Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Pirate Pride | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at the lake hi there ban and Holly are you ready for a day of adventure yes we are nanny plum a lovely fairy maiden are you coming too if I must ah fine sunny days such as this is just right spread venture it's not it's arrived no adventure today mr. pirate a rainy day such as this is just right for adventure look there's a rainbow and a rainbow is a pirate's best friend why is that what do you find at the end of a rainbow the end of rainbows that's just a fairy story Wow you're a fairy aren't you yes come on man make ready to sail then you can be cabin boy Holly can be lookout Polly parrot can be the ship's parent what about Gaston he can be the ship's well no Gaston can you say meow sounds like a Meowth to me hop aboard Gaston a nanny plum can be Oh wait a moment what is it you're a woman yes sailors say it's bad luck to have a woman on board woman on board such a thing in this day and age you're right it's probably a lot of old sailors nonsense welcome aboard what's my job then you just stand there and look pretty now let's set sail for the end of the rainbow and find that pot of gold I can't see the rainbow anymore just keep heading for where it was a stole oh yeah we're home now but the adventures just beginning how do you stay still you just need to get your seedlings that's all it's a good job none of you get seasick sorry I mean crabs Oh sailors were right it is bad luck having a woman on board bad luck for the woman I just want to get off this rocking boat and onto solid ground hi straight ahead ah a little island it's so nice to stand on something that is amazing red beds do Islands normally her fitness not as a rule no what about I hardly ever it's lovely being on dry land I think you should come back now no I won't stay here pick me up on the way home I'm not leaving this island I wouldn't exactly call that an island why not because it's a fish [Music] don't worry you're in no danger as long as he doesn't think your food like a fly [Music] now maybe it wasn't such a good idea to use a fishing rod and hose me sweet darlin not having a very good day are you having a good day just trying to hate me yep those sailors are definitely right about a woman on board bad-luck stuff [Music] fog that's bad can we go home now no we've got more adventuring to do I can see it looks like you're nothing why blow me down that'd be the ship of my friends captain squid ahoy there captain squid just funny there's no one on deck it's very quiet hello Oh anyone home no there's a man on the table it's still hot but there's the one hand male on the table but the boats empty this is certainly a mystery whoa no one will never ever know what happened to poor old captain squid a mystery that will never be solved hey the notes gone to buried treasure back in five minutes oh that solves it then so where do you think captain squid is mmm where would you bury treasure around here the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that'll be the gold captain squids burying come on let's get our three it's not getting any closer that's the thing about rainbows when you want towards them they go further away we're not gonna walk there we're gonna fly fly you know you don't have any wings yes but I'm an elf with apparent satellites [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a pot of gold and there be captain squid burying treasure red bit this is my treasure not yours how did you find me we just followed the rainbow rainbows they're a pirate's worst enemy no they're not rainbows are a pirate's best friend depends whether you're burying treasure or finding it good point so anyway don't let us stop you captain squid you get back to burying your treasure thank you kindly red beard I was just about to bury it here hang on you can't trick me that easily no one must see where I bury my treasure you've all got to close your eyes thank you okay you can look now so where did you bury it why it's right over there ha ha you're trying to trick me again oh you won't get it out of me that easy [Music] blasted rainbows don't worry captain squid we won't dig it up Willy red things no of course not yes I think it is today's Adventure is over and I'd be honored to take you all home on my yacht that sounds a nice way to travel yeah plenty of room if we all squeeze up where can I fit wait a minute are you a woman yes no bad luck having a woman onboard it's all right turns out is bad luck for the woman not for us Oh in that case welcome aboard me lovely oh no it's broken bones by the way none of you get seasick do you today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] are you ready to come camping yes me why have you brought an orange it's to scare off gnomes you know what they say to scare off a gnome bring an orange from home what's wrong with gnomes oh you don't want to bring a gnome on a camping trip they talk and talk and talk and talk yes gnomes are just like elves absolutely not gnomes are greedy boring creatures who talk and talk and talk and goodness look at the time we really should be going [Music] [Music] here's the timetable one set up camp to hang up washing three make a campfire for that we're on holiday try to relax mr. elf I'll do my best mrs. elf [Music] can we sing songs there will be no dancing or singing just camping here's the tent Holly I'd rather you didn't do any magic remember this is an elf camp elves have been camping for hundreds of years we can put tents up with our eyes closed Wow one elf tent lovely now we're on holiday yes and that means there's holiday work to be done next on the list hang out the washing we've only just arrived why do you need to hang out washing campsites good never be too clean and tidy I'll slice the orange how do I just pick gnomes away it's the smell gnomes hate the smell of oranges oh now we're safe next on the list collect sticks for the campfire [Music] okay that's enough sticks hello there a gnome mind if I join you well thank you I'll only stay for a week or two but we had an orange yes we wouldn't have found you if it weren't for the smell of this orange hate oranges normally yes but I'm on a balanced diet you see before ye ten poise and twenty steamed puddings I need to balance that boy in fruit let's make a fire how do you make a fire mr. elf rub two sticks together really fast like this you have to rub the sticks a little bit faster would you like to hear the interesting thing I know about sticks sticks grow on trees that's because fire is hot I'm hungry me too what a surprise I badly eaten anything today I've only had 10 toys skipped full of chips 30 apple tarts wow that's a sponge cake on great sausages and that orange I thought you said Who I am there are some things I don't eat like stones wood and television sets those things what you're on this door to all we never knew it was so popular what's for dinner mrs. elf she's an onion pie thank you very much like yes very good what's that [Music] it's an owl it's got very big eyes would you like me to tell you an amazing fact about Elms I'll take that as a yes the owl is in fact a bird it has big eyes for seeing things 6 o'clock time for bed I'll put the fire out it's dangerous to leave a fire going princess Holly that's right don't go to bed till the fire is out and don't go to bed with a Charlotte on your head then Holly you get in the tent and go to sleep mr. gnome you have to go home camping is not meant to be fun bedtime is at 6 o'clock not the middle of the night oh oh you know a song about the middle of the night would you like to hear it I'll take that as a yes [Music] [Music] [Music] for bed it was lovely meeting you mr. gnome but now we need to get some sleep oh yes a good night's sleep is very important do you like me to stop yes and please go would you like me to go yes goodbye sleep well see you in the morning he is silly it's the new he's come back to eat our breakfast Oh away old princess Polly do you know a magic spell to get rid of moles I'm sorry mr. elf I don't oh dear I think mr. elf what gets rid of moles bones don't like us gnomes no idea why ah Thank You mr. gnome for saving our campsite from the hole that's all right what's for breakfast the mole ate all the food oh dear it was very strange mr. gnome turned up and he loves oranges and mr. Nam sang a funny song called rinky-dinky do then a mole came along an HR washing line and all our foods and now we haven't any breakfast yes I thought that might happen that's why I brought the magic picnic basket breakfast for everyone oh I'm actually very hungry Oh have you not eaten either not today oh dear it empty it isn't empty it's a magic picnic basket I get the idea magic basket please 20 pokes takes lots of toast knowing jars of jammed porky sausages and 19 enclaves breakfast Thank You mr. gnome breakfast is one of the things knows know a lot about oh we almost forgot my balanced diet I shouldn't be eaten all this without also eating and orange [Music] [Music] today's adventure starts on the elf road folks Cubs are you looking for what your first day at fox cubs Ben yes dad I loved being a fox cub when I was your age I still got my hat in my day it was old gray wolf in charge they've got a new leader now I wonder who it is welcome to fox cubs everybody I'm the new leader don't call me nanny plum I'm fluffy owl - wait - whoa hello nanny plum what are you doing here I'm the new fox cub leader you have to call me fluffy owl wait - whoo oh hello fluffy all you have to say that awaits away bit as Wow Chow it tawa you're just in time for the badges Oh is someone getting a badge Ben you're going to have so much fun getting your badges dad what badges did you get when you're a fox cub I got an adventure badge a sailing badge and a nuts badge a nuts patch yes after days and days of tying not after not I finally got my nuts patch it was hard work but worth it and tell me what bad you'd like you first Rosie one adventure badge but but a sailing badge of course one sailing badge strawberry what would you like and knots badge please hey stop it stop it at once you don't just hand out badges why not you have to earn your badges to get my adventure badge I had to spend three days camping in the wild well I watched a whole night of TV am i watching TV badge watching TV badge that's not what the cubs are about the Fox comes out having adventures in the wild adventures do sound like fun we like adventures mr. ELLs can we have an adventure in the wild well it's not up to me it's up to fluffy ole oh very well follow me everyone okay here we are having an adventure what do we do well imagine we had to look for food why don't you show the children how to find food in the wild Oh everyone know they'll see it's not easy to find food in the wild I scream I scream yes from the ice-cream van but that's cheating look you said find some food so we did now you'll changing the rules we've got your last breath for mr. well okay moving on from finding food does anybody know how to make a shelter oh me me I brought my tent what's this it's got five bedrooms a bathroom a television we can't sleep in that why not what's wrong with being comfortable when you're on holiday this is an adventure not a holiday we'll make a shelter out of two twigs and a leaf you leaned the twigs up like this and hey presto what have you got tea twigs and a leaf where's the bird you sleep on the ground it's nature's bed lovely and cozy why bother when you can sleep in my castle turns you're missing the point do you folks Cubs want a real adventure good if you're going to learn how to survive in the wild you have to be in the wild like at the top of a mountain huh fluffy owl please magic us to the top of a mountain okay abracadabra Wow we're at the top of a real mountain fantastic now how are we going to get home Hey Oh magic ofone let's say you don't have your wand with you okay I'll call for help your firm either but that's going to make it very very difficult to get home exactly but when you get home you will have earned your adventure badge what do we do first maybe we should start by working out which mountain we're on good Ben that's exactly what we should do fluffy ow which man - did you magic us - no idea what you just said a mountain I don't know what man seen from another well that makes things a bit tricky why because we don't even know what country were in Oh perhaps you should magic us back home and we'll start again I can't you threw my wand down the mountain oh yes let's ring for help but you throw a fluffy else firing down the mountain turn oh yes so I did you wanted us to be lost no we're lost happy now I'm sure mr. elf wouldn't have sent us to the top of a mountain if he didn't know how to get us home Thank You strawberry okay I think I can work out where we are by using my compass let's see North is that way and the position of the Sun is oh my goodness we're on Everest what's that then Mount Everest the tallest mountain in the whole world is Mount Everest far from home dad a bit far from a home Ben yes and is it really very high a bit high yes Holly I suppose we could just climb down just climb down just climb down Everest the enormous treacherous mountain of rock and ice perilous cliff after Pyrenees cliff that could only be conquered for the world's greatest move it is Mount Everest is not safe for children to climb down No Mount Everest isn't a child-friendly so what we do now mr. Einstein I don't know we have my castle tent huh what good would that do we could watch TV in that wind you'll be blown away no what we need is someone who can climb down the mountain and fetch help I know Gaston is good at climbing oh good idea Ben go Gaston go get help it may be some time before Gaston returns after climbing down the mountain he will have to journey through the jungle plus the desert swim the ocean before he arrives at the Little Kingdom hello Gaston what's that all the children and fluffy owl and mr. elf all trapped at the top of a mountain you say well then this is a job for old gray wolf Oh lead the way Gaston papa is this bouncing far still further oh how we nearly there so quite away then gasps Don's been gone for ages I hope he's all right and he's brought in grave wolf Oh Barry please be heroes great okay it's old grave wolf and you have to say uh whoa okay oh whoa what's your plan old gray wolf uh whoa have you brought the elf helicopter to lift us to safety or a team of mountain rescue elves took carriers down the mountain actually I set off in a bit of a hurry and you were a bit further away that I expected so you're just here on your own without a plan of any sort yes that's about it maybe you should do a bit of a magic I'd love to baby through my wand away so that's why I found it at the bottom of the mountain oh it's good to have you back again so if you wouldn't mind magic in us back home no problemo [Music] that was a really good adventure Thank You fluffy I'll do it too well you should thank mr. Alf it was his idea Thank You mr. elf yes dad it was great oh and I think all of you fox cubs have earned your adventurer badges indeed adventure badges for everyone and for fetching help in the Fox Cubs hour of need one of you has earned the Rescue badge Gaston of course today's adventure starts at the little castle nanny plum your pie mash and chips is delicious what's for pudding I hope it's not too heavy treacle sponge pudding with blancmange and custard excellent nanny plum is the best cook in the Little Kingdom I say nanny plum is the best cook in the whole world oh thank you your majesty hello hello marigold here it's gold oh no they're so boring and snooty you were just eating a lovely meal spinach with Seafarer when we thought how nice it would be if you joined us but dinner tomorrow invited us dinner tomorrow oh no don't worry I'll handle this sorry we can't come for dinner oh what a shame I know you hardly ever get to eat good food what I'll have you know we have the best cook in the whole world you have the best cook in the whole world yes well then we must come to you for dinner instead see you tomorrow Tokyopop I've got some good news and some bad news what's the good news we're not going to king and queen marigolds for dinner tomorrow what's the bad news coming here what are we going to do king and queen marigold will want to eat something special luckily we have the best cook in the whole world thank you your majesty what about baked potato stuffed with potato with chips and mash and a fried egg on top no nanny they will want special modern food I can cook porridge that's not modern food what is modern food mummy it is very delicate food in tiny portions I can do tiny portions well done nanny that is small home of course it will get bigger when the magic wears off when is the magic going to wear off nanny um about now excuse me it's not just the size of the food nanny modern cooking is fussy no problem nanny has until tomorrow evening to come up with something yes your majesty good that's that sorted no what are you going to do I don't know I need to help nanny learn how to cook but nanny plums a very good cook she is the best cook in the world Ben but she can't cook modern food why does she need to cook modern food it's what king and queen marigold like and they're coming to dinner tonight what mommy needs is a cup the great elf library excuse me wise old Oh shush this is a library we need a book of modern cooking for nanny plum but nanny plum is an excellent cook yes she's the best cook in the whole world but she can't do modern cooking hmm let's see the elf book of pies the world of spaghetti and mash complete history of egg sandwiches is there anything modern what exactly is modern cooking princess Holly it is food that's very delicate and special and not porridge oh wait a minute this doesn't look like an elf [Music] what's that - again by elf library there are no I am a magical to get a Booker where are all your recipes wife you tell me what you want to cook I will tell you how to cook it we want to cook a special Martin meal please come down very modern Japanese you will need the following ingredients that doesn't sound very special one recipe for a very modern meal this is a library can I borrow this book without health you can't keep it princess Holly fairy books do not belong in the elf library thank you [Music] kingdom queen miracles how lovely to see you hello darling it's always a pleasure to visit your little king bow oh I hope you're hungry nanny's been in the kitchen all day we haven't eaten a thing since breakfast we didn't want to spoil a dinner made by the best cook in the whole world I wonder if baked beans and modern nonny we've got a magic hello nanny plum oh you found my cookbook where was she she was in the elf library what were you doing in there I was getting very bored the book now is a recipe for a modern meal oh good what's the ingredients a potato and onion some peas and cheese but that's what I would normally cook yes the ingredients are simple but the way we cook them is not now boil a pot of water onion and cheese and boil for one minute and then collect this a very delicate dish short notice no trouble at all we can't wait to see what's the best cook in the world course for dinner sorry that's my tummy I'm just here looking for lovely meal enjoy your meal Majesties yes such a delicate flavour so subtle nanny your majesty what's this cold cloud of vegetable soup it's just steamed Sarris hen sir give dish oh how wonderful I can barely taste it does it come with any potato toes Oh No mani I'm hungry me too no problem these leftover potatoes carrots onions peas and cheese have made a lovely soup this scheme is delicious of course but will there be anything else before yes very filling I couldn't eat have tiny something more I could eat a lot lot more rocks that lovely smell it's coming from the kitchen [Music] this is delicious mmm it's the best I'll say what's this it's just the children's supper it smells very nice it's only some soup I made from the leftovers it's not very modern you wouldn't like it could I try just a little bit there cares beer can I try some too and me and me [Music] marvellous nanny I have an announcement to make nanny plum is indeed the best cook in the whole world thank you very much now what would everyone like for pudding something modern or my treacle pudding [Music] [Applause] today's adventure starts at the little castle nanny plum and the wives out have swapped jobs for one whole day very cakes who wants fairy cakes oh yes please wise old elf hmm don't mind if I do my ears are wiggling that means there's magic about Wow I did made the cakes with magic why can't you make cakes the normal way by baking them in the oven time for baking in ovens I have lots of work to do what work more than you know you don't I do more work than you can do what you do no problem I could do what you do easily why don't you swap jobs then you'd know who does the most work good idea oh very funny your majesty I'm not joking as your king I command you to swap jobs for one day the wise old elf can be nanny and nanny can be the wise old oh but no buts it's a Royal Command all right then you'd better have my hat and you'd better have my apron now I'd better warn the elves what they're in for calling all elves just for today somebody else is going to be the wise old elf who is it me don't worry she won't do any magic she has to do everything the elf way I'm the wise old elf hm magic always leads to trouble well I have to go I'm being nanny plum for the day good bye oh I should have taken Annie's wand away don't worry Manny said she wouldn't do any magic hmm I'll know if she does my ears will wiggle so what did the wise old elf do all day he has a list of jobs he starts with the toy factory hello everyone I'm the wise old owl oh don't worry it's just for today oh I see and well wise old elf the glute machine is broken can you fix it no problemo time for a bit of magic my ears are wiggling nanny is doing magic hello nanny you're the wise old elf today remember oh yes how would he fix the Gloop machine you probably just kick it okay the packaging machine isn't working you want me to kick it yes please wise old elf the paint machine needs fixing beginning to wake oh wise old elf I'm nanny plum today your majesty do you have Nana's list of jobs list of jobs I don't think she has one nanny isn't one for lists why not start by washing my socks alright let's go down to the washing room oh these stairs are going up but a moment ago they went down yes it's magic the stairs changed all the time the rooms get bored so they move around the toilet was on the roof once yes that was fun but how do I get down to the kitchen you ask the stairs to go down stairs go down you have to say the magic word what magic word abracadabra no please oh please go down thank you right let's get these dirty clothes into the washing machine how do I turn it on it's a magic washing machine you have to talk to it okay washing machine wash the clothes say the magic word oh please no abracadabra Oh abracadabra goodness this is harder than I thought it would be right back what does the wise old elf do now next on the list Fjeld school good morning children where's the wise old Oh today I'm the wise old owl ahem magic always leads to trouble so what's today's lesson we've been building a robot you can ask him anything okay where am I you on that mode that's not right is it maybe ask louder okay hmm where am I you are the bottom up Reversi mmm how would the wise old elf mend it he probably disassembled the bias colonel early and geek logic Higgs boson quark and Len rewires even if I had the foggiest idea what you were talking about can you see me doing that no okay magic time dee dee da dum dee aah my ears are Wiggly now where am I you hear you can't get more accurate than that hello Danny I know your ears are wiggling which means you are doing magic stop it stop it now I do not like magic now Holly what is my next job magic school oh good morning children I am nanny plum for today good morning nanny plum today's magic lesson is magic always leads to trouble so don't do magic the end is it yes now I think I'll have a little nap so this is Nanette a lamb's bedroom it's all flowers bunnies and cushions lovely isn't it at least I could have a little sleep ah it's so soft it's not a bed it's a giant pudding what's next the wise old elf has a little map this is the wise old elf bedroom how could it be more boring oh that's not a bad it's a plank of wood please report to elf rescue Oh what now you have to sit here and wait for the red phone to ring if the red phone rings you launch tell rescue and save people from deadly peril for the biscuits yes oh goody how could a bed be so soft Oh what is it now Danny I want to snack okay your majesty aha jelly your snack King Cecil lovely what is it Jenny oh that's magic jelly we don't want a jelly flood oh there's not going to be a jelly flood but all it takes is someone to shouts magic jelly more more MORE who would be foolish enough to shout magic jelly ball ball [Music] somebody answer the phone I'm busy eating biscuits daddy you're in charge now all right hello elf rescue here it had better be something important I seem to obeyed a jelly flood can you rescue us please okey-dokey I'll rescue it go no just a thing hey okay helicopter a okay [Music] thank goodness you're here elf rescue jelly flood is no job for alfresco it's a jumper nanny plum magic time thank you daddy being you for the day wasn't easy and it wasn't easy being you either ah I'm nanny plum again and I'm the wise old elf good everything is back to normal can I celebrate by turning you into a frog don't even think about turning me into a frog today's adventure starts castle do you have to knit I like knitting it's my hobby why does it have to be so noisy someone's a bit grumpy I'm not grumpy I'm bored maybe you should have a hobby like stamp collecting what stamp collecting you collect stamps and put them in a book why would anyone want to do that how about Trainspotting you look at trains and write down their numbers in a book no one would want to do that well there's bird spotting don't tell me I look at birds and write them down in a book yes I love birds please try it daddy okay what do I do you'll need binoculars a bird spotters bad and of course a book welcome to the world of bird spotting look for birds then check them off in this book all right I'll give it a go Oh a bird what sort of bird is it okay um it's a Robin yes Robin and I spotted it this is rather fun oh there's another bird what does it look like um it's got a long pointy beak oh it's a woodpecker a very special bird can I have a look daddy this holy oh the word Packers land is on the great elf tree orange juice Ben yes please mum it's not an earthquake it's worse than at earthquake it's a woodpecker it's made of whole it's not in my flat phew it's not in my flat here son let me try I believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic everybody out hello we've got a bird in our tree yes I saw it first it's a woodpecker that's correct I didn't realize your Majesty was interested in birds oh yes I'm a bird spotter here's my badge and then it's very good you turned up we need all the help we can get take me to the bird thank goodness you're here your majesty the woodpecker is in our home it's building a nest and soon there be eggs and baby woodpecker chicks are extremely rare to spot fantastic when they hatch I can come back and take them off in my book it's got to go now before it lays its eggs it can't go I want to spot the chicks this tree is for elves not for woodpeckers no nesting creature shall be disturbed that's the law is it ah it is now by Royal Command oh it's in writing we'll have to obey it elves never break the law splendid that's that sorted can I stay and look at the word pecker with Ben yes Holly I've got more bird spotting to do dah dah doo dum da da da dee dum da da dee da they're all nice and tidy oh it's just birdseed nanny I'm trying to attract some rare birds don't sweep it up you sure your majesty we don't want to attract some Mouse baby birds hello I'm Ben and this is Holly oh they're so sweet soon there'll be a lot sweeter if they weren't in our home I think they're trying to fly just copy me maybe we should start with something simpler how did you learn to fly I've been flying since I was a baby I can't remember my first flying lesson hmm let's begin with flapping like this hey there now flap faster even though you can't fly yourself oh don't say you miss them oh no I just got something in my eye have the chips hatched yet I want to tick them off in my book they fly know why daddy I taught them how to fly Oh baby woodpecker chicks are a once-in-a-lifetime sight for a bird spotter but you missed them it's not fair now I'm not going to spot anything good hello King thistle we've got a strange nest in the castle a nest I'll be there straightaway where's the nest it's in the middle of my kitchen don't tell me nanny I want to be the one to spot it wow that's a big nest it can't stay my kitchen nanny plum my law says no nesting creature may be disturbed but it's a nanny this is my hobby not yours I'll name it it's got beady eyes beady eyes hmm it could be the beady eyed black bird aha that sounds rare whiskers it could be the whiskered hush and it's got a long scaly tail scaly tail this bird is so red I don't even know it I've discovered a new bird it shall be named the King thistle bird if you say so your majesty but I don't want that filthy smelly rodent in my kitchen no need plum that's no way to talk about the King thistle bird we must let it lay its eggs in peace I don't think rocks lay eggs rats oh you've got rats yes shoo shoo get out of here you filthy rats no Your Majesty the King thistle bird must be allowed to stay what's your law says no nesting animal may be disturbed did I say that yes Daddy well um maybe the law should say um let me see this law you will see it's in writing there's nothing we can do about it as Queen I declare this silly law abolished now get this rat out of my castle um nanny plum you speak rat tell it to leave please no what's rat for please leave oh yes get out of my kitchen you've heard her at Sphinx I think I can live with that hmm why does knitting have to be so noisy what the babies are here now you can take them off in your car ah yes lovely honestly darling why do you have to have such a noisy hobby
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Views: 1,521,371
Rating: 4.0468287 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: Fz4Ow3r7-X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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