JAW DROPPING HOT MESS! Affairs With OWN Cousin and The Neighbor (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning. This is the case of<i> Nesbitt v. Henderson.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Nesbitt, you are suing to prove to Mr. Henderson that he is the father of your 7-month-old daughter, Zi'ann. NESBITT: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You say that when the results prove you right, you expect Mr. Henderson to step up. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Henderson, you claim your case is simple. You say Ms. Nesbitt cheated on you with her neighbor during the window of conception, and he is Zi'ann's biological father. Yes, Your Honor. So Ms. Nesbitt, what has Mr. Henderson done so far for Zi'ann? Well, he bought her diapers, that's about it. He doesn't do anything for my child, but buy her diapers. He does more for my 2-year-old son that he knows that's not his, than his own daughter. Really? Well... Mr. Henderson, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor, because I feel that I shouldn't have to take care of another man's baby. But you are taking care of another man's baby, right? Yes, but at this time, I came into this baby's life, and already knew he wasn't mine, but I had a possibility that she could have been mine, but she's not, so, I felt kinda hurt, so... So there's a level of resentment there? HENDERSON: Yes, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. So, what's your relationship like with Zi'ann? Were you there through the doctors' appointments? Birth? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You were? Yes, Your Honor. You know that's your child. You've been knowing from the beginning. You signed the birth certificate. You even snuck down the stairs and signed it without my permission. You know the baby's yours. Yes, I did, because... JUDGE LAKE: He did what, Ms. Nesbitt? I went downstairs to go get my birth certificate, and his name was on there. I told him not to put his name on there because I had doubts from the beginning. But he snuck anyways and signed his name on there. Oh! So wait. You had asked him previously not to sign it because you had doubts yourself. Yes, Your Honor. So Mr. Henderson... You did sign the birth certificate? Yes, Your Honor. Do you remember having the conversation with Ms. Nesbitt that said, "Don't sign it just yet 'cause it may not be yours?" Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You remember that conversation? Yes. And you signed it anyway? Yes, Your Honor. Your Honor, he even lied to his father and told him that he got a DNA at the hospital when he didn't. Why would you tell your dad you had a DNA test, and you didn't? Honestly, Your Honor, because I didn't want him all in my business. NESBITT: Oh, Your Honor, that's a lie. He signed the birth certificate. He told me that he signed the birth certificate so he could have rights to the baby, so he can get custody of the baby. Well, listen, you understand when you sign a birth certificate at a hospital, you are acknowledging paternity legally. You understand that, right? Yes, Your Honor. So when you signed your name, you said, "I'm the father. "I'm responsible. I'm gonna take care of this child." Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So why are you not taking care of the child and only bought some diapers? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Because she's taking the baby's not mine, Your Honor. I can't be no man that's taking care of another man's baby. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, now I wanna understand that. Your doubt. Because what it sounds like to me is you were at the hospital and you were really trying to convince yourself that this was your child. Yes, Your Honor. And signing the birth certificate was a way for you to say, "Okay, I'm gonna stay with this family. "I'm gonna make a family. "I'm gonna be here. I'm gonna sign the birth certificate." Take me to the moment where you just said, "Something's not right. I just don't feel right. "I really have doubts." Because she kept coming to me, like, "This not your baby, Ladon." After Zi'ann was born? HENDERSON: Yes. Okay. So I came in the house one night, drunk. I don't know if she was mad at me or not. She probably could have said it out of spite, because I came in late. I come in, she get to arguing. <i> "Oh, she's not yours, that's why she's not your baby."</i> "She could be Mr. Brown's baby." Ms. Nesbitt, did you say that? Yes, Your Honor. I did it out of anger. I was really angry when I said it. But she's said it several times, Your Honor, several times. But you also admitted, Ms. Nesbitt, that you had doubts, because that's why you told him, "Don't go sign that birth certificate." Yes, I had doubts. What were your doubts, specifically? Well, let me tell you how it all began. He had sex with his cousin, and I felt very vulnerable about it, and, you know... Yes, I did. But that was before her. She already knew about that. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Proceed. You know, I received the inbox telling me she said she had sex in my little black car, and they had a baby. And I felt very astounded about it, so, you know... She told you that before when you were sitting in your car with your friend. When y'all left for the river walk. No, that's not true, and you got her pregnant. It's true, Your Honor. But I wanna know specifically why you doubt that this could be his child. Well, I doubt it because we was having unprotected sex for a year straight, and all of a sudden, I had sex one time with Mr. Brown and I ended up getting pregnant two weeks later. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, Mr. Brown is?</i> NESBITT: <i> The neighbor.</i> Your neighbor? NESBITT: Yes. And tell me what happened that night. Well, me and Mr. Henderson, we got into an argument, and it led in my apartment hallway. And Mr. Brown seen it, so he came to my door, he comforted me. And it led off to him coming in and giving me a massage, and led off to me... (CHUCKLES) And it led off to more than just a massage. One night? Yes, one night. And two weeks later, I ended up pregnant and I told Mr. Henderson. Do you remember this day, Mr. Henderson, when she told you she was pregnant? Yes, Your Honor. Did she also say, "I have slept with Mr. Brown?" Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, she did? She told me she used a condom, Your Honor. And then, not too long ago, she told me the condom broke, Your Honor. Mr. Henderson, when she told you she'd also slept with Mr. Brown, but it was just one night... HENDERSON: Yes, Your Honor. Did you say to yourself, "Well, I know now this could possibly be his child." Or you tried to just... You were living in denial? I was living in denial, Your Honor. NESBITT: The baby looked just like you. You took pictures with her. <i> You go to the doctor's appointments, everything,</i> <i> and now you're standing up here denying her.</i> She looks just like you. She resembles you in all types of ways. You're positive this Mr. Brown encounter was a one-night thing? NESBITT: Yes, it was. But you understand it takes only one time to have a baby. JUDGE LAKE: So you knew that? Yes. And you're saying the protection you used, broke? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So, at this time the court would like to call Mr. Brown. Jerome, would you please escort Mr. Brown into the courtroom? I'd like to hear from him. How's it going? Come on, right in. Go up to the witness stand. Go on up the steps. Mr. Brown, welcome. Nice to meet you, JUDGE LAKE: Thank you for joining us today. Mr. Brown, we're here of course discussing the paternity as it relates to baby Zi'ann. Tell me a little bit about your relationship with Ms. Nesbitt, please. I had first met her, she had moved into my apartment a couple of doors down. And I used to always flirt with her, blink an eye at her, you know what I'm saying? 'Cause she was cute girl, you know. She was, um... He was a nice friend, that's about it. Yeah, yeah, that's about it, you know. But you did have a sexual encounter with her. BROWN: Yeah, one time. It was just like birthday sex, that was about it. It was more. She was always hitting me up, and texting me and all that stuff. I used to text her at different names. It was just like one time... Your Honor, she's telling me that it has been going on longer than that. It was more than one time. It was just birthday sex, that was it. It was one night only, but we was texting and stuff. I used to hit her up with different female's names, 'cause he used to be around, and I'd be like, "This is Nancy." And she'd text me like, "LOL," you know. She knew it was me, you know what I was saying? So you all were texting each other even after you all... Yeah, yeah, we stayed in contact. But you only had sex the one time? Yes, that one night on her birthday, and when her... And the protection broke? I don't remember no protection broke. It was busting a little bit, but I don't remember no protection broke. You know what I'm saying? Reminds you, I just came in to comfort her that one night 'cause them two had got into it. So I had went down to comfort her one night, gave her a little massage. You know what I'm saying? We was chilling. When I was massaging her, my hands led to other places. And you know what happened after that. Uh... Yeah. Um... So now, what happened when she got pregnant? She had texted me and told me, "I got something I wanna tell you." I was like, "Tell me." And then, she was like, "I'm embarrassed." So, I'm like, "Don't be embarrassed, tell me." She was like, "I'm pregnant. It could be you or Don's baby." So, at this point, you've been honest with both men? NESBITT: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And they both know they are potential fathers? Yes, Your Honor. Baby Zi'ann is born, and who steps up to the plate for her? I stepped up to the plate for her, Your Honor. It ain't my baby, so I ain't stepping up to no plate. So, Mr. Brown, you said it's not... 'Cause I had a condom on, and look at her. She looks just like him. She's a beautiful baby. <i> She looks just like him, you know what I'm saying?</i> Let me show you right here. What did you bring, Mr. Brown? Evidence. All right. This is a picture of... Me on the right and her on the left. Yeah, yeah, it is. <i> She looks nothing like me at all.</i> <i> Ears, look at it. Cheeks, nothing. Lips, nose...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, you submit to the court</i> <i> that she doesn't look anything like you, in your opinion.</i> BROWN: <i> Nothing like me.</i> At first, she was all acting, like, "Did you mind taking the test?" I'm like, "Yeah." Then one day she texted me, like, "You don't need to take no test, 'cause I know it's his baby." 'Cause she didn't want to hurt his feelings or something. So wait. Initially, she asked you to take a test. "Do you mind taking a paternity test?" Yeah, and I always tell her, I don't mind taking a test. You Honor, that's not true. He called me and said that we should take a DNA test. I told him no and he said that's unfair. 'Cause she's done already told me a couple of times to take the test?" And you already told me and texted me that it might be my baby, so, you know what I'm saying? I got four kids already, I don't mind taking care of another one, you know what I'm saying? Four kids already. BROWN: Yeah. And I don't mind taking care of another one. What's one more? So bottom line is you were saying I don't mind taking the test. So, at that point that you were gonna submit to the test, and you said, "I don't mind taking care of another one." You had an inkling that there is a potential at least that it could be yours? Yes. So that's why I was worried and kept in contact with her. But you said that y'all used a condom. BROWN: We did use a condom, you know what I'm saying? But things do happen, you know what I'm saying? So you've remained steadfast, Ms. Nesbitt, that this could be either one's child. Yes, but I'm pretty, I'm more of 100% sure that it's Don's child. She done got my head all turned, thinking it's mine. I want her to get this test over with. She got me confused. BROWN: Yeah, she got me confused, too. In the end, when they came to... She writes little things on Facebook. And then when I hit her up, as soon as I get off the phone with her, I see her put something on Facebook and it'd be about me. So you think she's trying to maintain contact with you, stay close to you because there's a potential you may be the child's father. I know Ladon is the father. He just needs to step up to the plate, and face it that you are the father. He looks just like she does... I'm not about to step up to the plate if you keep telling me it's Mr. Brown's child. But Ms. Nesbitt, you have to admit, you know, the point where you get into the argument and you say, "It's not your baby, it's somebody else's baby," he's not gonna forget that. She told me several times that it wasn't my baby, Your Honor. He takes care of my baby that he know that's not his, which is my son, he takes care of him. And we went shopping, he bought my son five pairs of outfits, and he only bought his daughter only one. You didn't cheat on me and have him, though. So it's a difference. I got feelings too. Well, what he's trying to express, and look, I'm not putting words in your mouth, but trying to understand the situation is why I'm here, is to help you all each understand the other person's position. What he's saying is, there's a level of resentment that he feels as it relates to baby Zi'ann, am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. So maybe he's not as involved because he truly has a question relating to her paternity. HENDERSON: Yes, Your Honor. Part of that, you validated because you have a question. Yeah. And I want to be her father. But she's nuts. Every time I come in the house, it's something else. So you do want to be baby Zi'ann's father? Yeah, and you hear what she's saying. Every time it's about my cousin. Or she's not my baby. He tells me that all the time. Yes, they look alike. So I know that this is his baby. His baby looks just like his cousin's last son. Oh, I just caught that. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) And I'm gonna leave it alone. Um... So, Mr. Brown, your hopes today, I just wanna be clear, is that you are or you are not? I think I'm not the father, you know what I'm saying. Like I said, I just want her to get this over with. It's too much going on. Too much going on, you know what I'm saying. Then I got him hitting me up on Facebook. See, I had to block him on Facebook, block him twice. 'Cause I told you to come get your daughter. (OVERLAPPING CONVERSATION) Wait a minute now, you're having a Facebook feud? No, it wasn't no Facebook feud. I just told him, "Hey, bro, come get your child." You feel me? "This is not my child." She's telling me that this child is not mine. I'm not about to sit there. I'm a real man. I'm not gonna have her calling me daddy at night. Like, "Hold on, I'm not your father. That's your father." Listen, I just wanna find out who my baby's father is. I just wanna go and get it over with, you know what I'm saying? Kerina can go on with her life. I hope he is the father. They can live a happy family, you know what I'm saying? I mean, I understand where you're coming from, but the happy family, she gotta stop doing the thing she do. Sometimes it don't be about the child, you feel me? All right. Let's just acknowledge this. The level of animosity and confusion surrounding baby Zi'ann's paternity is real. And you know that. NESBITT: Yes. You've admitted that. That's why this courtroom exists. Some mothers will come in here and they will say, and Jerome can attest to this, "No, I know for certain, it was nobody else, it was nobody else." You came into court and said, "Look, I have a dilemma." "I did sleep with two men during the window of conception. "And I need an answer." And I have those answers for you. Are you ready for the results? BOTH MEN: Yes, Your Honor. All right. Jerome, the envelope, please. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Nesbitt v. Henderson,</i> when it comes to 7-month-old Zi'ann Nesbitt... Yes, I did. JUDGE LAKE: As to whether Mr. Brown or Mr. Henderson is her biological father... It has been determined by this court, Mr. Brown... You... Are not her father. Oh! Hey, hey! Told y'all. Sit down, Mr. Brown. Your name rhymes with clown but do not gonna clown today. Just calm down. Mr... Calm down. Mr. Henderson... You are her father. NESBITT: Told you you was her father from the beginning. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) JUDGE LAKE: Are you happy? Yes. I mean, I love to be her father, but if she can't change, I'm gonna leave. But I'm gonna still do for her, though. I'm gonna still do for my daughter, 'cause I'm not that guy. This will be my only child. You all now have a child together. There's a level of immaturity that is reeking in this relationship. I mean, it is just... You all are so silly with it all. But you're making babies! I mean, make babies as long as they get taken care of, 'cause some guys I hear would just make a baby, and be like, "Huh, I'm gone." Ms. Nesbitt, you gotta own too. This level of resentment you feel for Mr. Henderson, you gotta let that go. Because you told him from the jump, "Don't sign the birth certificate 'cause it could be somebody else's." JUDGE LAKE: All right? Today's a new day. Yes, Your Honor. Today we know. Now you have to move forward. You all have to learn how to co-parent. This a beautiful little girl. You don't want her standing here one day, Ms. Nesbitt, right in front of me. You want her to be in a different position, right, than you are? So that means you two have to work together. We have counseling for you, resources to help you figure out how to co-parent together, but get yourselves together. She needs you guys, all right? NESBITT: Okay. HENDERSON: Yes, Your Honor. I wish you the best of luck. Court is adjourned. I feel the result it goo. We got it off the chest. And I feel happy to be a father now. I mean, I feel I got a real big burden off my chest now I can stop getting accused of being or tramp, of whatever, and we can move on with our life. I feel what Judge Lake said was honestly true. We do need to change some things in our relationship if we still wanna be together. Our next step is to move on with our life as a family, and continue on taking care of our child.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,625,958
Rating: 4.7416444 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: JAL9CyHj5uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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