Glamorous Makeup for Mature Women - Full face tutorial

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hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by and if you're new to my channel welcome and please subscribe if you like this video some of you who have asked me to do a more glamorous makeup look something you would use for a night out on the town or a special occasion when I first made this tutorial it was quite long and people said you can't do a makeup video that long people would be bored they won't watch they're going to turn it off so I did trim it down as much as I could it's still alone but I really believe that there is such useful advice and great tips here you want to watch it until the very end where I reveal my absolutely fabulous glamorous look darlings so let me know what you think I'm going to do this makeup application as if I'm going to a special event in other words I want to pull out all the stops but it has to last I already have on all my skincare products including my primer I'm going to do my eye makeup first because it's going to be a smoky look and I don't want all that smoky getting under my eyes before I even leave the house so I'm going to start with my eyelid primer this one is from Smashbox it's a real favorite of mine I've been using it for a long time I like that it's flesh color and it has no shimmer it does dry quickly as you're using it so I'm gonna start with my at my eyelid work my way up to my eyebrow put a little bit in the eye socket there because we will get a little bit dark in there many people forget it it can make you look tired so it's kind of a patting motion sometimes I feel like if you sweep it like that with your finger you kind of you don't get a nice layer of it on your eye so it's kind of like a patting motion that looks good do the same with my other eye so these are the colors I've chosen for this makeup look this palette is from morphe and I have picked each color individually I find that when I buy a palette that's already laid out for me about 2/3 of them aren't ripe from me I don't like them or they don't go with my coloring so I put together my favourites because at least I know I'll use all the colors that way this color is called celebration it's a nice soft movas color and I'm going to sweep it from my eyelids not quite into my brows and you see how it fades off before I get to my brow area you see I load my brush that's when it has the most product on it so I'll just go through that motion again I'm starting at the lash line that's where I have the most intensity and I'm not reloading my brush I'm just going up further and if you want to blend it even more you can just you see how this is an empty side of the brush it has no product on it you can just continue with that side and you'll get a nice fade that way can't go to the other side this colors a bit darker it's called bridesmaid I'm applying this kind of in my crease and kind of on that outer side of the lid now try not to get any color down here because if you if you put some color down here you're going to kind of visually drag your eye down so try to envision a line let me see let me use a pencil to show you something if you kind of put an imaginary line from here up to your eyebrow you're going to try to not get the eye shadow on this part I hope that makes sense to you it keeps it all upswept and when I do my foundation you will get an opportunity to correct anything that's falling down there so don't worry about it too much okay guys do the other side [Music] so this color is called Barbie it's just like the Barbie Dream House or the Barbie car right isn't that crazy looking so I'm going to put it here and like I said this does start to look a bit nutty but hang in there with me you will see that it doesn't look as crazy as you think it actually is going to make a nice little aura for the smoky eye you see so next we have this color it's called rosewood it looks kind of like a fuchsia to me but that's what they called it so I'm going to use a smaller brush this time this is from my collection of brushes and I'm going to put it on that outer half of my lid here this is very white light that I'm working in here so that you can see everything but remember this is for a special event or an evening out or any time you just want to get glammed up and so the lighting is very different if you're in a candlelit restaurant or typically an evening place will have dimmer lights so this is not for going like to the supermarket or something although I'm not judging if you want to go to the supermarket like this fine you do you so now we're going to go darker more dramatic this color is called gunpowder and I like this color because there's no shimmer in it so this is going to help me recess my hooded eye area I'm going to use that same brush the smaller the the smaller the area that you're working in the smaller the brush you should use so in the beginning you'll notice I was using my big fluffy brush because we was we were covering a larger area but this is my smaller brush and you'll see why so I'm going to go into my crease like so I can get a little puffy in this area so I'm kind of visually pushing it back and look you see already I haven't even blended it and you see the effect that it's having I will also go let it churn up with this previous color this fuchsia column kind of blending them together and then I think I'll get hold of mr. fluffy here that I used before and just kind of blend it up I love this brush I always have about three of these that I'm working with some to apply the eye shadow and some almost to act like an eraser I think this might be my favorite makeup brush my favorite eyeshadow brush anyway okay you see that okay I'm going to quickly do the other side hey now this is a very dark color I know it looks black but it's some kind of a really dark plummy purple color it's called royalty now these colors these are shadow colors from morphe they are very inexpensive they're about two dollars and fifty cents each so you can you can buy the palette which I showed you before and then you can make up your own collection you don't have to get them all at once so the prices are great now I'm loading up my brush here and I'm going to put this color right next to my lash line that's when I have the most product on the brush so that's where the color is the most intense and you might be able to see at this point that it's more of a deep deep purple than a black and then I am going to put it into that crease to join with that previous color see this is creating an a nice fade I don't know if you can see that and then I'll pull it over a little bit when I have less product on the brush again creating a nice fade it's kind of like a V shapes like a V on its side if you can see that okay it doesn't matter if we look a little messy at this stage there's going to be opportunities to tidy up the skin around the eyes so don't worry like I know this shape isn't that good I'm going to cut it this way with some cleanser maybe okay again I'm going to use my little fluffy brush here that's good I like it nice and blended I don't like any harsh lines [Music] now I'm going to use a little highlighter just under my eyebrow kind of above my artery that's going to open up the eyes really nice you see that little spark some of my subscribers asked me is it okay to wear shimmery eyeshadow after a certain age and my philosophy on that is that the areas that we can apply shimmer or anything sparkly it gets to be in a smaller area as we age like this is such a tiny little space here but it adds a nice little zap a nice little burst of glamour there so in an area like that that's not really wrinkled it's fine in my opinion although if you want to put it all over your lid and that makes you happy you should definitely go with what makes you happy so we should probably noticed just because this is a smokey dramatic eye there still has to be a softness to it in my opinion that's why you often see me going back and softening an area even though we're going to clean up afterwards when I do my under eye concealer and my base but I look at both eyes I evaluate them and again don't be too hard on that because very often our eyes are not symmetrical so sometimes it's impossible to get them perfectly balanced so don't get too crazy about that next I'm going to use an eyeliner this is Rimmel exaggerate it's a nice dense black color I really like it I'm going to start just about the iris here and I'm going to sweep out really keeping it close to the lashes a mistake that I see some people making is that they they do their liner and it kind of floats above that lash line and you can actually see like a fleshy color between the liner and the lashes so don't do that keep it it's supposed to kind of be an extension of your lashes making them look thicker and and more dense and black so just wing it out a little bit and you can make this part a little wider then then here now I'm going to go back here keep it really thin so it hardly shows really you see the thing is I don't have much visible lid so if I made this really wired all the way along you wouldn't see any I'm going to soften it with my eye rush to you can either sell finet with q-tips you can have some q-tips standing by you can use your finger actually I believe the end of this whoops it's broken it has a little blender thing and you can even use that to soften the line up okay other side [Music] now underneath the eye I'm going to use a Mac eyeliner in grape now those of you who know your makeup know that this is a different color pencil for most mac pencils because it's been in my makeup kit for years and I'm sorry to say they don't make this color anymore but I did some research and there is an excellent purplish pencil and it's called rich purple and it's probably even better than this one because I think it will stay on longer so but I'm gonna use this one for now here goes so I'm going to put it nice and close to the lash line and I'm not going to go any closer in towards my nose and around my iris area because I don't want it too dark under there otherwise it's going to kind of close my eye up I feel so feather it out and now it joins the rest you see how I kind of linked it up to what's going on on the top of my eye there yeah that's a pretty color it's all do the same thing on that other side okay so I feel like this is just uh maybe a little bit too / please on that edge so I'm I'm using the gray eyeshadow that we use previously it's called gun powder and I'm going to just fluff a little bit over that pencil on the outer edge ah that's so much better I like that already you have to play around a little bit sometimes okay so um I didn't make too big a mess on to here but I understand that if you've never done a smoky eye before you might get a little messy there so one of my tricks to clean up if it's not too bad is I get a little avian I love these little mini sprays sometimes I've put them in my handbag especially in the summertime or when you're traveling on a plane you can just kind of spray your face it feels good but I find that ideal for dampening my makeup sponge and I'm going to go under here and just freshen it up a little bit I did put an eye cream on earlier but if you're dry under your eyes this is a good time to add just a light touch of eye cream under there okay so I have to tell you about this fantastic product that I found in Sephora the other day I was looking for a very light foundation or a CC cream or a baby crib I know it all gets very confusing all the different options out there so this I would call it like a tinted moisturizer but it's so much more they call it skin feels good and it does it's um I don't usually go that crazy over foundations I've kind of gone through a phase where I feel like they're all the same but I was looking for one that wouldn't settle into my lines and I know a lot of you feel the same way so anyway this is it Lancome feels so good we're going to try this today [Music] so I'm going to just pump a little bit at a time a little bit goes a long way and um what do I have here some eyeshadow get rid of that okay I like to start where I have the most need which is like around my nostrils any little brown spots now this isn't going to cover my brown spots completely I have another plan for the brown spots because this is a special occasion so we want to look flawless I mean if this was just for running out the house I this is all I would use but you see anyway and I'm going to come to take it up feather it off in the eye area I'm going to use a concealer too so I'm using mostly my fingers because you know I love using a brush but if it's not necessary you kind of save money because the brushes can absorb a lot of product I have rosacea on my chin so I'm just putting some there I'm going to use this fluffy brush now I'm going in the direction of my lip line there my Marinette lines there and just a little bit dimension this is a nice brush makes me makes me feel good right up to the eye area Wow it doesn't even look like foundation I really love this stuff I said that right I really do so I was really on a roll when I went shopping the other day sometimes I go to Sephora and I can't find anything that I'm looking for they're crazy busy but I bet I hit upon a time that there weren't many people there and I could really take my time shopping so I had seen this company advertised here and there it's called milk makeup and first of all I really like the simple packaging I think it's the packaging that always draws you initially at least and it's vegan and I know a lot of my subscribers have been asking me to use a vegan brand that doesn't involve animal cruelty so I'm listening to you but I have a huge makeup kit so it will take a little while for me to replace things so this is a makeup stick let's see what it's called I don't have my readers on flex foundation stick this is nude but they have a really good range of colors so you have to go in and try on you find the one you like now I can apply this directly to the areas that need a bit more coverage and it's funny that it's called flex because it really does seem to flex some of these sticks seem kind of dry and crumbly but I really like this one there BAM go age spot you're not welcome here not to where we are going okay I'm just kind of pad on those maybe see I really don't need much I'm used to keep on I'm used to adding more and more but I don't need to with this dick it it feels good if it was like a skin care product not a foundation okay that's it I'm gonna have to put you away for now until next time all right now next milk makeup again this is an under-eye concealer and boy I love this I actually had another one all picked out and in my basket then I came across this and I liked it so much better so boom boom boom so I'm just patting it on underneath usually I don't put enough on I'm very light and did I think when I when it comes to makeup maybe some of my new subscribers looking at this video you you probably don't think I'm right handed but I have made videos that are very natural and I know some of my regular subscribers have said hey how about some more glamour so I'm giving you some more glamour today I hope you like it I'm just going to blend a little bit with my foundation brush now you see how I'm kind of sweeping up my eye shadow with that there now it's nice and clean let me do the other eye and we'll see what you think [Music] this color plum is really making my eyes look green it's good for green eyes plum eat colors why don't we open our mouths when we do anything for our eyes I just want to do that I just went I don't know what that reaction is like when we put our mascara on we kind of gave my mouth open is there a scientific reason do any of you know let me know in the comments if you have a theory about why we you know when we do our mascara it's like ah I'll try not to do that it's not such a good look for me on camera so keeping the skin nice and fresh and dewy I'm going to use Bobby Brown cream Roush is it called that pot Rouge for lips and cheeks hmm I never tried it on my lips but why not but this is called blushed Rose number three there is the color okay so I'm tapping it with my finger I'm going to plug at this dot applying this with my finger and I'm I'm applying it kinda if you look up my iris I like to keep the blush on the apples of my cheeks but kind of in this area so it's an up sweep it kind of leads the eye up your face gives you a nice upswept look and I just kind of do a little tap dance with my finger you see like that and it makes a nice cloud of color it's okay if you encroach on this area a little bit because I'm doing that so it blends out nice went a little too high there blend that down I like this blush it's it's nice and easy to apply I've tried a few cream blushes and I couldn't get any color outs of them I had to return them to Sephora they have a really good return policy so I do like to shop there for that reason they don't give you a hard time and I only take a few things back because you can try on when you there sometimes they even give you a little sample of foundation they'll put it in a little container for you I'd like to go when there's not many people there though it can get very crowded okay do that little tap dance did you do it's good to smile then you can see where your apples are but don't put it too close to your nose otherwise you look like you had that kind of bulb lady blush you know like little circles on your cheeks you don't want that what you could also do since we love this color so much so nice and healthy-looking you can put a little around the perimeter of the face and you can either go back to using the foundation brush or you could use a sponge just to blend it and that gives you just a nice little flush of color because that's what we are missing as we grow older we we miss that flush of youth oh well we just have to wear makeup to get it back that's all well do a yoga class that will give you a nice little flush of color too we don't always have to use makeup right um next where's my powder ah curious so this is the Laura Mercier loose translucent powder okay I'm back with my big fat powder brush which I love so much so I just put a little powder in a lid puff it around a little bit and then just I'm going to do this around the perimeter of my face I don't want to look too shiny for pictures you know if you're going out for special occasion you might take selfies or people might take pictures of you and it's okay looking dewy in some areas like I do like to look dewy on the cheekbone I think that looks good on almost anyone but there's some areas like around the forehead and on the nose don't put any makeup on my nose maybe I forgot oh well it couldn't have needed it that bad if I missed it so I'll put some on my chin because I don't like a shiny chin so next I'm just going to put a little bit of bronzer around the perimeter of my face now when you're loading up your brush what I like to do is just tap it in the mirror a little bit that way it distributes the pigment around a little bit and you don't just get a blob of color on your face so I like to start back here that way you have the most product on your brush when you're back here if you just start here you're going is going to be too dark at the Front's of your face so this is just a light dusting of bronzer gonna put a little bit in the temples this all joins in with the eye by the way like for instance this color is a nice op swept color right so if you put a little bit of bronzer or contour up here it just keeps the eye traveling upwards and it gives you that nice upswept look bit down here now this isn't a contour per se it's a bronzer and the bronzer isn't going to like carve your face out like some contour powders do it gives you a nice healthy glow but it will shape your face to a degree okay so let's do these brows now you may notice that this eyebrow is a bit wider than this one just a little bit but now's the opportunity to level them up a bit so this one is a little lower than this one so I'm going to use this is a bobbi brown eyebrow pencil in ash it's a nice color they do a gray also but I find that the gray is a bit dark I'm always looking for the perfect gray eyebrow pencil for my eyebrows a nice mid-tone or lighter one usually that to dog well I think that worked or ready so I'm going to fill in just a little bit here and a little bit there just taking the time to to look at them and make sure they're even I'm not going to do too much I'll just help with the tail-end of them just a little bit we'll keep them soft today since since the eyes are so smoky we'll go a little softer on the brows this product is by NYX it's some tinted brow mascara and this is in blonde but again it's a nice ashy color so it won't look too crazy against my hair color hopefully my eyebrows err I really should have tinted them before this demonstration oh this covers them nicely so I'm just combing it up it kind of makes them the same color too because this eyebrow is a lot darker than this eyebrow even when I tent them so this is just a disposable mascara wand I'm just brushing that tinted Pescara okay that looks much better right okay mascara time I'm going to use this little lash curler by tweezer Minh I like this pink color because it's easy to find in my makeup bag actually it matches the makeup today I didn't even plan that so I like to give it a little press close to the root then I bring it out a little bit some of you who have seen my videos before know that I like my lashes to look like a c-shape on the way out not like an l-shape so if you just crunch it down in one place you kind of get a L shape so try to do it in a few different places one two and right towards the end three I'll do it again on this side one two three so I have found this mascara lately it's by Too Faced it's the better than sex mascara I don't know about that that's a little sad isn't it I mean if your mascara is better than your sex I think you might have a problem anyway it's a good mascara I like to put it on my lashes wiggle it a little bit and wore out it it really does stick in your lashes up nice now this is not the waterproof formula I actually tried the waterproof formula and I did not like it I didn't like it at all it was kind of thick and a little crumbly textured it's nothing like this one and I did find also that this one is really long-lasting I mean maybe if you really bawl your eyes out it might run but I think it's quite good [Music] okay woohoo what do you think I like it this lip pencil is by Makeup Forever and this is a really nice formula that's going to last you all night just a word of warning always make sure you put the cap on after you've used it because once in a while I don't do that and it shrivels up to nothing and it's ruined so don't do that so let's go let's put on this lovely lip liner I can't speak to you all I'm doing this of course I'm going to use this Bobby Brown lip color Bobby Brown is a favor of mine this color is called plum rose and it's a moisturizing formula I know some people like a stay on formula but I do find they're a bit drying this one feels nice and nourishing on my lips I don't have much left so I'm using my lip brush I like to use my lip brush anyway I'm just kind of filling in between the lines it's easy make sure you put your lip brush on the side like so not like that that makes it a lot more easier to control [Music] I love this color now for those of you that want to learn how to keep your lipstick on all night I did make a video about a month ago that's all about how to keep your lipstick on all night so I'll put a link on it on the end of this video ok so just I think it's missing something well not really but I just want to I just love this who wouldn't love this this is Laura Mercier let's see what the color is called is called indiscretion ooh how naughty so this is one of these items that looked so beautiful in the packaging I had to buy him can you buy one cheaper that does the same job you probably can but you know I get tempted into these things just like anyone else so I'm using my fan brush and the only place I'm going to put it is on my cheekbones because if you put this all over your face like I've seen some people do you can look a little sweaty but they're just a little bit more Juche now this is a good look in my opinion and this looks finished however some people have asked me how to put on fake lashes and if you're going out for a special occasion you might want to try so here goes okay so I'm sure many of you are a little nervous about trying fake lashes now there are some places that if you buy lashes there they will actually put them on for you so that's always an option for a special occasion but I purchased these ones from ardell and they're called faux mink and there are very soft design some fake lashes but kind of crazy they'll make you look like a showgirl or something it's a good idea to buy them in a pack like this especially if you're new at applying them because you can just practice with them I like to use this duo glue this one is black so it kind of blends in with your black eyeliner peel the lashes of the pack very gently you can use your fingers or a tweezer manipulate the lash between your fingers like so this will make them less stiff cut the band into four sections this is going to make the application much easier especially for beginners apply a light layer of glue to the first section then the glue to let it dry a little that's just enough and I'm going to put this about see you about there and I'm kind of just feeling where that's landing you should feel it on your skin and it should be it's kind of resting on your lashes [Music] repeat the process using this second section of lashes I do fan it off a little bit don't like it when it's too runny when you first put fake lashes on they can feel very weird and you you can see them but after a while after about ten minutes you'll be amazed how you don't even notice them anymore and I'm also going to put just a tad more liner over the top of that maybe we'll see see how good it looks you can correct with liner if you need to so I'm just pressing them together a little bit you can even just tap it until your lashes with your finger and again I'll bring my fan back and just this helps them dry quicker plus it makes me look like a diva darling right so it's not quite right but that's without the lash that's with the lash now I'm going to put on the other side okay all finished now I'm going to dress fix my hair and dog show you the full effect be back soon okay are ready for my close-up I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: Kerry-Lou
Views: 202,199
Rating: 4.9275041 out of 5
Keywords: mature women, older women, silver hair, grey hair, glamour makeup, glamorous makeup, special occasion makeup, morphe, lancome, milk makeup, concealer, fake lash tutorial, fake lashes, mother-of-the-bride, over50, over 60, over 70, mature skin, makeup tutorial, full face makeup
Id: MwVTf_F4tKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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