Beginner Makeup Mistakes Women over 50 Make! How to Apply Makeup to Look Youthful and Put Together

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today's video i'm going to address some makeup mistakes that mature women make now this video is going to be a little bit different some than some other makeup mistake videos because instead of thinking that mature women wear too much makeup and they're just not blending it out correctly i think most mature women wear too little makeup or none at all because they are not confident on how to apply more makeup but still want to look pulled together but very natural so that's what i am going to address today hey everyone this is lisa welcome to my youtube channel lisa monique beauty where we cover all things beauty and lifestyle for over 50 women i'd love if you consider subscribing to my channel if you haven't done so already so i think it was much easier uh when we were younger to go without makeup or go really light with makeup because our skin was clearer it was more even toned our features and skin were just a little bit higher lifted our lashes and our brows were thicker and fuller so even if you went your whole life not wearing any or just wearing very light makeup sometimes surprisingly as we age we feel like we need a little bit more makeup to feel pulled together now when my friends approach me and ask me for techniques or tips and how to wear their makeup or how to feel better like when they're going to work it is never that they are wearing too much except maybe the eyeliner sometimes they have that really heavy eyeliner all around their eyes and trust me that's how i wear mine half the time too and then i'll look in pictures and everything and see that uh it's really a harsh line but overall they're not wearing too much makeup they're just not wearing enough to cover up just a few of the things that happen to us as we age and as a photographer who does a lot of headshot photography and i do the hair and makeup for my headshot photography i hear all the time from my mature women clients that they're not confident on how to wear makeup so they usually skip it all together today let's talk about those beginner makeup mistakes and how to correct them so we're basically going for a light makeup look one that would be appropriate running errand or going to work that will still knock off five to ten years off your face the first makeup mistake and you'll hear this in so many makeup mistake videos is not prepping the skin you must prep your skin for the most flawless looking finish on your face makeup if you had your makeup professionally done the first thing they are going to do is put moisturizer on your skin and let it sink in while they might be working on your brows so we need to do that all the time at home because what happens is your makeup will adhere to that moisturizer when it's lightly on your skin and as that moisturizer gets fully absorbed into your skin it helps the makeup set into the skin and it has a very very very natural finish a couple of products i've talked about before my embryolisse leg creme concentrate you can buy this at like germ store it's 28 for the large tube like this you 16 for the smaller tube if you just want to try it this is a really really great moisturizer it's been recommended by makeup artist forever when i went to a makeup school this is the moisturizer that they recommended we stock in our kit the other moisturizer that i like is just my daily moisturizer and that's the elf holy hydration i'm finally back in florida hence the beach picture behind me and i did get my elf holy hydration it is fragrance free it is a really nice moisturizing base it absorbs well and it doesn't leave a tacky or a sticky feel on your face and then of course my absolute favorite which i don't have here with me in florida is the charlotte tilbury magic cream i've always loved it it is so luxurious feeling and smelling and it was designed to be a makeup moisturizing base so it really does excellent at that so those are three that i would try the way to apply it is just a little bit heavier so you don't want to blend it all the way into your skin you don't want to leave a really white thick white coating but just blend it in until it's almost blended in even if you have a little bit of white spot you know left on your cheeks and then you'll start with your eye makeup and by the time you get to your face that should be the perfect moisture level for your face makeup now the next beginner mistake or mistake number two that more mature women tend to make is not filling in their brows now i actually have pretty filled in brows i do fill out fill in a little thin spots here and there but overall i actually still have nice brows not the case with many women my age so my good friend deb asked me to do her makeup she wanted to have a makeup look appropriate for work and so she allowed me to use her photos here and i will just show you she actually still has a line of brows to follow but we just filled them in and we didn't do strokes that went straight across we actually did upward strokes because that is more of the trend now not that we're trying to be super trendy when we're over 50 doing our makeup but we do want to stay within the makeup trends and within the fashion trends right we're just trying to stay uh current uh so we don't look dated so anyway so we do the light upward strokes and we filled in her brows we didn't make them too thick we didn't make them too heavy very very nice and natural and then we sealed them with a brow gel i love the elf brow gel i love the anastasia beverly hills brow gel and i also have the tilbury brow fix and this is the only one i brought with me to florida for some reason um i do want to say i packed 30 pounds of makeup a whole half of a suitcase and the bottom third of on on the other side and i still left so much back in phoenix that i would like to use while i'm doing my my videos so anyway at brow gel just to hold your brows in place and make it last all day very simple and i think a lot easier now that you're just using little strokes to create the hairs as opposed to really doing a thick brow i like the anastasia beverly hills brow whiz it's a real thin it's got spoolie on one end and a real thin wind-up pencil on the other end maybelline's brow ultra slim divining eyebrow pencil and the benefit my precisely my brow pencils are also very thin point pencils that allow you to do little flicks they build up really nice they don't go on too dark and they don't smudge around so you really want to find a brow pencil that's not just going to smear off your brows okay mistake number three this one i think is super important one of the most important in taking five to ten years off your face and so many women do not do it because they think they're not going to be wearing eye shadows so they do not prep or prime their eyelids as we age we start getting the little purple veins we start getting darkness in the center or we might have redness all around our eyes even right up under the lash so important to prep and prime your eyes even if you're not going to wear shadow just bring it back to your natural skin tone so for that i would recommend a concealer in your skin tone i love the lancome tinty doll ultra wear concealer it does not move into my creases after i apply it i did a video not too long ago about concealers that don't require that don't crease or require setting powders i'll put that link up here so you can go see some other options i love this one i love the elf 16 hour hydrating camo concealer i also love the mac paint pot in my color now is laying low i think it's laying low before it was a soft ochre so and for real pale skins i use the painterly again you just want a nice even coverage when i'm using the concealers i will actually do it under the eyes too and i tap it out with my fingers or you could use a sponge i will just lightly take my powder brush i don't put any more powder on whatever was left over from the last time i used it and i will just lightly sweep it around the eyes over the eyelashes and everything and that just kind of really sets everything for a really nice base a nice matte finish if i'm going without any eye shadow it has a huge impact on making you look younger now if you are going to wear eyeshadow the fourth mistake i think is not applying eyeshadow high enough for some reason and i think it's because you know we're not used to having the the hood starting to droop and cover more of our eye but a lot of times people just put their eyeshadow on that lower lid space and you really can't even see it when you are talking to someone so you real you want to put your eyeshadow up here up on that orbital bone and like i'm doing a one and done lid style i showed you two different shadows the first one is the charlotte tilbury the eyes to mesmerize in rose gold which is my all-time favorite i've had this one for two years it doesn't dry out it stays nice and mousse-like they have beautiful golds too if you're not into the rose gold shades and bronzy shades anyways if you get one of those in a basic color you will wear it all the time then today on top of it since i wanted to go with something that i thought was a little bit had a little bit more color maybe for work so i used a little darker brown bronzy brown over it this is a laura geller cajal longwear eyeliner and it's in a dark brown coal so they did send this to me i was so excited they actually saw my laura geller video on the powdered foundation and reached out to me and asked if i wanted to try anything else or if they could send me some products so i'm on their pr list and so they sent this to me look how beautiful of a deep bronzy brown that is okay the fifth mistake is another biggie this is another one that i would consider one of the major mistakes that mature women make and that is not blending out your eyeliner when we're younger and we have thicker lashes you can get away with that more because it kind of blends in underneath your lashes but as we age and our lashes get thinner and lighter and shorter then it is more noticeable when you have that harsh sharp edge of your eyeliner now i will not tell anybody not to put eyeliner underneath their lashes because i feel like it defines my whole eyes and it makes my eyes look bigger so i like it and i will always do it but i will try to blend it out really softly so i love the makeup by mario master pigment pro eyeliners this is a in perfect brown and what i love is this brush originally i didn't like this brush i was like oh my gosh it's so long how do you do anything with it but it is so perfect for doing like a really good smudge to soften that line underneath and so i just do it really messy if it gets a little bit too low i actually just push it up a little bit with my fingers because while it's still freshly applied you still can move this around and so i can push it up a little bit or i can even use the corner of a beauty blender get it back up closer to my eye but it will still have a really soft edge and just compare it with the other side where i just did what i always did before as i lined it and then i just kind of took my finger and went back and forth once or twice that is a much much much harsher line and i think that can aid you it almost brings a focus totally on that line not on the whole eye together the sixth mistake is not wearing mascara i know a lot of women don't like to wear mascara because they think it smears under their eyes if it flakes under their eyes they don't like taking mascara off at night but again when our lashes get thinner and shorter we need something to frame our eyes we need to bring the attention back up to our eyes now i use a lash serum i use the rodan and field one but i'm not saying that's the best one to use there are several on the market and everyone that uses a lash serum no matter what the brand seems to have good results and so i do use that so my lashes are still long but it doesn't really make them thicker so i you have to use a volumizing mascara first thing i do is i curl my lashes i've talked about this before and i'm going to talk about it again because it's still on sale so it's such a good deal i love the refer eyelash curler you get two refills with it and then in your when you check out you can ask for a complimentary set of refills with three more refills so you get five refills for it it is on sale right now in the refer concept store for 16 this eyelash curler is a little bit longer just a little bit than a standard eyelash curler and it's a little flatter and so when i am going in to get into my lashes especially going over my face when i'm doing the opposite eye i'm left-handed so when i'm doing my right eye i used to pull on these outer lashes for when i would squeeze i must have done this type motion but that was because of the curvature and and where i had to put the curler down but this one's flatter so i can get all my lashes right at the base squeeze squeeze in the middle squeeze at the tip and then i go back in at the base and squeeze squeeze squeeze at the base and my lashes just lift up i think that really opens your eyes you can do it in a magnifying mirror makes it really easy to make sure that you have all your all of the lashes in the curler for mascaras i have another video on thickening mascaras right now i'm using this l'oreal one i can't read which one it is on the back so i will have to look it up and put it down below also this is one i had left in florida i've been wearing it every day here it's not smearing it's a little more humid here it's not smearing it doesn't flake it coats my lashes all the way from the base to the tip and it is easy to apply i almost feel like it's a little foolproof for a thickening mascara because i can go in multiple coats right away and it doesn't clump i can do one eye then the other eye and then go back and it doesn't clump i just have never gotten a big blob of mascara on my eyelashes with this one so i really like it again i'll put it down below so mistake number seven is not correcting discoloration of the face so i know as we age we get a lot of different types of discoloration i get melasma and i get hyperpigmentation i get the dark spot most of my friends who are fair skin they get the redness they get the broken capillaries and redness around the nose on the chin and on the cheeks but i think when you're so used to the redness you don't see it as much but i think that redness and the broken capillaries and everything definitely show a woman's age because that is something that happened when you're older and you don't have to put a full face of makeup to get rid of it and make it look good you just need the right products again uh going back to the lancome tintai doll just putting it around the nose and under the nose and on the chin if you clear up this mask even if you left redness or hyperpigmentation or age spots on the back side of your face it really is so much less noticeable if you just color correct this mask again the elf cosmetics the lancome tintai doll but you will need to pick a shade that matches in your skin into your skin tone if you're not going to put on foundation so again i do not have any foundation on i just have color corrected this area right here and it pulls the whole look together and makes it look like i'm wearing foundation but you know what i've still got that really skin like finish because it is my skin and i still have my hyperpigmentation and things like that but it's just not as noticeable when this area is is corrected after applying the concealer you can use just the light dusting of setting powder i have just discovered i've been using for the last couple of weeks this fenty beauty one pro filter setting powder and i just bought a mini size and i really like it it does not build up cakey or anything like that i think it has a very very nice finish okay mistake number eight is applying your blush too low or not at all but when applying blush uh you definitely want to apply it up high on the cheekbone not where we kind of grew up applying it right here so you want to start up high on the cheekbone having said that i was looking at the fall trends for 2021 and they are starting to put it all over the face again with no contour so i'm not usually that trendy that jumps on them right away but maybe neck by next year i'll be putting my blush everywhere but for right now i think it is more youthful to keep it up high on the cheekbone and then i actually still like to put a little bit of blush under my eyes now i don't put it on the apples because when you smile and then unsmile you see how my it's dropping down here i still want it up under the eye kind of like where your sunglasses rest and so i just put a little bit up there it kind of makes a little triangle check mark and i think that keeps drawing the attention up towards your eyes which is the area that you want to emphasize to have a more pulled together look then i also just take my brush after applying and just do a little bit over my eyelids to add a little bit of flush to kind of pull everything together and the final mistake that more mature women make is they still use matte lipsticks i have a drawer full of matte lipsticks but my lips have gotten deflated and a matte lipstick really brings it out so i like to use a lipstick with a little bit of gloss you can still use a bullet lipstick or a stick lipstick this one isn't a bullet um there are so many formulations with just a little bit of shine like look at that look how pretty that is or i like to just use a gloss like right now i am wearing this bare minerals lip lacquer in the shade is called everything and that's what i'm wearing right now it's very close to my natural lip shade and it has just enough gloss where i like it i love the fenty gloss balm and of course i love my maybelline lifter glosses so those are the makeup mistakes i see most often in mature beginners it doesn't take long to do a simple look like this 10-15 minutes depending how long for the brows i will say brows tend to take the longest but if you like this content please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends thank you so much for watching and we will see you next time
Channel: Lisa Monique Beauty
Views: 687,614
Rating: 4.9188685 out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Monique Beauty, Lisa Monique, makeup mistakes to avoid, makeup mistakes that make you look older, makeup mistakes over 50, makeup mistakes over 40, makeup mistakes for beginners, makeup techniques for women over 50, look 10 years younger, makeup for mature skin
Id: UxbO5h4NVQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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