Spinning 1,000,000 Gears for HUGE PROFIT in Idle Gear

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so I've got a little gear that I can spin and turn for nice little dollars spend it enough times and I can get some upgrades like increase turn speed so it'll just Auto crank itself every time it completes a rotation I get a dollar or I can of course just manually click it to get a dollar auto money is still big money so what happens when I save up a hundred dollars this little gear segment appeared and a little oh my gosh oh I see the game wants me to connect gears to that machine all the way down here well we'll start with one which actually doubled the amount of money I was getting per second I see so the more these simple gears I have the more I can be extremely lazy and turn speed double the amount of money I was making probably because my gears are turning twice as fast will it double it again no just it's gonna go up 0.2 every time but I do get a full extra two dollars so after saving up enough money I have another gear it looks like all the gears just turn like on their own they don't turn slower despite being further away from this Mega gear which it's nice because it means I can buy an extra little turn speed and down getting more money for everything eventually I'm gonna have so much money I'm not even sure what I need to do with it although I was saving up to buy more turn speed and I just got my return so I think if I buy one more of these I'm at 2.1 dollars a second which increases it to what 3.15 wow that like doubled my money I think I'm pretty clear to me I just need to keep adding more gears because I think every extra gear is like a dollar now and I feel like that would just add up oh click money's up well here let me grab another gear click a whole bunch and one click money up am I getting two now oh 1.15 that's not as big of an increase as I would have expected game but that's fine money is still money and gear and so if I get more turn speed I'm slowly approaching one turn per second so maybe after one more upgrade no just one more after that one all right I'll just keep saving up game are you happy now I'm officially making nine dollars a second which could still very much so be better for instance money per turn which just cranked that up by three wow makes it really easy to just buy more gears and making sort of like a gear snake almost and I just unlocked a big gear and another area I need to connect to serious things keep coming from that's fine more click money 1.32 and that's well I guess starting to add up in the next upgrades 1.52 it actually just keeps getting larger and larger wait that's not bad however I will be going in the money per turn which gave me 3.5 this time interesting I guess the more I upgrade the better the profits eventually the gears are spinning and more waves than one and after saving up a whole bunch buying these normal gears is actually way more expensive than buying big gears but I've made a little gear snake and I'm getting 22 dollars a second so how much money do the big gears give me then throw one of these guys down oh that was an extra five dollars a second not bad in that case another big gear just starting to look suggested you know what I'm not gonna think about it I've kind of started to just make a little pattern and I will enjoy seeing What Becomes of it also I'm at forty dollars a second wow when did that gets so good means I should increase money per turn an extra eight bucks oh we're starting to snowball what happens if I put simple gear money up that brought me up like 2.1 dollars that's pathetic how about click money up am I making not two dollars yet but close I don't mind if I do oh it's actually two dollars in a penny I could buy you a house back in the day and simple gear money up I saved up enough simple gear monies up to four now I'm almost at sixty dollars a second I think I'm gonna increase my click money which wait that went up by 30. hang on that got better too depends if I buy it again 266. oh yeah we've snowballed I've got it up to 352. I think if I buy the next one I'm gonna be at four yeah it's all compounding also wait if I increase my turn speed oh I just went up a lot so from sixty four dollars turn speed one to seventy and what about money per turn 82 it's stacking like crazy and I'm thinking maybe I should start bringing my gears down so I can somewhat try to connect to this mystery device it just got expensive though four thousand pretty sure have money per turn that brought me over 100 bucks a second that is so then more turn speed adds like 18 on oh also big gear money up sure that's like an extra four bucks oh I just sold a gear on accident no I think I just deleted it I didn't get money back I didn't know that was a mechanic either that's fine just smack another one down and another big gear these are giving me ten dollars every time I place them now and I'm just gonna buy a turn speed wait for a minute buy another turn speed and now I'm getting a full 1.5 turns every second so after buying one more money per turn actually wait now one more money per turn 200 every second I think I'll let my gear snake run which again it started to look suggestive how does this keep happening but it can run in the background for a little bit and I'll come back and see how much money I've pocketed I assume it's gonna be game changing so after 40 minutes I'm at 600 000 but I think what I want to do is spend enough to get my turn speed to be two a second get money per turn up to 10 and probably get simple gear money up to 10 also so now I'm getting 400 a second big gear money you can be level five a DFG I think I need to connect that to the other one this will be nice though as for right now I can just smack these puppies down a bunch which is also giving me a ton of money however it's starting to cost 60k to place a Gear Well I oh I didn't mean to place that there that is a big gear though wow oh here Place another one a little bit lower and now if I'm lucky I might be able to just say screw my pattern and connect a big gear to this machine yes oh it's an ability that makes my gears turn faster that's actually pretty cool and I wonder what this one is up here but for right now increase my money per turn and my big gear money up along with more click money up that's eight bucks now so at a level one boost what's this end up getting me an extra 100 a second for 10 seconds honestly not half bad there's still two more gears I haven't even unlocked all right one more turn speed and I guess more click money up because now it's 9 36 wow that is stacking all right well I guess the only thing left for me to do now buy myself a little money per turn again save up some more cash and then start heading up to the next ability because I am curious this is a very long ways to go to this is most definitely suggestive now too all right swish me over so now I'm at 1.7 million I think it'd be a smart investment you get a BFG and then just start buying a couple regular big gears and then increase my money per turn a few times and I've got a level 12 turn speed I'm just gonna let these guys go and I'm almost making 10 000 a second wow never mind now I am all right it cost a hundred grand to place simple gears now so I might as well just go For Broke and make another BFG it's still so far away from my second perk though and that was an hour I mean I guess good news I'm making a lot of money really quick tell you what I'll just leave this running for the night who knows what we'll come back to after that day two well it's a new day and if you've forgotten my gears are working like crazy I'm getting three turns a second almost five thousand dollars and I've saved a 40 million somehow still not enough to unlock the next tier of gear but you know what it's fine just need to place a couple of big gears down like so like can almost activate the gear up here I think if I BFG just a few times that'll hopefully yes this increases the amount of money per turn and then gears turn faster so if I combo both of these skills I can be a very very rich man although now I think I just want to connect a bunch of random gears that seem to just keep getting more and more expensive I could also level up money per turn which cost me a lot but now I'm at eight point twenty one thousand what if I level up simple gear money increase my turn speed a few times big gear money up at level 15. also buy another one of those little guys and I feel like I'm so close tell you what auto click for a minute I'm getting ten dollars per click now actually wait click money up just a bunch of times here we go now I'm getting 25 per click that's much better how hard does this just keep going now it's 37 why is it compounding like crazy what comes after 37 43 yeah that math checks out I get this to be a hundred eventually now 50 from 50 to 57 57 to 66 where compounding ever so beautifully I think now though if I use this ability my gears will turn 19.52 times faster and then this will give me an extra 3 000 every time they turn wait this is almost leveled up to the next level we'll let you hit Level five four thousand per turn and then spin them both I'm getting a hundred thousand a second now look at all the money coming in these guys are also turning so fast oh my gosh this is nuts it's just free 2.5 million in that case might as well Level Up Click money up a few times to 115 dollars why is it just keep going like that oh also I've saved up enough BFG gear money uh officially have reached ten thousand dollars a second which is way more money than one man should ever be able to make in what is truly a blink of the eye
Channel: ImCade
Views: 271,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Id: hucbJwc6iNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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