Paternity Court's Most EMOTIONAL Reveals (Pt. II) | 25-Minute Compilation | Paternity Court

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Mr. Gray, you are suing your wife and the mother of your daughter <i> for a paternity test.</i> <i> You and your parents</i> claim Ms. Gray lied to you about her sexual past, and since discovering the truth about her, you now all fear the baby is not your biological daughter. Yes, Your Honor. Mrs. Gray, you argue that your husband is destroying your marriage because he no longer trusts you. You claim that your in-laws' influence is causing your husband to deny his child. You also say your husband has not stepped up financially, in the past. Yes, Your Honor. Mrs. Gray, what was your first impression of your daughter-in-law? Well, considering the fact that the first time that she come to our home, that particular day, she and Tanner went to the bedroom, and had unprotected sex. (AUDIENCE GROANS) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Uh, how old were they when... She was 14 and he was 15 years old. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) Okay. Let me get my mouth off the ground. JACQUELINE: Okay. They went to his bedroom? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: And had sex? Yes, ma'am. Okay, continue. Okay. Within about three weeks, they called me into the bedroom. She explained to me she was late on her period. I looked around for a few things to throw. And, instead, I went to the store and I got a pregnancy test. And, I come back and toss it at her. Asked her if she knew how to use it, considering she was only 14 years old. And, she said "yes." She went to the bathroom, brought it back to me and it was positive. Well, Your Honor, considering the fact that during the heat of the moment, I had said something about, you know, getting pregnant, and, Tanner, you know, he seemed like that he was agreeing with me. And during the heat of the moment he got me pregnant. So, I mean... JUDGE LAKE: So, it really wasn't a good decision? It was a mutual agreement. JUDGE LAKE:<i> A mutual agreement based upon irresponsibility,</i> and bad decision-making. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) You discovered e-mails with six other guys? She admitted to me, sleeping with six other guys. How many other men did you see on the e-mails? The e-mails, there was quite a bit she was having sexual conversations with. Two to four weeks prior... JUDGE LAKE: Sexual conversations? Yes. About having sex with each other. JUDGE LAKE: Oh! And, then when I demanded a DNA test, I demanded it. I sat him down, I'm his mother, I have that right. He was underage. Okay, her and her family, did everything in the world to convince him that it would make him a bad person if he did not trust her enough to have that DNA test. So, he did not have that DNA test. Against my wishes. she looks at you and tells you, "Yeah, I slept with six other people." TANNER: Yes, ma'am. Is this true, Ms. Gray? Yes, Your Honor. It is, but also considering the fact... She's trying to trap my son. My son was the best one out of the ones in which she slept with. Well, considering the fact... We had a beautiful, nice six bedroom home, and she seen that. And she took advantage of that. So, in your opinion, she came over on that second date, and that Christmas tree was sparkling, right? Absolutely. JUDGE LAKE: And the six bedrooms. Those big presents glistening. And she's like... this is the place I need to be. Throw pillows on the beds and she got it in her mind, I'm gonna make this long-term. JACQUELINE: Yes, ma'am. That's your account? Yes, Your Honor. <i> But now you're not just saying you want</i> the child to be your son's because you put out so much money and time? I love her. You love... I love Keeley. I love Keeley. JUDGE LAKE: What's not to love? MRS. GRAY: Exactly. Exactly. Absolutely beautiful. She's precious. But I've had to hold my reserve with Keeley. Because I have to know the truth out of all this stuff that's been going on. I wanna know the truth. So, you feel like as a grandmother you've kind of been holding back. Yes. You love her. Yes, I've had to hold back. You provide for her. Yes, I love her more than anything in the world. I love her to death. And Mr. Gray, tell the court, what do you want from this situation? I want the baby to be mine. I love Keeley with all my heart. I have supported her since the day she was born. <i> And I believe whether or not she's mine or not</i> that Kaitlyn best know that I'm still the father. Regardless of who's the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Mr. Gray, you are her father. (SOBBING) I told you. I love you guys, so much. I love you... Now that's what I wanna see. That is a wonderful example of what the blessing of a beautiful, innocent child can do for a family. Ms. Alston, you've come to court to prove to the defendant, Mr. Holmes, whom you first met at the age of 15, that you are his biological daughter. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Holmes, you say there's no way she's your child, and today, the DNA will prove your case. You say her biological father is David Alston, the man who is on her birth certificate and paid child support for her. So, Miss Alston, tell us how you first found out the defendant might be your father. MS ALSTON: Well, Mr. Alston and my mom were married. So, as a child, it all started there. I grew up at home with my mom with my seven siblings so, um, one summer, I was going outside to play, and my mom was outside talking to a guy and when I walked up, he was like, "Tell her, tell her," and she looked at me and said, "This is your uncle. "This is your dad's brother." So, um, I proceeded to meet the family, which is my younger brother, my grandmother, aunts and uncles, and they embraced me like if they knew me from day one. So, I have always assumed that Mr. Alston was my dad 'cause his name was on my birth certificate. But at 15, she told me that Mr. Holmes can be my dad. He's always been a father figure to me, from day one, even with the doubt. Mr. Holmes, you don't believe she's your biological child? No, I don't, Your Honor. Why? Explain to the court. Because Ms. Alston's mother, back in the day, she was like... Fast. JUDGE LAKE: Mmm-hmm. 'Cause I met her at the school bus stop, she was in high school, and two days later, after I'd met her, I had sex with her. I called her again a couple of days later, asked her to come back, and we had sex again, so it was kind of like a booty call. JUDGE LAKE: So, this is the man on your birth certificate. This is the man you were led to believe for 15 years was your biological father and yet you have no relationship with him. Yes. This is the man, at 15, your mother told you really is your biological father and yet he doubts that you're his biological child but his family accepts you Yes. as their family. Yes. I stand here today and I have to ask you, Ms. Alston. What are you hoping for? Are you... I'm just hoping that... Honestly, I'm hoping that Mr. Holmes is my dad. JUDGE LAKE: You are? DONNA: Yes. It has been determined by this court, Mr. Holmes... You... Are not Ms. Alston's father. I said it right. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Alston, you... Are not Ms. Alston's father. HOLMES: What? Get the... DONNA: (SOBBING) HOLMES: Why'd she do that? Lord, have mercy. You're still my grandbaby. Oh, my God. DONNA: (SOBBING) Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: Sit her down, ma'am. Sit down Ms... Ugh. HOLMES: Wow. This... Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, Ms. Alston. PETERSON: You know you still got us, don't ya? That's the mother fault. HOLMES: Ain't nothin' changed. (DONNA SNIFFLES AND SOBS) (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Miss McGhee, you've petitioned the court for a DNA test to prove to your estranged husband, Mr. McGhee that he is in fact the father of your 4-year-old daughter, Sir'renity. MISS MCGHEE: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You claim your husband vanished four years ago after the birth of your child, and has denied fathering your daughter. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: And refuses to help you financially. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You're also suing for child-rearing expenses in the sum of $3,617. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. McGhee, you say, you wanted to be a family and that's why you married Miss McGhee. Only to discover that after Sir'renity was born your wife cheated on you and that you may not be the father of the child? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Coley, thank you for joining us today. MR. COLEY: How're you doing? JUDGE LAKE: Uh, you understand we're here discussing the paternity <i> as it relates to Sir'renity?</i> <i> She said you all had sex within the window of conception,</i> <i> unprotected.</i> MR. COLEY: <i> Yes, ma'am.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> You agree to that?</i> Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Do you believe you're Sir'renity's biological father? Uh, I say, it's a slight chance that I am. JUDGE LAKE: Slight? MISS McGHEE: I say it's a 1% chance. Why 1%? How did you do that math? MISS JUSTICE: Because... (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) I'll tell you how I did that math. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Because me and him were intimate more than me and him was. JUDGE LAKE: But you understand that it is not about the quantity, as it only takes one time. One encounter. it has been determined by this court... The biological father is... Mr. McGhee. MISS McGHEE: (LAUGHING RAUCOUSLY) How you feel now? Bet you feel stupid now, don't you? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: Miss McGhee. You missed all them years. JUDGE LAKE: Miss McGhee, let's be respectful. Because now we've determined that's your child's father. MISS McGHEE: You know what? That's her father, you said it all along. I know and I was right and I want him and my mother, my own mother, now how you feel? (SOBBING) I feel that I owe you an apology, I'll give you one. Yeah, yeah. But you got to understand... You can say because I didn't have to suffer, she had to suffer. Miss McGhee, I can only imagine what it would feel like for you to hear your mother doubt you... It hurt me. Well, you can't confide in somebody and then tell them all your business, and then be mad when they form their own opinion. MISS McGHEE: It's my mother. JUDGE LAKE: No! (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) MISS McGHEE: That's my mother. She just formed her own opinion. JUDGE LAKE: I hope you two can work through this. But most importantly, there's this beautiful little girl. Mr. McGhee, you're her biological father. You doubted that. 25% turned into 99.9%. What you're going to do? (MISS MCGHEE AND MR. MCGHEE CHUCKLING) I have no alternative but to step up and to provide for my child, be in her life as much as possible. Miss Chappell, you're a married a woman who admits to having an affair, and now you say you have questions regarding your five-month-old daughter's paternity. MISS CHAPPELL: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Standing next to you is your father, Mr. Wells, and he doesn't want you to get the results today. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: He claims when you were a young girl, you learned that he was not your biological father and that news had a devastating impact on your family. Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Chappell, you say you were elated when your wife told you she was pregnant? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And, then, that joy turned to pain when she revealed that you may not be her baby's biological father. Yes, your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You admit you'll be heartbroken if today's test results prove your wife's lover is, in fact, the child's biological father. Yes, your Honor. How did all of this begin? Well, we met at a high school football game, and it was love at first sight. We...we got engaged four months later. We got married on Valentine's Day. We had a son together, probably about a year later. I started getting bored with our sex life. I kept telling him and telling him... Your Honor, hey, it takes two people. It takes two people. Four months later? If I tell you...if I tell you that we needed to change it, we needed to change it 'cause I wasn't happy, sexually, I would ask him... I'm working 40 hours a week. I would ask him... I'm trying to provide for you and my son. try something new. I'd be like, "Well, let's go get some handcuffs." Let's try something new. Let's change positions. It's not all about that. He never wanted to do that. No, it's not all about that. Yes, it is, it's communication in a marriage. I'm working every day. It takes two. When your wife tells you she's not happy like that, you should wanna listen to her... I disagree. ...because that's what made me go and do what I did, and I found somebody that gave me what I needed sexually. Do I regret it... Yes, I do. I do regret it every day, but I don't regret my daughter. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. JUDGE LAKE: And so you admit to having an affair? MISS CHAPPELL: Yes, I did. If she doesn't come out to be his, I'm really sorry, and I'm gonna have to live with that for the rest of my life. But I know she'll always have you as her daddy, and I'm hoping and praying that he comes out to be her dad, 'cause I love him. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) Mr. Chappell, is there anything you'd like to say to your wife? If she is mine, you know, we'll just go home, throw a big ol' party. But if she ain't mine, I don't know if we can let this marriage carry on. Mr. Chappell... You... Are not her biological father. What'd you do this for? (CRYING) I'm so sorry. I really am. I'm still gonna be there for her. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) That's exactly what this Court wanted to hear. Miss Taylor, you are here to prove to your ex, Mr. Thompson, that he is not your 18-year-old daughter's father. You say he's accusing you of disappearing and hiding your daughter, Miss Turner, for 14 years. But you claim, you kept her away because you are certain he is not her father. Mr. Thompson, you claim, you've always known Miss Turner was your child and searched for Miss Turner for 14 years. You believe the child was this married man's child, but you say your daughter believes that Mr. Thompson is her biological father. Does she believe that because you told her? TAYLOR: Yes. AUDIENCE: Ooh. JUDGE LAKE: So now, if you told her he is her biological father, why not tell him where she is? AUDIENCE: Yeah. When I did get in contact with Mr. Thompson, which was in October of 2012 via Facebook, that's when he started to know where we were and where she was. Did you ever tell the married man... I told both of them. That he potentially could be the father? I told both of them. I told both of them. And what was his response? TAYLOR: He didn't want nothing to do with it. AUDIENCE: Ooh. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Which is why you then just said to your daughter, Mr. Thompson is your biological father. TAYLOR: Well... <i> You knew that the married man</i> <i> didn't want anything to do with it.</i> TAYLOR: <i> Correct.</i> I made a memory book for Mr. Thompson. (SOBS) JUDGE LAKE:<i> So you made a book...</i> TURNER: Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: <i> For Mr. Thompson.</i> <i> Oh, and beautiful pictures of you growing up.</i> <i> Wow. Look at all these pictures. You see them?</i> <i> So these are your graduation,</i> <i> When you look at these pictures,</i> Mr. Thompson, what are you thinking? That's my baby. (CHUCKLES) You believe it when you see this? Yup. This is gonna be my baby. Jerome, will you please hand this book to Mr. Thompson. She wanted you to be able to see the moments that you have missed. (SOBS) when it comes to 18-year-old, Milinda Turner, it has been determined by this court Mr. Thompson, you are not her father. AUDIENCE: Aw. (THOMPSON AND TURNER SOBBING) JUDGE LAKE: I'm so sorry. (SOBBING CONTINUES) Miss Taylor, do you know where that man that you say would be the other possibility, do you know where he is? Yes. You do. Do you know how to get in touch with him? I need to call my mother before I leave here today. Because I spoke with her last night and as weird as this is I haven't seen him in years either. But my mother did last weekend when she was in Louisiana. And he gave her his phone number. So I'm gonna have to call her. Oh! Did you hear your mom? TURNER: Yeah. They always say, what you don't know won't hurt you then... JUDGE LAKE: But listen. Listen. I've heard that saying. But you have no idea what's out there for you. It could be beautiful and you're a strong girl. Ms. Englund... (AUDIENCE RESPOND) JUDGE LAKE: You say that you and Mr. Kiser have been together for six years, have a 3-year-old son together but claim he's now denying your six-month-old son, Isaac and you're here to prove that he is the father. ENGLUND: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Kiser, you acknowledge one child with Ms. Englund but say Isaac is not yours. You say that during your separation from Ms. Englund, she slept with another man and you are 100% sure he is the father. Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Englund... Why is Mr. Kiser accepting one child but not the other? We've been through everything. I've supported him, I've took care of him, I've turned him into the man he is. You know, I took him from ashy to classy and he's not supportive at all of it and he wants to say that it's not his. I've always been classy. ENGLUND: Now that can be debated. Mr. Kiser, if baby Isaac is not your biological child, can you still work on the relationship? JUDGE LAKE: Or is it over? No, Your Honor. It's over, Your Honor. It's over. I can't do it. I can't do it, Your Honor. It's over. (STAMMERING) Because I've already helped her raise her other child and I've raised... KISER: And then, it's going to be a problem, Your Honor, because this might be the baby of the man who she actually cheated on me with. So, how am I going to raise his child? ENGLUND: I never cheated. I did not get... But you had his phone number before you moved out. But I did not have any kind... That's 'cause you cheated. ...of physical relation... You wanna talk about cheating, talk about what you did. (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) Listen, listen... KISER: I never slept with neither women... Now, I have to ask the question. If baby Isaac is your biological child, Mr. Kiser, can you all move past all of this arguing over cheating? I mean... You all have been arguing for 25 minutes straight. I don't wanna... I don't wanna cheat no more, Your Honor. I love this woman. You know what I'm saying? ENGLUND: It gets worse at the house. Answer my question. Can you repeat the question, Your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: I know you didn't hear it. (ALL CHUCKLING) (CHUCKLING) I don't know why we taking testimony on tongue-tied. You ain't tongue-tied today. (CROWD LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Can't get a word in. KISER: I want that to be my son, Your Honor. I do want him to be my son. Okay. KISER: But I just want to make sure he's my son. When it comes to six-month-old Isaac Englund JUDGE LAKE: It has been determined by this court Mr. Kiser, you... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) JUDGE LAKE: Are not the father. KISER: Are you sure? JUDGE LAKE: I'm sorry, Mr. Kiser. You sure? Are you sure? JUDGE LAKE: I'm so sorry. (RON MURMURING) (CRYING) Oh, I'm so sorry. (KISER CRYING) There's got to be a mistake, right? Just a mistake, right? (KISER SNIFFLES) I am so sorry but it is not a mistake. (KISER GASPING) Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: You are not baby Isaac's biological father. ENGLUND: But he can be his father. It doesn't matter if DNA or not, he can be that boy's father. ENGLUND: Just because he has a daddy that don't care, why can't he be the daddy that does? We've been through hell and back... Six years. We've been homeless together. ENGLUND: We've had to struggle to get where we are now. I don't think it has to end because that's not his blood. Our other child, he raises just fine. JUDGE LAKE: I understand. We, in this courtroom, recognize that... JUDGE LAKE: Biology creates family, of course, but there are also families created through love. JUDGE LAKE: When you all came into this courtroom, you told me your relationship was on the line and you needed this answer. But I'm not ready to let go of the relationship, Your Honor. I love this man. This is the longest relationship I've ever been in. And that's for you two to figure out if you can work it out. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Englund, I have to ask you. So do you know for certain that baby Isaac's father is this other... Man. ENGLUND: Yes, Ma'am. I do. I did not have intercourse with anybody else. I'm not a... JUDGE LAKE: Does this man want to be in his life? No. Neither does the family of the man. The only people that help with this child is him and his family. Mr. Kiser, what would you like to say, sir? I still want to be there for her, to be honest. ENGLUND: Thank you, baby. ENGLUND: I'm so sorry, baby. (KISER SOBBING) JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Fritz, you state that over the last 30 years you have searched to find your biological daughter, who you claim was taken from you as a child. However, just four months ago, this three decade search came to an end when you found Ms. Agee whom you believe to be your daughter on Facebook. You're now petitioning the court to prove that you are, indeed, her biological father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. That is correct. Ms. Agee, you say you know exactly who your biological father is and have come to court today to prove once and for all, to Mr. Fritz that he is not your father. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Fritz, your compassion towards Ms. Agee is... It's remarkable, it's refreshing. And I have to say, whether you are or you are not her biological father, I can see that you... This relationship means everything to you. FRITZ: It does, Your Honor. Do you have any other children? No, ma'am. So the stakes, they're very high. I really honestly do believe and I gave this a lot of thought since I found you, I'm thinking that God knew that I wasn't ready. God was there, God said, "Well, you're still in this motorcycle club, "you still doing this, that and the other." There's no sense in God bringing you and me together because the only thing I'm gonna do is hurt you. When I got out of the motorcycle club, and I started getting more prayer in, God brought me to the Facebook page that found you. MAN: Wow. (APPLAUSE) And it breaks my heart to see... (STAMMERING) I'm just mad, I'm hurt. I'm mad and I'm hurt. You can be mad at me all you want to, and I want you to be. I want you to get it all out of your system. Because when it's gone, then it's gonna be filled with love. Exactly, exactly. It has been determined by this court, Mr. Fritz... FRITZ: I am her daddy. You... Are her father. Yes! (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) That's what I'm talking about. (BOTH LAUGHING) (AGEE SOBBING) FRITZ: I love you so much, baby, I'm so sorry. You can't be that mean and not be my young'un. (JUDGE LAKE LAUGHING) I love you so much, baby girl. This is just so beautiful. FRITZ: That's beautiful right there to me. You just made my whole life. JUDGE LAKE: Aw! Now I'm gonna cry. Oh, this is just too good, isn't it, Jerome? JEROME: Yes. It's just too good! I don't even wanna adjourn court. I just wanna sit here, watch them hug. Thank you, Jesus!
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,161,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes, season 3, season 6, compilation, highlights
Id: 5WilgijVaOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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