1 Corinthians ~ 15:1 to 15:30

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are ready to get back on our father's word chapter 15 of first Corinthians this is a chapter that kind of separates Christians from would-be Christians this is a chapter that you either believe Christ rose from the dead or you've got no business calling yourself a Christian when you teach that Christ defeated death and you teach their people out here in the holes in the ground rather than that their spirit has risen also just as Christ has risen you're teaching a dead message and that's not good as it's written in the eighth chapter of st. John if God is the god of the living when Lazarus and the rich man went to paradise they could see Abraham very much alive he's there and true Christians know Christ defeated death and we have two bodies as you will learn in this great chapter you must know that Christ resurrected or you're not a Christian chapter 15 verse 1 let's go with it moreover brethren Paul continues I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand you better stand for something you can't take the gospel and just run it here and run it there you've got to make a stand for the truth and you've got to absorb that word whereby it makes common sense and you have to give God the credit through defeating debt getting it off of our back whereby we have eternal life in the son verse 2 by which also ye are saved that is salvation if there's that big condition if you keep the in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain you you got to know that Christ rose that he defeated death or why are you calling yourself a Christian you wouldn't worship in a dead man's name would you verse 3 for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures Psalms 22 15 declares it every word Christ spoke on the cross declared in that 22nd song and and he declared why he was doing it and you know something you would be in a heap of hurt if you didn't have that price that was paid whereby when you repent it's erased paid in full making you a new creature your letter in heaven called the book in the book of life your name is right there everybody's name is you sure don't want to get it blotted out that means death took you in but God is the god of living and on repentance after that all that as bad as he raced and your rewards are still there he doesn't rob you of that what a loving father we have verse 4 and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures well what Scripture was that Psalm 16:10 isaiah 53:10 Hosea 6 - he defeated death how dense can one be if they would teach Christ had not risen of course he did in doing so he defeated death it is not when one understands that we have two bodies what you're going to before we finish this chapter and and one can cannot and will not die that is your spiritual body unless God so decrease it or as it is written in Matthew chapter 10 verse fear not somebody that can kill your flesh body but rather fear God who can kill the flesh and can cause your soul that your spiritual body to perish blot it out doesn't exist that's who you want to respect and love as your father it is wonderful that Paul gives us the scripture that's that's witnesses over and over Christ was buried that stone was rolled away in the mighty force of God resurrected him into that transfigured body verse 5 and that he was seen of Cephas Peter saw him then of the twelve all twelve of us saw him at the end verse six after that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present but some are fallen asleep some of them have passed on there with him there were years now for he defeated death verse seven after that he was seen of James then of all the apostles and and so it is so there was many witnesses that he resurrected he appeared to the disciples in that room he didn't have to come through the door for he was already in the transfigured dimension and his in the transfigured body just as we not he being transfigured whereas with us our flesh must return to dirt and then the spiritual body elevates or returns to the Father so he he had all sorts of all types of witnesses that Christ rose from the dead defeating death verse 8 and last of all he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time you know I didn't get to walk with him as a disciple but on the road to Damascus when I had a letter in my pocket giving me permission to destroy the Christian Church Damascus in Syria since when I saw him out of season know in season four God chose him he knocked him down on that road to Damascus and told him in Acts chapter 9 verse 15 you are a chosen vessel and you will take a message forward on three levels to Israel to the Gentile and to the kings and queens if you would but Paul always blamed himself for having persecuted the church but when he was struck down he saw that light blinded for three days and then touched by the hand of God verse 9 for I am the least of the Apostles Paul says that am NOT me to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God and and as it was there in in Acts chapter 7 Paul didn't participate in Stephens death but he did hold the coats of the others just as Stephen was giving the greatest message concerning the house of Israel you could ever want to read anywhere if you want a complete account of the house of Israel listen to Steve Stephens message in Acts chapter 7 it cost him his death but then that brought him eternal life with our heavenly father Paul was there his name was Saul at that time verse 10 but by the grace of God I am what I am I don't make any excuses everything I'm what I am and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but I laboured more abundantly than they all yet not i but the grace of God which was me in other words appalled still would not take credit for the fact that he wrote most of the New Testament at the hand of God of course but he gives God the credit I worked hard I mean he was beaten shipwrecked he was even pronounced dead at one time practically was taken to the third heaven was visited there by God himself and then returned to this earth - all he had seen there that was so beautiful and then would still carry forth the message more than anyone though he had tried to destroy the message before God touched him that day and used him in this account he even after all this still as you always should for all gifts are from God without repentance give God the credit the glory verse 11 therefore whether it were I are they in verse 11 so we preach and so you believed we preach that gospel it is simple it is pure we witnessed it that is the account verse 12 now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the Dead why would you do that do you understand there are many people yet to this day claim people are out here and a hole in the ground when the Bible very well teaches that their spiritual bodies have already ascended and they're with the father that's a dead message and it robs people of the power of the Living God that he is not the guy not even Satan is dead yet how can you say your own relatives are out here in a hole in the ground rather than being with the father in heaven in their spiritual bodies when Satan is there you need to listen to this chapter especially verse 13 but if there be no resurrection of the dead then is Christ not risen if there's no resurrection of the dead he isn't either he hasn't rather verse 14 and if Christ be not risen then as our preaching vain and your faith is also vain I mean we're playing Church and there's nothing to it the whole thing sinners on Christ resurrection and defeating death and you will find before we finish this chapter old death where is thy victory death where is diced grave words ice death where's your victory and where is your sting and the grave included doesn't hold anyone there with the father that's the love of the Living God for his children it is one thing to teach salvation but it needs to be followed with the beauty of Christianity that we live because he lives verse 14 to continue 15 brother yay and we are found false witnesses of God if that be the case because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ whom he hath raised not up if so be that the dead rise not if you want to say that that the dead rise not then you're we're all batting in the air you need to stop teaching that people are in the ground they've already resurrected there in the spiritual bodies they're already with the Father for his father teaches so adequately in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 when the clay pot breaks meaning you die in the silver cord parts that holds your spiritual body within this flesh body instantly you return to the Father from whence you came you came from him and you returned back to him do not robbed Christians of the truth there is no such thing in Our Fathers book for the salvation to teach death death of the flesh egg you're through with it but you have a more beautiful body that's the true message Christ has risen this is why that you must have listened to Genesis at the 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 where people get the so-called rapture doctrine a false doctrine for the subject is I don't want you to be ignorant as the heathen as to where the dead are if you believe Christ resurrected from the dead then those that sleep or dead in Him have risen also and they make a rapture doctrine out of that because when it says we in no way that are here can precede them why they're already gone but at the last Trump the seventh not the six not the fifth or anything under that but at the seventh we will all be changed into the word air there is not atmosphere and our sky it's breath of life meaning your spiritual body so yes then we will all be changed into that spiritual body as you will learn in this chapter before we complete it but that's why it's so important that you know the tomb could not hold him nor can the grave holds you because you're Christian you're a Christ man woman child and you're with the father and the father is with you you are in him and he is in you next verse please verse 16 for if the dead raised rise not then is not Christ raised it's just that simple you got to be careful what you teach the dead have risen there with him there in paradise on one side of the Gulf or the other Luke 16 so declares it don't deny it verse 17 and if Christ be not raised your faith is Thayne you are yet in your sins in other words you didn't have forgiveness because he wasn't able to pay the price but I say to you he blew that team tomb open right through then the shroud so-called declare said verse 18 then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished I mean they're gone may well be happy today for there is no tomorrow and that's a lie because those that are dead have risen also what a point because Christ defeated death and death has no power over a Christian they instantly in their spiritual body return to the Father it is true that has written the Spirit but that is the intellect of the soul and the soul is never without the intellect and intellect never without the soul verse 19 if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable if we think that's all there is to it if we think that Christ doesn't grab us and remove us to the paradise when the flesh gives up and that we have that joyful time with the Living God the the reward you have then don't let some quack rob you of the in depth truth of God's Word for quite frankly if you do not believe that Christ has risen and and all others have risen also and are in paradise you're not teaching God's Word verse 22 continue but now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept I mean he paved there what the way for everyone to have that eternal life if you love him and if you meet those conditions 21 for since by man came death old Adam brought it in by man came also the resurrection of the dead through this ii had a medicine to say the Lord Jesus Christ Himself defeating death he brings in eternal life and and so it is that that the firstfruits are there with him and certainly the God's election play a great part in this when you're when your spirit allows you to go to that point if you are chosen if you earned it to no one to understand what the elect must do in these end times it's a precious thing but this is simply the road that was prepared that leads guides and directs that takes us there next verse please verse 22 for as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive in other words good bad and ugly won't you mean that the bad people resurrect in Christ also absolutely for judgment they have to be raised to stand before God at the great white throne judgment at the end of the millennium and it is then that they will either die the second death and that's the one you want to worry about as it is written in Revelation chapter 20 next to the last verse if you don't overcome during the Millennium then you must participate in the second death do you know what the second death is it's not the flesh it's the death of your soul that is the second death and and those that do not overcome but they have every opportunity that the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua has paved that road that anyone that will participate that will dedicate themselves that will focus on the Word of God made it so easy he defeated death don't participate in it live in Christianity and achieve eternal life a gift from God because He loves you verse 23 to continue but every man in his own order that's in his own turn Christ the firstfruits afterward they that are Christ's at his coming that be God's elect they were chosen in the first Earth age they were the last chosen they were the first chosen there and the last that will serve here in meaning the last generation God's elect must stand against the false one they are these a dot the priests of these a dot elect that must reign for a thousand years with Christ to see that every one has ample chance to make up for the shortcomings of this particular dispensation of time we're handicapped and many others that never had an opportunity to hear the truth that were misled by false teachings have an opportunity to hear truth before the great white throne judgment there are no second chances do not accuse me of teaching that because of what is taught in this world today by many there they don't have a chance but God's elect shall see to that and this earth will be revitalized rejuvenated and what a wonderful place that's going to be you can read that and rub after that second death in Revelation 20 read the first verse of 21 Revelation it isn't a new earth and a new heaven it's a rejuvenated earth it's put back as it was originally before man practically has destroyed it verse 24 to continue then cometh the end tell us that I mean that is the real in when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power well now when is that when does that take place into the Millennium and not before salvation you see as soon as Christ turned the Saviour turns his office back to the Godhead salvation has completed meaning after after death is defeated even the death of the souls and the earth is rejuvenated there will be no need of a savior for everyone held will have been saved and then all authority goes back to the Godhead to rule and reign for an eternity but the kingdom then is delivered up but not until the full Godhead defacto or I'm going to use the correct legal term de jure does not return until the end of the millennium when the great white throne judgment is open men the father himself comes down until that time father Emmanuel God with us is the office of Savior is still open that's saying a lot if you'll receive it about the millennium and that period of teaching when everyone is in a spiritual body there are no handicapped there are no slow learners in the spiritual body they have total recall and they will be taught if they choose to be that's what separates there will be no reason for anyone to be deceived in that time and Satan will be locked away totally and completely for that period of time with no influence whatsoever I'm speaking of the Millennium now the Lord's Day and at that time what a teaching that will be but when it's completed all authority both by election by the savior by the firstfruits it is all turned back to God his throne paramount 25 for he must reign speaking of Christ till he had put all the enemies under his feet psalms 110:1 well and the whole psalms 110 will document that exactly why even because of the fallen ones but what a time that is he's got to reign in other words let's put it this way I want the love of God to show through in this the office of Savior remains open until the last day of the millennium I'm going to say that again the office of Savior the Savior stays open until the last day of the millennium and don't ever let anyone tell you different you have the documentation right here in the manuscripts verse 26 the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death not the death of the flesh boy we're not talking about that we're talking about the second death again you can read of it in the New Testament the Gospel of Matthew for chapter 10 verse 28 what does it say don't fear those that can kill your little chunk of meat your flesh buddy but your brother rather you better fear Almighty God who is able to kill the flesh but also to cause the soul to perish meaning to brought it out you don't exist anymore so that's the second death well what is the second death mean it doesn't mean the death of the flesh it means the death of the soul that's final and it is only God only your heavenly Father that can do that only our Father is a consuming fire that is able he spoke and there nothing became everything and he can speak and everything can become nothing he won't do that but he will speak and those that fail to meet the muster will become as nothing because they are nothing that's when the second death takes place you can read of it in the last two verses of Revelation chapter 20 the death of the soul 27 for he had put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is excepted which did put all things under him that yah they will accept him when all things are put under you no I want you to think about something Christ is sitting on the throne of God at the right hand of God and he's going to stay there until all of his enemies are made his footstool who do you think's going to put the enemies there through witness by the Holy Spirit God's elect they have obligations and duties that's why it is paramount that is why the unpardonable sin is hitched to that particular move that's how important it is and that's how much God counts on his election this is why Paul can declare I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand you will make that stand and it is paramount that those mentioned in in that 23rd verse that are set aside in that order that turn make that stand and bring that enemy right to the under the feet of Christ and putting him in the pit and the abyss through the period of the Lord's Day it shall happen it is manifest it must be verse 28 to continue and when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the son of also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all that's at the end of the millennium there's only one father verse 29 else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead raised not rise not at all why are they then baptized for the dead now many people misunderstand the scripture and if you always pay attention to your subject and the object what what has been the subject in this chapter documenting that Christ rose from the dead so what Paul is saying here if you think Christ did not rise from the dead why would you want to be baptized in a dead man's name it would do you no good if you do not believe Christ defeated death that he resurrected from that tomb that he was seen of the disciples that he is at the right hand of God if you think he did not rise then you have to you're saying he's a dead man why would you want to be baptized in his name well naturally you wouldn't because there would be no eternal life but of a certain team I know some people feel well this means we can baptize for people that are lost and we're not baptized we can be baptized for them that I'm sorry that's not true that's not the subject it's not the object and you're reading things into God's Word be that as it may doesn't hurt to pray for the dead if this makes you feel better you'll be able to even talk to them in the Millenium on the Lord's Day Ezekiel 44 verses 20 through 25 slow declare and make it very clear but it does not do any of the subject just Christ whether he rose from the dead or not if he did not you would not want to be baptized in his name because he would not have been Savior but he blew that tomb wide open he resurrected he is our Savior and you can be baptized in his name and so it is verse 30 and why stand ye in jeopardy every hour I mean you we stand here being questioned and and every day of whether it's true or not and people try to kill us because we bring forth the Word of God if he's dead why do you want to die to bring forth the word a gospel that's dead you wouldn't but it's the truth and men have always stood die for truth and they always will the truth of bounds' Christ has risen and we have eternal life that believe in him do not miss the rest of this chapter in the next lecture bless your hearts this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 806 three four six four five two requests your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab it Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend or denomination we do not judge people and so if you have a question share it let the spirit move those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address it's a pleasure to hear from you got a prayer request you don't need a number and you don't need an address why our Father is real he hears you you don't even have to say it out loud and you still hears you he created every tick of your body everything that is in your body he's aware of he knows what you're thinking he knows your condition he is your father your very soul belongs to him whether you give it to him or not it's his ezekiel 18:4 documents it 18th chapter of the 4th verse all souls belong to God he is our Father now let him know that you love him that's the main thing he wants from you does not want your burnt offerings he wants you to love him that's that's an obedient well after all that he has done for us how could you not love him father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch and Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen ok in question time peaty of alabama pastor Murray can we talk to us the thank you for your comment there I you have learned me more than any preacher I have ever heard I know we will know our loved ones in heaven can we talk to one another there I ask God to give you good help well he sure does and I thank you for that of course we'll be able to talk to each other you know you can read there are several accounts of it in in Luke chapter 16 when it shows all of paradise both the good and the bad side they were talking back and forth okay and as it is written and I've already repeated it once in this lecture today Ezekiel 44 verses 20 through 24 a blood relative another brother father sister unmarried and so forth you can talk to him even try to steer them right if you're one of God's elect if they don't make it even you can communicate with them and God loves us and it's a great advantage to serve God in eternal life Nancy from Virginia was there 2000 years between the six-day creation and when Adam and Eve were created and placed in the garden it is true that we have an account of God's days and many people consider that you can read 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 7 and 8 be not ignorant of this one thing that one day with God is as a thousand years with man it's called the Lord's Day a thousand years and many people believe that the seven-day creation was a period of seven thousand years and then on the eighth day F hadam a different man was created a husband men and and there that would account for what you're saying the thing that makes this kind of understandable more so a locking science with God's Word is that the catchable the great fries in Alaska and the tundra and and in Russia and the tundra the mammoths that were destroyed there in an instant freeze they all carbon-date about thirteen to fourteen thousand years ago so if it took seven thousand years for seven-day creation Lords time then we've added six - that is thirteen thousand so then your that could should be considered today should you make a religion out of it no Andy from Connecticut the Bible states that all souls were created at the same time is it right to assume that includes the souls of the six-day creation and Adam and Eve absolutely all souls were with God in the first Earth Age this is documented you know wisdom as she speaks in Proverbs chapter eight well why is she called a female and put in the feminine sense wisdom well maybe God intended it that way who knows I'll leave that for you to question but she says that God created all the souls basically at one time and remember this on a spiritual body which we're going to read up in this same chapter before we finish time means nothing you can take a spiritual body that is a hundred thousand years old and it's it's not any older than the day that God created it as far as aging is concerned as we know aging in the flesh the time means nothing to a spiritual body another place you can document that is job chapter 40 concerning the sons of God how they were in that first earth age when you were created Keith from Texas Navy six of thank you for serving your country my question is where in the Bible is it written to teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse god bless and thanks Isaiah chapter 28 verses 9 and 10 will tell you to study chapter by chapter and verse by verse precept on precept but then the next verse he lets you know I'm going to send Babylon and they're going to talk in the language you're not even going to understand and quite frankly that applies to today even Babel is confusion and Babel into the end times brings such confusing talk to the world that very few people even understand what's going on so but you are to study line on line and Isaiah chapter 28 verses 9 and 10 we'll give that to you Charlene Charlene from Louisiana will God be mad at me if I can't pronounce some of the words and names I am disabled and I can't get out of the house because I don't have a car will God be mad at me could you please answer me on TV well I'm gonna do it he will never he doesn't really mind whether you can pronounce them correctly or not most of us can't okay but we make a stab at it and have a cry at it and sometimes when you speak in names in a different language it's a different dialects and it is very difficult so don't feel bad but God's not going to be angry at you for that he knows your condition and God is a forgiving God and he's a God of love he loves you you keep studying whether you can pronounce them correctly or not you keep plowing you're doing good Sonia from Georgia you have a great protocol thank you I'm in the process of learning the word I am to learn all I can about the events and the Bible most of all learned more of Jesus and getting closer to him I'm a recovering addict and I know I couldn't do it without him he strengthens me every day to fight against temptations weaknesses and cravings I've been an addict for 23 years but I've been clean for 16 days I know it's a short time but I am too Anna Natick it seems like a lifetime struggling and suffering the fight to carry it to keep the enemy but I'm resisting to follow the devil's cause I'm tried to tired of being a slave like and I have in the past so thank you for your program you're so welcome and you keep up the good fight you know an addiction because this is a very good time for you to have written because you have two buddies you have a spiritual body and you have a flesh body you have allowed your flesh body and it's central nervous system to be addicted to certain drugs or whatever the case may be and what the way you handle that is you let the spiritual body take over and tell your flesh body to sit down take a break and get well you take charge you getting you get tougher than a junkyard dog on your flesh body in controlling it by your spiritual body which looks up and wants eternal life and God wants to use you in these end times especially Satan had left to have you we're not giving him that privilege I want you to make a note of Luke chapter 12 I'm sorry Luke chapter 10 beginning with verse 9 18 and 19 Christ gives you power over all of your enemies even including Satan in Christ's name and don't ever forget to use Christ's name to execute that power you take charge I want to hear from you again I won't and in 30 days 60 days when you feel led I want a good clean report okay disciplined disciplined for old Marines that's pretty easy okay because we were trained and and we understand discipline and you need to get to it do it pam from tennessee would you be so kind as to address the issue in romans 13 one through seven i read i read it and i know what it says this is where it says there is no government and power except god hath ordained it okay it doesn't tell us to obey a government that we think is good it says to obey government authorities period but as i understand the scripture we are to stand against the antichrist in his system but the line is quickly becoming blurred as the government new world order or enter christ hard to tell who's who anymore well no no hang on a minute you know the purpose of obeying the government is to spread the word of god and we are blessed in this nation because when we obey the law and this is what christ is talking about when you obey the law the government is forced to give you license I mean television license broadcasting license to transmit to the world if we were to not obey the law God's Word could not go but in obeying all the civil laws concerning the ability to get God's Word out that's what he's talking about not to destroy this or to destroy the other but to be wiser than the serpent and take advantage his own tools and beat him to death with that okay do you do it by obeying with wisdom you must be wiser than the serpent and that will always cause you to for a government to be forced to license you in obeying law to take forth the Word of God around the world what a blessing thing and what a reward for obeying laws it's no step for a stepper Edie from California I am reading how to enjoy the Bible by bullinger and I'm learning how to rightly divide the truth of God's Word question on page 95 Bullinger says that this current dispensation will end by the church being caught up in the air to be with the lord and calls this glorious rapture will close this fourth dispensation this threw me a bit as I did not believe in the rapture doctrine what is Bullinger referring to here you know I know what bullinger passed away in 1915 he did not see all the things that we have seen in prophecy therefore I consider my well well pastor why would you handle a book that teaches rapture when you don't believe in it because I am good enough a teacher that I have taught people to know better instantly no there's something wrong there but you have to give credit for a man that was born back in the 1800s was such a scholar and you don't want to throw the baby out with the wash water okay you want to maintain but I consider myself to be good enough a teacher with God's gift and aid that you know it's wrong and you can forgive him for having been mistaken on that one account because of all the good he does in outlining the scripture okay pastor Regina from Baltimore how do you pronounce this word jro or den and what does it mean I know it has something to do with jr. it means it means the forest of the Weaver's okay I'll just let it go forest of the weavers that's what the word means and looks like Regina again is Satan guilty of changing God's Word when he changed the end of the verse he tried to tempt Christ with Matthew chapter 4 yes he's a scripture lawyer Satan knows the scripture better than most Christians but it's real simple too when he missed quotes to go back to the scripture because he's quoting scripture and you can see where he twists it about 45 to 90 degrees there at the end that makes it alive and he will still do that to this day his little children will still do works on newer translations of the Bible if you're not sharp one for example that a child can understand and spot that aconite has been at work that is in the NIV Bible in Ezekiel chapter 13 following verse 18 where it speaks of in the King James manuscripts says I am against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls he's talking about souls that's the subject and the fact that people little busy bodies so things that cover his outreach saving arms every knuckle on his hands and substitute rapture doctrine so you can tell who did it by comparing standard King James with the new translation and you've got Satan at work I know that a lot of people enjoy the NIV well you enjoy it but you better be sharp enough to catch where changes have been made because they have been Catherine from Tennessee my daughter asked me 16 years old mom if I don't like teaching I'm kind of shy about it will there be other jobs for me us who will overcome in the millennium you know I'm I'm a pessimistic in the band I'm rather a percussionist in the band and at first choir will God let me play for Jesus of course he will that's your gift you tell her I told her I'm not sure but I would love to know well you you tell her she can be sure God gives gifts and it's for a purpose and he has a purpose in it and and many people have a destiny it would seem pretty obvious what hers is would you say but let God lead let the Holy Spirit lead as far as being delivered up to the Antichrist don't anyone worry about what you're going to say you're not the one that's going to be doing the talking the Holy Spirit's going to be speaking through you and you're not to even premeditate what you'll say so it's no step for a stepper but it's precious to have a gift and you tell her to hang on to that gift it's god-given be happy with it Norma from Texas moving my question is does it bother God when someone buys something with the knowledge that they will not be able to fully pay for it if I'm 78 years old you're not responsible for debts left after on death yes it is don't worry it's figured in where it would take care of itself but then you know you have to use your own judgment I never give advice on when to buy rent whatever ok everybody must make their own 9 Det excuse me Joel from Idaho I have a question about the first Earth Age since the mammoths and the dinosaurs are extinct did that mean that they were alive at the same time and if so how come there's no evidence of dinosaurs like T Rex ever preying on a mammoth well though there is well I can think of one case down in Texas where a poor a mammoth was down it's obvious you can see the shape and the size and the Rhett t-rex is tore him apart so there's plenty of evidence of that I'm not sure where you're getting that from that's what the t-rex this is the mammoth of course was a grazer see that the Alamo on the teeth here to grind grass legumes but t-rex was a meat-eater and he had Keith that tore and rip those the the mammoth and dinosaur that would each from the high tree if they were Halston enough but they tore things up with these teeth they sure did I don't know where you're getting your information Ric from Oregon sin of death first John chapter 5 verses 1 through 14 please explain it's the unpardonable death what God is telling you if one of God's elect refuses to stand against the faults Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through him don't pray for them that's that's the unpardonable sin meaning it wouldn't do any good to pray for them they've already blew it do I think that will happen no I know God's elect if anything they talk too much okay they will not be guilty of holding back they're ready to go okay they're destined I'm deuce Dulce from Massachusetts when Satan arrives and we must worship the Beast will this apply to retirement funds as well God always takes care of his own okay and and there will be a change of all monies but you still got like I told you the other day I took this watch off and said that little trade for loaf of bread or more okay and so there's always ways to get by and God will lead us and help us through no step for a stepper okay that's not an oversimplification we're wiser than the serpent I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy God's Word most of all God loves you for it studying the letter that he sent to you to tell you how to serve Him and overcome the devil it just it just makes his day and when you make his day boy is he gonna make yours you can count on it that's the way our Father is He loves you we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you you can count on it that's that's he that's his promise he always keeps his promises you keep yours now most important though a you listens to me listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 grab it Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,944
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV, Book of I Corinthians, Book of 1 Corinthians, I Corinthians, 1 Corinthians
Id: WeE8kEmkDo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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