Yes He's Mine! HAPPY Reveals On Paternity Court (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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You say this is the third time a woman has claimed you are her child's father. The first two times, DNA testing proved you were not the father. And you now doubt your girlfriend, Ms. Stembridge's 6 month old daughter is yours. Yes, Your Honor. You state, she is engaged in several sexual affairs outside of the relationship including with your former friend and roommate. Yes, Your Honor. Now, Ms. Stembridge, you argue that you have always been up front and honest with Mr. Buchanan. Yes, Your Honor. You said that his roommate made up the whole story of you sleeping with him. And furthermore you claim Mr. Buchanan has a history of women lying to him so now he trusts nobody, especially you. Yes, Your Honor. First, the best friend tells you he slept with your girl. Then you go home and you see that they have been partying together again. He couldn't get laid off of beers so he going to go to liquor, alright. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Check this out, check this out. Check this out, alright. First day we got together, you know what we drank? What? Lemon drops. Ahh. Lemon drops, alright. I didn't want you to say that. You know what I got that night after I drank lemon drops with her? I don't want to know. AUDIENCE: Oooh. Alright. So what do you think Eric got when they drank lemon drops first time? This guy is weird. JUDGE LAKE: So, wait a minute. Mr. Buchanan, so... You're basically saying that these lemon drops are an aphrodisiac for your girlfriend? Oh yeah. So, you don't need her to be drinking lemon drops with anybody but you. Oh yeah. Alright. But check this out. Okay. Mr... Okay, so I get back, I get outta jail alright and I get back, who calls me? I get a phone call from my ex, alright. My ex is who I was dating before her. I get a phone call, I'm like "Yeah. What's up?" Oh, I need to check my girl? Why I need to check my girl? "No, you need to check your girl. "She was laid up in your best friend's bed while you were locked up, "laid up there sideways in some booty shorts and a spaghetti strap." What? Wait... (AUDIENCE HOWLING) Wait a minute, and you have a witness to that? These are my booty shorts. They are not that short, Your Honor. They are not that short. I'll put 'em on right now, Your Honor. If you can see the McDonald arches and the booty line, that's booty shorts. I want to deal with the issue at hand. All right. Two weeks after all this went down, all right, we take a pregnancy test, 'cause Jess is talking about how she's late. Late? Late on what? "I ain't bleeding... I'm late." All right, so we took a pregnancy test. Boom. Pregnant. Positive, all right? Not like positive as in, like, good job, positive as in like, there's something growing in there. All right? Two weeks later! All right? That's why I'm denying that little girl, man. Because, I'm gonna tell you what. Two weeks later and she's pregnant? We took three of them. They all came back saying there's something growing in there. Look at that! I mean, I'm gonna tell you what, I love that little girl. All of my heart. All right? I love that girl. I don't care if Eric is the dad. I'm the father. (CROWD CLAPPING) Financially, physically, mentally, I take care of that child. And I've been taking care of Jessica for the past 24 months to make sure we have a place to lay our head with that baby. All right. So, you've been stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing? Oh, yeah. But you have doubts. Oh, yes. So it could be your baby or it could be your best friend's. It could be Eric's, it could be probably some other people that I don't know about. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Buchanan. What are your hopes? Do you have any feeling that this could be your child? I hope that little girl's mine. JESSICA: Hopes are granted, she's yours. JOSHUA: She loves me to death, man. He's a great father to that little girl, Your Honor. That baby has to have me every night to go to sleep. That baby will not go to sleep unless she has me laying in that bed with her. STEMBRIDGE: He is a great father, Your Honor. You have tears in your eyes as you speak about her. Yeah. That's my life. If she's not your biological daughter, what will you do? If it ain't mine... (CHUCKLES) She gonna have to get a good lawyer, is all I got to say, 'cause I'm gonna fight to take that child. In the case of <i> Buchanan v. Stembridge,</i> when it comes to six month old Sophia, Mr. Buchanan... You... Are her father. (CLAPPING) Thank you! That's a blessing! MCNEIL: Not enough lemon drops. Not enough lemon. They ran out of lemons. Thank you. He must have done something, but I already got her knocked up. Thank you, thank you. They ran out of lemon, or you already... It's obvious that you're happy and you're pleased. Oh, yeah, that's... Yeah, I love that baby to death, I'm glad she's mine. JUDGE LAKE: Good. She got a good father. Yup. (CROWD LAUGHS) Mr. Pierce Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You are summoning your ex-fiance, Ms. Covell, for a paternity test to prove that her one-year-old son Julien is not your son? That is correct, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You claim Ms. Covell deceived you into believing you were the father and it was not until Julien was six months old when she finally confessed that she had cheated and you may not be the father? Correct, Your Honor. Now, you're suing for fraudulent misrepresentation. Am I correct? Correct, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Covell, you admit that you cheated around the window of conception but you still say you have no doubt Mr. Pierce is your child's father? Yes, Your Honor. All right, so Ms. Covell, how do you feel about being dragged into court today? I am a little upset. I want to prove that he is the father. I want to show him that I have been telling the truth. I know I made a mistake. But I have been paying for it every single day since I have told him. You've called off your engagement. Correct. We, uh, when I found out I just had to call it off. I mean, there's no sense in really trying to go for a marriage because it's not true. How do you feel when you hear Mr. Pierce say these things, Ms. Covell? It really hurts me. Um, I know I made a mistake at one time, um, we were both going through an emotional rollercoaster at that time period. I made a mistake one time. I understand that my son looks nothing like him, but he looks identical to me when I was a baby. PIERCE: <i> You don't see no color in that baby.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Take me back.</i> I want to understand how you uncovered and discovered that Ms. Covell was cheating. Well... (CLEARS THROAT) Around Valentine's Day, around her birthday, we got engaged. I proposed to her. She was pregnant with Julien at the time. And, uh... (CLEARS THROAT) It was after he was born, you know, we were going really good. And, I don't know what came over me, but I was just like, "You know, we are doing really good right now. We're, whatever. "If there's anything you got to tell me, "you know, let's get it out in the air right now. "I am not going to get mad because we are so, in a good place right now." It was like, you know, here's your free pass. She told me, you know, that she had cheated on me back. (CLEARS THROAT) You know, I can't remember the exact month that she cheated on me. And I lost it, I mean, I started crying. I was very upset and I asked her, I was like so was it around the same time? You know, is it possibly his? And so, Ms. Covell, why did you finally come clean in that moment? Why not say something before? Um, from day number one, I had been wanting to tell him. Uh, my conscience was eating at me, it was killing me. But because we were in such a good place, I didn't want to ruin everything that we had. So, that was my perfect opportunity. I didn't want to continue lying. He asked me directly. So I wanted to make sure that I told him the truth. I told him. I tried to tell him the whole story in one night. He wasn't having it. So, it took about three days for everything to finally unfold, and for me to finally tell him yes, it was about the same time period, as when I got pregnant with my son. How did you end up in the arms of another man? Um, after I lost that baby, um, he was very supportive on and off while I was in the hospital. I didn't feel like he was... PIERCE: I was there. COVELL: I didn't feel like he was there for me. You say you were there. You might have been there physically but not emotionally. PIERCE: You know... You were not there. And the other guy was asking me, you know, "Are you okay? Have you, you know, we missed you at work." You know, he... It felt emotionally like he was more there for me and when we hung out the one time, just one thing led to another and it got to be... How do we know that's the only time though? Can anybody just say any couple of words to make you feel good? Go ahead and take the lie detector test. It was only a one-time thing. And I want a lie detector test. I mean, even after the baby, if he does prove to be mine, how do I know that it's not happened any other time? I mean, you are the queen of being late. (CHUCKLES) PIERCE: You always... Okay. You work five minutes away from home and every day there's something. "Oh, I had to take this person home. Oh, I had to stay and finish this. "Oh, we got busy. I had to do this." I do my job. Okay, but... I make sure that my work is done. When you're five minutes away and every day you come home at a different time. And you cheated with one of your ex-coworkers. How do I, how am I not to think that, that time that you were coming... Or, "working"... Do I not ever bring time punch slips home? If you ever have a question... Not all the time, I don't... I don't want the... Because I understand. Time slips. That's not... I shouldn't have to feel that way. I shouldn't have to feel like I have to... COVELL: You are right. You're right. You shouldn't. See a time slip to... Every time I look at him, I just... It's a reminder. You know, I want to be able to look at him and see me, not see a question mark. It's a beautiful thing to know that this matters so much to you as a man, as a father. I don't want to be a bad dad. It's just... You know, I realize I am hurting him, affecting him by not developing that more personal bond but sometimes you got to be greedy and think about how can I be happy knowing that and feeling that way, to be happy for my daughter? You got to be happy with yourself to be happy for your kids. And so when those moments where maybe you're pulling away, my concern is maybe he feels that pull. And I don't want him to feel that. I don't want to take it out on him. He's never done nothing. It's not his fault. I mean, that's the worst thing that can happen. JUDGE LAKE: It has been determined by this court, Mr. Pierce, you are Julien's father. Yes! (APPLAUSE AND WHOOPING) Great news, right? Thank you, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You are so welcome. (EXHALES SLOWLY) I am sorry. I really am sorry for putting you through all this. I am sorry too and hopefully we can just move on from here and build back to what we had and what we can have. (APPLAUSE) I also have the lie detector results. Because your concern was that this was not just a one-time thing, that potentially there were more lies, or instances of cheating, and at this point this has warped your sense of security in the relationship. Correct, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Are you sure you would like to hear the results? I might as well go back with no regret. JUDGE LAKE: All right. I mean... Ms. Covell met with a licensed polygraph expert and she was asked, "Ms. Covell, "have you had sexual relationships more than once "with the man you cheated with?" You said, "No." The lie detector determined that was the truth. (WHOOPING AND APPLAUSE) Ms. Covell, you were asked if during your relationship with Mr. Pierce, had you had sexual relations with any other man besides the one you admitted to. You said, "No." The lie detector determined that was the truth. (APPLAUSE) I love you. I love you too. I am sorry. Sorry. (CRYING) JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Thomas, you claim you've been petitioning the court system for a DNA test, for 15-month-old Hannah Thomas for more than a year now. Yes, Your Honor. Now, you've been notified that you'll be paying support because you signed the birth certificate, but claimed it was under false pretenses. Now, the court will decide whether there is reasonable cause to grant you a DNA test today. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Zachary, you claim Mr. Thomas is the father of your daughter and it's time he step up to the plate and bring your family back together. Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Thomas, when did you learn you were going to be put on child support? Uhm, two weeks ago, Your Honor. (SCOFFS) I went to the mailbox thinking I'm getting a check and unluckily, I end up getting a paper from Child Support saying that half my wages is gonna be took and... Excuse me, Your Honor. I don't mean to cut him off but that is a lie, what he's saying. He knew that he was going to pay child support because I received, a medical card, I also received, cash assistance. And, I have to corroborate with Child Support in order to receive those assistances. Your Honor, me and Rickiya were separated towards July, <i> maybe for a couple of weeks.</i> <i> Um, August we got back together, you know.</i> Um, towards the end of August, beginning of September, she told me she was... "Oh, I feel pregnant, man." We went to buy like, maybe four or five pregnancy tests that day. Your Honor, I found out that I was pregnant, September 18th to be exact with you. And I went to that doctor's appointment, and I came home, I handed him the papers. "This is my result at the doctor's. This is my proof of pregnancy here." And what did he say when you handed him that? He didn't have much to say. He just said, "Oh." No, Your Honor. I... I never received any paperwork, Your Honor. I never received any paperwork at all. She said she was between three to five weeks. I believed her with three to five weeks. We got back together in August. We were having a lot of make-up sex, you can say. So, I'm like, "Okay. "Yeah. It's probably my baby if it's three to four weeks. <i> "Three, four, five weeks, it all adds up.</i> <i> "It's very... It's possible, you know."</i> So, you're doing the calculation in your mind and you say, "If this baby was conceived in August... Yeah. "...then, I am more than likely, the father." I was more than likely... I didn't have any doubts that it was my baby. After a couple of months, you know, I'm looking, like, "Wow," you know. "She's getting kinda big kind of fast," you know. She doesn't look like... "She's no five, six weeks." During the whole pregnancy, I was with him. I was honest about everything with him. She is correct about that. She was honest with me, uh... What did she say? At the beginning of August, she told me, when we got back together, she told me, "I've been having..." I told you before August. "I've been having... I told you before August. "I've been having..." I told you. She basically told me she's been having unprotected sex... What? ...with that guy. That was July, beginning of July. With a... That was the beginning of July. ...with a guy that she has previously been with before. I was with... JUDGE LAKE: So, that... That right there, is your doubt. Because, as you were in that doctor's office and saw the calculation and it led you back to that time... I didn't just check, I triple-checked, Your Honor. ...when you were on a break. Can I please speak, Your Honor? I did it in my head, I got the calendar on my phone I looked at the doctor reads. Your Honor, we was on a break. "Hold on, wait a minute, let me triple-check." We were on a break. And it led you back to the time when you were on a break? It led me back to exact... I'm like, "No. "Lord, you can't be telling me this is the exact time." We were on a break. We had been on a break for over a month and a half, when I was with the other guy in July. Your Honor... We got back together the end of July, beginning of August. Rickiya's a dirty fighter, Your Honor. And that's when I conceived my child. We've been together... We've been together almost six years. Right. (STUTTERS) A break for us is, "Oh well. I'm leaving out the house, going to my parent's house for a while," or "You leave and you go with your mom or something." RICKIYA: No, that's not a break. (STUTTERING) That was a break between us and we're always back together within a month's time. So, it was... There was no excuse. A break is not an excuse to go sleep with someone and have a child by someone else at all. And so, after this you still stuck by her? RICKIYA: Exactly. JUDGE LAKE: And then you signed the birth certificate when you were at the hospital, am I correct? Yes, I did. Tell me about that day. I had... She had her sister come get the children, I came up to the hospital. I was with her the whole night. All until she had the baby. I was there. It was no problem. The agreement was... This was the agreement from the beginning. If the guy that I believe is Hannah's dad, if he didn't have any part, of any part of anything, I would sign the birth certificate and Hannah would never know a thing. Nobody would never know a thing. This would be the biggest family secret that we ever had. And I had no problem with that. And I had no problem with that, 'cause I'm not gonna let just someone come in and destroy my family like that, you know. You destroyed your family. It just don't be... It just don't be that easy. Your Honor, he destroyed his family! He destroyed his family from the beginning. After all that, after she was honest with me, I respected that. <i> "You were honest with me. Let's get this right."</i> RICKIYA: <i> Right.</i> <i> She was still sleeping with this man</i> after Hannah was born. (AUDIENCE MURMURS DISAPPROVAL) AKEEN: Your Honor, matter of fact... Is that true, Ms. Zachary? Yes, I was. Yes, I was. Because we decided that we wasn't gonna be together. We just been on a break... We've been on and off for five years! ...for about a month and... We've been on and off for five years! ...the guy, that's Hannah's dad, he just slept with her two weeks ago. Two weeks ago! We're on a break for a month. RICKIYA: Really, Akeen? She just slept with him two weeks ago in my bed. She didn't go to his house. She didn't go to a hotel. It was the bed that we share. Really? It was the bed that we share. How do you have this information? You told him this too, Ms. Zachary? Yes, I did. She told me the information but... Oh! wanna know how I really know the information? Yes, I did. And it's not your bed, it's my home. When I came in, my daughter... That's my house. My daughter which is her daughter, not my biological daughter. My three-year-old daughter was like, "Man, it was... Somebody over here that wasn't right. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Hill, you are Mr. Thomas'... Uncle. Yes. Uncle. What do you know about this situation? You know what, Your Honor? This whole situation is just crazy like from the fighting to the arguing and stuff like that. I don't think that he is the father of Hannah. JUDGE LAKE: You don't. And the reason why is because... Why? ...she just don't look like him. And another reason, one time, me and, you know, uh... Rickiya was hanging out in her house. They had got into it. He had left to get some air and, uh, she actually showed me pictures. I don't know if she was mad, I don't know if she was in her feelings or something. I had never told him this, ever because I just didn't want no part of it, I didn't wanna get into it. But she showed me pictures of, who she really thought was, the baby's dad. JUDGE LAKE: <i> Really?</i> <i> Yeah. I mean, so, when I seen these pictures,</i> <i> I didn't really know how to take it, I didn't know what to do.</i> Did you show Mr. Hill a picture of someone you said... RICKIYA: Yes, I did show him a picture but that was after the fact that he already let me know that Mr. Thomas had already been talking to him about, uh, Hannah. Right, but the way she told me though, it was like... It was as if she was sure, though. <i> The way she told me was as if she was sure.</i> <i> That's the way I took it, at least. I could be wrong.</i> So, what happens if Hannah is not your biological daughter, today? What happens? I'm really not sure. Like, the way I'm feeling right now, Your Honor, today is like... Really, the last couple of hours that I'm able to think in my head, "Okay. Well, the 'maybe,' you know." <i> I've been okay with that "maybe," you know.</i> <i> I've been okay with saying, "Maybe she's mine, maybe she's not" but...</i> But, maybe she's mine, you know. I've been okay with that, you know. When I find out these results, it's gonna be like, "99.999" like... "There's no 'maybes' anymore, you know. It's nothing." I don't know what that'll do to me, 'cause I love this girl just like she's mine. I love her like... I've been there for everything, from birth and everything. <i> I've always been there for her.</i> <i> And it's just like, you know...</i> <i> This is like... It's just been tearing, like...</i> I've always wanted a family since I was younger. This is like... This is tearing away my family, my children, everything. This is not just the relationship that I'm leaving, like, you know. They my life, everything to me. Waking up to my son in the morning, you know. Going to sleep with my son. Seeing Hannah laugh and play, you know, even with Rickiya. I'm sorry. You don't have to apologize. That's my life. They my life. All I do is work and have them. I have my job and I have them, you know. And if they're gone, it's just gonna be like, my, my job. And I mean, that's not enough for me. Your family is important to you. "In the case of<i> Thomas v. Zachary,</i> "when it comes to 15-month-old "Hannah Thomas, "it has been determined by this court, "Mr. Thomas, you... (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) "...are her father." (LAUGHING JOYFULLY) (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) (RIKIYA SOBBING) (AKEEN LAUGHING) Oh, my God. Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: Great news, right? I'm so happy for the both of you. Your daughter is the most important thing. You have other children that rely on you both. Do what it takes to create a strong family bond.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 348,415
Rating: 4.8576379 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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