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a forehand we won't talk a little bit about beforehand today because it lets us know that our fathers way ahead of us and it should comfort you to know that our Father knows exactly what he's doing for exactly as it's written that's how it's going to come to pass he has people that he utilizes at times common people that know beforehand by what is Richard whereby they are prepared for that that is to come therefore he can utilize them open your Bibles if you would to mark the 14th chapter and we're going to talk about a little lady that is unnamed in God's Word unnamed I feel for a reason because she's symbolic of God's elect for they are supposed to know beforehand that is to say what is next up the word beforehand is translated from the Greek word roll Ambon no prolam bono and it means to take in advance it means to eat before others have an opportunity and that convert that to spiritual and you'll understand to eat before others have an opportunity why God makes it possible for his elect before anyone else has an opportunity it's to anticipate and it can't even be translated surprise as we will we find some surprise sometimes that God's Word chapter 14 verse 1 a word of wisdom from her father and it reads mark 14 after two days was the Feast of the Passover and of unleavened bread and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft and put him to death a nice group of people huh I mean Passover is one of the most sacred days in Christianity and basically the world and when you're thinking of killing or murdering someone that's a little out of step as we see the world out of step today where for religions sake we see innocence being destroyed that's one thing Christians have never done and I know you're going to hear contrary Christians have never destroyed innocence without being a friendly forest fire situation or something of that nature it is certainly not planned verse two but they said not on the feast day lest there be an uproar of the people they were afraid of the people if we take him on the feast day they may rip us apart don't mess up our Playhouse here in the temple verse three and being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper as he said it meet there came a woman no name just a woman having an alabaster box a flask of ointment of spikenard very precious and she braked the box she broke the seal and poured it on his head now some would tell you this was Mary no that happened six days before Passover okay wasn't Mary she poured her oil on his feet this is an unnamed person in as much as this is very expensive we can assume she came from probably a wealthy family not that that has anything whatsoever to do with it anyway God provides and she knew exactly what she was doing because she knew a 4-time and verse four and there were some that had indignation within themselves and said why was this waste of the ointment made and I said this is our disciples that said that would you think they knew beforehand and all in therefore they're kind of late coming around to the party they didn't understand what she was doing and some of them it was just Judas that was indignant six days before Passover when the oil was poured in his feet now there's a lot more of them kind of raising a little sand here for it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence pretty expensive stuff huh and have been given to the poor and they murmured against her when someone is on a mission for God you want to be careful how you murmur all right verse six and Jesus said let her alone why trouble ye her she hath wrought a good work on me 7 for ye have the poor with you always and whensoever you will you may do them good but me you have not always now he had been telling them I'm going to be crucified but I'm going and I'm going into tomb but I am going to be back and you would think that by now they would have they were looking too much at the world and its conditions rather than listening to what was said and even what was written Psalms 22 the crucifixion on the cross a thousand years before the fact somebody knew a long time beforehand exactly how it was going down why they listened to God they listened to the truth they accepted that truth and they kept themselves void of comparing flesh world and the events that transpired in their lives and believed what God said without quarter that's kind of a big step and that's why there are some people such as this unnamed woman I feel then this is my opinion don't ask me to document it I feel she is symbolic of God's elect she was one of God's elect she was elected to do this okay verse H instead incidentally the greatest gift the poor would ever have was about to be given them on that Passover day because salvation and leadership and blessings was going to be opened after the resurrection okay so verse eight she had done what she could now there you know well she she had this expensive flask and she knew she had to do something she has done what she could she is come a forehand that is prolam bono I mean that is to say to take in advance she knew she has come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying now the rest of miracles of what what is she doing now you would think that after his message to them in John 14 I am going to make a trip in my father's house are many spiritual resting places translated mansions in the English it's mono which means simply a spiritual resting place there's a lot of resting places there I go to prepare a place for you and where I go you cannot come I mean you would think that they would have caught on now what was really transpiring how did she know how did this unone knowing walk she listened to him she listened to what he said and she believed it this is why that God's elect at this time in this generation of the fig tree had better know exactly what is written and know what they are to do a four time and if beforehand so that it's no great surprise to them it will be to a lot of people and you know and you understand that I don't have to encourage you you know as a matter of fact what well how can you say that preacher well how many people do you convert every day into truth will they listen to you I kind of doubt it you know some will some won't but well what is it that you're saying God's Word people of for time have a hard time separating themselves from the world and listening to what Christ has taught what Christ has said so this was a very special person she wasn't playing guessing games she knew exactly what she was doing and she did it she accomplished it and I am certain that God through the Holy Spirit touched her and let her know this was that time and she was granted the privilege it's always a privilege to serve it didn't make her any better than anyone else but it was a privilege to be able to serve him at this time and and to know prolam bono to know before the fact I have an opportunity to eat of the beautiful spiritual truth before anyone else was able before anyone else even had the opportunity perhaps to say they didn't have the opportunity would be a kind of an overstatement because it was there for anyone but understand your father knows exactly what he's doing he has foretold you that should strengthen you to know hey he's in control he's in charge when I'm under that banner that standard I don't have anything to worry about ultimately he's going to take care of me verse 9 verily I say unto you whosoever wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world that's all of it this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her giving you the true value that no one would ever forget that there was someone one unnamed woman that knew enough of the scripture and God's Word to take him at face value and spiritual value and to do that that she was instructed to do to no one to follow let's just read on just a little further here verse 10 and Judas Iscariot one of the twelve went into the chief priest to betray him unto them now the chief priests there saying we're docked to do this but we better put it off well here it was time and God was going to see to it again showing you God's in control not the enemy God's in control 11 and when they heard it they were glad that's to say the Pharisees and promised to give him money and he sought how he might conveniently betray him wanted to avoid all the publicity we could hear okay twelve and the first day of unleavened bread when they killed the Passover his disciples said unto Him where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover I mean here again this is the the disciples the apostles what are we going to do now to show you that things happen behind the scene I'll use that terminology I hope it doesn't offend anyone Christ is way ahead of the act okay it's all been prepared listen to it and he sent us forth two of his disciples that and saith unto them go ye into the city and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water follow him now men didn't carry clay pots pitchers women carried pots and pitchers men carried skins skin bottles okay so this would be highly unusual but it sure be easy to spot who was that man who told him to be there with that picture your father did there are there is action by and the scenes and it should strengthen you more so than ever to know God is in control God uses whomsoever he will that serves him 14 and we're so ever he shalt go in say you to the good man of the house the master says where is the guest chamber where I shall lead to Passover with my disciples how would that man know how was this all set up by our fathers control and he is in control all the time that is not something well I kind of feel left out well you shouldn't we have many there are many of God's elect that study truth that seek to be used and everybody will be used and is used but and God is always very fair he knows the hearts of the people that listen to him he does not have to play guessing games he knows what's in your mind he can read your mind he knows whether he can use you or not and he is even now because you care about that that is written so that you would know a forehand before time so that you're protecting before someone else might have the opportunity well explain that opportunity bit well with what's being taught in the world it's kind of hard to have an opportunity to really get down where the rubber meets the road you'll always have people that want to Satan uses many tricks of sidetracking digression having someone get hung up on some little thing that doesn't amount to a hill of beans and turn their mind away from the overall picture and get cornered over in some petty little thing that doesn't amount to a hill of beans God uses whom he will who was that man well he is identified we whose house it was and but who was the man with the picture who was that a name woman and one thing for sure if there's any doubt in your mind they were servants of God then you have a problem for him you have a big problem because God had already pre arranged it with them whereby they would know exactly what to do at what time were to be how it was going down then those of you that get anxious about the closing of the can the consummation at the end of this age I want this to comfort Jews I want this to let you know Christ knows what's happening and he's going to take care of everything as long as you're willing to serve okay that's that's a big if you you have to be if you are willing to serve we're about he can use you and you exercise your mind into that that is written because that's exactly how it's going down exactly as it is written so it shall come to pass so there we have this unnamed woman who God had touched her by she would exercise this anointing there wouldn't be time after he was taken captive to anoint him before Burien or because of the resurrection even afterwards this was it this was the only time and God is always on time and he is always on the mark you're his child rest comfortably within that God will always let us know through those that serve him turn now if you would to Galatians chapter 6 Galatians chapter 6 we're going to use this in a little different form same word a little different form to show that those that are God's elect he expects to be able to exercise thought reason and common sense if God gives you knowledge and wisdom he gives you along with that automatically enough common sense if you're really one of his elect and know what to do with it and we're going to see this word utilized where someone didn't quite make it and how you're supposed to handle that okay Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 brethren if any if a man be overtaken now this is the same word prolam bono overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual II were spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness humbly that is considering thyself lest thou also be tempted in other words if you see someone that is surprised and overtaken because they did not eat that means someone that's ignorant to the truth let's just tell it like it is so it's clear in our minds they're good people mean well trying to be a Christian trying to serve God just because they don't know the whole truth don't condemn them don't judge them and if they go wrong still don't judge them that is to say even to the point of worshiping and false messiah it's not your judge not your call ok that's father's call but you do Ricky Ned but those that do do you know why I believe this verse was placed here because there will be many that have planted seeds that people just wouldn't really listen to you they just kind of drifted away but when you are delivered up and when you do witness with the Holy Spirit speaking through you they're going to say wow that was a truth and then you help them at that time when they see the truth whatever time it might be even if it's when the spurious Messiah is here on earth it means don't be judgmental God knows how that caused seeds to grow sometimes we don't boy we can plant a little sprinkling of them and it may just take off like wildfire and another time somebody might make a mistake and dump the whole cart load of seed all in one spot and it could you know that it can never grow like that seed need spacing if you plant too many cucumber seeds in a hill you're gonna get nada okay they're gonna stun each other out choke each other out so sometimes we are a little bit slow to know how to read people's minds slow it's impossible for you to read someone's mind you can get indications and if you've been in counseling several years you'll pretty soon develop a way of pretty well but you still can't be like our Father read the mind to know what it's exactly thinking so be cautious be careful with those that are surprised or overtaken with a true facts that we know are going to happen and they begin to fall by the side if they ask if they stick up a hand out of the water take that hand take that hand and lift them up stand with them love them for they mean well Satan's just he's just honoring he's wicked and he'll deceive whomever he can just see that he does not deceive you so we see the word used in a little different sense telling at the same time let me put it in a little different way let's say the woman at the well the woman with the ointment do you think she would have when some of the disciples did she say any word to them stop your griping you're all just carrying on something awful here and I'm anointing him can't you see did she say that no did she have to know wasn't necessary why they had no idea they had no conception so you can't judge them the disciples wrongfully for that you're supposed to be mature and have common sense we're about you know how to handle a situation if God has given you that wisdom and truth from his word you've worked at it you've absorbed it and you know what is written and you know how it's going down so that way you're getting yourself the clay is pliable instead of an old hard lump it just won't Bend you know he can still shape you a little bit you know and and help you and change you so there we see a case of this let's read on just a little further verse to bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ now I believe in sticking with someone that really messes up but this is not really talking about somebody just robbed a bank or rape somebody okay not it's talking about somebody that messed up spiritually that had an opportunity to eat and didn't of God's Word okay I want to just want you to get that straight in your mind here verse 3 and like I said I'm not opposed to helping somebody if they ask for help I don't care what they have done okay verse 3 for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself in other words never get self prideful being really educated in our father's word can can you can it can do things to you if you allow it if you think in the flesh nobody knows everything and so sometimes you're going to run across one or two that will think they do beware okay beware nobody absolutely nobody and when he said handle this meekly he meant cautiously with humility be humble before the people all right and verse 4 but let every man prove his own work that's work1 that I just have faith ooh ooh well you may have a bit of a problem work can be studying God's Word work can be lifting someone that is down giving someone understanding that needs it his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another don't compare yourself to other Christians God knows who God used that woman it didn't make her more than anybody else she was serving the Living God humbly she didn't gripe she didn't complain she took the nit-picking from the people and did her job she done it well verse 5 for every man shall bear his own burden we all have to do that you got to sell your own ship well you don't understand brother they did it to me no you let him you could have said wool ha that's it say you you you did you you allowed it well they gave me bad advice well you shouldn't listen to them you should have been making your own mind up because you are responsible for your lot ok period that's it and the sooner you can face reality and understand that the sooner you'll get your life straight and realize that all of God's promises have conditions and begin to meet the conditions and really rotate all right that's when you're ready to get airborne you know you're ready to hit the hit the bubbles 5 for every man shall bear his own burden 6 let him that is taught in the word communicated to him that teaches an all good things who really taught us in all good things Jesus did the Holy Spirit Almighty father God Jehovah who wrote us this letter communicate with him talk to him let him know that you love him let him know you understand when he's talking to you through the word and through the spirit 7 be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap you know I would be real nervous if I were some evangelists and I'm not judging them but I mean you know they'll say they'll get to play him one upmanship way I talked to God this morning yes yes praise God I was a little doubtful and he cheered me up well God has a way through his word of doing it he told me where to park my car and you've heard me say it many times if you're not smart enough to know where to park your car God can't use you ok when God talks to you when God speaks it's an awesome awesome I mean it is it shakes every rivet in your skin alright I'm using aeronautical terms today okay do you know what it takes to shake every rivet in the skin of an airplane that's a shakin alright when our Father truly speaks with a command it's an awesome experience alright and it's not something usually anyone's going to talk about don't try to mock him don't try to con him you just set yourself so far back when you do that be honest with him let him know you love him ask for what you don't have ask for wisdom well I try to get rid of this habit ask him for power to do it and to be patient with you until you can be honest so well you may not know it brother but I smoke well I'm kind of feel sorry for you but that that won't exactly send you to hell you know there's still hope ask him to give you the ability to quit it you don't understand me brother I love sugar um I've never known any man that didn't like sugar a little bit you know and whatever anyway oh lord help us anyhow you know we all have certain weaknesses okay don't try to cover that up to your father when he even knows what you're thinking all right be honest with him and say father I guess I am just weak because maybe you are we all are in certain things I'm just weak help strengthen me well that's the way to get it done friend some people will start making promises god I promise today I'll never touch that again and the next day they did I really say that to God and the next day they say oh woe is me and they're right back to it say so don't make promises you know you're gonna break ask for power and strength to get over it I hope somebody needed that because that's not in this book where I'm at here okay you are responsible for your own self and and God don't mark God and we are every man is going to that and what's for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap that's that we got that comment okay when you play you pay period all right that's reality face it 8 for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap with everlasting I mean well what does that exactly mean well it means when you do something and serving God that goes in the book and it's there by your name everlasting it's your reward if you see friends that's that word back in verse 4 wor K okay that's your work and that stays with you you know as it's written and what is it Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 could I be wrong no never I could be guarantee you see that's the way I Drive people into the word well I'm gonna check him out and see if but in in Revelation if I'm not wrong 14 13 it says the only thing you can take to heaven with you is your work okay that's it period and I see one lady turning I'm bright I've just teased it okay I know I'm right okay but because that's that's one I try to never forget you know because it's in the book it's written in there okay and so and I've lost my place for he that sources of well okay verse nine and let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season now listen to this but I want it now not in due season we shall reap if we faint not you see God do you know why God is long-suffering let me ask you a question if you had a bunch of kids out here and I mean they're in trouble you have taught them and they won't listen to you and they are going bad bad and getting worse and you keep wanting to pray to them to do you want to just cut them all off at the pass and throw them in the ditch or do you want to be patient and long-suffering with your children and keep teaching them and bringing them into the truth whereby they'll finally see well that's the way our Father is he's got a lot of people and if you can't tell it by watching television in other ways he's got some kids that are really going astray I mean they're in bad shape they're killing each other there you name it they're doing it so he's got to be long-suffering that means very patient so that he knows that every one of them have had an opportunity to at least make a decision for themselves all right that's that's why he is long-suffering so don't be one of these that wait till this season do you trust got enough to do that I hope you do because that's exactly the way it's going to be whether you like it or lump it it's going to happen God's time you know why because that's the right time that's the time it's going to work okay be patient that's what it's saying ten as we have therefore opportunity let me read that again to you as we have therefore opportunity sometimes opportunities don't prevail when we have opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith that means the family of God treat that family right don't judge it don't condemn them just because they haven't had the opportunity to partake of that food that you had the opportunity to partake of ahead of time a little bit it's you're still both children of God so be humbled before them because but by the grace of God there go I okay be patient be gentle most of all use common sense that God has given you and exercise that common sense in a way that you are known as a stable person rather than a weed blowin in the wind shaken this way in that meaning God can depend on you okay now let's go if we may to the next book over Ephesians chapter 3 we're just going to take a short little trip here chapter 3 in the book of Ephesians verse 1 in that book of Ephesians for this cause i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles opened up to the whole world here if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which has given me to you word in other words after the price paid on the cross it was open to whomsoever will verse 3 how that by revelation that means by revealing he made no one unto me the mystery as I wrote a for okay there's the word as I wrote afore in few words and he speaks of this mystery and in Romans chapter 16 as well as other places now listen to me you're going to hear some people today that will try to distract you from Paul's teaching saying he wasn't an apostle you marked that person because if you're going to throw Paul out you've also got to throw Peter out the second book of Peter chapter 3 Peter himself gives credentials to this mystery that Paul explains to us a 4-time so paul was very much a chosen vessel so just just make short word of it marked anyone that tells you I received a couple of letters this week trying to correct me because I taught from Paul so much and gave him credentials I didn't give him credentials God did okay and anyway beware but he wrote of this mystery verse for we're by when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ you may understand how I can swing this okay now this this particular word is Prague ruffle which it means to for ordained okay it was for odain by God not man versus if I'm talking about the word a for back up in the third verse okay and which in other ages what does that tell you what is the other eons the first Earth days the second when did you learn about the first Earth Age Paul taught us Peter taught it in chapter the same chapter that I quoted from giving Paul credentials second Peter chapter three if you don't understand the first Earth Day jazz there's no way you could understand that mystery of that's to say simply God's plan which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit that's why you want to ask for wisdom that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs that it's opened and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel by the good news what good news this good news His Word we're of I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power not mine his power 8 unto me Who am less than the least of All Saints I mean he persecuted the church and he never he always kicked himself for it is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ that he died on the cross for them that he opened the gates to them and said come on in 9 and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world beginning of the ages okay eons have been hid in God who created all things by who by Jesus Christ that's why you can go with Christ he was with him from the beginning 10 to the intent to the reason that now unto the principalities that means supernatural powers even and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God that's to say his plan from the beginning the first Earth days Satan rebelled he destroyed that Earth age and brought this one in whereby salvation could be open to all the children Saint set aside ones apostles and Gentiles okay that everyone would have an opportunity all of his children to through Christ through the cross through the blood shed on the cross that all could be forgiven and and by our loving father verse 11 according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord it all hinged right there it was written long ago when he spoke in the beginning and each word that policin denta and in the Hebrew and the spirit what spirit do you think that was it was the Holy Spirit he was there as in the great book of John in Chapter 1 in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God Christ is the Living Word that teaches you he brought that word whereby you could reveal even to yourself and study the many things that he has brought how does he use people back to that subject Romans chapter 9 in conclusion in conclusion unless I get carried away here alright Romans chapter 9 I don't have to remind you what Chapter eight contains it's the Saints the set-aside ones how you don't even know what to pray for and he intercedes because he for ordained you in that eighth chapter now we come to the ninth chapter let's pick it up with verse 11 for the children being not yet born this is Rebecca the children now they're having any done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works but of him that calleth in other words our father moved some people around but don't worry as the chapter 8 records it they were justified because of how they stood in the first earth age all right verse 12 it was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated and how in the world could our loving God hate a little embryo that hadn't even breathed its first breath of air in the flesh you noticed I said in the flesh okay it was what he did before he became that little embryo that soul it was what he did in that first age God is always fair and anytime you think he isn't ice anyway he hated that little old baby you are to seeing what that little baby did in the first earth age with his heritage he didn't give two hoots for it do you know something he didn't in this one either he traded it for a bowl of soup his key is an opportunity for eternity in the kingdom he that his belly talked to him took in this starvin my flesh is gonna die well let it die and live forever okay in the case like that I mean God had no use for him because he didn't care about God when you don't care about your inheritance that means probably you're not caring about the the person that has written the will in the first place 14 of what shall we say then is there unrighteousness with God is God unfair god forbid for he says to Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion 16 so then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God who showeth mercy every work of God always ends up positive though it may not seem so at times it's for a reason and that's when there are certain people his election that he will intercede in their lives why well chapter 8 verse 30 they are already justified that doesn't mean you won't pay for your sins in this earth I guarantee you well brother it says right there were justified if I want to go out tonight and tie one on I'll just get out there and do it and he goes on out there and he over consumes intoxicants and he wakes up the next board he says Oh Lord what was big I thought I was already justified why is God punishing me this because you messed up dummy you know I mean people take people take things and run with it when you say they're justified already you're gonna pay you know when you play you pay all right period God doesn't let his election get away with anything let me let me put it this way those whom he gives much just what he expects much okay verse 17 for the scripture saith unto Pharaoh let's take another individual now we had the one name woman let's take old Pharaoh himself king of Egypt even for this same purpose have I raised the that I might show my power in thee and that my name might be throughout all the earth God used old Pharaoh there do you think Farah had a choice in it God himself hardened his mind at one time never worried God always evens the plate in the playing field all right 18 therefore have we mercy on whom we will have mercy and whom he will he hardeneth as he did Pharaoh okay but don't worry it's all going to come out even he is fair 19 thou wilt say then and to me why doth he yet find fault for who hath resisted his will well if you go against him you are twenty nay but o man are my man who art thou that replies to against God who are you to talk back to God shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus I don't like it boy it's so easy to break a pot and start all over you know and God feels like doing that sometimes I'm sure okay 21 hath not the Potter power over the clay of the same lump meaning clay to make one vessel unto honor that's to make a flowerpot out of it and to the other and to dishonor a chamber pot okay he can do it you know there's a reason for it now this is what separates those that truly love our Father and those that don't you have to love him enough to know he can use you and I don't care if you have to be well the lesser of the pots okay some of us are already in pretty good shape you know but oh it must be getting close to time alright anyway our Father he knows he can trust you if he can he knows you'll understand if you're really in his will don't kick it to traces don't complain to the Potter I mean get it done be a can do type Christian love him serve him sometimes we don't know Farrah didn't know God used him exactly Farrah did exactly what God told him to all right and the people learn great lessons from it so anyway verse 22 what if God willing to show his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long-suffering he's got patience the vessels of Wrath fitted to destruction that may be made up for that and fallen angels that's exactly right 23 and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of Mercy which he had a Thor there's your word for that means fit up in advance has he fits you up in advance for something he has if you serve Him prepared unto glory be patient no one understand God uses people even us whom he hath called that meaning election not of the Jews only but also of the Gentiles as he saith unto Oh see this is Hosea from the Hebrew minor prophet I will call them my people and me in the Hebrew tongue which were not my people Lew and me and her beloved vocaroo humma which was not beloved logos rahama as that's being the whole message of that great book of Hosea I'll do what I want to but he always does what a person deserves or if it be one of his elect he's got work for them to do and it may be the lower vessel but he wants that work done and if that's where you fit do it and do it well to the best of your ability and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people this is coming from the book of Hosea there shall they be called the children of the Living God you see God is fair and God is love overall he's got some pretty rough sucks for you to - some pretty rough cobs for you to shuck okay in life sometimes don't complain plan feint utilize common sense grow a better crop of corn it's easier to shuck okay and do what your father has written it was written as Paul said long ago to reveal to you what the mystery of God is whereby you could be in step with God where he could say there goes my blessed child I can use that child for whatever I choose and that child won't whimper or complain they'll tighten those traces and they'll plow they'll do it for me because they love me you see it makes a big difference I can't help it I got just two more verses I want to cover with you okay it's right here in the book of Romans chapter 15 okay chapter 15 just two verses and we're through okay verse four Romans 15 verse 4 for whatsoever things were written aforetime there's that word again isn't it it was written a long time ago have you read it a four time were written for our learning what isn't that something Wow that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope hope for what the eternity to be pleasing to God to do what's right now the god of patience and consolation grant you give to you to be like-minded one toward another according to Christ Jesus that we could have that peace here on earth ultimately through him that you may with one mind and of one mouth glorify God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ were for receive you one another as Christ also received us to the glory of God now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision but healing into the truth of God and we stop right there okay it was written aforetime God uses people that knew of four times that makes you pliable clay that he can form and shape to accomplish you know as we were just covering this past weekend Solomon a Samuel rather the book of Samuel I mean God whipped the whole Philistine army all button he didn't whip him he gave him piles you know em rods him rods is what we call them and for some reason they gave up they were through so God can do whatever he wants to himself but he does have children he likes to use when they will work with him and so let that be all the more reason to love him that he likes to use common people like that unnamed woman bless her heart and that is a memorial to her and it will be forever it's in the book by her name he knows what her name is so let it be said that if God after prayer uses you don't ever complain let him know that you are pliable clay or you wish to be and he will touch you and lead you Heavenly Father we thank you Father for the written word that that is to be revealed father to guide us direct us and keep us in thy love and protection in Jesus precious name Amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter thirteen verse eight many will be there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas 72 736 don't be deceived by Satan Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance list every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew Chaldea or Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will alight in your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each today at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you
Channel: YHVH Savior
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Keywords: anxiety, word of god, christian inspiration, old testament, Bible scriptures, Christian meditation, mindful, Inspiration, devotion, pray, prayer, Quotes about peace of mind, Bible Videos, love, Motivation, depression, christ, Jesus Christ, praise, king james bible, new testament, peace, audio bible, Jesus, mindfulness, religion, church, gospel, Christian Worship, inspirational, Worship, Savior, Holy Spirit, inspirational video, king james version, Christianity, jehovah, Lord, Messiah, God, devotional
Id: PWO_0wfjmxQ
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Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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