Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Snow Day | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts at the great f3 on Christmas Eve aloo ah big people hello wise old elf it's me father Christmas why are you dressed like that I'm in disguise top secret more what Oh I've popped down to check how you elves and fairies are doing with the Christmas preparations everything is in hand mr. Christmas we've made all the toys for you to give to the children of the world don't houses footballs and teddy bears lovely and mr. elf has been flying day and night delivering the toys to you at the North Pole [Music] good good and how about the Christmas crackers the fairies are in charge of the crackers [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone we have a visitor of course you don't know who I am I'm in disguise oh yes mr. Christmas would you write the test of cracker wow that's loud yes nanny plum is in charge of the bangs bang nanny that's why we do the cracker making underground let's try the paper hat how do I look some good cracker jokes this year what do you get if you cross a kangaroo and a sheep a woolly jumper cracker jokes are meant to be awful that's why we get King thistle to write them and the cracker toys this year we've made telephones to put in the crackers a tiny telephone does it really work no it's just a lump of plastic and down there all the bits and bobs are put into the crackers by magic mr. elf has delivered loads of Christmas crackers to the shops already the feed people picked them up and put them on the shelves and they have no idea the crackers were made by elves and fairies jolly good work and how are the Christmas trees the pine elves have been growing them all year hello we've come to see the Christmas trees hmm hello father Christmas like the outfit what fashion is it exactly oh it's meant to be a disguise Simon lovely Christmas trees yes pine elves are good at growing Christmas trees oh this pine tree has little windows in it yes we live in a great oak tree the pine elves live in a great pine tree all elves live in trees goodness knows why once a year the big people come and cut the trees down and they have no idea the Christmas trees were grown by us little people no what did they cut down the great pine tree there's no danger of that the great pine tree is too big everything seems in hand Thank You elves and fairies our pleasure I need to get back to the North Pole and change clothes I can't deliver presents dressed like this bye where did I leave my sling the big people should be here any moment to cut the trees down here they come they mustn't see us everyone into the great pine tree you all stay down here I'm going upstairs to take a look close the shutters good now we're completely hidden right then let's cut these Christmas trees down no problem we pine elves are used to the noise that was loud I think they finished excellent they've taken all the trees people have taken it don't worry the wise old elf will swap this out where is the wise old elf it's for you oh hello your majesty it's a disaster the great pine tree has been cut down with all the pine elves inside well if they will insist on living in a Christmas tree what do they expect Your Majesty that is not helpful honestly why can't they live like normal people in a castle [Music] nanny plum tea break whoa thank you Queens thistle frança testing is thirsty work that's the sample big feet the big people are coming they must see the little castle oh yes I know I'll shrink it down good with any luck the big people won't notice it now where did I leave my sleigh oh what's this a toy castle I didn't know the elves were making these what's that squeaky noise oh well I'll just take this toy to the North Pole myself or else some poor child won't get their Christmas present oh dear home at last where is my castle somehow it's sort of shrunk itself down and father Christmas thought it was a toy and he's taken it to the North Pole what well if some people will live in houses that look like little toy castles what do they expect hmm the Queen will sort this out Queen thistle we have a little problem up here that we might need a hand sorting out where is the Queen on her way to the North Pole somehow she shrank down inside the cars oh I see I'll just have to sort this mess out myself it let's give father Christmas a ring good [Music] get me out of this raka still one more box of crackers let's get them loaded [Music] daddy's taking a long time [Applause] the box the crackers it's funny we never see who delivers them Oh trapped in a cracker oh oh well at least I can phone for help oh yes it's not a phone it's a lump of plastic get me out of this cracker delivery of Christmas trays wow that's a big Christmas tree stacked up in a garden center how embarrassing ready for my Christmas deliveries one last tightly wrapped Kings is all trapped in a cracker the wise old elf stuck in a Christmas tree Queen thistle today's adventure starts at the great elf tree on Christmas Eve [Music] wind the engine dad has an important job to do what kind of job he's flying to the North Pole the North Pole yes we're making our final delivery of toys to father Christmas for takeoff Roger that control [Music] delivering toys to father Christmas well thing makes all father Christmas's toys um elves that's what us elves elves work all year deep underground in the elf factory making toys then in December delivers the toys to father Christmas does he land at the North Pole and meet father Christmas no he never lands he drops the toys by parachute then father Christmas wraps the toys up and delivers them to the children of the world oh the children oh yes even Lucy I love Christmas and I love snow me too I wish it was snowing now yes it's Christmas Eve when's it going to snow maybe it's time for a weather forecast weather forecast yes we can use my ELF weather detector so chemists machines tell if it's going to snow of course how does it work I listen to the weather through this giant ear trumpet it's so sensitive I can hear a butterfly flapping its wings in Africa [Applause] don't talk loudly into the trumpet sorry wise old elf now please stay quiet ah interesting is it a butterfly no I can hear weather what sorts of weather it if there's a chance of Sun or rain with clear skies or clouds is it going I can say it certainly might but then again it might not I know let's ask nanny plan if it's going to snow Why ask nanny plum nanny can tell the future ha this I must see I certainly can can you tell if it's going to snow today yes I'll use my special snow forecasting globe oh I see you gaze into the crystal ball and it tells our fortune I suppose no you just shake it like there we are it'll snow today don't stop stop how on earth can that thing predict the weather it's never been wrong what if you shook it in the summer well you don't shake it in the summer obviously that would be silly well you can't tell exactly when it's going to snow can you yes I can it's going to snow now chichi no it's not make it slow [Music] where is nanny plum it's snowing in the sitting room is this your doing yes it is inside is for sitting in armchairs and reading outside is for snow inside outside what's F our nanny plum you're fired Tim be silly I'm taking away your wand until you learn how to control your spells better but what about the snout another word everyone out [Music] now daddy's taking nanny plums warned she won't help to magic any snores now we won't have any snow for Christmas there's always a chance it might snow anyway I can hear something is it's no no it's the elf pain dad's back home [Music] that's the last deliveries done yes lots of it enough snow to last me a lifetime now you finished your work mr. Ralph are you on holiday holiday good gracious no it's Christmas Eve there's work to be done preparing tonight's Alfred fairy feast oh yes oh yes and those lanterns don't hang themselves up to work stop mr. elf it's about time you had a rest Hey rest you've been working hard all year just sit down and relax for five minutes I can give you three you weren't too hard elves like working hard and I'm an elf oh dear you really must relax just say I'm on holiday well alright I'm on holiday ah that's nice hello wise old elf speaking father Christmas yeah mr. Christmas I can't find box five seven one box five seven one I need those toys before tonight Oh some children will not get their Christmas presents never fear mr. Christmas we will get the box to you I will deliver it personally box five seven one it could be anywhere we'll never find it is it this box dad's the one that says box five seven one what well done Ben you found it to the elf plane wheelie immediately well that was a nice holiday while it lasted are you going back to the North Pole can we come can we dad please I don't mind who comes but we must leave straightaway I'll just get my wands back from Kingfisher on there there's no time for that nanny we need to get these toys to father Christmas right away elf honor is at stake ready for takeoff captain everyone on board wow you say my snow globe is never wrong what do all these buttons do don't touch anything please daddy plum wine the engine righty-ho ready for takeoff [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're not going to play in the snow we're just dropping off the toy box and coming straight home good gracious no we're on a mission there'll be no playing in the snow and no meeting father Christmas join us in our next episode when we play in the snow and meet father Christmas [Music]
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Views: 6,650,626
Rating: 3.9728391 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: AKryqhswY18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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