Double Episode: Why Did You Wait? | Paternity Court

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Mrs. Cuyler, you've brought your mother to court in hopes of finally finding out which of the two men in these photographs is your biological father. You claim it's been a lifelong mystery, and you hope it will end today. Yes, your honor. And Ms. Mills, you argue that you're certain you know which of these two cousins is your daughter's father, but you say her doubts have torn the entire family apart. Yes. Now, Mrs. Cuyler, tell the court, how did your doubts begin? My doubts began as a child, around five years old, my mother telling me that Mr. Barros was my father. He lived right upstairs from us, but he had another family. He would not acknowledge me. I did grow up with a stepfather, up until age 10, but I just knew that the man upstairs... My mother told me Mr. Barros was my father. And you see him almost every day. CUYLER: Every day. And he never acknowledges you. Right. JUDGE LAKE: Wow. Also, when I was younger, there was an incident of his girlfriend going back to her children, where his nieces and nephews saying that, "Oh, that's not her father." She said that, and they came back and told me, "Oh, Eric's not your dad." So, I was very upset about that. So I ran and took my best friend to my mama's room. I remembered she had court documents about the DNA testing between Mr. Barros, my mother, and myself, so I showed that to my best friend. I was, like, "Look, he is my father." JUDGE LAKE: Wow. Also, I remember him taking me to the corner store when I was a little girl. He said, "I want you to take a walk with me." And he told me, "I don't know if I'm your father or not." So, that put doubt in my head. JUDGE LAKE: He said, "I don't know if I'm your father or not." Right. He doesn't know. JUDGE LAKE: And what other involvement did you have with him? He paid child support. He paid child support? CUYLER: He paid child support, yeah. For your entire life? My entire life. (COURTROOM MURMURING) Ms. Mills. Yes. So, you told your daughter, "The man upstairs, "that's your biological father"? Yeah, I told her, because we moved into an area where her dad's family was living at so I knew when we moved on there, around her grandmother and her aunts and them, that she was gonna run into her dad, because I was always accepted by his mother and his siblings. JUDGE LAKE: So, when you say "her dad," you mean Mr. Barros. MILLS: Yes. You were accepted by his family. MILLS: Yes. But he never acknowledged her. I was accepted by his family as well, but just not him. Wow. Why is that? He was paying the support. MILLS: When I had Lori, me and Mr. Barros were together, and he had an affair on me when she was like a few months old. So, I got angry at him, threw him out of my house, "I want nothing to do with you," and I took him to court for child support. When we went to court, he had a choice, take the test or not take the test. The judge told him that. The judge looked at my daughter, looked at me, looked at him, and the judge says, "From what I'm seeing right here with this baby, "this child look exactly like you. "So, either you gonna pay for the test or not. "Either way, if you don't, "we gonna grant her child support," which the judge did grant me child support because he never took the test. CUYLER: Your honor, I actually went down to the courthouse earlier this year. I wanted to see if there's proof if there's a test done. And they told me I couldn't see the file, 'cause it was sealed. The only person who could see it was Mr. Barros or my mother. When I told my mother that, she went back and told my sister, "Why is she doing this? Why is she bringing this up? "He's dead. She needs to let it go." Like, how can I let something like this go? I don't even know who my father is. Well, why did you wait till he died to want to do this? Why did you wait until I'm 30 years old and never get it done? (APPLAUSE) Excuse me. Y'all ain't gotta clap. Y'all ain't gotta clap. You lied! Mom, you lied! Lori, Lori, Lori. You know what... You're a liar! You didn't have a relationship with him. You had relations with him. You're a liar, Mom, come on! He didn't live with us. I didn't say he lived with you! You said you had a relationship, you kicked him out. My sister said he never even lived with us. How would Janie know? You were born in '86, she was born in '84. She was two years old. She remembers everything. Okay. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Mills, when you tell your daughter, "The man upstairs is your father," and she knew he was paying child support for at least a part of her life, was there any other man that could potentially be her father, or you know for certain he was her father? MILLS: I knew for certain he was her father. CUYLER: It's hard for me to believe her story, when there were doubts and questions about who all of our fathers were, so... How was that? How do you know? Hello! I talked to his family. Who family? Mr. Barros' family. How would they know who... Because you hang with them. They were your best friends. They were not my best friends. They lived with you. I just need to get a basic understanding. If he was paying child support, why was their no involvement in her life at all and he was right upstairs? That's his daughter. Ain't nothing to do with me. Well, wait. Actually, it does. If you made the child with him, it has something to do with you. And that's why I'm asking you why would a man live upstairs from a beautiful little girl, pay child support, but never acknowledge her? And if he was here, I would ask him. But I can't, so I need to ask you. You say the family acknowledged you. The family even acknowledged her. Why not him? Because I took him to court for child support. He was angry about that. He didn't want them attach his check. He didn't want to pay child support for her. JUDGE LAKE: You feel like he was angry at you for taking him to court for the child support. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Now I'm starting to understand part of the story. Mrs. Cuyler, you also were close with his daughter. He had a daughter living right upstairs. Now, did you two acknowledge each other as sisters? Not at that point, no. She didn't want to accept that he might have had another child. When I was a teenager, we actually saw each other again. And since then, we've really claimed each other as sisters. You have? So, Jerome, I'd like to meet this young woman. Please escort Miss Gonzales into the courtroom. JEROME: Come in. Want to have you come up here and sit right next to the judge at the witness stand. Watch your step. Mm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: Hello, ma'am. Hello. Please state your name for the court. Chassidy Gonzales. Miss Gonzales, you are Mr. Barros' biological daughter. Yes. When you see this young woman, do you regard her as your sister or an acquaintance? No, she's my sister. My father paid child support for her for 19 years. She's my sister. And you remember her? Mm-hmm. And growing up, what did he tell you about Mrs. Cuyler? I mean, I started hearing rumors when I was about six that I had a potential sister, 'cause we lived in the same complex. You know, I was kind of jealous in the beginning, because I was his only daughter. So I approached them about it, and he said it wasn't true. He always said it wasn't. He wasn't the father. JUDGE LAKE: Always told you? Always. Up until the time of his death, he said, "This was not my child"? Yep. And yet, you knew he was paying child support... Yep. For her? Mm-hmm. I actually brought that up to him again when we ran into each other again, our teenage years, and I said, "Wait a second. "But you're paying child support for a child "that's not yours. I mean, that's kind of confusing." And he's like, "Well, you know, "I don't want you to open up a can of worms, "because it's gonna come out that I'm not the father "and her mother's gonna have to pay all that money back." CUYLER: Your honor, that's another reason why I think my mother wanted me to keep this hush-hush. I think she was happy that he passed away with me not knowing that he was my father or not, that if he was not the father, maybe she had to pay that money back. So, maybe she might be relieved that he's gone. I can't really speak about their relationship, because I wasn't there. But I knew that in the neighborhood, Ms. Mills was very promiscuous, and she had been around with a lot of people. So I didn't know. I didn't know. So, maybe your father wasn't being honest with you? I did. I did feel like my father wasn't being honest. So, that's why it's 50-50 that we feel like maybe we might be sisters or we might not be because I feel like the people that's responsible in this whole situation is the adults because... I don't think that they should have let it go this long. JUDGE LAKE: Do you have any evidence to share with the court? Well, the reason I do think, you know, she might be my sister is because my whole family, we all have psoriasis. My father had psoriasis. You know, we get it, all spots, all different kind of spots. JUDGE LAKE: And Mrs. Cuyler, do you also have psoriasis? You do? I went to the doctor. It was just a skin virus. So, when you hear about Mrs. Cuyler also contending with some type of skin thing, you like, "That rings a bell to me!" It did. What else do you have in terms of evidence for the court? I don't know. I think that Mrs. Cuyler and my father... I think they have the same eyes. I think that we have the same eye shape. What else do you have, ma'am? I also have his obituary, and her name is not listed on the obituary. JUDGE LAKE: They did not list Mrs. Cuyler as a child that he left behind. CUYLER: That hurt. That hurt a lot. Even at the funeral, I felt some type of resentment from his other kids. Like, "We're his kids and she's not." I just felt that way. (SNIFFS) JUDGE LAKE: I mean, that had to feel awful. I just been told different stories from his sister that my mother was sleeping with his cousin. That's why he had doubts, so that's why I still have doubts. I don't know. (SNIFFS) JUDGE LAKE: Did you ask your mom? Earlier this year, I asked her. I said, "Why did my father have... "Why did Mr. Barros have doubts?" And she said she did sleep with someone prior to him. And I asked her, "What's his name?" And she said... She told me Esteban Tirado. I'm like, "Esteban Tirado?" And she was best friends with his wife. She slept with him. I don't under... It was just so confusing. It was a shocker. I dated Esteban when I was a teenager. Me and his two sisters stayed best friends even after me and him broke up. His mother, his whole family, we all stayed friends. His kids' mother knew I had nothing to do with him, I knew I had nothing to do with him, and there is no way in hell that he's her father. Come on! JUDGE LAKE: You say there is no way. No way. But, Mrs. Cuyler, in your mind, you feel like Mr. Tirado is a possibility... Yeah. ...because of the stories you've been told. Stories, stories. Other people... She believe everybody except for me, and I'm her mother. I don't believe you. 'Cause her stories are not valid. Unfortunately, Mr. Tirado is deceased, but his daughter is here. Jerome, will you please escort Miss Tirado into the courtroom? And Miss Gonzales, you may have a seat. Thank you. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you. All right. Go ahead. (CRYING) I know. I can see it's just breaking you down. So you feel like when you look at this picture, you see more of your face? He has a long face. I have a long face. I don't know. I just really don't know. Hi, Miss Tirado. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for being here today. You are Mr. Tirado's daughter. Daughter, yes. His biological daughter. Yes. You grew up knowing Ms. Mills? Mills, as my aunt. She was your aunt. Yes. Her and my aunt was best of friends. My mom, my dad, everybody all grew up as brother and sisters. I came because if I was in her position, I'd want to know who my dad is, too. But I am so upset that Mrs. Mills, my dad, my mom, my aunt... Everyone grew up as sisters. We're all in our 30s. It should have not taken to this point. That's what I'm saying. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Mills, you contend you didn't sleep with Mr. Tirado. Not since we were teenagers. So you're saying you did sleep with him, but... How you gonna sleep with your own family? He's not my family! But you grew up knowing us and telling us we're family. I don't understand that, Mrs. Mills. Why would you do this? All y'all grew up as cousins, but that was before you was born, any of you was conceived. He treated my kids as his nieces and nephews, and I treated his kids the same way. When I dated your father, we were teenagers. Because we had a past relationship, that don't mean we couldn't be friends. Then why y'all didn't resolve this a long time ago? Why is it that he's gone 14 years, and Mr. Barros is gone I don't know how many years now, and we're all... Why wasn't this resolved a long time ago? CUYLER: This wasn't supposed to be us doing this. And then in all actuality, I should not have found this out on Facebook, my family neither. JUDGE LAKE: Wait. What do you have here? I have something that was posted on Facebook. Mrs. Gonzales inboxed me on Facebook. GONZALES: Yes, I did. You're right. Not only that, someone else in the family post on Facebook... GONZALES: I don't know who else in the family... I don't know who else in the family put something up. I inboxed you because I didn't know what other way to get in contact with you. That's why. I'm trying to help her. (BOTH SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) JUDGE LAKE: All right, ladies! Ladies! Ladies! (BANGS GAVEL) Ladies, I think it's time to get the results. CUYLER: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows... In the case of<i> Cuyler v. Mills, Gonzales, Tirano,</i> Mrs. Cuyler, your 29-year-wait is over. The deceased, Mr. Barros... (CRYING) was not your biological father. (CRYING) Oh, God! Okay, honey, you need to sit down before I go to the next envelope? (HYPERVENTILATING) Shh... You said Mr. Barros was not my father? JUDGE LAKE: No, ma'am, he is not. (CRYING) Are you ready for the next result? CUYLER: I'm ready. Okay. JUDGE LAKE: In light of this result, I'd like to adjourn court right now and I'd like to review them with you in my chambers. Court is adjourned. Ladies, I wanted to meet you in my chambers to go over this next set of results, because quite frankly this is the first time this has ever happened, and I know how emotional this is for both of you. The results for this particular testing between you, Miss Tirado, and yourself, Mrs. Cuyler... The results were inconclusive, and they need to do more reconstructive work to be able to identify whether or not you all share a biological father. And just so you understand this, I have a statement from Dr. Baird from DNA Diagnostics that will help you. He's the Chief Science Officer there. Please look right over here. Regarding the siblingship analysis between Mrs. Cuyler and Miss Tirado, our laboratory is still working to determine results. When DNA testing is done to determine a biological relationship, sometimes it takes a long period of time to determine whether or not there is a biological relationship, and it requires additional testing or extended testing. DDC wants both Mrs. Cuyler and Miss Tirado to know that we will do everything that we can to determine if there is a biological relationship and do whatever it takes to get the results scientifically. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Hollins you are demanding a DNA test today, because you say, you are not the father of Ms. Anderson's 17-month-old daughter, Chloe. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You claim to be paying support for a child that's not yours. HOLLINS: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Anderson, you say Mr. Hollins needs to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his child. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, my first question would be to you, Mr. Hollins. Now how do you end up paying child support for a child, that you say, is definitely not yours? HOLLINS: I failed to appear to court. 'Cause I didn't wanna take a DNA test and have to pay for it all by myself. I offered to go half with Mr. Hollins, but he wanted me to pay the whole thing. And he never went to court to take the DNA test. Four times! He failed to appear four times! HOLLINS: Your Honor, that's... Four times, you failed to appear? No, what happened was, my mother had two brain aneurysms. That's the reason why I failed to appear. You see what I'm saying. Your Honor, the first time he failed to appear, he said he was out of town. The second time he said he overslept. The third time his mom was in the hospital. And the fourth time... HOLLINS: That's not right. He overslept and his mom was in the hospital. <i> And I talked to him the day before court and he said that he was coming.</i> Why wasn't it important for you to show up for this DNA test? I mean... You want to know, don't you? HOLLINS: Yes. But it was important, but my mom went through that. I put everything to this. I quit my job and everything. You know... All right, now, have you been paying this support? Yeah, I've been paying child support for her child and I don't even know if it's mine Let me see that, sir. Thank you, Jerome. Yep. So, you shall pay child support in the amount of $62 monthly for one child. HOLLINS: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE<i> : And then you have to help</i> <i> pay health care expenses.</i> So the bottom line is you were ordered to pay child support and you've been paying it. Yes Ma'am. ANDERSON: No, Your Honor, all... In all, I received $100 from Mr. Hollins. No she's lying. I didn't pay... $400, they take money out of my check. JUDGE LAKE: Take me back in this relationship. So, were you boyfriend and girlfriend? What is... HOLLINS: At one point of time, we was in a relationship. I liked her, you feel me, I was feelin' her... JUDGE LAKE: Was she your girlfriend? Yes, she was my girlfriend... ANDERSON: Your Honor, we were in a relationship, until another young woman wrote me on Facebook <i> and told me that she was pregnant by Mr. Hollins.</i> HOLLINS: <i> But it's...</i> (CROWD GASPS) Okay, so you were boyfriend and girlfriend? ANDERSON: We were boyfriend... And you got a message on Facebook? ANDERSON: Yes. Somebody told you "I'm having a child by Mr. Hollins." Yes, that she was pregnant by Mr. Hollins, and that, her and Mr. Hollins was in a relationship. I then called Mr. Hollins and I asked Mr. Hollins about it. He thought it was funny. We were on a three-way with a girl. He didn't know that I was on the phone. And he basically said, if he couldn't have both of us, he didn't want neither of us. HOLLINS: (LAUGHS) That is not how it went. He thought it was all a joke, as if you know, I wasn't gonna take it serious so... JUDGE LAKE: So you continued the relationship? Yeah, we continued the relationship. I had a friend, who was going out of town. He said, "Could I go with him and his mother and his daughter?" I was telling Mr. Hollins, you know, I wanted his approval. He basically gave me a ultimatum saying that, if I went, we were over. I don't take ultimatums very lightly, so I went anyway. Your Honor, you're in a relationship with me, how are you gonna go out of town, with a guy that you ain't even told me about? I just... Your Honor, he knew... He knew about this guy because... Who is this guy? It was literally a friend nothing more than a friendship. But Mr. Hollins, he say, "If you go, then, we're done." You know you're not supposed to be going out of town from the beginning. We're in a relationship. I'd like to hear about your doubts. Why are you doubtful? HOLLINS: <i> 'Cause I told her to be honest with me and she didn't.</i> I thought me and Mr. Hollins was better than this. We were... When we got together we were like best friends almost. The things that, like has happened since she was born. Stuff that's been said like, I never thought that me and Mr. Hollins would be like this today. HOLLINS: Your Honor. So... We was cool. We was in a relationship. Everything was good... When she chose to do the wrong thing. You see what I'm saying? We had already talked. I said, "I don't want you to go." She went anyway! Your Honor, I went out of town... She didn't care that much! I dealt with the fact that a girl told me that she was pregnant. Why couldn't he, deal with the fact that I made a mistake? I feel, I deal with the fact that he made a mistake. I stepped up to the plate to a certain extent. To a certain extent. You said that we were done. HOLLINS: Listen, when you came back I told you, "I don't think I'm gonna pay for this. We might need to go half." I knew then, something ain't right. JUDGE LAKE: All right, moving on. Mr. Hollins, how do you find out Ms. Anderson is pregnant? Facebook. Not lying. Facebook tells a lot of stuff. I found out on Facebook, that she had a baby. That she had a baby or that she was pregnant? That she had a baby, not pregnant. A pregnancy, I didn't never know about. JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute, so from the point she went out of town with a friend, until she actually gave birth to the child, you had no idea she was even pregnant? HOLLINS: No idea. How is that, how is that the case? ANDERSON: He had no idea, because I had no idea that I was pregnant till the day I had her. (CROWD GASP) You what? I did not know I was pregnant until the day I had her. I went to the Emergency, due to back pain. When I got in the Emergency, the lady said, "You have a lot of fluid around your stomach." So I said, you know, "Get it out." And she basically said, um, "Are you pregnant?" I said, "No." ANDERSON: She then did an ultrasound on my stomach... (DRAMATICALLY) Really, so no idea you were pregnant until the day you gave birth? Not a clue? No idea. She didn't kick, move, I gained no weight. None of that. ANDERSON: <i> It was no idea, until the day I had her.</i> I wrote Mr. Hollins on Facebook. Mr. Hollins never responded. I then talked to my best friend and I told her, that I wanted to tell him about Chloe. So, she called Mr. Hollins. We put Mr. Hollins on a three-way, and I told him about the baby. And I asked him, did he want a DNA test? Because me and Mr. Hollins had not seen each other in over six months. And so were there any other men that you were intimate with, during the time, you were also intimate with Mr. Hollins? Anybody else? Yes, Your Honor. (CROWD JEERS) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Okay. And that was sex without protection or with protection? Without protection, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And the name of that man is? ANDERSON: Mr. Williams. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Williams. And Mr. Williams is here in our courtroom today. Yes, Your Honor. What made you believe that Mr. Williams could also be the father? ANDERSON: <i> I went on the internet and I found a conception calendar.</i> And I put in, "When did I get pregnant?" Because I never was given a date of when I conceived. So I put in, "When did I get pregnant." They asked for her birthday. When they asked for her birthday, it then took me back to Kaleel, when I had sex with Kaleel. I have a conception calendar right here. Let me, let me get these dates. The date you were intimate with the other man is what? March the 30th. JUDGE LAKE: March the 30th. Now your due date was December 4th, 2013. <i> So that was the day they pinpointed.</i> <i> When was your daughter actually born?</i> ANDERSON: <i> December the 7th.</i> If you go back to the dates of intimacy, you were also intimate with Mr. Williams as well. Yes and Mr. Hollins at the same time, yes. And Mr. Hollins? (SCOFFS) Played both of us. JUDGE LAKE: And so based on the calculator. Played both of us is what it sounds like. It's pointing to Mr. Williams. Not Mr. Hollins. I was intimate with Mr. Hollins, um, maybe like a day or two before I was intimate with Mr. Williams. (HUFFING) You see what I'm saying. Oh, we don't need no calculator for that. JUDGE LAKE: But now, Mr. Hollins is the one that's actually paying the child support. ANDERSON: <i> At the time, Your Honor, I did think that Mr. Hollins was the father.</i> Jerome, I wanna meet Mr. Williams. Can you please escort him in? JEROME: Sure. Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Yes, sir. How can I be the daddy and you didn't have sex with somebody else two days after me? That means, clearly you don't know who the daddy is. How you just gonna falsely blame me? You see what I'm saying? They're taking my money, everything... This situation could've been dealt with months ago, if Mr. Hollins would've showed up for the DNA test. Listen, um, Mr. Hollins I understand your concern, I do. But, Ms. Anderson has a point as well, you had four times to show up to do the DNA test and you failed to appear. You can't really argue about a problem you created for yourself. I created... (APPLAUDING) Mr. Williams. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you for being here today. We're here, of course, talking about the paternity as it relates to baby Chloe. Ms. Anderson has informed the court that she was intimate with you, around the same time she was intimate with Mr. Hollins, within the same week. You remember being intimate with Ms. Anderson, right? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And it was unprotected? Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: All right. JUDGE LAKE: When did you find out, that you could be the father? Recently, this year, after my birthday. After I had turned uh, 18. Then she uh, finally told me. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) This year? WILLIAMS: Yeah, this year. So, you weren't involved in the pregnancy or she didn't even know she was pregnant. I didn't even know she was pregnant either. HOLLINS: Nobody knew. ANDERSON: I didn't know. HOLLINS: But I get the blame. How can I tell you something that I don't know? If you would have took the DNA test then you would've found out over a year ago. You had already made up your mind in your head that I was the daddy. 'Cause you didn't tell me about him, even being in the picture. So Mr. Hollins you are saying she had never told you about Mr. Williams. Never. I'm hearing this now. HOLLINS: All this is new. (LAUGHING) Didn't know him. Didn't know he exists. Not in this. Mr. Williams? Yes, ma'am. When you found out there was a baby, that could potentially be yours, how did you handle that? I kinda thought about it for a minute, I was like, "No, I don't think there's no way." And then I was like, "I don't know. Maybe so." I was kinda mad though, 'cause she waited so long after to tell me. Once I found out, I was like, I dunno, I was kinda mad. ANDERSON: <i> Your Honor, I waited so long to tell Mr. Williams,</i> <i> because I thought that she was Mr. Hollins'.</i> And it never dawned on me that Mr. Williams was a possibility until that day. And when I went back and I did the date that's when Mr. Williams... Well, you say, you've slept with him, within one or two days? ANDERSON: Yes. How did you ever think that you could pinpoint which man? That's the answer I'm looking for. How did she even know? JUDGE LAKE: <i> No, I'm, I'm serious.</i> In your mind, how did you think you could pinpoint it with one or two... Because I was in a relationship with Mr. Hollins. We were always together, like, Mr. Williams never dawned on me, until that day. Ms. Anderson, I have to ask you, did you ever think once you realized, Mr. Williams was also a possibility. Did you ever say "Let me call the court back "and let them know, there's another potential father," because, if in fact, they had called Mr. Williams in for a DNA test, he might have shown up. And that could have helped you arrive at your conclusion. Mr. Williams didn't become a possibility to me, until maybe a month ago. All right, have either of you been there for the child? She's 17 months old. Does anyone spend time with her? I know Mr. Hollins is ordered to pay child support. I've seen the baby four times. No. JUDGE LAKE: You have a relationship with her? He's seen her four times and that's because I brought her to him three of those times. Listen, you went out of town. You pop up, you have a baby. What else is new? Is it subject not to be mine? And now look, it's subject not to be mine. JUDGE LAKE: And... You see what I'm saying? And now, right you find out here today about Mr. Williams. You could've told me this months ago. This is what drives me crazy. Is to see young people, first of all, you're all too young. Too young to be in grown adult situations, like this, you can't handle. You don't even know how to handle a simple boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. Much less, bring a baby into it. (CROWD APPLAUDES) This is... You know, children have to know. They deserve to know and they have a right to know who their father is. She deserves to know who her father is and that's why I'm here today. I grew up without a father so, I know how it feels and I wouldn't want her to go through the same thing. At this point in her life, at 17 months old, she doesn't know anyone as Daddy. Right, yes. HOLLINS: Your Honor. I'm gonna be truthful, I don't even know how to be a father. I'm not even... I'm honestly not even, I dunno, I'm still taking care of myself. You see what I'm saying? I don't even know how to be a father. My father wasn't there. But that's not to blame, nobody. You see what I'm saying? I just don't know how to be one. I'm 23. If you would've walked me through this, like how you was trying to walk through it, we could have got somewhere. But you wanted me to just... Okay, I'm 21 and I had to grow up and be a mother. Pay for someone... I don't even know if it's mine. So, I'm like tonight, what's my first step? Why can't he grow up? JUDGE LAKE: Well, I'll tell you what. The reason, why he didn't immediately choose to be a father, right off the bat, is because he felt like he had doubts. And now those doubts have been substantiated here, in this courtroom. ANDERSON: He didn't find out about Mr. Williams until recently. <i> So therefore, he didn't make an effort at all. Period.</i> <i> No effort was made.</i> But listen, listen, ultimately, ultimately, ultimately... The person that's suffering is Chloe. ANDERSON: Yes. (CROWD APPLAUDES) You all, are running around here having sex like it's an extra-curricular activity. Like you gonna go to the movies, you're gonna go do this. I'm not laughing, Mr. Williams. I know, you're right. Producing lifelong consequences in the form of a beautiful innocent human being. Does she even say "Dada?" Who's she gonna say it to? She say "Dada" but... To the air? To nobody. That's a shame. Mr. Williams now, will you step up to be Chloe's father, if in fact, it's determined you are the biological father? I don't got a problem with that. She ain't got to... JUDGE LAKE: How about you Mr. Hollins? I'll step up, but how far? I don't know how to change a diaper. I don't know, what to do when she's crying JUDGE LAKE: Those are all things you can learn and you will learn. If one of you, either of you, turn out to be the biological father. JUDGE LAKE: That's something that I will help you with, all right? In the case of<i> Hollins Williams v. Anderson.</i> As to whether Mr. Hollins or Mr. Williams, is this child's biological father. It has been determined by this court that Mr. Williams, you are not the father. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Hollins, you are her father. (CROWD APPLAUDES) JUDGE LAKE: Thank you. I just felt like if she would have kept it 100 with me from the beginning, and told me everything, you know, I could have been there. I could at least help. I ain't that type of person. I'm gonna have to take it day by day, step by step, cause I don't even know what to do first. You know? I feel your concern. And I appreciate your honesty that you don't know how to be a father. And you don't know what to do first, but I will fill you in on a secret and Jerome can attest to this, no matter how old you are, there's a part of becoming a parent, where you just not ready. You don't know what to do sometimes. But out of love for your child you learn. And the smartest thing you said today is, "I guess I'll take it day by day." JUDGE LAKE: And that's what you do. You just show up day after day.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 805,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: IIVXgkYscaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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