God's War Is Our War

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God's war is our war why he's our Father and when did his war begin with Satan even in the first Earth Age it's not a new thing that conflict is going even to this day and the deeper and we go into time and the nearer we go to the end of this particular dispensation then we see a speed-up in prophecy as prophecies begin to come to pass almost yearly I couldn't remember when maybe we had one prophecy come to pass every ten years and that seemed like a long time but today it's and then you can better understand why God Himself said it'll be like labor pains they get closer and closer and closer and so they are but it's I suppose what I want us to concentrate on is that when God is on your side you're always going to win there's no ifs ands or buts when it's all over and it's all said and done you're going to be way ahead of the pack all right just stick with him concentrate on his word observe what it is he would have us do and well how should when there are so many religions in the world stick to the Word of God don't play around with traditions and johnny-come-lately I know that may offend some but so be it you know you we have one God Yahweh Almighty the creator of all mankind including some people so-called gods and he is our Father so don't insult him by turning away triggered by two traditions of men or religions created by man well how can you be sure well go to the Word of God go to the ancient manuscripts who was here first well Johnny come along in a thousand BC well everything was already created then basically well why would you want to listen to somebody like that well because I'm a little bit stupid baby okay well be that as it may our Father is in control stick with him we have the victory you have nothing to fear and other than fear itself of not paying attention to your father's word the controversy started all the way back in genesis 3:15 which we hid teaching once on television earlier this week that went between the serpent seed and the seed of Almighty God which would come here and pay the price as our Savior he paid that price whereby when we fall short and we do on repentance were forgiven and he will protect you he will take care of you so let's go if we may then to one of the minor prophets that have to do with this subject Zachariah they're near the very end of the Old Testament zechariah we're going to pick it up in chapter 9 and we're going to talk about Burke both the first and the second advent whereby whereby we know and understand our fathers word that he knew before Christ even came the first time okay just go to the next of the last book in the Old Testament and pick it up in chapter 9 and we're in business alright so we're going to pick it up with verse 8 what I want you to concentrate on as we cover these scriptures is how much God takes care of his children okay many of these scriptures were going to cover today happen to have to do with this generation with the peoples of this world today okay so chapter 9 verse 8 there has been as you will notice in verse 6 a certain person tried to set him up as self up as king like spurious Messiah in verse six so that you kind of get the chain of thought we've got somebody coming pretty soon that's doing a pretty good job of it verse 8 of chapter 9 and it reads and I will in camp this is God speaking about mine house because of the army because of him that passes by and because of him that returned us and no oppressor shall pass through them any more for now have I seen with mine eyes there's not going to be anyone bother my people again they're going to they're going to win every battle line well right over them I'm watching them unkempt by them I'm parked there okay many of you might wonder well well certainly we have been lucky of late like with Desert Storm and like even with Korea and with Vietnam that we broke the back of communism that we keep winning winning winning if you look at the truth but like Desert Storm and then there was a finished and there were giants in those hills and it was like a puff of air why did we win so easily God in camps around us it's that time God takes care of those people that say In God We Trust it makes a difference to him and then we have people that would be cowards rather than remaining focused on what's happening and tremble because of some old boy that wears skirts over in the desert you know have you ever been in combat do you know what a guy dressed like that how much how much how hard he would be to pick off if you were really in hand-to-hand combat the guy wearing dresses you know they they flatter in the breeze makes an easy target okay there are no Giants in this world any longer God has already taken care so don't let any of these would be people build themselves up with some great giant reputation from the media when I guarantee you they can be had real easy well why haven't they done it well there are reasons right we have problems when anyone in this great nation begins to let the world tell it how to do its business okay that's trouble and if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm talking about the United Nations they don't tell us what to do we didn't win World War two by listening to the United Nations number one they didn't even exist so but they tried to replace the old outfit Sons of Liberty or something that took over was after World War one and they kind of run out and win too so we don't we don't listen to anyone but God and we crushed that that is evil when it must be that in fridges and comes on art well they're not bothering us oh where were you September the 9th or the aleph 9/11 where were you where were you earlier than that a few years when they blew it off of the basement where were you when we lost to embassies and a lot of people where were you when the cold and 18 good troops were murdered and you think they're not bothering us they hate us why because we support God we support God's army God's war is our war ok verse 9 rejoice greatly o daughter of Zion shout o daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon a nasan upon a Colt the foal of an ass that was Christ's first entry that was the first Edmonton when he came as as Savior to bring salvation to you were sinner that you are that you can repent and have a fresh start in life clean wholesome and blessed because he paid that price he's coming back again in the next verse at the second Advent and he's not coming back to be crucified he's coming back and he has a rod of iron and he's going to use it he's going to straighten things out he's not coming back to be crucified but to conquer second Advent verse 10 and I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim that's the larger of the ten tribes therefore always symbolizes the ten tribes and the horse from Jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace unto the heathen and his Dominion shall be from see even to sea and from the river that means even though Euphrates even to the ends of the earth King of Kings Lord of all lords and the only King there shall be at that time except for the kings and queens of the ethnos that's how the cookie crumbles that's how it's going to be when he comes back this time he's not leaving us ever again he's coming to stay to set up his kingdom here on earth and you're a part of that maybe if you claim to be and if you believe him and if his battle is your battle you are a member and He loves you very much and God listened to me God always takes care of his own I can't make it any plainer than that I know from experience in life I know from experience in war I know from experience in combat God takes care of his own there are tragedies yes but ultimately and over all all things worked good for those that love the Lord don't you ever forget it we have the victory he is encamped around us verse 11 also for the V who Ephraim in and Judah that which is to say Zion all right also by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit we're in his no water what water the living water truth you've hung out in that old pit around people which you never get any truth but a bunch of traditions of men batted back and forth to where you can't advance I've closed it and I brought my people out where they can see truth where they can understand right is right and wrong is wrong well what is right anytime that someone tries to imprison or captivate a people anytime that someone tries to rule over and take the freedom away from God's children they're an enemy they're an enemy to God and the people that's wrong well then what's right freeing and liberating people that are held hostage people that need to be free and by free people who will not allow their freedoms to be trumped upon no way because whatever the cost and whatever the trouble those free people will destroy with God's help anything that comes against what is right it isn't it isn't a complicated thing to determine right from wrong oppression is oppression period by any name or title verse 12 turn you to the stronghold what is your stronghold better be your father you prisoners of hope even today do I declare that I will render double unto thee do you know what double is double means the blessings of one that is a first fruit you get a double portion a double blessing in other words that makes you more effective in planting seeds it makes you more effective in your daily life you have an advantage that's his promise and he keeps it to those that claim it and will act upon it well does that take bravery no just common sense it's his promise and if you believe his word then it's written to you and any time a person wouldn't step forward and take a double blessing something wrong with them they're there about a sandwich short of a picnic thing something wrong with their the dude all right verse verse 13 when I have bent Judah for me filled the bowl with Ephraim that means when I made a weapon out of my people and raised up thy sons o Zion against thy sons o Greece may I read it from the manuscripts jayvon so that you don't start hating Greece the nation Greece of today has nothing to do with that and made thee as the sword of a mighty man in other words my people to me are as the sword of a mighty man well let that possibly be well it's real simple it's very simple what is the sword of the Lord well let me see there's a Revelation chapter 1 verse 16 says very plainly that the sword of the Lord is a two-edged sword and it comes from Christ's mouth meaning it's his word and we take that word and I mean we cut with some people don't like it who cares because it always cuts and lets the person heal over and be a much stronger and better person for it because the word never hurt anyone all it does is heals and straightens out makes the way it's his word I thank God that he has blessed this ministry with such an awesome platform it's really a miracle it truly is and don't worry I know who to thank for it it takes each and every one of us and we get it done why because we believe it's that simple we believe his word and his word is our sword and we will not lay it down nor will we put it in the shield we will utilize it verse 14 and the Lord shall be seen over them that is so very important who's over them some general know the Lord Jehovah Almighty God and his arrow shall go forth as the Lightning that's divine intervention and the Lord God shall what's he going to do the Lord God shall what's he going to do shall blow the trumpet the last one even and shall go with pearl winds of the south and we've got something to worry about I would say rather those that come against us have something to worry about a bunch because we're going to win we're going to take them and it's not going to be a pretty sight on their end but Almighty God I don't know are you in his army or not certainly you wouldn't be afraid if you were you would be ready you would be anxious for we're in the time of the latter rain and anyone should find it a privilege serving all god I hope you understand what I'm saying that means spiritually to be with him verse 15 the Lord of Hosts shall defend them and they shall devour and subdue with slang stones and they shall drink and make a noise as through wine and they shall be filled like bowls and as the corners of the altar what was at the corner of the altar the horn to strength the power of the altar what God is saying they're going to be so happy and so thrilled that you're going to think they're full of wine they're not it's a wine of truth the blood of Christ where they protect us where he leads us where he guides us to where we have victory after victory with no problem we are in that day who was it again that lived do you know do you understand what a trumpet does that that sounds attack retreat sounds taps time of mourning it's a signal God gives the signals and you have to be attuned to it when he leads and guys well how can I discern right from wrong right from wrong it's that simple an intelligent person has no problem with that you know we have some spin doctors that are absolutely I shouldn't say it but to me they're sickening because they can take a truth and turn it upside down in front of people's eyes and what really hurts me is a lot of our own people believe that garbage you know I mean there's they're just drawing in by it why there - something there - the Word of God they don't know what's going on so they listen to man and I guarantee you if you listen to man this man or any other man without checking them out in the Word of God you're in one big heap of trouble because you your father promises he keeps his promises don't doubt him and so he he does protect us and he defends us verse 16 and the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people for they shall be as the stones of a crown that's pretty important that does he do you feel like you could be that empathy like I mean you know really to God and God's love I shouldn't use the word uppity probably but that hey that's pretty high class there we're traveling in high cotton there but that's what he thinks about you a stone in his crown you know when you do his work that's how much he appreciates it lift it up as an incent up on his hand he's in charge he's in control from these stones he has a people from God's elect he has people that he considers so very very precious he is their shepherd he guards them he watches over them and then he changes them into a family and gives him a sword and they're certainly not afraid to use it I speak spiritually verse 16 and the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock we got that 17 and how great is his goodness and how great is his beauty corn shall make the young men cheerful or flourish and new wine the Mane's he you know our Father controls everything and our Father is in control and when you are in good standing with him if you're not you got something to fear perhaps but if you are in good standing with him you have nothing to fear well what does it take to get in good standing repent he loves you and he is so very I would use the word thankful for a family that he can trust and that will stick with him through thick and thin because with us it's all thin anyway he sees to it and we're going to continue right on into chapter 10 because the further the message goes the more security that he promises and even sometimes give some instructions let's go with it chapter 10 let me let me just insert briefly you can take the 14th chapter of this book and teach the whole book of Revelation basically where Christ feets going to touch on the on mount the Mount of Olives and what's going to happen when they do all right so I want you to know that though you're in the Old Testament you're in the time that you're living today and what is prophecy prophecy as is telling you beforehand that that's about to come to pass chapter 10 verse 1 esky of the Lord rein in the time of the latter rain so the Lord shall make not may be shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain to everyone grass in the field what did it say that it's a just walk on out there and wait a while it didn't say that it said ask the Lord I don't know how often do you talk to him you get in a little bind and did you let him know about it do you want to know what's happening in the world today well yes I find it very confusing well ask him ask him do you know what the latter rain is it's the truth that he rains down in prophecy to let to open your mind to the events current events even that are transpiring today well why would he do that you're part of his army an army that's not informed is not worth much so stay informed ask for the latter rain do you know what do you know do you understand that's an agriculture term and a lot of people are not really up on agriculture in this generation like they should be do you know what the early rain does the early rain when you put those little seeds in the ground it sprouts them and gets them started to grow and they just make beautiful plants but if they don't get the latter rain do you know what happens to them they blast in the field they dry up they die but the latter rain falls upon them and dirt germinates the new seed that was would not germinate but brings forth the new seed that is to be within them and matures them so that's where you get your maturity is from the latter rain the rain concerning the latter days so that's why it's so important to ask for it and to ask what's understanding verse 2 for the idols have spoken vanity what and no idols could speak well hang on a minute and the diviners have seen a lie well what are diviners well people that think they're prophets and preachers that divine up spiritual things and religions dream up new religions and have told false dreams they comfort in vain therefore they went their way as a flock they were troubled because there was no Shepherd there wasn't for them but I guarantee you you will never be without a shepherd your Shepherd is the Lord Jesus Christ and he always takes care of his sheep but if you start messing around with the traditions of men and false teachings you're going to end up without the shepherd why he doesn't want you they rush up to him in the latter time and they say oh Jesus Jesus hey we've tossed out demons in your name and he said you get out of my sight I never knew you it's a very serious thing my friend are you a child of his or not a child of his follows him follows his word studies his word and takes traditions and men and junk 'some they're worthless they are a waste of time God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse is your life what do you mean my life your eternal life without it you don't have an eternal life verse 3 mining er was kindled against the Shepherd's the fakes and I punished the goats let's just say I punished the leaders for the Lord of Hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah and had made them as his goodly horse in the battle they're not sheep anymore they happened to be horses and we're talking about the true house of Judah here alright verse 4 out of him came forth the corner out of him the nail that's the tent peg to enlarge the tent to hold it up to keep it in place out of him the battle bow out of him every oppressed are together that is to say every governor or a ruler why well there was a king line okay that's said and I think a presser is a bad translation it means a leader verse 5 and they shall be as mighty men which tread down their enemies in the mire of the street in the battle and they shall fight why is that gun and why do they always win because the Lord is with the and the riders on the horses shall be confounded anyone that comes against them is going to be confounded we've got the victory we don't have anything to fear you mean we're not going to have any body bags all yes we will but let me tell you something every person most often that occupies a body bag knew the price they paid for bringing freedom we're by our little ones don't have to worry about living in that quagmire it's a prize freedom is the most precious thing in the world it's not cheap but God still gives us that victory and he makes it better and better and less body bags and less body bags I thank him for that six I will strengthen the house of Judah and I will save the house of Joseph that's all the natural seed of Israel both houses and I will bring them again to place them for I have mercy upon them I love them that's what mercy is love I love them and they shall be as though I had not cast them off for I am the Lord their God and will ear them that means more than here it means I will hear an answer then our Father doesn't mess around when he makes a promise such as these he keeps them but what was it he told you back in verse 1 of this ask well I've ever did any blessings because you haven't asked poor shameful thing ask and you shall receive verse 7 and they of Ephraim this would represent the ten tribes so-called lost to some people God didn't lose anything shall be like a mighty man in their heart shall rejoice as though as through wine yay their children shall see it be glad their heart shall rejoice in the Lord umbilical cord the umbilical cord generation to generation even to this generation I will hiss for them God saying I'm gonna whistle for them and gather them for I have redeemed them and they shall increase as they have increased they grow and they grow in they grow do you know why they control the tent pegs that enlarges the family you have to be able to move those pegs out to take in more family first that would be back from verse 2 I think verse 9 and I will sow them among the people and they shall remember me in far countries and they shall live with their children and turn again they will live with eternal life the word goes to far countries up until the gener of this generation the ocean we could always feel if we fight the enemy on his own ground the oceans will protect our children we won't have to worry about here at home that changed and it changed my delay now we do have to worry about home but we don't have to worry all that much just have to use common sense and think don't be like somebody that just because someone says duct tape they start putting it all over their house before anything even happens that is so done so very done think and take care of your family ok as Christians we're supposed to be intelligent all right know you're know your enemy that's important otherwise you're shadowboxing know your enemy and how he operates them and and then know what you have to worry about ok example if we live over here in Gordon's Haller I think you go down there about five miles and finally when you come to Hill right on top of it there's a house and there's two elderly people live there I'm sure they got a lot to worry about the terrorists coming in the night I guarantee you one thing when two people live that far off the main road I wouldn't advise the terrorists to show up there in the middle of the night we know how to take care of our own don't want to thank God for that thank God for the frontiers of this great nation and what still is left over you have your anti-gun people will say it isn't true that the old families had guns but every picture you ever see of sodbusters or anything else Papa's got his long gun juniors got his hunting rifle mama's got her double-barrel you know I mean they're holding them right out there like a we we do business we can take care of our own they were proud of their weaponry because it was part of their livelihood all right so just throwing that in to say you know we the people have always used common sense don't stop okay think for yourself okay I'm going to pick it up with verse 10 I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt and gather them out of Assyria the Assyrian took the ten tribes of Ephraim that represented by Ephraim captive and I will bring them into the land of Gilad and Lebanon and place shall not be found for them he's going to open it up that's why we read in Revelation chapter 21 that every ocean and lake will be dried up so we'll hold the people verse 11 and he shall pass through the sea with affliction speaking of Ephraim now he's going to pass let me translate this and listen to it carefully as I read it and he he for him shall pass through this of affliction he won't hurt him wine gods with him and shall smite the waves in the sea he'll fight every foot of the way and all the deeps of the river being the Nile Egypt involved shall dry up and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down and the scepter of Egypt shall depart away that's to say the rule well why is that that sounds strange because God promised Egypt they would always be a base nation because the king is returned and there's only one king of kings okay verse 12 and I will strengthen them in the Lord and they shall walk up and down in his name saith the Lord if you walk up and down in the Lord's name not some fake Shepherd well brother you don't understand I belong to the Church of Jesse James I never heard of that did you I was trying to pick a name you know that not the Lord's Church but Jesse James Church we robbed banks we robbed your bank stay with the Lord's word okay there's only one church and that's Jesus's Church alright so his his word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and we just studied that word that's why this chapel is called shepherd's chapel it's his we'll have people that will call from way away and say I really like this church I want to join and that's why we we can't do anything about that and it always stuns them you can't do anything about me joining this church I know you got to take that up with the Shepherd if he accepts you we're not going to turn you away and then they said oh I get it well and you better take it up with him because if you don't he'll have you gone pretty quick so anyway our Father wants us to know he takes care of us he takes care of business he doesn't mess around so don't you you stay with him and you stay with the word especially in these latter days when we seek that latter rain I'm not going to quit there I want to go on over to the 11th chapter here and we're going to pick it up with verse 15 and we're gonna kind of finish this up you notice when I started in 9 there was a guy trying to be the spurious Messiah and what was it verse 6 called a man's are there well here we finally he gets around to it okay verse 15 and the Lord said unto me take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish Shepherd in other words you watch out there's one coming and you might as well get set for it it didn't mean you got to believe him I'm in Chapter 11 and I'm reading verse 15 okay verse 16 for lo I will raise up a Shepherd in the land which shall not visit those that be cut off he's not going to visit the sick he's that idle Shepherd he's Antichrist the son of perdition the devil anything you want to call him playing Jesus claiming to be Jesus neither shall seek the young one not going to help him he doesn't care nor yield that that is broken or feed that that stand is still if there's if they're so near starve to death that they can't even move he's not gonna feed him he doesn't care that's the Antichrist the true Messiah healed leads guides directs saves this one is a big zero Zippo but he shall eat the flesh of the fat and tear their claws and pieces he will deceive them too destruction which is one of his name's that's all he has in mind it's coming my friends and God has an army to fight against this and the sword we uses his word the truth to accomplish it woe to the idle Shepherd that fake that leaveth the flock the sword shall be upon his arm your arm is your strength that means he's not gonna have any strength I'm gonna cut it and upon his right eye that's the right as always the power his arm shall be cleaned right up and his right eye shall be utterly darken he's not going to mount nothing make sure that you're not deceived and that you follow but you would follow that idol Shepherd who is better described in chapter 9 verse 6 I think that's what I said and I'll double check yep that's it man's our because that's what he is okay yeah if you ever heard somebody say I've gone to the back of the book and I've read it and I know we win so I'm not worried about it well that's what we're going to do okay to close this we're gonna go to the back of the book that is to say Revelation chapter 20 and not only are we going to win this battle that we're in now but we're gonna win the battle at the end of the millennium and let it be written it is written and that's exactly as it shall be and I'll guarantee you you don't even have anything to worry about at that time God's war is our war we're part of the family when our father is at war we're at war okay chapter 20 let's pick it up with verse eight seven let's pick it up with verse seven we're in the Millennium okay you get yourself zeroed in and when the thousand years had expired that means the Millennium is over Satan shall be loosed out of his prison gonna turn him loose from that pit he's chained in back in verse one he's going to test the people to see how smart they are and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth quarters of the earth Gog and Magog that that simply means it it doesn't mean literally those places geographically it is a name used for those that do not believe God okay to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea I have trouble with that because I cannot imagine how at the end of the millennium when Christ himself has taught that there could still be thousands that wouldn't believe but that's what the word says so I guess we have to accept it I guess we know people don't we verse nine and they went up on the breadth of the earth and compass the camp of the saints about thousands of them and the beloved city and what happened here comes the war and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them that's how quick it's going to be it just gets a little quicker a little quicker a little quicker on our enemies poor suckers boy have they got it rough there is no way that they can win fighting against Almighty God God is a consuming fire and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone when he came as Antichrist where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever that means he's going to be in there forever and ever but there's guess what the first verse of chapter 21 says all lakes are going to be covered over they don't exist they're blotted out forever and ever when something has turned to ashes it's forever and ever diversity Devon and I saw a white a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away that's the one present and there was found no place for them and he it's the books you're in that book your your names right there and it's well written exactly where you stand and what you've done and even your sins that you haven't repented for if you've repented guess what they're bought it they're gone don't exist and you that are in his army it's payday Judgment Day is payday that's when you get paid instead of cursed or troubled or punished its blessings it's not just for a little while it's blessed forever and ever and ever how precious that time is God's war is our war and our weapon is the Word of God don't ever forget that and that weapon is so powerful so dynamic and I thank God that he has given us a platform that goes all the way around the world but that's the word let us never back off from picking it up and charging why because God's war is our Heavenly Father we thank you Father for the privilege of serving with you and for you father bless each of these remember that double blessing is claimed father and we ask for the knowledge and wisdom that you have promised now in Jesus precious name amen amen free introductory package say this is something we would like to offer for a one-time gift to all the new folks that study with us this introductory package gives you a monthly newsletter which means each month you will receive a newsletter with a Bible study on it hey raising funds no way we're not beggars we're Bible teachers that's what it consists of a tape catalog that will give you all the topics that are covered and the mark of the beast' tape what is this mark of the beast is it really on your forehead no Satan's considerably more intelligent than that it's in your forehead which is to say in your mind have you been deceived this is a free offer to you one time to each new student saying find out what's really happening and what the story is on the mark of the beast and we cannot shed tears for them okay Ken from Minnesota you always say Satan is the only son of perdition what about the Nephilim are they also condemned already well you you're missing you're not misquoting me you're just not quoting the correct statement that I make Satan is the only named entity okay the Nephilim are not named individually Satan when it says son that is singular son of perdition that's that is one entity and Satan is the only one named to fill that role the Nephi Liam as a group we know that they are sentenced to die after they do a certain thing but they are not named that's when I say he is the only one named so Tammy from Mississippi I have epilepsy and I worry a lot about being right with God I think I told God to take my name out of the book of life will God understand my request if I pray will God disregard my request if I pray about it no our Father knows when we are ill and so just repent let him know you love him and you will be in good shape all right you have nothing I'm sure you have already repented and just let the North Lord know you love him it I know that through medication we've been able to help this condition a great deal so get the help that you need but know that in the spiritual body you will behold Bernadine from Minnesota some people teach that weird when Jesus returns he will sit on Great Britain's throne is it true well the Stone of Scone he will he will see that it gets returned and that's in my estimation that's Jacob's pillar the pillar that pillow that he laid on a stone and it has been carried with and by our people and we have a little book in our library that has to do with that and its history okay pastor marine I recently began rereading the book of ezekiel and noticed that the at the letter s and son of man is capitalized in some places and in other places is a lowercase is this symbolic of anything for anything I know if anyone can answer this question you could thank you a faithful washer watcher Lisa you're so welcome les Ezekiel is one of the prophets that God called son of man let's say it in Hebrew Bennett Bennett Dom okay Ben son and autumn man Adam man son of man and when it refers to Ezekiel it is lowercase but when it refers to part of the Godhead in his uppercase okay Frank from California can a man lose his salvation if he turns from God can we come back to God after years of not praying or anything well you know make a note of Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 all souls belong to God God owns your soul why you're his child and have you ever heard of the prodigal son that left for a long period of time and came back and he killed the fatted calf for him well many times he's very happy to see someone return all your salvation is there when Christ is the savior and he doesn't mess up but you can slip so far away from him from non repentance that you can be in bad shape so therefore repent love him and welcome home welcome home mabeline from South Carolina if a spouse won't allow you to worship God is this grounds for divorce where is this written in the Bible I there is one thing Maybelline that you will never hear me do and that's agree with someone that they should be divorced okay the scripture you're looking for you will find in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 where it does give reason so but many times if you see not being familiar with a situation I can't advise you I don't know what he's doing to prevent you or if you're exercising an afro on your part so think about it pray about it but that's the scripture you're looking for 1st Corinthians chapter 7 Donn from Florida how do you feel about the books of the Apocrypha and why aren't they included in our Bible in your teaching well I teach from the Apocrypha times the the second book of Daniel which is called I think the title of my tape on the oh the the fourth beast as well as Susanna heard about Susanna that's another one I teach the Apocrypha the Massa Road documents that part of estrus which is simply saying ezra in greek rather than hebrew is there and legit okay mike from georgia what scriptures can you recommend for demonic oppression Luke chapter 10 verse 18 Luke 10:18 Christ gave us power over all of our enemies including Satan so do mining oppression you know all it is is an evil spirit just get it out of your house and watch yourself and order it out in the name of Jesus if you don't have to put up with stuff like that and always keep Christ in your home Luke 10 begin reading was about verse 18 and practice it exercise it with authority okay stand from Ohio what does the verse about giving them a serpent for fish to eat or a stone for bread mean and how do they apply today what it means that our Father what it is saying it is it means that our Father loves us and if we ask for bread he's not gonna give us a rock he's very intelligent he knows we're hungry and me bread if we're hungry and he's an ask for a fish he's not gonna give us a serpent he's going to give us a fish all right and that that's what it means that God is kind and he knows what we have need of Nicky from Tennessee I'm nine and a half years old my father and I watch you all the time well great it's good to have you both of you with us god bless you and Sen my question is in the book of ezekiel you mentioned about flying objects are whirl winds could these be angels coming from heaven to earth well they're called whirl winds nikki in the scripture but they are whirling discs meaning unidentified to man but not to God okay there are vehicles God as a matter of fact in the first chapter of Ezekiel God's throne was aboard in one of those craft okay my other question is what is your opinion on the strange markings and designs on crops in England I think some people are having a lot of fun you know I really do and and you know people get a big kick out of it apparently it's amazing what they come up with pretty but that's that is my opinion Karen from North Carolina I have had a cocaine and crack problem I've been back for 14 years I got clean I've been bad maybe for 14 years I just have BA whatever that means and I'm out of time can I've been clean for five months I slipped on one day and asked for forgiveness will he forgive me and do should the Bible be able to help me with this addition or is it okay to go to Narcotics Anonymous well it's okay so you go to Narcotics Anonymous at the same time all of God's Word will help you you they asked his strength you done good for five months keep it up out of time he love you a bunch stay in his word every day and it's a good day you know why even with trouble because Jesus Yeshua our Savior he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold myrrh if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 grab it Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 8,225
Rating: 4.8819671 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's, Shepherds, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Murray, Bible, KJV, Holy Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, Study Bible, Pastor, Arnold, Chapel, Arnold Murray
Id: q4i6WGgpDo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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