Hebrews ~ 12:10 to 12:29

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geologist and historian this book historically documents the whereabouts of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from his early teens until he was approximately thirty years of age the traditions of Glastonbury records facts that prove Jesus and Mary's uncle Joseph of Arimathea traveled to the British Isles the Shepherd's chapel also makes this documentary available on VHS tape the traditions of Glastonbury on VHS tape is our item 66.5 1 and the suggested donation is $25 whether you order the book worthy to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back on our father's word Hebrews chapter 12 verse 10 we're going to pick it up there remember let's get the setting back again Paul stipulates in verses 1 & 2 we're going together in a great cloud of witnesses which is colloquial Greek which means we're going together in a large group to run a footrace you don't fly to race on the ground and then he tells us how to win the race you win the race by casting off every weight that means every sin every weakness that you possibly can get rid of that stuff and then he goes on and he said if God loves you he's going to correct you and your earthly father may correct you for to the best of his judgment but God always corrects you for your veterans it's for down the road when you know you're going to do better so here we go with if father does not correct you he's already written you off in part until you change your ways as not one of his children that's not a good place to be so having said that let's pick it up if we may in Chapter 12 verse 10 that's the thought we're running a foot race but it is spiritual and as much as you cast off all sin to win verse 10 chapter 12 the great book of Hebrews the word of wisdom from our Father and it reads for they verily for a few days chasing us this is your earthly father after their own pleasure to the best of their ability according to their own judgment that they do the best they can but he but he that be our heavenly father for our prophet never just a good guess it's always for your prophet that we might be partakers of his holiness that you can be part of the kingdom the kingdom of God how precious that how precious that is that father loves his children enough that is if they if you get off the track a little bit he's going to straighten your case out when he ceases that you're in a heap of hurt you've got trouble but and it is true your earthly father to the best of his judgment but God always anytime he corrects you it's for profit for you so that you enter that realm that sphere of being with him and he protecting you spiritually speaking you're going to be ahead in the race that that's what it takes his father's love and his understanding verse 11 to continue now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous that's good but Grievous nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby in other words that to be exercised by what the training of God where he trains you to do what you should do to be blessed to have his hand upon you and certainly to it hurts for a moment but it's well worth it the father does it because he loves you and because it's for your profit it will always gain you a lot of ground in the race whereby you are an overcomer whereby you can succeed them but peace is what you search for God is not the author of confusion but of peace and when you're in the true word you will find that peace it will come in your life and it is joyous that part verse 12 wherefore lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees in other words if you have a sad-sack that everything is wool whoa whoa try to pick them up try to give them a good word and pick them up a little bit let them know there are better things in life than than worrying or complaining or finding being unhappy and also those that are weak need this to say that are a little weak they hate to stand up to something give them courage as best you can from the Word of God document it giving them strength and the willingness willingness to stand up and to be a Christ man a Christ person best to say a Christian male female or child that God can say there goes one of my children how I do love them that's how you find that peace and that's how you train yourself discipline yourself in the word of God it's it is it is so very very valuable and it will yield peaceable fruit and and peace is where you want to go there's a lot of sadness in the world you don't have to look all that far to find it and unfortunately being always with too hung down head you're grieving about something maybe your own failure well that doesn't help count your mistakes correct them get the exercise yourself in doing what is right and be blessed by the Living God verse 13 to continue verse 13 reads and make straight paths for your feet less that which is lame be turned out of the way but let it rather be healed you may pass make that you're running the race if you don't stay on the correct path you're going to lead a lot of people astray way out in the boonies and guess who's responsible god holds you responsible so you want a straight path in that straight path you find that way in the Word of God that that is pleasing to God brings profit that that is pleasing to God you're not going to lead somebody astray this is why it is so very important that when you teach and when you plant seeds you do your homework well because there's a lot depends on it their responsibility goes with that and you are responsible he makes that very clear here when he says lest that which is lame be turned out of the way but let it rather be healed you take them in the right direction where God can raise them up but don't be guilty of false teaching how God hates that you might said well I didn't know God hated well he does it's obvious even like from the first chapter of Ezekiel 13 he hates false teaching verse 14 follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord you always follow peace with peace don't be a troublemaker and and do it in holiness that means that that's pleasing to God that makes such a great difference in one's life just to be pleasing to God and have his blessings you can have it the other way where he ignores you put you off to the side until you can grow up or you can be pleasing to him and follow the peace that he gives an open road oh yeah and it's if you train yourself in that road and the training and the exercise is very necessary do too that's where the word discipline now or a disciple comes from be a disciple of the Living God know the Word of God that that is true and share it verse 15 looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled in other words always beware of a root of bitterness it'll come up you nip it in the bud you get rid of it right away because if you let it take root it will destroy many people it will I'm not gonna say destroy but it will hurt many people and there's no reason for it this is why you exercise and train yourself disap yourself in the Word of God so that you have that word and that word is true and you're following it and how precious that is I'm gonna you're not going to have it but I'm gonna take you to Deuteronomy 29 we're going to pick it up with verse 18 listen carefully about bitterness do you know how it springs forth verse 18 of Deuteronomy 29 lest there should be among you man or woman or family or tribe whose heart turneth away this day from the Lord our God to go and serve the gods of these nations lest there should be among you a route that beareth gall and wormwood a root that grows up this poison it's bitterness and is bitter what does this actually mean beware of religions I'm not going to judge churches or religions that's God's Word will assist you in deciding what you should be following but he says this he makes this very clear you better be very careful you better stick to God's Word God's truth and not a bunch of hearsay from some tribe that maybe not doesn't even worship God verse 19 and it came to pass when he heareth the words of this curse that he blessed himself in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walk in the imagination of mine heart to add drunkenness to thirst in other words going from bad to worse that's what you do to yourself when unless you follow the Living Word of God the very word itself you have to nip that bitterness in the bud do not let it take root in your family in your life or in your church verse 20 the Lord shall not spare him but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke against that man and all the curses that are written in the book shall be a lie upon him and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven that's that'd be a bad place to be but well the reason I wanted to cover that is to show you how dangerous a root of bitterness can be it may look very innocent when it first starts growing and takes root but those roots will entangle lives until it's very difficult to cut them loose from it and get them back into the true Word of God so bitterness is a is a waste of time bitterness comes by neglect bitterness comes by following other religions that differ from the true Word of God I'm not judge again I'm not judging but anyone can at least have the wisdom to know whether you're in God's Word or out that's pretty simple so therefore you train and exercise yourself and you learn how to knit nip bitterness in the bud don't let it grow verse 16 lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright do you know what this word fornicator is in the Greek is pornos it means one that sells themselves it means a male prostitute if it only used about twice in God's Word but here it catches up and that's exactly why God hated Esau and loved Jacob because Esau sold himself he would not and and follow God's plan and he always dishonored our Heavenly Father verse 17 for you know how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing and it made he was rejected for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with tears you might say well well I wouldn't God listen to me if he sought it with tears and truly repented well it would show that you were not familiar with what he actually did who did he saw of repent - it wasn't God there was his own father in Genesis chapter 27 he begged for forgiveness and begged and repented but his father did not have that power nor authority it was God he should have been talking to it's God he should have been listening to but now that wasn't in the books for Esau because he was a male prostitute and he sold himself his birthright and his right to the eternal Kingdom what what a loss and you know it shows how you place value on things the world is a short-term thing I'm talking about this this Eon of time I'm not talking about the terra firma but this Eon of time is a short-lived thing it's not going to last forever and if you trade your soul for a better life here and cast your soul away for the future you're you're in a heap of hurt my friend because it is that eternal peace that comes even today the blessings of God for those that obey Him not as Esau was not he begged his father and it was too late the the inheritance had already been given to his brother verse 18 for ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched it's Mount Sinai and that burned with fire nor unto blackness and darkness and Tempest you you're running this footrace but you're not out in the desert and you see that stormy mountain where it frightened the house of Israel they saw it they boy they did not want to hear that voice anymore but do you know what Moses did he bravely marched right to the top right to the flaming bush verse 19 and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words which voice they that heard entreated that the words should not be spoken to them any more what a sad state of affairs that after being delivered from Pharaoh that they couldn't enjoy the voice of their own father was it sin was it guilt was it things they hadn't cast aside well that's it's good to ponder verse 24 they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touch the mountain it shall be stoned or thrust through with the dart and so it was that God was it angered him that they did not want to hear his voice well he wanted to be our King no no but we had to have an earthly King one we could see we couldn't trust one a king that had all the power though he was in a different dimension but and God tightened them but thank God God sends a hero and who was it it was Moses this time and and so it is let's go with the next verse verse 21 and so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake but that didn't stop him he still went he went to the flaming bush he talked to our Father you might say well didn't eat me did Moses do that because he wanted to be some great leader night he did it for the people he did it so that he could take God's love and his message to the people so they could find freedom so they could be free souls not captive in Pharaoh's army and enslaved in his temple building but free indeed and Moses took the lead not for himself but for the people the children verse 22 but ye are come but you are come unto Mount Zion and in unto the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels you don't you know they are our friends our loved ones you don't have to fear then it's Satan they want to fear it's weakness you want to fear it's ignorance basically that will lead you astray right down primrose lane when you instead of setting a straight course where you can win the race you end up listening to a bunch of gobbledygook in your the boonies before you know it and certainly this group is not going to have anything to do with you God and the heavenly angels verse 23 to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn that's God's elect they were picked first which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect just as the dock as those that the priests of the dock or God's election and so it is that the first born the first chosen you can find documentation in Romans chapter 8 beginning with about verse 26 which says you don't even really know what to pray for but as one of God's elect he's going to intercede in your life and in as much as you were the first born he will lead and guide you from even back when you stood against Satan the first Earth Age that may sound strange to son if so put it on a shelf and let it sit but you're here we have the spirits of just men made perfect that obey God that love him it's not that difficult verse 24 and to Jesus and the mediator of the New Covenant he's the go-between and to the blood of sprinkling his blood that speaketh better things than that of Abel Abel's blood cried out from the ground for vengeance and so it was and Cain was responsible but Christ's blood covers and brings forgiveness and on repentance when one deserves it and certainly the fact that heeey you might say ball he's not with us anymore you'd be very wrong he's sitting at the right hand of God Emmanuel God with us and he is our goal between he doesn't rule between you and the Father you don't need one there he judges between you and the world and the things that come upon you from the world to assist you and to bring you into that peaceable place of winning this race why because you you've cast off those things that interfere with winning every weight verse twenty-five see that you refuse not him that speaketh for if they escape not who refused him that spake on earth if they escape not that listen to Moses much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven if we turn away from the Lord Jesus Christ who is what he's the word he's the Living Word and when you turn away from the Living Word and go the way of men then you turn your own self away from from God heaven and the protection that is there for all people who believe on repentance to receive that salvation to receive that glory of being a child of God therefore I'm so ever will you don't want to turn your back on that you and so it is verse 26 to continue whose voice then shook the earth but now he hath promised saying yet once more I shake not own not the earth only but also heaven so what does this mean it means there's another great shaking coming it's called the second head Bend and then if he's going to shake the earth how do you prevent being shaken by being on a solid foundation by being on the rock and that rock is Christ and you're being in him with him and for him that you stand upon him you love him you stand by him for him and with him he is there ready for you to hear you to always be there for you and certainly God intends to shake not only earth but heaven he's going to shake Satan and his seven thousand little angels out with you it is written in Revelation chapter 12 verse six and seven and woe to those there on earth because he has but a short time unless you're on the rock and that rock is Christ when you're on that rock you cannot be shaken you are unshakable and to be unshakable is a good thing because you escape that that is coming and it is coming verse 27 and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain and so it is psalms 102 gives you a good researching point on this of what remains God's elect will remain and all those that believe and accept Christ that repent of their sins will will enjoy that as well what a precious time we live in knowing that you are immune the truth itself has inoculated you to make you overcome the shaking of the end times and puts you in solid condition whereby you can withstand the blows that come on this earth with pleasure doing God's work all at the same time what a time to live is in this generation of the fig tree where all these things are consummating into the end of this age as it was promised of God in Mark 13 when you see that parable of the fig tree come to being all prophecies shall be filled before this generation passes and so it is verse 28 to continue wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace that that love flow whereby we may serve God except ibly with reverence and godly fear godly reverence how could you how could you not love him how could you not follow him when he provides that place of safety for you when he it who's going to do the shaking God is and you're God's children he's not going to shake his own children he has a special place for them and it's called the unshakeable place it's the rock that rock is Christ wherever we've had so many many witnesses to this Daniel in the lion's den I mean he overcame the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace they weren't shaken they weren't even singed why because God had his hand upon them that's what he's telling you here I have my hand upon you you have nothing to fear other than the fear of the world itself if you should allow it don't verse twenty-nine to complete the chapter for our God the said our Father is a consuming fire this word consuming means a destroying fire it consumes and that that doesn't be long will be consumed away that's that's as it should be Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 24 9 3 we'll give you the same story our Father is a consuming fire not Hellfire but a consuming fire which will be hell for a lot of people that do not make the cut that do not come to the understanding nipping the bitter root in the bud and letting peace prevail in your community your family and yourself it's there for the asking for the living for the training for the exercising yourself in the Word of God don't miss the next lecture we'll complete the book of Hebrews this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan and back again let's have the 800 number 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from porto rico throughout the u.s. alaska hawaii all over canada up the spirit moves you got a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people we have one judge and he does not need your help you have spiritual discernment use it those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always good got a prayer request you don't need the number don't need an address god knows what you're thinking do you know what he wants from you you want your love if you want if you want his love you be generous with yours and let him know speak it out talk to him that's what prayer is father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay in question time we're gonna go with Gordon from California is it possible that the world is going to think that Satan is God because God was here as Melchizedek and no one knew it or something like that well read read second thessalonians chapter two verse four and five states very clearly that satan the son of perdition that means the son that perishes that Satan will stand in the holy place in Jerusalem claiming to be God so there's no ifs and or maybes he will claim to be Savior he will claim to be God and those that are not equipped to know that the false Christ shows up first there any heap of hurt and they're going to be deceived if they're not very careful maybe you can better understand then why it says in the book of Revelation the whole world after the false Christ most of them are not trained they're not exercised in the true Word of God so it's very simple second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 and 5 Satan will stand in Jerusalem claiming to be God and many will believe him mark from Nebraska what is a sin unto death in 1st John 5:16 there's adulterer incest rape or any of other sins punishable by death in the books of the law erased with repentance or will those things be weighed against your works at judgment despite despite repentance you know you you're asking me to move in a point of judgment and that's God's place don't ever try to judge in God's place now this let me ask your two-part question because actually it is in 1st John 5:16 it's talking about the unpardonable sin which is for one of God's elect that know better they know he's Satan and refused the Holy Spirit to speak through them as it is written in the great book of Luke if they refuse him then that is unpardonable and but on the other law that that deserves capital punishment still must be tried by God heaven and we'll be okay Lucille from Georgia pastor please give me scripture to find the prayer the Lord is my shepherd well that's your you're quoting Psalms 23 you know many people think that Psalms 23 is a psalm of death Psalms 22 is the psalm of the crucifixion dead Psalms 23 is the psalm of eternal life that if you walk after the shepherd the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he leadeth me in my green pastures meaning he always produces enough food from the Word of God that I have no problem so I think I think that's what you're looking for Kathy from Michigan in Ezekiel it says you can talk to your mother father brother or your unmarried sister is there a verse that says you can go to your wife or husband absolutely it's closest of kin that they are in God's words they are not - they are one okay and so it is you cannot divide one at that time Verna from Texas I love you and thank you well we return that love is it wrong to have a picture of Christ in your home of course not you know when something becomes an idol the definition is really quite simple it's something you worship other than God you do not worship the picture of the Lord Jesus Christ he comes in the office of Savior and you love him for the fact he came in the office of Savior but he also is in the office of Emmanuel and so it certainly does not become an idol because you still take the word you love it you study it George from Rhode Island I've heard say God does not like for us to chant the scriptures or prayers I do not remember the reason you gave can you please repeat and also if it is documented in the Bible God bless you all well thank you we sure does of course it is repetitious prayers what it's listed under which means chant and the reason I feel my opinion that to chant he does not like it is because you do not have your spiritual body involved in that you got your flesh buddy in it and your your you're really letting the flesh speak instead of your inner being he didn't like that that's what a chant is okay Curtis from California what is the difference between an across an apostle in a disciple an apostle is a sent one meaning he's one that is well trained disciplined and God can trust him to go out and do an Apostles work a disciple you've heard me say it our word discipline comes from disciple your disciplining yourself still in the Word of God which prepares you to be able to go out or to be a sent one a sent one is one that is qualified to handle the Word of God Jerell from Washington how do you know during in times when a few persons one will be taken and one will be left behind please give me scripture to find this in the Bible well one of the main places would be Matthew 24 but you know God's Word is pretty simple in its teaching ability what is the subject going on in Matthew 24 the end of this world that's what Christ was answering and in Matthew 24 he gives you all seven things that are the seven Trump's and the seven vials but then then he mentions that the Antichrist will come and he will deceive many and naturally because the Antichrist comes first the first one taken is taken by Antichrist God respects those that stay in the field working with a real truth awaiting for the true Savior not the one mentioned for in a four question in second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 he's a fake ok nathan from louisiana my question is is the one world system already or beginning to start and when it does can you please explain to me about the deadly wound it receives and is that when antichrist comes to heal it well it'd be just prior to that it is a political system in in Revelation chapter 13 when something is given to you as multi-headed it means it's political it's a political organization and one of its political heads is wounded doesn't mean a person is is the organization the system but then presto in the same verse verse four the dragon appears which is Antichrist and heals it it's a done deal that's how it will happen Harrell from Canada could you please explain these verses to me if Satan is Satan here at the time same time as the two witnesses in which order do these events occur and do a witness for three and a half years while Satan is on earth the time was shortened to a five month period and we know that the two witnesses time is given in solar just days and 1260 days before it was shortened there's about a ten day longer period than 42 months moons night the Satan has in revelation 13:4 okay or five and and so so the two witnesses according to my estimation will have a short period before the false one appears okay Trudy from Arkansas my question is about my brother and the mark of the beast see he has the mind of a child at 53 years old my question is what happens to the beautiful people who don't know better who can take the mark and never know they are doing wrong it's marked as innocent and it is innocent in God's eyes they they are this is why we have the Millennium because in the Millennium everyone is in a spiritual body which has no weaknesses which has no defects and it gives everyone an opportunity to know the real truth before they make that decision with a full recall of everything to know exactly what they're doing then God that's why we have the Millennium period the time of teaching it's not a second chance there's no such thing as a second chance but there are some people such as your brother that they won't have a chance maybe of knowing the full truth but they will in the Millennium and they deserve that they deserve that opportunity there are many people that have gone to churches all their life unbeknownst of them and taught falsely they really didn't have a chance either they were misled even though they had the word so it is a time of reckoning and with God being judge of equally bringing everything to toe wonder from South Carolina my question for you is it okay to be laying down listening to the word without your Bible open will God count that as still seeking Him thank you I don't you know if you're studying on your own and you're listening to tapes or television or something then there's nothing wrong with relaxing and so and and and studying some people can listen and absorb a great deal without the Bible being open that's it's a matter of choice but naturally sooner or later you're gonna have to go to the Bible to verify and so it is but there's nothing wrong with studying different people have different appetites and whatever your appetite is go for it it's God calls that training and and exercise exercising your mind in receiving the true word of Almighty God Homer from Wisconsin I have a question for you that I'm not sure of and I hope you can set me straight on number one in the millennium the earth is not yet rejuvenated and the seas are not in the atmosphere as the firmament and everyone returns when Jesus with Jesus from heaven won't things be a little crowded here on earth no heaven is sealed not everyone will only those that are teachers through the Millennium but but you are right the rejuvenation does not take until Revelation chapter 21 so the earth remains as in the same condition I am under the impression that our spiritual bodies in the third earth heaven age will be different than that of the first earth age that is true and there will be as the angels they will not give nor take in marriage Pete from Arizona please tell me what chapter in verse will I find earth ha ha done well you you would find it in the Hebrew manuscripts I want to emphasize that not the English translation but in the Hebrew manuscripts the first time if my memory doesn't fail me and it usually doesn't would be Genesis 1:27 when God said let us create man in our image when he included himself he included Christ and concerning Christ is the first time F ha Adam was used and then in the second chapter on the eighth day man which we can call the farmer but it would be the one through which Christ would come genetically speaking and then if Haddam is used again but that's the first time of the savior and then the parents that would bring the Savior forth Mike from but that's in the Hebrew manuscripts Mike from California when Lucifer was cast out of heaven how many angels came with him well it's pretty well written you can tell pretty well by Revelation chapter 11 where it stipulates that when when the two witnesses die in the streets of Jerusalem and resurrect that instantly seven thousand fallen angels die that's who is talking of what because they're finished they're in change now for destruction their judgment has already been you can read that in the book of Jude which we'll be covering in a couple of days and we'll go into more detail on that but the you you can pretty well rest assured that as there were seven thousand of Godsey lakh there were also seven thousand fallen ones but always remember what seven and biblical Marik's numerix means it means spiritual completeness whatever it took to complete that that's the way it is but that's a number probably that we need to pay attention to and that and that you could expect Lillian from Pennsylvania please could you please tell me if our guns will be complicated here in the States and will the Brotherhood take over America I will be listening for your answer nobody nobody is going to take over America we will always control our gates but why because the majority of the house of Israel not the house of Judah but the majority of the house of Israel lives in the Christian nations both in Europe and in the Americas but no one our Father is still on the throne whether people like it or not and he's still very much in control and our Constitution guarantees our right to bear arms many of us are rural people and and we have to be able to protect our own homes and our own property and we are well-equipped to do it and and that's as it should be in other words law officers can make a call about an hour late but most often in a crime an hour is too late you got to be able to handle and take care of business and thank God we have that right here in America it is a self given right that's why that just as teaching as we do this freedom of speech our Constitution is a valuable valuable document it protects us in many ways always has and it always will and ok so no sweat now naturally there are cities that have certain gun laws and unfortunately I'm glad I don't live in one of them and I would not live in one of them because they are breaking our very Constitution and bringing a people under slavery I would never live under that so Emma from South Carolina I would like to know if the people who go to hell do they burn up or burn forever well their God is what a consuming fire they they are blotted out heaven is a happy place it's not a place of burning fields and people yelling and screaming you would you really wouldn't go to you really would not wish to go would you to a place where there's a big pit and people burn night and day and scream and yell that's not peace but there is an acrostic in the 37th song if you have a companion Bible they'll work it out from the Hebrew manuscripts that lets you know exactly what happens to them they go up in smoke forever and ever meaning it's over for them we won't even remember them if you blot something out it's gone and God will not taller troublemakers in the Eternity it's not going to happen they will not be with us Eliot from Nevada I know that faith without works is dead if you affiliate yourself with one of the rapture teaching churches will you still have faith if you were baptized by them will you still receive the grace of God the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ please let me know if I am spiritually dead no you're spiritually alive you study God's Word you know it baptism is not between you and some church regardless of what someone might tell you baptism is between not even between you and the preacher of some church or elder or whatever baptism is between you and the Lord Jesus Christ there is only one Christ the true Christ that you were baptized in in the name of so you're you're in good standing and don't you ever let anyone take that away from you and I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse but most of all God loves you for it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it and so you he is always our Father and he stays with us we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep heading to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though listen to me that's some good you stay in his word every day and this word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,308
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold, Bible, Book of Hebrews, Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Chapel, Shepherds, KJV, Book of, Hebrews, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Holy Bible, Arnold Murray
Id: YRV0B4dzqZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 11sec (3491 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.