or just for fun um ah is the answer magic must only be used for serious things correct you've all passed the magic test hooray and i'm mrs elf again you may now hug me well done everyone here are your licenses signed by me the chief examiner i knew they'd pass because i taught them that makes their success even more amazing thank you wise old elf perhaps we should have a little celebration oh yes can we have a party and what every party needs is magic jelly uh nanny i don't think that's such a magic jelly lots and lots what's a daisy used a bit too much magic there nanny palum do you even have a magic license of course i do oh dear it's expired what does that mean it means it's worthless can't i do magic then no it's against the law no grown-up fairy can do magic without a license what i'm taking away your wand you can't do that i just did it's an outrage the king will be very angry [Laughter] it's not funny you're right it's not funny nanny does not have a license she must not do magic yes yes wise old elf but maybe we can overlook it just this once as its nanny it's because it is nanny we shouldn't overlook it she's dangerous wise old elf i am your king and i must yes is your license up to date your majesty my license well i'm sure i mean i i i maybe i should take a look uh no need for that the wise old elf is right nanny plum rules are rules what so i can never do magic again of course you can uh can she she will have to go back to magic school first magic school yes mrs figgs magic school oh hello figgy my name is mrs figg you remember me don't you how could i forget in all my years of teaching i never had another pupil like you thank you i was her best pupil the wise old elf has taken away nanny plum's wand very sensible and he has sent her back to your magic school what yes i'm back you lucky old thing good luck nanny oh i'm the one that'll need the luck the first thing to know about magic is magic always leads to trouble so for our first lesson you will not have a real wand you will have this stick and what does it do nothing oh why can't i have a real wand you need to learn how to use magic sensibly but i use magic for lots of sensible things like ironing the king's underpants or dusting the fridge or polishing the carpet miss plum i am the teacher if you want to pass your magic test i suggest you start listening to me let's see how you hold your wand no no no all wrong you're making magic not stirring soup is that better it'll do for the moment no a few questions can't we do a spell instead how do you stop a squirrel nesting on your roof uh turn them into a frog how do you get a mouse out of your kitchen uh turn them into a frog how do you rescue an elf who is stuck up a tree oh i know this one turn them into a frog is that your answer to everything nani plum turn them into a frog yes oh deary me this is going to be a long day how was your lesson today nanny really good i got a couple of things wrong at the start but i got better and better all day that's great i'm all ready for my test tomorrow ask me any question you like okay how do you stop a mole from digging up your lawn turn them into a frog uh no that's not the answer in the book are you sure maybe you're reading it wrong i don't think so oh i find the answer to most things is turn them into a frog nanny don't keep saying turn them into a frog that will never be the answer oh all right i'll try and remember that morning nanny plum have you come to take your magic test yes mrs elf until the test is finished i am not mrs elf i am mrs examiner right you are mrs alf i'll take this one yes mr chief examiner but that's not fair i thought i was gonna have mrs owl quiet please the test has begun here is your wand back oh nice to see you again please lift this rock up in the air but it's really big i know can't i use a pebble the pebbles are for the children's test why can't i take the children's test because you're a grown-up or you're supposed to be oh [Music] whose rock is that it belongs to the wise old elf just be careful okay reverse please [Music] slowly ah what's happened to my castle the wise old elf told me to do it sorry your majesty now forwards again and when i clap my hands you must stop no problemo stop stop stop stop stop oh bring the rock back here now i want you to magic this rock into something else a frog no i can do frogs and egg what do you want an egg for oh just do it please all right keep your hair on [Music] i said an egg not a chicken there one egg to the pass the practical test is over but you still have to answer one question how would you help a tadpole become a grown-up uh to help a tadpole become a grown-up um danny what's your favorite spell turn them into a frog correct i knew it the test is over and it's bad news did i fail it's worse than that you passed hooray you may now do magic again did you hear that one we're back in business oh dear magic always leads to trouble one piece of sensible magic okay there's one piece of magic i've been wanting to do all day what's that turn you into a frog you can't do that oh yes i can here's my license oh dear frog time like i said magic always leads to trouble [Music] he's dug up an old stick gaston fetch [Music] gaston loves fetching sticks [Music] oh it's raining one two umbrella wow let's play indoors come on gaston ah i love a clean kitchen hello nanny club no don't let that ladybird into my kitchen he's making muddy footprints everywhere get off the floor not on the table this is a food preparation area where is he going now maybe he's gone to see daddy he likes daddy [Music] who let this smelly ladybird in the house holly yes daddy please keep gaston under control sorry daddy we live in the castle gaston lives outside never mind gaston let's all go to the great elf tree instead [Music] mrs elf that blueberry pie smells delicious yes mr elf the secret is to cook it very slowly over three days hello mom hello hello ben hello holly can't he shake himself outside that pie is not for you gaston oh well now ben gaston should live outside we live inside okay mum ah where's the pie gone gaston's eaten it we don't know it was gaston it could have been someone else he's the only one with pie on his face out gaston i never want to see you again sorry gaston you'd better go home go on gaston off you go [Music] bedtime holly ah are you all right darling i'm a bit sad gaston isn't allowed in our houses anymore oh gaston oh gaston is wet and cold cast on go and make that rocket somewhere else poor gaston [Music] gaston gaston gaston gaston gaston hello ben i can't find gaston anywhere maybe he's in his cave gaston it's empty where is gaston he must have gone off somewhere to be sad don't worry i'll find him elves are good at finding ladybirds and i'm an elf [Music] gaston gaston gaston gaston oh where are we i don't know i've never been here before oh it's a door speak friend and enter a talking door hello hello i wonder what's behind it that's for me to know and you to find out oh let's get the grown-ups a talking door yes daddy it said speak friend and enter oh that will be the old dwarf mine dwarf mine yes the dwarves used to dig down into the earth looking for diamonds and gold stuff like that [Music] i like diamonds and gold they're so pretty and sparkling glittery let's take a look at this dwarf mine what are dwarfs like they're big bigger than us yes dwarves are huge here's the door it's locked speak friend and enter what does that mean it's a riddle no entry until you solve the renewal that's silly i'll just magic it open uh my magic doesn't work on the door yes fairy magic and dwarf magic don't mix maybe we should just ask nicely how are you today mr door fine thank you can we come in please speak friend and enter maybe it means say the word friend good idea ben friend oh that was easy let's go in ben and holly you wait outside ah the dwarf mine could be dangerous then why are you going in uh well we're grown-ups can we go with you uh why not if you're with us grown-ups you'll be safe as long as the door doesn't shut behind us oh now what do we do wand give me light maybe we can say friend again to make the door open friend it's a new riddle this time all right what's the new riddle if a car with a two-liter engine travels up a 15-degree hill at 10 miles an hour how much fuel will it use if the hill is a hundred meters high ah what if we go this way lots and lots of tunnels leading for miles we'd get lost going that way if only gaston was here he could smell his way out good idea where is gaston yes where is good old gaston you said you never wanted to see him again and so did you dad oh yes and now gaston's off somewhere being sad [Music] help gaston we're stuck [Music] all nice and clean again oh no gaston out out what's that ben and holly and king and queen thistle are mr mrs elf all stuck in the old mine you say oh then there's no time to lose lead the way gaston [Music] hello nanny plum thank goodness you're here we're trapped hang on i'll just magic the door open oh it doesn't work no because the door is sealed with dwarf magic you have to answer a question what question an aeroplane is flying at 180 miles per hour how strong will the wind have to be to slow its speed by 15 that's just gobbledygook nanny magic upper spade and diggers out [Music] this will take ages i know gaston can dig us out yes gaston's brilliant at digging gaston old friend figures out uh he wants you to say please oh please gaston [Music] [Applause] thank you gaston oh gaston you're wonderful good boy gaston so can gaston come to the little castle now yes and to our house too yes i'll even make him a pie gaston thanks for rescuing us [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 3,777,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, nanny plum, ben and holly full episode, kids cartoon shows
Id: xxWHHydExo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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