Cities Skylines How to start your city 2021 - Episode 1

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hello everyone socks way up here we're bringing you a city skylines how to get started series for 2021 i thought we'd start off the year with a good tutorial for beginners a lot of people probably bought in the game over the holidays got it as a gift i know there's been a lot of steam sales where it's up to 75 off so i wanted to you know get a series going to show all the tips and tricks for the beginning of the game so that you can get a profitable city and get get to understanding city skylines and the basics to it we're not going to be using any mods it's going to be very vanilla we're going to use let's see which map do we want to pick we definitely want one with all the natural resources and outside connections available to us let's go with let's see yeah let's go to sandy beach let's give that a shot here we go all right so the game loaded up here we got nothing unlocked you can see just roads the first thing i like to do is make sure the game is always paused that way after you lay down these roads you can see they do have a cost and they also have an upkeep cost so this one is 32 cents per cell so the more roads we have the more money that we have as uh our expenses and we'll have to get residents in paying taxes to get income coming in so that we can have a positive cash flow see our weekly income right now is zero we got no residents no sims living in here and their global happiness is pretty sad because we haven't done anything so i do take a peek around and start thinking typically i always add the industry on the smaller side of the square or if it's in the center i typically just kind of peek around say where should i put the industry this one we are going to put it over here on the left side i think again this series is just to get you started so you can get a profitable city going and kind of see some of the ways that i do that but one of the first things i do is i just go to a random spot take this main road and i make sure i'm at the smallest cost we go ahead and build it and then we delete it and that will open up a good amount more roads for us that we only have 70 thousand dollars to start with we use 10 of it just to unlock things and we have we can see here electricity and water is set up so i like to start with water the first thing i do is i come out here to where my nearest water source is which we just have the one option and we go ahead and grab the water drain pipe we can see this is going to be a tough starting location the water doesn't move much so in this situation we might have to keep an eye on this and make sure that we don't end up having dirty water and we can we can kind of see that later so it looks like it does move that direction so that will give us a good place to start that and then i'm going to go all the way over here to the other side of this opening connect the two together and what i like to do especially early game i like to grab one of these wind turbines they are eight megawatts of power and then we're going to connect the two together so that will give us a water source that also has electricity on both ends and then before we spend any more money we're going to go to our pipes and we're going to bring them in anywhere is fine but we're going to bring them closer to this main road and that's going to set up our initial water and the start to the electricity so also while we're at it if we really wanted to we could bring the electricity around something like that get it into town you can see we're already at 44 000. so those those are some of the big monies that we spend we could start with the coal power plant but that's 19 000 and that's typically if you're new at the game and starting up you're gonna get yourself in trouble if you go with that much money up front all right so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to build some roads so if you look at our highways we don't have any highways unlocked so since this is highway roads it is a little frustrating early on in the game but we do have this two-lane one-way road that i typically like to extend so let's go 1200 out on both sides here like that and we got a little slope to deal with but that's not too bad and then i like to branch these out i personally like to go at like a 45 degree angle as you can see there and let's see we'll go down probably at this one dot here if we go 45 up like that we got a straight road so that's 560 cost so we're going to try to mimic that on the same side or on the other side so we got that good and then if we wanted to we could then have this road now we want to to a two-way road come directly across like that but then let's continue our road up and let's just go that amount that should be fine and then we can do one way again 560 perfect 560. and then some of those directions are not correct as you can see so you go to the upgrade road and we'll go ahead and right click on that and like so so now the traffic is flowing both directions and this is going to be our main road for now we'll use this one to extend out let's just see where we're at with money 36 000 we got plenty so let's go out 2400 that way and we'll go out 1600 this way and so now we can start thinking about building things we have a way for people to get to both sides of the highway this is going to become an issue long term later on what we'll want to do is we have access to the highway on both directions so once we start laying things down we might take a peek at this area and see if we can do a overpass so that this intersection is a little less busy all right and since we're designing this for mostly beginners we're going to go with just a grid and i wouldn't recommend doing anything other than that for your first playthrough i like to go about 800 out and that makes a nice amount of space to be zoneable and then we can just you know cut through here we won't have that one connect but then we have a little bit of a grid not too many intersections if we space these out by 800 cost that would be pretty pretty ideal so we'll go 800 again and then we can bring this up again and we have a little pattern going here that won't be too bad but so we're at 27 000 before we get too far let's make sure that we got this whole area saturated with water and we'll want to extend that this way because we're going to put our industry over here later [Music] go ahead and take care of all of that while we're in there and we could even extend this up if you go 440. that should be just about perfect to cover it without wasting any money you can see it is overlapping a little bit but that is just about the sweet spot there so now we got the water covered we do not have electricity so if we wanted to bring this in to about right there and if we zone our first neighborhoods in that area that should be pretty good what i don't what i recommend not doing is zoning that close to the main road so i i went ahead and zoned everything inside but then i stripped out this little section here just to help the traffic a little bit so that's everything i accidentally hit play there that's everything that we should need we have 17 000 still but we are gonna want to zone some of this industry so let's go back to our two-way road and let's bring it down let's do let's do the same pattern again we're learning the game we're not necessarily focused on the design of this area as much as just learning the game and figuring out exactly all the mechanics and how it works so we'll go a little bit different there and we'll mimic that on this side as well and this should give us plenty of area to zone for industry so let's go ahead and do that before we even hit play so let's right here i'm using the marquee tool to just kind of pick and choose everywhere that i do want to zone and we're going to go ahead and do all of that straight across there and these it's kind of frustrating that we don't have the highways unlocked at this point because those are zonable areas let's avoid zoning those we can upgrade them to highways later on and these main roads we're also going to make larger later on while we still have some money i'm going to build out just some small areas for some of our commercial so let's do that there and let's go ahead and come over here and we'll mimic the same thing i think we went up 400 yep we went 400. let's go there 400 and we'll go ahead even though it's not asking for any any commercial demand we are going to give it a little bit of an area to start building for when we get to that point so at this point we we are pretty set we actually have 7000 left you can see we wouldn't have been able to put that coal power plant and prepped everything as we've done you can see from when i accidentally hit play the electricity is starting to spread so you use these power lines just to get the electricity into the area once houses start populating they will then pass the electricity from building to building as long as it's within reach so we'll want to make sure that we do the same thing over here let's go like that to that corner get rid of that one and while we have the money even though these power lines might get demolished later let's do the same thing over here i'll have to take a peek just to be safe i'm going to come right in there and smash some of that just to be safe and then also we're going to do the same thing space already occupied so let's come across from here let's go down the middle of the highway why not oh it's not straight enough let's delete that get a little bit of a refund um let's do this come across again these will go away eventually but we're going to get this over here to this commercial area and then this one now we should be able to get into that industry area and i think we're all set at this point let's switch back to this view so we can see it and let's um let's go ahead and hit play we're going to press three to go times three and we're going to see everything start growing in see our houses are coming in we got negative 500 you can see that number is going to keep going up because of maintenance on all of these roads all of the power lines all the water lines they all cost money let's pause it for a second one thing we can do here is we can go into the budget we can look at our road budget and we could decrease all of these we decrease the electricity we can decrease the water and then we can hit play and take a peek at those and see all right the budget's down to two because we decreased it so that's okay we still got enough well we'll we will have to raise that pretty quick though but it will help us get started water we can keep low so again right now we already need more electricity so let's go ahead and pull that up let's go about 75 percent and see how that works go back into our electricity tab and that doubled it so the city's growing everything's got electricity our demands you can see quickly went to industry popping up some commercials already coming in and it's just a matter of time before the city is profitable got plenty area still to zone for commercial plenty for industry plenty for residential and there we go we're already a profitable city and that was about 12 minutes it took with me explaining things as well and we can see traffic is coming in and that's a good start there i think what we'll do is we're going to let the game play we're going to see if we can get up to the first milestone here let's take a peek at that that's 500 population should be plenty of area to zone and we'll place down these first services if we can afford it and we'll end this episode after that well we already have an electricity issue so let's pull that back up to 100 now that we're profitable and we might need to add another turbine let's take a peek do we have enough money we don't we need six thousand so at this point you have to kind of let the game play a little bit and hope you don't run out of electricity but i think we'll be okay when we hit that 500 mark we should be zoned plenty for that yeah we're at 3 40 already it's coming along i'm gonna let the game play i'll get back to you once we hit that milestone all right we did it we are having a little bit of an electricity issue but we're going to take care of that we hit 500 we got our little hamlet things that unlocked is taxes loans garbage health care education and campus areas we could do up to a community school it looks like already we won't do that yet oh that's alternative to elementary school we won't be able to spend that much money but the things we'll need to take care of is garbage services so we'll need a landfill or a recycling center healthcare what we'll need is one of the medical centers and for education at this point the minimum that you can do is an elementary school so let's go ahead and pause the game right here we're making 1500 a week profit so that's gonna go up and the game also gives you a nice little bump of money when you hit the milestones so that's nice and the next one's a thousand so this this map specifically has nice round numbers so far 500 to 1000 and then 1500 2600 is where it changes a little bit but let's go ahead and take a look at our electricity that's the first thing we should take care of here because we kind of under did it and so we only have 29 000 actually let's look at our taxes first our budget water's fine electricity is a little low water yeah water is going to be able to handle it definitely so we come over here and go to taxes i like to bump it up to 12 for residential for commercial and for industry i've seen people do 13 12 seems to be the sweet spot for me what you can do is bump it up to wherever you see it pay attention to the little messages here people will start complaining they will start leaving if taxes are too high but let's take care of the electricity we're gonna take one of these they're six thousand let's go ahead and place two of them that'll leave us with twenty seven thousand or sorry with seventeen thousand but we can come into the loans here and we can take a twenty thousand dollar loan it is going to cost us 403 a month but we do have a surplus right now so it should be okay to give us a bump and let's go take a peek in our industry area and see if there's a place where we can fit our landfill and we do have a nice spot there let's have the road face that way so that will be able to service the whole area here i like to then come over to the commercial area that we've started near the residential area and we'll place down our medical clinic this one cost us ten thousand they both cost ten thousand so it's kind of you know which one do you like the look of you can do that and then the elementary school itself we're gonna have a couple options here we have ten thousand dollar one and a ten thousand they're both the same again this one's a little bit bigger this one yeah they're about the same size actually so it's just whatever you want for the look of your neighborhood for your city and we have a little bit of money we're going to have to spend it wisely so we're going to fill in this area here come across like that and we'll throw the univ or the elementary school right there and we're also going to have to zone a good amount more here [Music] around the elementary school at this point it's safe to go ahead and hit play we got ten thousand dollars we've got a little bit to play with we're gonna need to add some roads we're gonna need to potentially add more residential areas to hit that thousand mark for the next one we're gonna leave that for the next episode though and get to that again i'm gonna do this this is gonna be a shortish series of just getting you started getting you through a few of the milestones and how i think about things and explain all the things you need to get your city profitable and some of the tips and tricks that i've used just to get started on cities again this one's not going to be about the look and feel of the city or the design mostly about functionality of the game for new beginners that may have picked up the game on the steam sales that have been recently or new console players new people that got gifts for christmas just thought it'd be a good way to start off 2021 and i'm sox way up thanks for joining and look forward to seeing you on the next one
Channel: sockswayup
Views: 13,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start your city cities skylines 2021, how to your cities skylines city 2021, cities skylines 2021, how to start your city in 2021 cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, part 1, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines getting started 2021, getting started cities skylines 2021, cites: skylines, cities skylines, cities, skylines, how to play cities skylines 2021, cities skylines ps5, cities skylines xbox
Id: RE61MEntvVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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