Hollywood Makeup Artist Does Life Changing Makeover

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caring for family almost always puts others needs before our own Vicky's 92 year old dad has been her priority and today I'm gonna make Vicky my priority I'm Jessica to Ben and I'm a Hollywood makeup artist some of the most beautiful women in LA rely on me to know the top celebrity beauty trends I'm gonna roll out my red carpet and use my beauty secrets to help women see themselves in an entirely new light I'm on a quest to change women's lives from the outside in it's been at least 15 years since I've had a professional haircut I don't like people touching me normally if I don't go in for the professional salons I love my family and my grandkids and I really would love to be able to FaceTime them right now I just I just I just can't do it I don't like looking at myself you know I'm talking to them so that would be great if I could if I could do that got to a point where I could look at them you know without feeling so self-conscious and you sent me a text asking me what dress size I was and immediately I was like panicky because I hadn't bought a dress and so long and knew that I had you know that I had gained so much weight so I'm in another closet and I was looking at the dresses that I had bought I just thought oh my gosh I wore this just a few years ago you know so anyway I had texted you and told you that I made myself a challenge that within the year I was gonna be able to fit back in this one dress that I really liked so we haven't even started actually the process and I already feel that this is making a big difference here's my game plan I'm bringing in international hair stylist Pasquale Buzzelli the work is magic we're gonna give Vicky a perfect hair day with a new red hair color we're gonna cut off eight to ten inches of hair and we're gonna give her a graceful side-swept bang then we're gonna measure her brows and make sure they're perfectly chuckle I'm gonna use airbrush foundation contouring her jawline cheekbone and forehead let's get to it [Music] the cold nights just don't feel the same [Music] [Music] [Applause] so what i'm doing here is my favorite secret weapon there's not a makeover that i do that doesn't include this this is microcurrent it puts all the facial muscles into a better position and makes her wrinkles lose their gap which is great and it supports the contouring emoji later now we're reducing puffiness by doing lymphatic drainage for the under eye this is a Clarisonic brush it gives luminosity to tired and dry skin [Music] here I'm measuring the brow and I'm supporting the light hairs that Vickie has I like the brow to start at the inner corner of the eye and I use another straight brush to help me guide where I'm gonna fill in I'm gonna brush through this and then I'm also gonna airbrush so it's gonna get much lighter as I work jerem using liquid liner underneath the lash line and I'm using pallet paper from an art supply store so that I can use my own brush and I can sanitize it later all the products that I'm using will be listed in the description below [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love this foundation palette it honors all the different skin tones on our face and it helps the makeup look more natural I love a good cream blush you'll see I'm working with the palette knifes again from the art supply store that's to keep everything sanitary I love cream blush because it makes you look lit from within I love a rush of color on the cheeks and I'd go a little bit heavy because I know I'm gonna airbrush over it later [Music] here I'm contouring the cheekbones and the jawline Vicky's nose is really symmetrical so I didn't need to do anything there I did do a touch on the forehead and I'll blend it out an airbrush over it here I'm covering Vicky's lashes so the airbrush makeup doesn't light them airbrush makeup is great because it's very diffused it's a velvet finish and it blurs all the imperfections I use the airbrush to cover up any imperfections on the chest and the back of the hands too [Music] [Music] oh wait to leave this town stay the arboretum down I accidentally grabbed a lip brush to blend out Vicky's eyeliner and you can see here the end of the brush has fallen off and I'm still going the finishing touch is a lip palette of creamy honey nudes and now it's time for the reveal Vicky I cannot wait for you to see what you look like are you ready I'm ready yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh [Music] I think you look beautiful thank you what do you think Doug's gonna think he'll be bored I'm sure he will oh my gosh look at that hair oh it's beautiful huh yeah I always thought you were pretty but this is beautiful I'm glad to see that you did this is the first thing you've done to yourself for a long time we have to FaceTime your daughter I think you're ready okay when you see how you look what does it say to you so take the time to do this and just allow this to happen no he's actually amazing but I first turned around I felt I maybe I didn't show it as much as I should but it was very emotional for me I mean I just felt good about myself and I felt like I could look in the mirror and that I know that I'll probably be spending time facetiming the kids and my grandkids now and just the whole process I'm just proud of myself really because I would never thought that I would even ever have done anything like this before so I'm so happy for all of you and have taken the time to do this and I think like I said I already made I have made goals already before the process when I first heard about this but I think I'll be encouraged now you know maybe I don't know maybe I can get back to Zumba class try my knees again see if it'll work out I don't know but you know I just I have a brighter outlook right now Vicki had an awesome makeover Vicki's transformation started even before she sat in my chair I see it all the time when I changed the outside something inside clicks and a new chapter in their life can begin my quest continues who's next you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jessica deBen
Views: 595,898
Rating: 4.9269485 out of 5
Keywords: makeover, makeup, makeover transformation, transformation, life changing hair transformations, life changing transformation, before and after makeup transformation, before and after makeup tutorial, makeup tutorial, celebrity transformation, celebrity makeup makeover, full makeover transformation, social media anxiety, beauty over 50 years old, facetime makeover tutorial, skype makeovers, camera shy woman, video chat makeup, makeup transformation before and after
Id: oqaFS4GMRnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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