Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - 1 Hour Special Compilation!

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts in outer space rockets to Mission Control in a few minutes we will land on the moon very good mr. elf you are on target to land in the Sea of Tranquility lovely once where the sea sighs we can eat our picnic Oh nanny plum for the last time we are not going for a picnic why not because this is a serious elf mission to the awards we can still have a picnic ready everyone we are about to go where no elf has gone before oh yes sorry Holly we are going where no elf or Fairy has gone before funny business here's my timetable for the mission one London moon does that to plant the flag I am now king of the moon flag done three go back home what about the picnic handy missed out the seaside yes wave this Sea of Tranquility I fancy a paddle the Sea of Tranquility doesn't have water in it it's full of sand where do the aliens go when they want to swim it runs nanny plum said there might be aliens on the moon haha well that's just a fairy story oh that's nice he's saying hello can you speak alien Danny no this is Mission Control what's going on up there we just met an alien amazing this is an historic momentous occasion this is the biggest thing to happen Danny plum we do not celebrate historic meetings with a cheese sandwich maybe the aliens can show us where the seaside is there is no sea on the moon only sand we can still build sandcastles yes no don't start digging up the moon you upset the aliens the aliens love building sandcastles time for the picnic no magic basket please nanny plum are you waving your magic wand around I haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a wand to work you just ask it for what she wants magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese and now for pudding magic jelly nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood Oh it'll be fine nanny plum I want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly what's he doing no no I forgot to say not what has flooded the Sea of Tranquility with jelly daddy alum all the maps of the mood will have to be changed the Sea of Tranquility is down the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset jelly they love it I better make some more magic no nanny plum I forbid you to make any more jelly on this mission look at the alien little faces still hungry no more magic jelly okay hmm I was looking forward to having a bit of jelly myself oh we can't eat the picnic anyway our space helmets are in the way that's the last straw no water in the sea and we can't eat food all kind of picnic is this it's not ok let's go home nanny plums right it's time to go well that's what I've been saying yes they're lovely everybody get ready for takeoff I will set the controls for ah we seem to be out of fuel what does that mean we are stuck on the moon forever Oh No what what's wrong I put enough fuel in the rocket to get to the moon but I forgot about getting back a hotel that was a bit silly yes yes it was very silly it's all because of you little elf rolls if you'd let us bring our fairy ones because if used magic to get us back but of course there's been quite enough magic for one day with that picnic basket of yours I didn't mean to make so much magic jelly magic jelly of course nanny plum listen carefully I want you to put the magic basket into the fuel tank why there's no time for questions just do it yes the fuel tank nanny plum now ask the magic basket for jelly but you say no more magic jelly remember I know I did but this is an emergency okay how much jellies you want I loved right yeah what how will that help the jelly comes out of the magic basket at amazing speed we can use the power of jelly to make the rocket fly back home and said that yes I was being silly but it's not you saying it it's me I'm the wise old elf is very wise nanny plum but suppose he is a bit clever okay let's give it a go magic basket please jelly jelly now pockets to control we are heading back for the Little Kingdom using chili power they're on their way home mr. else please land the elf rocket in the Frog Pond right hole stand back everyone we flew to the moon and back the mission was a complete success SAG's to the wonders of elf cleverness thanks to my magic jelly you mean what without my magic jelly would still be on the moon no no nanny let's not argue over the little details let's just say elf skill got us to the moon and fairy magic got us home today's adventure starts at the Elphaba house this way for the elf farm tour now children who can tell me where carrots come from carrots come from the elf um yes nanny plum does any child know where carrots come from very good hard hats on please and step this way now what animal gives us eggs a sheep no strawberry not a sheep a chicken yes Jake that's right so you see the elf farm gives us all the food we need what about milk milk comes from very big animals no not elephants milk comes from cows but we don't have any cows on the elf farm I want to see some cows no no no the big farm is far too dangerous for elves and fairies to visit really wise old elf you are making a fuss and what would a fairy know about animals fairies love animals don't we girls hmm especially fluffy little kittens hmm the big farm is full of big animals and big people with big feet I've been to the big farm and it was fine who wants to go yes today we'll be going to the big farm to learn about cows I'm not sure if the ladybird should come with us please wise old Oh ooh very well as long as he behaves himself Gaston likes you mmm charmed I'm sure here we are the big farm watch out for the cattle grade what now remember everyone big people have very big feet never know where they're going to step with luck we won't meet any big people but if we do please keep calm no panicking wise old house it's not one of the big people boss please put us down okay it's Lucy she's just a little girl fairies I'll have you know I'm not a fairy I'm an elf wings can fly elves do not fly can you do magic spells elves don't do magic elves do lots of things ones away please there is a farm is no place for magic as you can see Lucy this is a rather bossy oh no say we won't see where the milk comes from we want to see cows can you show us please yes chickens yes we know and we know what chickens give us don't we children chickens are quite stupid creatures because they are so big yes sorry Lucy ah yes and who can tell me what sheep give us no no sheep give us wool means sheep are really very stupid indeed very clever I'm sure I'm taking a pen Gaston wants to have a go you're too little to round up sheep Gaston Wow what's that sound Oh doc and who is busy now children what does the cow give us a big lick yes and what else very gentle and there you have it that's where milk comes from a cow another interesting thing about cows is they always sit down when it's going to rain Oh daddy plum that's just a silly fairy tale it's true cow sit down when it's going to rain yes yes what a superb example of a female bovine quadruped head I just felt a teeny drop of rain these are the cows udders yes only I could take it Lucinda oh dear it's raining and I haven't got my umbrella what about the white old Oh Oh he's under a cow at least he's dry under there Lucy could you get busy to stand up I'm sorry cows never get up when it's raining daddy plum you may now use magic if you wish I didn't think you liked magic just get me out if you're sure I'm sure Africa go up you get down now what was I saying the last thing you said was the sound you made when the cows sat on you Thank You strawberry oh no it's a thunder stone everyone back on the path they say you'd better go indoors but I can't I have to eat all the animals in the park last rites to know what about the sea and the chickens maybe I could try Magic Kingdom into the bar it's too wet for my work it's not bad it's today's adventure starts the middle anguish not really hello Betty we're playing with our friends Gaston the ladybird and Bobby beans yes let's play racing fastest across the meadow is the winner can we fly no flying and no magic ok Ready Steady Betty how about Gaston showing us some tricks good idea then we can sister much I know how to cheer her up oh good go on then then don't be sad Betty flying isn't everything elves can't fly and I'm an elf laughing cheer up mom maybe I can make a slide by magic can you do that no no I got a better idea hello Holly what on earth is going on I see what were you doing to that poor creature you were just trying to help her Betty sad that she can't fly I see well you needn't worry should be flying soon enough on her own how well because she's one of those insect things a caterpillar thank you Ben yes a caterpillar and they change don't they do you why of course they do so you've nothing to worry about right if you want to help you can find her some leaves to eat so if we want to help her fly we have to find Molly's exactly needs to eat lots of lots of leaves why you'll see first gather up the leaves okay let's see you could get the most leaves okay you're on do you think we fed Betty too many leaves yes he's a tiny bit fat there's no way she'll ever fly that's better she's a good weight now Oh daddy how can this help Betty fly oh you'll see and that's my dad see you tomorrow see you tomorrow good night Betty daddy told us to feed Betty but now she's psychic she'll never fly daddy must be wrong Holly daddy's never wrong he's a king and he's very uh wise that's how our Betty fly wait and see good night Holly good night mummy but how will Betty caterpillar fly well she won't exactly be a caterpillar anymore ah I don't get it you will tomorrow good night Ben good night that hi Dan hi Olli Oh where's Betty um I don't know but look at that yeah what is it don't know but it wasn't here yesterday hi hi violet hi strawberry yeah what's that we don't know it's a cocoon caterpillars make them so it's Betty caterpillar inside yes but once she comes out she won't be a caterpillar anymore what will she be and maybe a frog a frog or maybe a birds I see Betty cat player is going to turn into a bird then she'll fly ah a cocoon yes Daddy Betty caterpillars inside it and when she comes out she'll be able to fly because she'll be a bird actually caterpillars don't normally change into birds giving change into frogs not frogs either but what will she she looks the same Wow she's a butterfly I can't fly Abed I thought elves were rather good at using lady birds to fly that's right elves couldn't fly on ladybugs and today's adventure starts at gaston's cave the ladybug icon just loves fetching sticks well done Oh Gaston do you want to wake all your legs okay on your back wiggle your legs that's many plum I've got to go home now oh but we were having such fun never mind we'll meet up again tomorrow yes oh that's my mum bye Ben bye Gaston finally by Gaston see you tomorrow hi olli hi Ben where's Gaston he hasn't turned up yet oh let's go and find him I come here to play - Don's not answering I maybe we've upset him though we have such fun together yes he like when I take him over and he Wiggles his feet and when I ride on his back but do you think Gaston enjoys it hmm perhaps he doesn't maybe Gaston sad and that's why he won't come out to play oh dear what can we do many planner will know what to do she knows everything about ladybirds good I dare hmm ladybirds are never happy but Gaston is our best friend can you do something please please Oh war right I'll see what I can do this is gas tom's cave and what sort of even threats is Gaston he's a ladybird oh yes now let's think what's ladybird for hello hmm doors open we better take a look inside gasps Don's not here he's gone off somewhere to be sad yeah no wonder Gaston is sad no one could be happy in such a messy smelly cave chop chop we need to clean this cave up before the ladybird returns yes that will be a nice surprise and Gaston will be happy again first we need my cleaning thing abracadabra yes yes now just a final polish storms coming we don't like it when you're sad right we're really sorry about rolling you over and riding on your back what's he saying many hmm Gaston says he likes it when you roll him over and ride on his back Oh Gaston he's not bad in fact he's very happy well you're going to be even happier now take a look at your cave as I said lady girth on never happen what's wrong oh dear nanny what did he say he said he loved his home just as it was all messy and smelly oh sorry Gaston don't worry we'll make it just the way you like it yes we're very good at making things messy now just a final layer of dance and we're done well done everybody that smells just as bad as it did before and if you ever want us to make your case untidy again Gaston don't be afraid to ask yes that's what friends are for today's adventure starts lovely morning for a bit of wond practice but nanny plum I was going to play with Ben princess Holly there's a time for playing with elves and a time for wond practice I promise to practice later very well but come in when I thanks many bye where's Ben Ben oh well I suppose I could do some one practice while I wait now on what shall we do today yes let's make a pretty hat applicable at I pretty huh oh it's not very pretty and it's too big bye-bye silly hats do you want to see okay stand very still I'll make you a new hat a because that magic aha I've been into a hat gosh what a big heart it's been I accidentally turned him into a hat princess Holly that's exactly why you need to practice your magic more I was practicing but it all went a bit wrong I expect you waved your wand all over the place I tried waving it right this wand is no good now now a good fairy never blames her wand yes nanny plum I have a good mind to leave Ben as a hat just to teach you a lesson please nanny I don't think he likes being a hat oh very well what and learn ding dong Zen hats to sin what happened things went a bit wrong but nanny plum came to the rescue Thank You nanny plum you're welcome Ben now Holly next time shake the wand gently yes mommy sorry Ben were you scared I'm an elf elves are never scared good in that case can I try again um maybe later see you Peedee dum dum Deedle princess Holly what have you forgotten your wand where is it oh I don't seem to have it you haven't lost it have you I know I left in the meadow I'm sure I left my wand here it's gone I've lost my wand I can't do magic anymore maybe that's a good thing Holly I will find your wand how elves are very good at finding things and I'm an elf thanks Ben but if I find your wand you must promise not to turn me into a hat again I promise but Ben how are you going to find my wand I've got a simple plan oh goody first try to remember where you left your wallet in your bed teeth perhaps or in there oh that's where I left it ah what's the next bit of your pad um that was the plan I knew I'd never find it oh look it's Gaston the ladybird maybe he can help hi Gaston oh well well can you help us find Holly's wand it was here and now it's not well Justin's good at smelling things you'll find your wand in no time oh why has passed on stopped he's looking up into the sky say that's where your wand has gone how um can your wand fly my wand is magic but I don't think it can fly well it's up there somewhere if only it could talk to us and tell us where it is that's easy it can't talk but it can make a sort of tinting sound great could you call to it okay wand I want that's my word it's coming from up there it's a jackdaw and it's got my wand jackdaws like shiny things it's very high up and I'm not allowed to fly high no problem Oh climb up don't worry nice buddy can we have our wand back please Wow been tricky magic door to open its mouth I would never have thought of that oh yes elves are very good at that sort of thing we should go for the jack door works out what to do next okay nanni then found my wands that's very nice but you really shouldn't have lost it in the first place yes nanny plum now Ben I understand we have you to thank for finding Holly's wand it was nothing really I think a reward is in order here you want a new magic hat yes it can be my thank-you to Ben monk please don't bother stay very still burn and Holly wave the wand gently yes nanny plum Wow it worked it's all down to one control and it's a nice cowboy hat then thanks for finding my wand sorry I didn't believe your plan would work and I'm sorry I didn't trust your magic hat spell I know the magic hat has turned Ben blue how do I look um I think your old hat suits you better me too I Brooke is orbiting oh it's good to have my old hat back again and it's nice to have you back ones I will never leave you again today's adventure starts at the great elf tree the toy robot I'll be right down hi Gaston let's play in the meadow we're throwing sticks for Gaston Gaston likes fetching sticks strawberry what's that it looks like Hudson Oh Gaston where did you find this it's a toy robot broken we could mend it with magic no thanks strawberry we'll fix it the elf way elves are very good at fixing things will it make me a cup of tea no it's just a toy robot it'll do this boring that's what time I bought spoon let's switch it on it doesn't do anything maybe it needs batteries no it's clock watt but there's no K our magic occurs holy I don't think we should use a magic key magic can be dangerous I'm sure it will be okay whatever happens this will be fun just cast on okay let's see what happens faster what is your name you are my master we thought right once when I only answer to my master band elf robot say sorry that was a bit scary hmm it's not like a normal toy robot I think my key light is my little bit magic but it seems to do what I say so we should be okay hello boys and girls what do you have there we found a toy robot well done ah yes this is the old mark z33 built by the elf factory hmm it was a rather basic model I beg your pardon Ben elf you talk as if it can understand well it does seem - it's just a toy robot only capable of going put me down you silly robot I don't remember the able to put money plumb down yes oh thank you Ben what is this thing it's just a toy robot but it does anything Ben says really yes watch this well but clean up the courtyard it's very good I'd like one of those to do all my cleaning you can if you want take that's very kind of you Ben maybe I'll borrow it just for this evening okay I'm going home but I want you to stay here and tidy the castle yes must tidy up tidy up the castle it looks like it's doing a very good room must tidy up must tidy up I think I prefer the traditional fairy way I expect the robot has come to serve us our dinner I think we should tell this robot to stop we can't the robot only listens to Ben so what can we do then tell the robot to tidy the whole castle so maybe we should go to bed and let the robot finish good idea honey the robot should have finished tidying by morning bust tidy up last night II up what is it morning already goodness me what's happening right boss is tidying up everything yes including us it's a monster how do we stop it only pen can stop it hello mrs. elf speaking sorry it is a bit late but this is an emergency we need Ben now right oh then there's an emergency at the little castle we have to go right away right Oh who's the best at rescuing stop basta it's wound down but what could have caused the toy robot to act so strangely what have you got there Gaston it's the key well done Gaston then are you sure that's a good idea it'll be fine ah that's the toy robot I remember today's adventure starts little castle farm nanny plum where's breakfast say sorry your majesty but the elves haven't delivered the food yet a boiled egg is all I want nanny can't you just magic one I could magic an egg of course but real farm eggs taste much better I don't care I'm hungry and I would like an egg very well your majesty that's disgusting what is it it's a Dragon's egg well get rid of it I could magic a real chicken to lay an egg for you no don't I think I'll wait for the elf farm delivery it might take some time your majesty I am NOT leaving this table until I've had my egg as you wish your majesty food delivery what kept you myself King thistle is waiting for his breakfast sorry nanny plum we dropped a carrot on the way and had to go back to pick it up okay let's get this food into the castle egg that's the one thing we need the king wants an egg we'll go straight back to the elf farm and get one how late do you want to come with us yes please Manny can I go to the elf farm okay honey you can make sure we get a good egg what's that buzzing noise I hope it's not the engine we're going to the Alpha come along hello eyes out else hello princess Holly welcome to the elf farms you must wear this hard hat in case something falls on your head this way to the carriage this is the corrupt field this way this is the lettuce patch we are going to make it rain with magic you don't need magic if you have a big watering can that's amazing if you think that's amazing wait until you see the tomato plants these are the tomato plant I'm afraid we have to march out bugs oh yeah tomato bugs like to eat the tomato plants go away Joe yes if only we could find a way to get rid of them you should be our chief pest controller now we can harvest a tomato carry on right Oh tomato dangerous it is that's why we wear these hard hats but there's another job that's really dangerous ooh what's that can I see it can be quite scary I'm not afraid it is possibly the most dangerous job in the world for an elf collecting a what's so dangerous about collecting eggs chickens Wow they're big aren't they yes that's why we have this high fence and why it's very important to lock this game we princess Holly it's collecting eggs that's dangerous how do you collect to make an elf must run very quickly to the egg pick it up and run away with it as quick as they can what happens is they're not quick enough they get sat on now you see how important it is that the gate is locked at all times a chicken's escaped touch that chicken follow that chicken ah we've stopped Oh No the clock workers won't down quit Kali let's wind it up will somebody give me an egg honey bum I told you not to magic a chicken that's not my chicken nanny can you speak chicken yes your majesty so what did it say mrs. chicken said careful nanny plum that is a dangerous animal don't be silly it's just a chicken the chickens laid an egg hooray yes a much better service than the elf truck what nanny plum could you ask mrs. chicken to deliver an egg for breakfast tomorrow today's adventure starts at the little castle Holly violet and strawberry are you ready for today's very lesson yes Oh oh hello nanny plum it's Holly in I'm afraid princess Holly is too busy to play with elves or insects hi Ben hi Gaston hi olli nanny plums giving us a lesson do you want to join in yes please actually it's a fairy lesson please nanny let them stay but Ben's missed the beginning I don't want to repeat everything I've said but all you've said is hmm today's lesson is about please let them stay please okay as long as Ben just sits quietly and watches I suppose even an elf might learn something thanks nanny so you're joining us - are you where was I today's lesson is about Thank You strawberry today's lesson is about some important fairy rules rule one fairies must look nice hair lovely clothes stylish skin beautifully clean elves and lazy birds of course need not worry about such things rule 2 fairies should never ever be without their wands who knows why without once fairies can't do magic tricks yes ban we need ones to do magic a fairy without her wand is like a like a ladybird without her spots mani Gaston's a boy ladybird whatever the important thing is fairies must look after their ones yes mani Rule three if it's windy like today berry should be careful about flying as long as I fly low I'll be fine but on a day like today no one should fly above the castle walls it's very windy up here yeah yes so what have we learned fairies should always look nice fairies must never ever be without their one fairies mustn't fly in strong winds was that meant to happen I don't think so and fairy without her wand is like a ladybird without his spots Pournami what can we do I've got a simple plan we find nanny we rescue her then we give nanny her wand but we don't know how to find her don't know how to rescue her and we're not allowed to touch nanny plans want then it's a good thing I'm here I can do all those things because I'm an elf stage one completed hello how did you find me so quickly Gaston followed your smell my smile for your information I do not smell nanny we've got your wand holy then you're not allowed to touch my wand it could be very dangerous but we just wanted to help you and you said a fairy should never be without her wand so we're here to rescue you and give you back your wand well that's very nice of you all but stage two they're rescuing bit keep still nanny plum I'm going to slow this lesson round your waist but fans dangerous I think I'll just wait for the wind to draw and then I'll fly down are you sure you don't want to be rescued Lenny quite sure this isn't quite what I have planned but now we're all together again let's resume the lesson mani plum are you sure that leaf can take your weight my weight young man I'll have you know I'm as light as a feather now where was I the last thing you said was if I find it difficult to fly when the wind is so that's the sound you made when the wind blew you away oh yes Thank You strawberry even I find it difficult are you okay yes he's done time rings are soaking wet he can't fly so he's stuck on that little Islands nanny plum are you ready to be rescued no I wait for my wings to dry and then I'll fly over to you I think that Birds looking to worms I hope mrs. bird doesn't mistake me for a worm I'll be all right as long as the eggs don't hatch idea yes baby bad luck hungry Oh Baba my wings are still wet I think it's quicksand nanny plum is sinking into the ground Oh nanny plum you smell horrible well at least no one else was here to see all that my goodness is that you nanny plum oh yes Queen thistle I'm just teaching the children a few fairy rolls excellent and what fairy rules are you teaching whoa fairies must always look nice lovely clothes stylish skin beautifully clean yes I've been showing the children what not to do yes yes strawberry pink this who doesn't want to know all the little details quite right you seem to have everything under control nanny plum please carry on thank you your royalness noticed that nanny plum seemed a bit smelly I thought it was the Lady Bird now where was I you had just shouted that's the sound you made as you landed in the mud Thank You strawberry actually that brings today's lesson to a close that was a brilliant lesson especially the adventure bit I'm pleased you enjoyed it Ben and thank you for rescuing me ah it's nice to have you back happy lovely clothes have style skin beauty nanny plum you look lovely and pretty again Thank You strawberry now children what do you think I've learned today um what does shout when you fall out of trees and stuff I've learned it's good to have friends around when you need them whether they are fairies or elves oh yes sorry Gaston or lazy bird today's adventure starts I love picnics nanny plum prepare the Royal picnic basket yes your majesty and will we be having magic jelly for pudding ah maybe we should give the magic jelly a Miss this year but we always have magic jelly at the role picnic well if you promise not to flood the entire kingdom with jelly like last year trust me your majesty nothing will go wrong this time mummy can Ben come on the picnic but Holly Ben is an elf and this is a Royal fairy picnic please can Ben come he's my best friend well I suppose as he's your best friend hello mrs. elf speaking right Oh Ben its princess Holly hi Holly hi Ben would you like to come on the Royal fairy picnic today yes please good come to the class as quick as you can mum I've been invited on the Royal fairy picnic how lovely you'll need plenty of food so you have enough to share what would you like um pies cheese and some fruit place I'll put in a whole strawberry then you'll have enough for everyone thanks mum bye see you later oh this should be fun we've never had an elf on our wall picnic before thanks for inviting me that looks heavy I hope you carry it oh thanks burn it's really it's a magic basket don't worry then it's Gaston the ladybird hi Gaston well daddy I'm Gaston join our picnic hmm I'm not sure What did he say Manny plum can speak ladybird language Gaston says he would like the pleasure of joining princess Holly and Ben ALP on the Royal fairy picnic your majesty very well it's just a pity he's a bit smelly Oh nanny plum can you translate that yes I can but I'd rather not ah here we are the Royal picnic spot what's this it's food for the picnic you mean you actually bring food with you to a picnic yes it's probably some strange elf custom your majesty oh how charming I've got plenty of food for everyone thanks Ben but fairies don't eat elf food we have our own special fairy foods here it is Oh the basket is empty it's a magic picnic basket it can give us anything we want let's start with the drinks I feel like some sparkling fairy use magic basket oh so old let's have fairy juice sparkling and cold yes young elf it is impressive then perhaps you would like to choose the drinks for the children it can be anything you like anything can I really ask for anything yes anything at all hmm okay lemonade's please there's not a bit boring and ordinary elves like lemonade and I'm an elf but Ben you can have anything you like in the whole wide world in that case lemonade with a dollop of ice cream are you sure you wouldn't like something more exotic okay lemonade with two dollops of ice cream hit it good choice Ben magic baskets me lemonade iced cream French Olli don't forget Gaston hmm what do lady birds like to drink they like smelly things that's right by a lady birds growl may the next drink be fowl lady bird love rotten cabbage juice now for the main course magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese and now for pudding hi magic Jenny nanny plum please don't make too much this time we don't want a repeat of last year's jelly flood what's happened holy Daisy and poppy always helped me make the pudding but last year we made too much flooded the whole kingdom with jelly I remember that jelly flood was are you yes that was us it was rather spectacular but it's not going to happen again is it nanny plum don't worry your majesty we've been practicing safe new words that keep the quantity down come along girls dry up - yes Ben children repeat after me magic basket please jelly jelly but not a lot oh they're a bit small they are quite little aren't they yes we'll need more okay let's try this basket baskets more more MORE phew for a moment there I thought we were going to have another magic spell but that's only for royal emergency I declare this a royal emergency where's our food sorry I had to stop all the magic and that included our magic picnic that's strange my food is still here that's because it wasn't made by magic and luckily I've enough for everyone Thank You burn but nanny you said fairies don't eat our food uh yes thank you for reminding me princess Holly we can have a nice time without a picnic let's sit and enjoy the view I'm a bit hungry me too I don't believe I've ever eaten elf food before would you like to try some King thistle it really is nanny plum you must try some very well your majesty seeing as if the Royal Command and here's another Royal Command when you have a fairy picnic always take an elf today's adventure starts at the little castle I say I'm getting a little hungry me too I think I fancy fishing ships don't have any fish your majesty what no fish but I can magic up some fish fingers no no I want fresh fish fresh from the lake with chips I not Ben's dad has a fishing boat then we shall go and see Ben's dad it's time we put the boat away for the winter Ben I'm pleased Bunty has made it through the summer with no accidents what kind of accidents the kind where the boat gets eaten eaten yes have I never told you the story of big bad Barry the fish no it was a dark and stormy night I was sailing in my favorite boat when suddenly a fish a fish mr. elf what's that I want a fish for dinner with chips Oh Oh we'd like you to take us out on the lake to catch one I was just putting Bunty away for the winter bampi my boat well one more trip won't do any harm will it I'd rather not um she might get wet mr. elf your King commands you okay climb aboard you'll have to leave your ones here magic isn't allowed on elf boats let's get going I'll do the steering hang on a minute you might be king on land or Majesty but on this boat I'm the captain so I'm in charge all right captain as long as I get a fish fully and been wined the engine king take the wheel okey-dokey captain to starboard what huh turn right why didn't you say so at sea we don't say left and right we say port and starboard isn't that a bit silly we'll fish from the stern where's that her the back of the boat come with me fishing is a tricky business you must have the right type of bait what kind of only using today stale bread stale bread who likes stale bread should we put some butter on it that and jam yes we're not gonna catch anything with stale bread old boy stick a bit of jam on it stop I'm the captain so while what about Bunty we do what I say now be quiet fish don't like noise very bossy isn't he this is so exciting Shh everybody now we wait are you sure this is right of course I'm sure come on let me have a go fine you'll see it takes time to catch a fish I've caught a fish Polly grab the net get ready to catch it wow it's big it's a whopper all right and I caught it it's only a little tiddler it must be the biggest fish in the lake it's too small that was the biggest fish I've ever seen I've seen bigger much much bigger really really it was many years ago when I first met big bad daddy only the biggest hugest most gigantic hissed fish the world has ever seen No it was a dark and stormy night I was out sailing in my favorite boat Hilda when I first saw the body I knew straight away I had to catch him I had to be the fisherman who took him home for the biggest fish dinner in history I tried several different baits before I found what Mary liked jeans cheese I put a bit of cheese on the line and Mary was hooked straight away the only thing was he was stronger than my old boat Gilda was bad bad he dragged my poor boat hilda all over the link and when he'd finished that he ate her I killed her it sounds horrid it was so you built Bunty to replace Hilda No first there was Doris then Peggy there was Abigail Fifi and Trixie belt not forgetting Sabrina Vicki had missed boo-boo berry ate them all I tried to catch berry so many times but he was always too strong so that's where all the cheese went in the end I gave up big bad berry is still out there somewhere incredible I have come to a Royal decision we must catch big bad berry and have him with chips though we mustn't I don't want to lose another boat not bunty anyway there's no cheese on the boat I won't allow it bad he can smell cheese a mile away even a mild cheddar could I thought some cheese in my picnic hamper we can use that before it's too late what did you do that for I told you it's dangerous to have cheese on board luckily I also brought a nice Stilton cheese we can tempt Barry with no I refuse to help then we'll do it without you I'm taking charge mutiny on the bounty we'll catch this berry and have him with chips then take the wheel aye aye captain Polly hold the net here Barry Barry Barry come on Barry where are you it's not working hey Barry come on boy if we're going to catch big back body let's do it properly yes you must do what I say as soon as I say it big bad bat is too big cut that rod will use this you wanted to meet big bad Barry here's your chance excellent now we wait but not for long we'll be eating him for weeks he's got the cheese yes we are bad Barry's pulling us backwards we've got him we got him holy is right we should never have tried to catch by Barry he's too we have to let him go never aha he's given up I don't think so then he can have it I give it sorry we try to catch you Barry no hard feelings hey et bungee women children us teams first hello everyone the chips are ready where's the fish what's going on big fat Barry is eating bunting hmm oh dear do you think Barry would like some chips with that I think he's full I'll ask or Bunty I knew her well right well should we have for dinner van I think I'd like fish fingers
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 6,553,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: 8ZxLn0B1LwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 20sec (6080 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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