Face Shaving For Women | Dermaplaning for Women | Over 50 Beauty

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hey everyone this is lisa welcome to my youtube channel lisa monique beauty where we cover all things beauty and lifestyle for the over 50 woman i hope you'll consider subscribing to my channel i post about once a week my goal is to post once a week in today's video i'm going to talk about the five reasons to shave your face the tools of the trade and also do a quick demonstration on how i shave my face so i used to think shaving your face and dermaplaning or at home dermal planing were two different things actually i thought shaving your face is what you did at home and derma cleaning was what you went to a salon or a med spa to do but then i started seeing people using those terms interchangeably so i kind of thought all right shaving your face is dermaplaning which is just kind of removing the top layer of dead skin cells as well as removing the hair on your face so let's go over real quick uh the reasons to shave your face and so these are just my five reasons that i shave my face the first is to remove all that peach fuzz that's a very faint white peach fuzz that i see under the chin or along the jawline and on the lower half of the face now when i was younger i used to go to like football games i mean i'm talking high school and i would see the light the sun was setting and so the people next to me uh would be backlit and i could see all the little white fuzz on the women's faces and sometimes i had really horrible whiskers and then once you notice it then i started looking for it on on everyone else so that was just me but it kind of fed into my fogo fear of getting old because i was like oh my gosh you get old and you get a hairy face so even way back then i kind of knew face shaving or removing all that facial hair would be in my future now besides having that uh white peach fuzz and depending on your skin tone and texture you might have darker peach fuzz but even with my what i consider medium skin my fuzz is still really white having said that i do have a row of black whiskers that grow right here and that started in my mid to late 30s horrible horrible i can feel them i'm always rubbing my chin it drives me crazy uh i'll shave them in a pinch but a lot of times i do like to pluck them so my first reason to you to shave your face is to get rid of all that peach fuzz and get a nice smooth complexion my second reason to shave your face is it exfoliates it removes that top layer of dead skin like a manual exfoliation so your skin is so much softer and remember it is an exfoliation so you don't want to be shaving your face and then putting on a chemical exfoliation or anything like that especially if you have sensitive skin sounds like something i would do um but you definitely you want to treat your skin very carefully right after you shave and before full beards became the norm for guys and they would be shaving all the time i think a lot of us remember the men saying if they put like products with alcohol or anything like that you know would sting or irritate their skin so you have to remember it's that same thing your skin is definitely a little bit more sensitive right after you shave your face so i recommend doing it at night or at the shower in the morning if you're not going to be getting ready to go out and putting on a lot of product over your skin at that time the third reason to shave your face is it's fast and easy so it's fast to do when you're doing your entire face but i've also been known to be looking in the mirror getting ready to go out and notice that my mustache is getting a little long and i will quickly shave my face and be ready to go and not worry about that same with my eyebrows and i will show you in the demonstration towards the end of this video how fast and easy it can be another reason to shave your face your skincare products are going to absorb better into your skin now a lot of that will have to do with again how much peach fuzz you might have on your face naturally if you have a lot your skincare products might be getting stuck in the hairs especially if you pack your serums and things in you're not actually getting it into your skin it's just sitting on those hairs and then evaporating off those hairs if you don't have a lot of peach fuzz or never had a lot of fuzz then you know it's just that thin layer of dead skin cells that you have to get your product through before it's actually absorbing into your skin and then the final reason to shave your face is that your makeup and your powders and everything are going to look better same thing when you're putting on your makeup or powdering your face and you've got a lot of little hairs the makeup and powders are sitting on top of those hairs and that can make your makeup look cakey it can look dry and it can really age you so definitely want to shave your face then your makeup and your powders are sitting on your skin you push it onto your skin it also adheres better so your makeup will last longer okay so let's talk about the tools of the trade for shaving your face or home derma plating so they're all kinds of inexpensive razors and one of the most popular is called the tinkle razor it looks like this so this one's really good to actually do the sides of your face i find it a little too big to do my under eye area because i'm just afraid i'm going to cut off my eyebrow so i don't like to use the big the bigger razors around my eyebrows but it's great for around the face on the lip etc around the eyebrows i like to use a smaller razor and the ones i use are nailia they come in a six pack like this they also you know have kind of a almost a wrapped blade to prevent you from cutting yourself or getting too close and these are the perfect size to get around the eyebrow and get up close underneath the eyebrow on your eyelid so i definitely use these on my eyes and you want to make sure you keep your razor sharp because there's nothing worse than using a dull razor and running it on your face and it's just like on your legs you know you can get that razor burn and everything like that so you always want to be constantly replacing your razors and using a fresh one and they're so inexpensive that you definitely can do that i also like this razor it's from the feather razor these are a little bit more expensive which is why i buy more of these but i do like it that it bends down i like to carry these in my travel bag again a small razor good for the eyes and then this one's a little controversial uh i will shave my face with just a regular razor and i like the chic quattro because it has four blades and it doesn't have a lot of soap and moisturizers above and below uh so i feel like i can get a pretty close shave and usually i'm just using this to remove the peach fuzz i'm not doing anything around the eyes with this but i will use it in the shower on my face when i'm in a real rush i try to keep a separate one for my face but i have been known to just grab a razor especially when i'm traveling and i just have one razor my travel bag and my face is feeling kind of fuzzy i've been known to just grab a razor but we'll talk more about this and when i use uh in the demo and then finally i kept hearing about this stacked skin care derma planing tool so i was kind of expecting it to be more than just a razor but it is so it's got a really nice weight it retails for 75 though so it is way more expensive than everything else i hear the blades stay sharp for a long time and then you can purchase just additional blades refill blades so you don't have to buy the whole tool you can see that the spacing or the the little bit of metal that kind of protects around the razor it's a lot farther spaced out so you're actually getting a wider blade on your face on your skin so that might be why it seems to dermaplane better but i've never used it so in the demonstration today i will be using the tinkle on one side and uh the stacked on the other and we can see which one takes off more of the dead skin cells and see if there is a difference so that will be interesting to do okay and then with that let's move to the next phase of the video the demonstration i must admit i was really sad to wash off my makeup i just did my film my nars video from a couple weeks ago and i really liked that look but let's go and examine my face so i shaved my face about 10 days ago so it's just starting to grow back i just did it really quick with the razor which does not get as close and of course it doesn't get around the eyebrows at all it was just to get rid of the peach fuzz and my mustache let's see but i have both the little white hairs and darker hairs and then i think i kind of miss this back area here so can you see the fuzz and then my eyebrows definitely need to be cleaned up so we'll start with the tingle on one side and there are a lot of different ways to drum a plane they all say hold it about 45 degrees from your face and work in downward motions though there are some people that like to work in upward motions but again just using really short strokes as opposed to long stroke because then you have all the skin cells and hair and it gets packed onto the blade so so you can get a little bit razor burn so i'm going to work in a downward motion even though typically i shave in the shower with an upward motion so my face is clean but i did not moisturize it let's see we'll see what's going on so i can see my skin looking drier here oh i when i do this i can see a lot of fuzz down here and then i usually have some long dark hairs right about here so we'll get those too all right i'm going to sit back down because i need to pull my skin taut to do some of this and then you also need to clean the blade okay my really stiff whisker i'm gonna have to go up okay i don't see a big layer of skin here but i do see the skin being loosened on my face and it feels good it feels so soft all right let's see if i see anything different with this derma cleaning tool again because i not starting from day zero oh with my face i'm not sure if this tool is going to give me a noticeable difference doing up close i actually do see some fuzz and hairs on the razor oh my gosh do you see that big thing of hair hanging down okay i definitely see a lot more hair and skin cells on with this derma cleaning tool i mean like noticeably it's removing more hair i'm going to do up here i didn't do the eyebrows so this is how i do my eyebrows i go all the way up kind of make a little v above my nose okay so what i noticed they both take off a lot of dead skin cells this one seems to be a little less scratchy than this one i mean i think the tinkle would work unless you don't want a disposable this one feels good it's a good weight it makes it very easy to actually use okay i did want to just do a little update on my face shaving video so i filmed that video at the end of march before i left for florida for two months and since that time i have been really enjoying this stacked skin care razor and it's not because it's more expensive because it's a lot more expensive it's not a little more expensive it's a lot more expensive so when i got to florida i did have an old friend a college friend of mine come to visit and at the time i still had the my face one done with the tinkle and one done with the stacked skin care and i kept thinking the stacked side was softer and smoother but then i didn't know if it's you know my mind really trying to make it softer so i asked her to feel my face and which side felt softer and she picked the stat skin hair side so since then i've been doing both sides and they're equally soft in my mind the one thing i did notice and i'm holding it wrong right here i'm a lefty so i was doing it with my left hand except you know when i was coming up here i flipped it like this and it was so much better it is a blade that is sharper if you use it with your right hand it must be a two-sided blade or something or if it's not it sure feels sharper to me when i'm using it with my right hand so i have been since dermaplaning with my right hand even though it's a lot harder for me because i do feel i get a closer shave now the other thing that happened was i had a skincare company contact me before i left phoenix and asked if i wanted to try any other products to pick anything from their website that sent it to me to test out and i said well i'm trying not to do a lot of different things on my face but maybe some body care so they sent me some body care and they shipped it to my air to the florida address so after i filmed my video after i decided i love this stacked skincare i received my package and it was from sap skin care i could have asked them for the derma planing tool for free i could have asked for refill blades for free um but you know i had already purchased it how anyways this video is not sponsored they did not send me this product though i wish they and they wish they did i wish i had noticed it was the same company before i went out and bought this but i do have a code for you so you can save 20 off um using my code down below there is an affiliate link also down below and that's it i'm definitely a fan and i was a fan before they offered me the discount code i just it was a closer smoother shave i mean that's all there is to it all right let's do the eyebrow area i'll show you how to do that real quick so i just take eraser and i go against the hair to clean all that up and then i can't i can't do my lid holding onto the mirror and then when i get up here this is where i need to clean up a little bit more because i know a lot of people get sparse here but i actually have a lot of eyebrows here and that's it that's how simple and fast it is to shave your face these are the tools that i'm using i think you would be fine just with the inexpensive tingles unless you really want to spend the extra money i mean i will continue to use this it probably will use it the most since i have it now and i do feel like i said it's a little bit smoother and gentler on the skin as far as the face razor again i just do this upward motion i do it in the shower i don't even have a mirror and it's really fast also um yeah i know some people don't like it it doesn't get it as close and it doesn't i don't think really lift off the dead skin cells it's more to just get rid of the peach fuzz but that's it those are the reasons to shave your face the tools to shave your face and a demonstration on how i shave my face if you have any comments go ahead and leave them down below thank you so much for watching and we will see you next time
Channel: Lisa Monique Home and Garden
Views: 82,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: face shaving, how to shave your face, peach fuzz, hair removal, dermaplaning at home, dermaplaning before and after, how to, face shaving for women, shaving my face, women shave face, women shaving, women shaving their faces, over 50, 50 +, hot and flashy, facial hair, face shaving tutorial, shave your face female, Lisa Monique Beauty, how to shave your face women, shaving tips for women, face shaving women, female face shaving, women face shave, face shave
Id: nw7Yo8FnKjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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